pandas notes 30

1. What is pandas?

pandas main page

pandas installation instructions

Anaconda distribution of Python (includes pandas)

How to use the IPython/Jupyter notebook

2. How do I read a tabular data file into pandas?

user_cols = ['user_id', 'age', 'gender', 'occupation', 'zip_code']

users = pd.read_table('', sep='|', header=None, names=user_cols)

3. How do I select a pandas Series from a DataFrame?

# select the 'City' Series using bracket notation


# or equivalently, use dot notation


ufo['Location'] = ufo.City + ', ' + ufo.State

4. Why do some pandas commands end with parentheses






# use an optional parameter to the describe method to summarize only 'object' columns


5. How do I rename columns in a pandas DataFrame?

ufo.rename(columns={'Colors Reported':'Colors_Reported', 'Shape Reported':'Shape_Reported'}, inplace=True)

ufo_cols = ['city', 'colors reported', 'shape reported', 'state', 'time']

ufo.columns = ufo_cols

# replace the column names during the file reading process by using the 'names' parameter

ufo = pd.read_csv('', header=0, names=ufo_cols)

ufo.columns = ufo.columns.str.replace(' ', '_')

6. How do I remove columns from a pandas DataFrame?

# remove a single column (axis=1 refers to columns)

ufo.drop('Colors Reported', axis=1, inplace=True)

# remove multiple columns at once

ufo.drop(['City', 'State'], axis=1, inplace=True)

# remove multiple rows at once (axis=0 refers to rows)

ufo.drop([0, 1], axis=0, inplace=True)

7. How do I sort a pandas DataFrame or a Series?




movies.sort_values('title', ascending=False).head()

movies.sort_values(['content_rating', 'duration']).head()

8. How do I filter rows of a pandas DataFrame by column value?

# select the 'genre' Series from the filtered DataFrame

movies[movies.duration >= 200].genre

# or equivalently, use the 'loc' method

movies.loc[movies.duration >= 200, 'genre']

9. How do I apply multiple filter criteria to a pandas DataFrame?

movies[(movies.duration >=200) & (movies.genre == 'Drama')]

movies[(movies.genre == 'Crime') | (movies.genre == 'Drama') | (movies.genre == 'Action')]

movies[movies.genre.isin(['Crime', 'Drama', 'Action'])]

10. Your pandas questions answered!

# specify which columns to include by name

ufo = pd.read_csv('', usecols=['City', 'State'])

# or equivalently, specify columns by position

ufo = pd.read_csv('', usecols=[0, 4])

ufo = pd.read_csv('', nrows=3)

# various methods are available to iterate through a DataFrame

for index, row in ufo.iterrows():

    print(index, row.City, row.State)

# only include numeric columns in the DataFrame

import numpy as np



drinks.describe(include=['object', 'float64'])

11. How do I use the "axis" parameter in pandas?

When performing a mathematical operation with the axis parameter:

axis 0 means the operation should "move down" the row axis

axis 1 means the operation should "move across" the column axis

# 'index' is an alias for axis 0


# 'columns' is an alias for axis 1


12. How do I use string methods in pandas?

# string methods for pandas Series are accessed via 'str'



orders.choice_description.str.replace('[', '').str.replace(']', '')

# many pandas string methods support regular expressions (regex)

orders.choice_description.str.replace('[\[\]]', '')

13. How do I change the data type of a pandas Series?

# change the data type of an existing Series

drinks['beer_servings'] = drinks.beer_servings.astype(float)

drinks = pd.read_csv('', dtype={'beer_servings':float})

14. When should I use a "groupby" in pandas?


drinks.groupby('continent').beer_servings.agg(['count', 'mean', 'min', 'max'])


15. How do I explore a pandas Series?


# display percentages instead of raw counts



# count the number of unique values in the Series


# compute a cross-tabulation of two Series

pd.crosstab(movies.genre, movies.content_rating)


16. How do I handle missing values in pandas?

What does "NaN" mean?

"NaN" is not a string, rather it's a special value: numpy.nan.

It stands for "Not a Number" and indicates a missing value.

read_csv detects missing values (by default) when reading the file, and replaces them with this special value.



# count the number of missing values in each Series


How to handle missing values depends on the dataset as well as the nature of your analysis. Here are some options:


# if 'any' values are missing in a row, then drop that row


# if 'all' values are missing in a row, then drop that row (none are dropped in this case)


# if 'any' values are missing in a row (considering only 'City' and 'Shape Reported'), then drop that row

ufo.dropna(subset=['City', 'Shape Reported'], how='any').shape

# if 'all' values are missing in a row (considering only 'City' and 'Shape Reported'), then drop that row

ufo.dropna(subset=['City', 'Shape Reported'], how='all').shape

# 'value_counts' does not include missing values by default

ufo['Shape Reported'].value_counts().head()

# explicitly include missing values

ufo['Shape Reported'].value_counts(dropna=False).head()

# fill in missing values with a specified value

ufo['Shape Reported'].fillna(value='VARIOUS', inplace=True)

17. What do I need to know about the pandas index?

# set an existing column as the index

drinks.set_index('country', inplace=True)

# country name can now be used for selection

drinks.loc['Brazil', 'beer_servings']

# index name is optional = None

# restore the index name, and move the index back to a column = 'country'


18. What do I need to know about the pandas index?



people = pd.Series([3000000, 85000], index=['Albania', 'Andorra'], name='population')

# calculate the total annual beer servings for each country

(drinks.beer_servings * people).head()

The two Series were aligned by their indexes.

