

BS(Boundary Strength)——边界强度
SQ(Scalar Quantization)——标量量化
SNR(Signal-to-Noise Ratio)——信噪比
PSNR(Peak-Signal-to-Noise Ratio)——峰值信噪比
Adaptive Quantization——自适应量化
QP(Quantization Parameter)——量化参数
CG(Coefficient Group)——系数块组
AVC (Advanced Video Coding)——高级视频编码
AMVP(Advanced motion vector prediction)—— 高级运动矢量预测
AVC (broken link access) ——断链访问
CABAC(Context adaptive binary arithmetic coding)——基于上下文自适应二进制算术编码
CTB(coding tree block )—— 编码树块
CTU(coding tree unit)——树编码单元
CU(Coding units)——编码单位
CB(coding blocks)——编码块
CRA(clean random access)——清除随机访问
DCT(discrete cosine transform)——离散余弦变换
DST(discrete sine transform)——离散正弦变换
DPB(decoded picture buffer)——解码图像缓冲器
GOP(group of pictures)——图像组
HD(High Definition)——高清晰度
HEVC(High Efficiency Video Coding)——高效率视频编码
JCT-VC(Joint Collaborative Team on Video Coding)
LPs(leading pictures)
MV(motion vector)——运动矢量
MC(motion compensation)——运动补偿
NAL(network abstraction layer)——网络提取层
PUs(prediction units)——预测单元
POC(picture order count)——图像顺序数
PBs(prediction blocks)——预测块
PU(Prediction units)——预测单元
RPS(reference picture set)——参考图像集
RAP(random access point)——随机访问点
RASL(random access skipped leading)——随机存储跳过领先
RADL(random access decodable leading )
SVC(scalable video coding)
STSA(stepwise TSA)
SAO(Sample adaptive offset)——像素自适应偏移
TSA(temporal sublayer access)
TUs(transform units)——变换单元
TB(transform block)——变换快
URQ(Uniform reconstruction quantization
VCL(video coding layer)——视频编码层
VPS(video parameter set)——视频参数集
VUI(Video usability information)——视频可用性信息
WPP(wavefront parallel processing)——波前并行处理
AMVP(dvanced motion vector prediction)——前向运动向量预测
WPP(wavefront parallel processing)——波前并行处理
RPS(reference picture set )
DPB(decoded picture buffer)
TSA(temporal sublayer access)——临时子层通道
MPM(most probable mode)
Cbf(coded block flag)
PCM(prediction Coding Mode)
POC(Picture Order Count)——图像序列计数
VPS(Video parameter set)—— 视频参数设置
SPS(Sequence parameter set)—— 序列参数设置
PPS(Picture parameter set)—— 图像参数设置
SEI( Supplemental enhancement information )
VUI(video usability information)
NAL(Network Abstraction Layer )
CABAC(Context-adaptive binary arithmetic coding)
SVC(Scalable Video Coding )
MVC(Multiview Video Coding )
VCEG(Video Coding Experts Group )
MPEG(Moving Picture Experts Group)
FMO(Flexible macroblock ordering)
DP(Data partitioning)
RS (Redundant slices )
bpp:表示图像像素值的位数叫做图像的像素深度,又称为位/像素(BPP)。这个数值用来表示图像的每个像素值所需要的位数(bits per pixel),它决定了 BPP该图像的类别。
SAD(Sum of Absolute Difference)=SAE(Sum of Absolute Error即绝对误差和
SATD(Sum of Absolute Transformed Difference)即hadamard变换后再绝对值求和
SSD(Sum of Squared Difference)=SSE(Sum of Squared Error)即差值的平方和
MAD(Mean Absolute Difference)=MAE(Mean Absolute Error)即平均绝对差值
MSD(Mean Squared Difference)=MSE(Mean Squared Error)即平均平方误差
IRAP(Intra Random Access Poit)——随机接入点
MTU(Maximum Transmission Unit)——最大传输单元

H264编码开源代码 Video Usability Information (VUI) Guide by Christian Heine ( sennindemokrit at gmx dot net ) 1. Sample Aspect Ratio ----------------------- * What is it? The Sample Aspect Ratio (SAR) (sometimes called Pixel Aspect Ratio or just Pel Aspect Ratio) is defined as the ratio of the width of the sample to the height of the sample. While pixels on a computer monitor generally are "square" meaning that their SAR is 1:1, digitized video usually has rather odd SARs. Playback of material with a particular SAR on a system with a different SAR will result in a stretched/squashed image. A correction is necessary that relies on the knowledge of both SARs. * How do I use it? You can derive the SAR of an image from the width, height and the display aspect ratio (DAR) of the image as follows: SAR_x DAR_x * height ----- = -------------- SAR_y DAR_y * width for example: width x height = 704x576, DAR = 4:3 ==> SAR = 2304:2112 or 12:11 Please note that if your material is a digitized analog signal, you should not use this equation to calculate the SAR. Refer to the manual of your digitizing equipment or this link instead. A Quick Guide to Digital Video Resolution and Aspect Ratio Conversions http://www.iki.fi/znark/video/conversion/ * Should I use this option? In one word: yes. Most decoders/ media players nowadays support automatic correction of aspect ratios, and there are just few exceptions. You should even use it, if the SAR of your material is 1:1, as the default of x264 is "SAR not defined".




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