Binary search and its variation

1.   Introduction

Writing correct programs is not an easytask, especially for some problems that require particularly careful code, likebinary search. Knuth points out that while the first binary search waspublished in 1946, the first published binary search without bugs did notappear until 1962. There are a couple of binary search related problems in leetcode. And several anonymous coders share awesome programs in the leetcodediscussion forum for these problems. Standing on the shoulder of theseanonymous heroes and programming pearls, I’m trying to give a 14 linesframework of writing correct programs for binary search problem and itsvariations and explain its correctness.

2.   Framework

The following code snippet is theframework. I’ll use two problems to explain it later.

int binarySearchFramework(int A[], int n, int target) {
    int start = start index of array - 1;
    int end = length of the A;
    while (end - start > 1) {
        int mid = (end - start) / 2 + start;
        if (A[mid] ? target) {
            end = mid;
        } else {
            start = mid;
    return ?;

(1) The first example : search insertposition


Given a sorted array with length n, sayingA and a target value, return the index if the target is found. If not, returnthe index where it would be if it were inserted in order. You may assume noduplicates in the array. Here are few examples. [1,3,5,6], 5 → 2; [1,3,5,6], 2 → 1; [1,3,5,6], 7 → 4; [1,3,5,6], 0 → 0


Let’s see how our framework can be used to solve this problem. We use start and end indices into the array that bracket the position of target. So for this problem, the invariant relation is A[start]< target <= A[end]. If anyone has no idea of what invariant relation is, I highly recommend Column 4 of Programming pearls.

This invariant relation will guide usfilling “?” in the framework.

a. Initialization

How to initialize start and end to keep theinvariant relation? It’s a problem. J. Someone may think start starts from 0 and she/he will realize that it’s wrong after thinking in a couple of seconds since target can be less than A[0]. The magic is that initializing start as -1(it must be -1, no other choices) and we assume A[-1] < target. Leave aquestion for the reader, why start can’t be -2, -3, …? And for the end, I guess smart as you have already got it: end = n(it must be n, no other choices) and we assume target <= A[n].


b. Maintaining invariant relation inside the loop

       Using A[mid] >= target can maintainthe invariant relation. Take a close look at the framework:

 if (A[mid] >= target) {
            end = mid;
        } else {
            start = mid;

1)   If A[mid] >= target, assign end as mid. So A[mid] >= target guarantees A[end] >= target which exactly matches our invariant relation.

2)   If A[mid] < target, assign start as mid. So A[mid] < target guarantees A[start] < target which exactly matches our invariant relation.


c. Return

After quitting from the loop, our invariantrelation A[start] < target <= A[end] still maintains since we don’t modify it during the loop. If target ==A[end], we should return end with no doubt. If A[start] < target <A[end], then the insert position is end.


d. Halting proof

         At last, we have to prove that the loop will terminate(it will notbecome an infinite loop). I’ll use inductive reasoning to explain why it will terminate at the end.

1)   For the most basic case: the length of the array is 1(n = 0 is undefinedfor this problem, so we pass it), if you simulating the code running, it will terminate.

2)   For n is 2, after executing mid = (end – start)/2 + start, both A[start,mid] and A[mid, end] can be seen as a basic case(n = 1). Since we have alreadyproved that the basic case n = 1 will terminate. So n =2 will also terminate.

3)   N = 3 can be seen as a basic case and a case with length 2 afterexecuting mid = (end – start)/2 + start.

4)   …


(2) The second problem: “Sqrt(x)”


Implement int sqrt(int x). Compute and return the square root of x.


An obvious way to solve this problem is search. The square root of x must be in [0, x]. So we can use binary search tofind the result. Let me change this problem a little bit so that it can fits to our framework.


In array A[0, …, x]={0, …, x}, find target to make target = sqrt(x).


According to the definition of sqrt(x), the invariant relation for this problem is :

A[start] <= target (target is sqrt(x)) < A[end].I emphasize once again, the invariant relation guides us coding.


a.    Initialization

Start = -1(It must be -1, no other choices) and end = x + 1. At this time, I’ll not say end must be x+1. Actually end canbe x+2, x+3, ... as long as no overflow. Think about why? But we put x+1 here for efficiency.


b.    Maintaining invariant relation inside the loop

Since our invariant relation is  A[start] <= target < A[end] now, usingA[mid] > target to maintain it.


c.     Return

Based on the invariant relation, the returnshould be start for this problem.


d.    Halting proof

The same inductive reference.


3. Summarization


Invariant relation leads us to the success not only for the binary search problem but also for other coding problem. Finding the invariantrelation of the problem, and then everything becomes easy.


4.   Exercise


Solving search for an range in leetocde.


5. Reference




(3) Programming Pearls


6.   Appendix


(1) . Source code for “search insert position”:

class Solution {
    int searchInsert(int A[], int n, int target) {
        // Start typing your C/C++ solution below
        // DO NOT write int main() function
        int start = -1;
        int end = n;
        while (end - start > 1) {
            int mid = (end - start) / 2 + start;
            if (A[mid] >= target) {
                end = mid;
            else {
                start = mid;
        return end;


(2) For “sqrt(x)”

class Solution {
    int sqrt(int x) {
        // Start typing your C/C++ solution below
        // DO NOT write int main() function
        long long int start = -1;
        long long int end = (long long int)x+1;
        while (end - start > 1) {
            long long int mid = (end - start) / 2 + start;
            if (mid*mid > x) {
                end = mid;
            } else {
                start = mid;
        return start;

(3) For “search for a range”

class Solution {
    int searchTheFirst(int A[], int start, int end, int target) {
        while (end - start > 1) {
            int mid = (end - start) / 2 + start;
            if (A[mid] < target) {
                start = mid;
            else {
                end = mid;
        return A[end] == target ? end : -1;
    int searchTheLast(int A[], int start, int end, int target) {
        while (end - start > 1) {
            int mid = (end - start) / 2 + start;
            if (A[mid] <= target) {
                start = mid;
            else {
                end = mid;
        return A[start] == target ? start : -1;
    int searchTheFirst(int A[], int n, int target) {
        int left = -1;
        int right = n;
        return searchTheFirst(A, left, right, target);
    int searchTheLast(int A[], int n, int target)  {
        int left = -1;
        int right = n;
        return searchTheLast(A, left, right, target);
    vector<int> searchRange(int A[], int n, int target) {
        // Start typing your C/C++ solution below
        // DO NOT write int main() function
        vector<int> result(2, -1);
        int leftIndex = searchTheFirst(A, n, target);
        if (leftIndex == -1) {
            return result;
        result[0] = leftIndex;
        int rightIndex = searchTheLast(A, leftIndex, n, target);
        result[1] = rightIndex;
        return result;





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