If a value is missing in either Series, the result is marked as NaN.

Alignment enables us to easily work with incomplete data.

# concatenate the 'drinks' DataFrame with the 'population' Series (aligns by the index)

pd.concat([drinks, people], axis=1).head()

19. How do I select multiple rows and columns from a pandas DataFrame?

The loc method is used to select rows and columns by label. You can pass it:

A single label

A list of labels

A slice of labels

A boolean Series

A colon (which indicates "all labels")

The iloc method is used to select rows and columns by integer position. You can pass it:

A single integer position

A list of integer positions

A slice of integer positions

A colon (which indicates "all integer positions")

drinks = pd.read_csv('', index_col='country')

20. When should I use the "inplace" parameter in pandas?

ufo.drop('City', axis=1, inplace=True)

21. How do I make my pandas DataFrame smaller and faster?'deep')


# use the 'category' data type (new in pandas 0.15) to store the 'continent' strings as integers

drinks['continent'] = drinks.continent.astype('category')

df['quality'] = df.quality.astype('category', categories=['good', 'very good', 'excellent'], ordered=True)

# comparison operators work with ordered categories

df.loc[df.quality > 'good', :]

22. How do I use pandas with scikit-learn to create Kaggle submissions?

23. More of your pandas questions answered!


ufo.sample(n=3, random_state=42)

# sample 75% of the DataFrame's rows without replacement

train = ufo.sample(frac=0.75, random_state=99)

# store the remaining 25% of the rows in another DataFrame

test = ufo.loc[~ufo.index.isin(train.index), :]

24. How do I create dummy variables in pandas?

# create the 'Sex_male' dummy variable using the 'map' method

train['Sex_male'] ={'female':0, 'male':1})

# alternative: use 'get_dummies' to create one column for every possible value


Generally speaking:

If you have "K" possible values for a categorical feature, you only need "K-1" dummy variables to capture all of the information about that feature.

One convention is to drop the first dummy variable, which defines that level as the "baseline".

# add a prefix to identify the source of the dummy variables

pd.get_dummies(train.Sex, prefix='Sex').iloc[:, 1:].head()

# use 'get_dummies' with a feature that has 3 possible values

pd.get_dummies(train.Embarked, prefix='Embarked').head(10)

# drop the first dummy variable ('C')

pd.get_dummies(train.Embarked, prefix='Embarked').iloc[:, 1:].head(10)

25.How do I work with dates and times in pandas? 

ufo['Time'] = pd.to_datetime(ufo.Time)




# convert a single string to datetime format (outputs a timestamp object)

ts = pd.to_datetime('1/1/1999')

# perform mathematical operations with timestamps (outputs a timedelta object)

ufo.Time.max() - ufo.Time.min()

26. How do I find and remove duplicate rows in pandas?

# read a dataset of movie reviewers into a DataFrame

user_cols = ['user_id', 'age', 'gender', 'occupation', 'zip_code']

users = pd.read_table('', sep='|', header=None, names=user_cols, index_col='user_id')

# detect duplicate zip codes: True if an item is identical to a previous item


# count the duplicate rows


27. How do I avoid a SettingWithCopyWarning in pandas?

Solution: Any time you are attempting to create a DataFrame copy, use the copy method.

28. How do I change display options in pandas?

# check the current setting for the 'max_rows' option


# overwrite the current setting so that all rows will be displayed

pd.set_option('display.max_rows', None)

# reset the 'max_rows' option to its default


# the 'max_columns' option is similar to 'max_rows'


# overwrite the current setting so that more characters will be displayed

pd.set_option('display.max_colwidth', 1000)

# overwrite the 'precision' setting to display 2 digits after the decimal point of 'Fare'

pd.set_option('display.precision', 2)

# use a Python format string to specify a comma as the thousands separator

pd.set_option('display.float_format', '{:,}'.format)

29. How do I create a pandas DataFrame from another object?

# optionally specify the order of columns and define the index

df = pd.DataFrame({'id':[100, 101, 102], 'color':['red', 'blue', 'red']}, columns=['id', 'color'], index=['a', 'b', 'c'])

# create a DataFrame from a list of lists (each inner list becomes a row)

pd.DataFrame([[100, 'red'], [101, 'blue'], [102, 'red']], columns=['id', 'color'])

arr = np.random.rand(4, 2)

pd.DataFrame(arr, columns=['one', 'two'])

# create a DataFrame of student IDs (100 through 109) and test scores (random integers between 60 and 100)

pd.DataFrame({'student':np.arange(100, 110, 1), 'test':np.random.randint(60, 101, 10)})

# 'set_index' can be chained with the DataFrame constructor to select an index

pd.DataFrame({'student':np.arange(100, 110, 1), 'test':np.random.randint(60, 101, 10)}).set_index('student')

# create a new Series using the Series constructor

s = pd.Series(['round', 'square'], index=['c', 'b'], name='shape')

30. How do I apply a function to a pandas Series or DataFrame?

# map 'female' to 0 and 'male' to 1

train['Sex_num'] ={'female':0, 'male':1})

# calculate the length of each string in the 'Name' Series

train['Name_length'] = train.Name.apply(len)

# round up each element in the 'Fare' Series to the next integer

import numpy as np

train['Fare_ceil'] = train.Fare.apply(np.ceil)

# alternatively, use a lambda function

train.Name.str.split(',').apply(lambda x: x[0]).head()

# convert every DataFrame element into a float

drinks.loc[:, 'beer_servings':'wine_servings'].applymap(float)





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