c# 使用分而治之算法进行快速乘法的 Karatsuba 算法(唐叶算法)

        给定两个表示两个整数值的二进制字符串,求两个字符串的乘积。例如,如果第一个位串是“1100”,第二个位串是“1010”,则输出应为 120。
        一种天真的方法是遵循我们在学校学习的过程。逐一取出第二个数字的所有位并将其与第一个数字的所有位相乘。最后将所有乘法相加。该算法需要 O(n^2) 时间。

        使用Divide and Conquer,我们可以以较低的时间复杂度将两个整数相乘。我们将给定的数字分成两半。设给定数字为 X 和 Y。
为简单起见,我们假设 n 是偶数 
X = Xl*2 n/2 + Xr [Xl 和 Xr 包含 X 的最左边和最右边的 n/2 位] 
Y = Yl*2 n/2 + Yr [Yl 和 Yr 包含 Y 的最左边和最右边的 n/2 位]

乘积 XY 可以写如下。 
XY = (Xl*2 n/2 + Xr)(Yl*2 n/2 + Yr) 
   = 2 n XlYl + 2 n/2 (XlYr + XrYl) + XrYr
        如果我们看一下上面的公式,有四次大小为n/2的乘法,所以我们基本上将大小为n的问题分为四个大小为n/2的子问题。但这并没有帮助,因为递归 T(n) = 4T(n/2) + O(n) 的解是 O(n^2)。该算法的棘手部分是将中间两项更改为其他形式,这样只需一次额外的乘法就足够了。以下是中间两项的棘手表达。  
XlYr + XrYl = (Xl + Xr)(Yl + Yr) - XlYl- XrYr

所以 XY 的最终值变为  
XY = 2 n XlYl + 2 n/2 * [(Xl + Xr)(Yl + Yr) - XlYl - XrYr] + XrYr

通过上述技巧,递推式变为 T(n) = 3T(n/2) + O(n) 并且该递推式的解为 O(n 1.59 )。

        如果输入字符串的长度不同且不均匀怎么办?为了处理不同长度的情况,我们在开头附加 0。为了处理奇数长度,我们将floor(n/2)位放在左半部分,将ceil(n/2)位放在右半部分。因此 XY 的表达式变为以下形式。  
XY = 2 2ceil(n/2) XlYl + 2 ceil(n/2) * [(Xl + Xr)(Yl + Yr) - XlYl - XrYr] + XrYr


以下是上述算法的 C# 实现:

// C# implementation of Karatsuba algorithm for bit string
// multiplication.
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
class GFG {
  // Convert bit strings to same length by adding leading
  // 0s in the smaller string.
  // Returns the new length.
  private static int MakeEqualLength(ref string str1,
                                     ref string str2)
    int len1 = str1.Length;
    int len2 = str2.Length;
    if (len1 < len2) {
      str1 = str1.PadLeft(len2 - len1 + len1, '0');
      return len2;
    else if (len1 > len2) {
      str2 = str2.PadLeft(len1 - len2 + len2, '0');
    return len1; // If len1 >= len2
  // Adds two bit sequences and returns the addition
  private static string AddBitStrings(string first,
                                      string second)
    string result = ""; // To store the sum bits
    // make the lengths same before adding
    int length = MakeEqualLength(ref first, ref second);
    int carry = 0; // Initialize carry
    // Add all bits one by one
    for (int i = length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
      int first_bit = int.Parse(first[i].ToString());
      int second_bit
        = int.Parse(second[i].ToString());
      // boolean expression for sum of 3 bits
      int sum
        = (first_bit ^ second_bit ^ carry) + '0';
      result = (char)sum + result;
      // boolean expression for 3-bit addition
      carry = (first_bit & second_bit)
        | (second_bit & carry)
        | (first_bit & carry);
    // if overflow, then add a leading 1
    if (carry != 0) {
      result = '1' + result;
    return result;
  // Multiplies single bits of strings a and b
  private static int MultiplySingleBit(char a, char b)
    return int.Parse(a.ToString())
      * int.Parse(b.ToString());
  // Multiplies two bit strings X and Y and returns result
  // as long integer
  private static long Multiply(string X, string Y)
    // Find the maximum of lengths of x and Y and make
    // length of smaller string same as that of larger
    // string
    int n = Math.Max(X.Length, Y.Length);
    X = X.PadLeft(n, '0');
    Y = Y.PadLeft(n, '0');
    // Base cases
    if (n == 0)
      return 0;
    if (n == 1)
      return MultiplySingleBit(X[0], Y[0]);
    int fh = n / 2; // First half of string
    int sh = n - fh; // Second half of string
    // Find the first half and second half of first
    // string.
    string Xl = X.Substring(0, fh);
    string Xr = X.Substring(fh);
    // Find the first half and second half of second
    // string
    string Yl = Y.Substring(0, fh);
    string Yr = Y.Substring(fh);
    // Recursively calculate the three products of
    // inputs of size n/2
    long P1 = Multiply(Xl, Yl);
    long P2 = Multiply(Xr, Yr);
    long P3 = Multiply(AddBitStrings(Xl, Xr),
                       AddBitStrings(Yl, Yr));
    // Combine the three products to get the final
    // result.
    return P1 * (1L << (2 * sh))
      + (P3 - P1 - P2) * (1L << sh) + P2;
  // Test the implementation
  public static void Main(string[] args)
    Console.WriteLine(Multiply("1100", "1010"));
    Console.WriteLine(Multiply("110", "1010"));
    Console.WriteLine(Multiply("11", "1010"));
    Console.WriteLine(Multiply("1", "1010"));
    Console.WriteLine(Multiply("0", "1010"));
    Console.WriteLine(Multiply("111", "111"));
    Console.WriteLine(Multiply("11", "11"));


