特点 | 频率 |
A | 10 |
b | 1 |
C | 15 |
d | 7 |
特点 | 霍夫曼编码 | 位长度 |
A | 11 | 2 |
b | 100 | 3 |
C | 0 | 1 |
d | 101 | 3 |
- 步骤 1:根据位长对数据进行排序,然后根据每个位长度按字典顺序对符号进行排序。
特点 | 位长度 |
C | 1 |
A | 2 |
b | 3 |
d | 3 |
- 步骤 2:为第一个符号的代码分配与位长相同数量的“0”。
下一个符号‘a’的位长为 2 > 前一个符号‘c’的位长为 1。将前一个符号的代码增加 1 并附加 (2-1)=1 个零并将代码分配给‘a’。
下一个符号‘b’的位长为 3 > 前一个符号‘a’的位长为 2。将前一个符号的代码增加 1 并附加 (3-2)=1 个零并将代码分配给‘b’。
下一个符号‘d’的位长为 3 = 前一个符号‘b’的位长为 3。将前一个符号的代码增加 1 并将其分配给‘d’。
‘d’的代码:111 - 步骤3:最终结果。
特点 | 规范霍夫曼编码 |
C | 0 |
A | 10 |
b | 110 |
d | 111 |
有关使用 Huffman 树生成 Huffman 代码的信息,请参阅之前的文章如下:
c语言:c语言 霍夫曼编码 | 贪婪算法(Huffman Coding | Greedy Algo)_霍夫曼的贪婪c语言-CSDN博客
c++:c++ 霍夫曼编码 | 贪婪算法(Huffman Coding | Greedy Algo)_霍夫曼的贪婪算法设计核心代码-CSDN博客
c#:C# 霍夫曼编码 | 贪婪算法(Huffman Coding | Greedy Algo)-CSDN博客
c++ STL:c++ STL 霍夫曼编码 | 贪婪算法(Huffman Coding | Greedy Algo)-CSDN博客
java:java 霍夫曼编码 | 贪婪算法(Huffman Coding | Greedy Algo)-CSDN博客
python:python 霍夫曼编码 | 贪婪算法(Huffman Coding | Greedy Algo)-CSDN博客
javascript:JavaScript 霍夫曼编码 | 贪婪算法(Huffman Coding | Greedy Algo)-CSDN博客
方法:一种简单有效的方法是为数据生成一棵哈夫曼树,并使用类似于 Java 中的 TreeMap 的数据结构来存储符号和位长,以使信息始终保持排序。然后可以使用增量和按位左移运算来获取规范代码。
#include <bits/stdc++.h>
using namespace std;
// Nodes of Huffman tree
class Node {
int data;
char c;
Node* left;
Node* right;
// Comparator class helps to compare the node
// on the basis of one of its attributes.
// Here we will be compared
// on the basis of data values of the nodes.
class Pq_compare {
int operator() (Node* a, Node* b) {
return a->data - b->data;
class Canonical_Huffman {
// Treemap to store the
// code lengths(sorted) as keys
// and corresponding(sorted)
// set of characters as values
static map<int, set<char>> data;
Canonical_Huffman() {
data = map<int, set<char>>();
// Recursive function
// to generate code lengths
// from regular Huffman codes
static void code_gen(Node* root, int code_length) {
if (root == nullptr)
// base case; if the left and right are null
// then its a leaf node.
if (root->left == nullptr && root->right == nullptr) {
// check if key is present or not.
// If not present add a new treeset
// as value along with the key
// Add 1 when going left or right.
code_gen(root->left, code_length + 1);
code_gen(root->right, code_length + 1);
static void testCanonicalHC(int n, char chararr[], int freq[]) {
// min-priority queue(min-heap).
priority_queue<Node*, vector<Node*>, Pq_compare> q;
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
// creating a node object
// and adding it to the priority-queue.
Node* node = new Node();
node->c = chararr[i];
node->data = freq[i];
node->left = nullptr;
node->right = nullptr;
// add functions adds
// the node to the queue.
// Create a root node
Node* root = nullptr;
// extract the two minimum values
// from the heap each time until
// its size reduces to 1, extract until
// all the nodes are extracted.
while (q.size() > 1) {
// first min extract.
Node* x = q.top();
// Second min extract
Node* y = q.top();
// new node f which is equal
Node* nodeobj = new Node();
// to the sum of the frequency of the two nodes
// assigning values to the f node
nodeobj->data = x->data + y->data;
nodeobj->c = '-';
// first extracted node as left child.
nodeobj->left = x;
// second extracted node as the right child.
nodeobj->right = y;
// marking the f node as the root node
root = nodeobj;
// add this node to the priority-queue.
// creating a canonical Huffman object
Canonical_Huffman obj = Canonical_Huffman();
// generate code lengths by traversing the tree
code_gen(root, 0);
// Object array to the store the keys
auto arr = data;
// Set initial canonical code = 0
int c_code = 0, curr_len = 0, next_len = 0;
for (auto it = arr.begin(); it != arr.end(); it++) {
set<char> s = it->second;
// code length of current character
curr_len = it->first;
for (auto i = s.begin(); i != s.end(); i++) {
// Display the canonical codes
cout << *i << ":" << bitset<32>(c_code).to_string().substr(32 - curr_len, 32) << endl;
// if values set is not
// completed or if it is
// the last set set code length
// of next character as current
// code length
if (next(i) != s.end() || next(it) == arr.end())
next_len = curr_len;
next_len = next(it)->first;
// Generate canonical code
// for next character using
// regular code length of next
// character
c_code = (c_code + 1) << (next_len - curr_len);
map<int, set<char>> Canonical_Huffman::data;
// Driver code
int main() {
int n = 4;
char chararr[] = {'a', 'b', 'c', 'd'};
int freq[] = {10, 1, 15, 7};
Canonical_Huffman::testCanonicalHC(n, chararr, freq);
return 0;