时间复杂度:上述解决方案的时间复杂度为 O(n log 2 3 ) = O(n 1.59 )。

辅助空间: O(n)

        上面的程序返回一个 long int 值,不适用于大字符串。扩展上面的程序以返回字符串而不是 long int 值。

运行代码来查看普通二元乘法和 Karatsuba 算法的时间复杂度比较。 您可以在此存储库



using System;
using System.Text;
// Class for classical binary multiplication
class BinaryMultiplier
    public string MakeMultiplication(string str1, string str2)
        string allSum = "";
        // Iterate through each bit of the second binary string
        for (int j = 0; j < str2.Length; j++)
            int secondDigit = int.Parse(str2[j].ToString());
            if (secondDigit == 1)
                // Shift the first binary string and add it to the result
                string shifted = MakeShifting(str1, str2.Length - (j + 1));
                allSum = AddBinary(shifted, allSum);
        return allSum;
    // Function to add binary strings with carry
    public string AddBinary(string a, string b)
        string result = "";
        int s = 0;
        int i = a.Length - 1;
        int j = b.Length - 1;
        while (i >= 0 || j >= 0 || s == 1)
            s += (i >= 0) ? int.Parse(a[i].ToString()) : 0;
            s += (j >= 0) ? int.Parse(b[j].ToString()) : 0;
            result = (s % 2).ToString() + result;
            s /= 2;
        return result;
    // Function to shift a binary string to the left by a given number of steps
    public string MakeShifting(string str, int stepnum)
        string shifted = str;
        for (int i = 0; i < stepnum; i++)
            shifted += '0';
        return shifted;
    // Function to convert binary string to decimal number
    public void BinaryStringToDecimal(string result)
        Console.WriteLine("Binary Result: " + result);
        int val = 0;
        for (int i = result.Length - 1; i >= 0; i--)
            if (result[i] == '1')
                val += (int)Math.Pow(2, (result.Length - 1) - i);
        Console.WriteLine("Decimal Result (Not proper for Large Binary Numbers):" + val);
// Class for Karatsuba binary multiplication
class Karatsuba
    // Function to control the lengths of binary strings and make their lengths equal
    public int LengthController(ref string str1, ref string str2)
        int len1 = str1.Length;
        int len2 = str2.Length;
        if (len1 < len2)
            str1 = new string('0', len2 - len1) + str1;
            return len2;
        else if (len1 > len2)
            str2 = new string('0', len1 - len2) + str2;
        return len1;
    // Function to add binary strings with carry
    public string AddStrings(string first, string second)
        string result = "";
        int length = LengthController(ref first, ref second);
        int carry = 0;
        for (int i = length - 1; i >= 0; i--)
            int firstBit = int.Parse(first[i].ToString());
            int secondBit = int.Parse(second[i].ToString());
            int sum = (firstBit ^ secondBit ^ carry);
            result = sum.ToString() + result;
            carry = (firstBit & secondBit) | (secondBit & carry) | (firstBit & carry);
        if (carry != 0)
            result = '1' + result;
        return result;
    // Function to convert decimal number to binary string
    public string DecimalToBinary(int number)
        string result = "";
        if (number <= 0)
            return "0";
            while (number > 0)
                int num = number % 2;
                result = num.ToString() + result;
                number /= 2;
            return result;
    // Function to perform binary string subtraction with overflow
    public string Subtraction(string lhs, string rhs)
        int length = LengthController(ref lhs, ref rhs);
        int diff;
        StringBuilder resultBuilder = new StringBuilder();
        for (int i = length - 1; i >= 0; i--)
            int lhsDigit, rhsDigit;
            if (!int.TryParse(lhs[i].ToString(), out lhsDigit) || !int.TryParse(rhs[i].ToString(), out rhsDigit))
                // Handle parsing error, e.g., throw an exception or set a default value
                throw new FormatException("Error parsing integer from string.");
            diff = lhsDigit - rhsDigit;
            if (diff >= 0)
                resultBuilder.Insert(0, DecimalToBinary(diff));
                for (int j = i - 1; j >= 0; j--)
                    int currentValue = lhs[j] - '0';
                    if (currentValue > 0)
                        lhs = lhs.Remove(j, 1).Insert(j, (currentValue - 1).ToString());
                resultBuilder.Insert(0, DecimalToBinary(diff + 2));
        return resultBuilder.ToString();
    // Function to shift a binary string to the left by a given number of steps
    public string MakeShifting(string str, int stepnum)
        string shifted = str;
        for (int i = 0; i < stepnum; i++)
            shifted += '0';
        return shifted;
    // Function that is the core of the Karatsuba algorithm
    public string Multiply(string X, string Y)
        int n = LengthController(ref X, ref Y);
        if (n == 1)
            return ((int.Parse(Y[0].ToString()) == 1) && (int.Parse(X[0].ToString()) == 1)) ? "1" : "0";
        int fh = n / 2;
        int sh = n - fh;
        string Xl = X.Substring(0, fh);
        string Xr = X.Substring(fh, sh);
        string Yl = Y.Substring(0, fh);
        string Yr = Y.Substring(fh, sh);
        Karatsuba karatsuba = new Karatsuba();
        string P1 = karatsuba.Multiply(Xl, Yl);
        string P2 = karatsuba.Multiply(Xr, Yr);
        string P3 = karatsuba.Multiply(karatsuba.AddStrings(Xl, Xr), karatsuba.AddStrings(Yl, Yr));
        return karatsuba.AddStrings(
            karatsuba.AddStrings(karatsuba.MakeShifting(P1, 2 * (n - n / 2)), P2),
            karatsuba.MakeShifting(karatsuba.Subtraction(P3, karatsuba.AddStrings(P1, P2)), n - (n / 2))
class Program
    static void Main()
        /*Console.WriteLine("Please give the First Binary number : ");
        string firstNumber = Console.ReadLine();
        Console.WriteLine("Please give the Second Binary number : ");
        string secondNumber = Console.ReadLine();
        string firstNumber = "011011010100";
        string secondNumber = "10111010111";
        int len1 = firstNumber.Length;
        int len2 = secondNumber.Length;
        Karatsuba karatsubaObj = new Karatsuba();
        if (len1 < len2)
            firstNumber = new string('0', len2 - len1) + firstNumber;
        else if (len1 > len2)
            secondNumber = new string('0', len1 - len2) + secondNumber;
        Console.WriteLine("\nClassical Algorithm:");
        BinaryMultiplier binaryMultiplier = new BinaryMultiplier();
        string classic = binaryMultiplier.MakeMultiplication(firstNumber, secondNumber);
        Console.WriteLine("\nKaratsuba Algorithm:");
        string karatsuba = karatsubaObj.Multiply(firstNumber, secondNumber);

        在经典方法中,时间复杂度为O(n^2),因为循环迭代了 n 次。 addBinary() 方法的时间复杂度是恒定的,因为循环最多运行两次迭代。
        在 Karatsuba 方法中,时间复杂度为O(n^2),因为对三个产品中的每一个都会递归调用 Karasuba 类的“乘法”方法。 addStrings() 方法的时间复杂度是恒定的,因为循环最多运行两次迭代。

        在经典方法中,辅助空间是O(n),因为循环迭代了 n 次并且使用单个字符串来存储结果。addBinary() 方法的空间复杂度是恒定的,因为循环最多运行两次迭代。
        在Karatsuba 方法中,辅助空间为O(n),因为Karatsuba 类的“乘法”方法是针对三个乘积中的每一个递归调用的。 

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