Raspberry PI (Ver 2.0) + PI Cam as a stable RTSP Server


Hello to all, 
with this post i would like to share my experince to find a good and reliable solution to put together Raspberry Pi Cam as a RTSP server streaming and Synology Survillance Station.

After a lot of test, i found a way that seems to be the most stable solution to make a RTSP Stream because raspbian cVLC is not well supported by Synology Survillance (frequently lost connection) and make it unusable (even if works great with VLC for PC)
Sorry for my English! :D 

So lets describes the steps:

1) Make a brand new Install of Raspbian and do all upgrade/ update, etc.

2) Install V4L2 Driver

• sudo apt-get install v4l-utils
• sudo modprobe bcm2835-v4l2

If this works, you should be able to do:
• v4l2-ctl -V

Which gets the current video format.
The modprobe above will only create the device this time around. To make it permanent, you have to edit /etc/modules:
• sudo vi /etc/modules
add a line:
• bcm2835-v4l2

3) RTSP server: https://github.com/mpromonet/h264_v4l2_rtspserver

Get the code and build it.
• sudo git clone https://github.com/mpromonet/h264_v4l2_rtspserver.git 
• sudo apt-get install liblivemedia-dev libv4l-dev cmake 
• cd h264_v4l2_rtspserver 
• sudo cmake . 
• sudo make

Run your server like this:
• cd ~/ sudo h264_v4l2_rtspserver/h264_v4l2_rtspserver -F 25 -W 1280 -H 720 -P 8555 /dev/video0

Note the parameters to set the width and height and framerate also the port which i've set here to 8555.
To try it out, run up VLC on another machine and enter the network URL


4) Create a RaspberryPi config file on Synology Survillance in order to make PiCam visible during install new cam on SSS
• Go to Volume1/@appstore/SurveillanceStation/device_pack/ camera_support
• Here create a new .conf file with those informations (that you can change as u prefear)

api = rasbpicam-h264
channel_list = 1
default_channel = 1
resolutions_h264 = 1200x720
default_resolution_h264 = 1200x720
fps_h264_1200_720 = 25
default_fps_h264_1200_720 = 25
default_image_quality = 5
h264 = rtsp 
rtsp_protocol = udp

• Now add new cam on Synology .

Now, put your attention because RTSP Rasp Server create a listen URL like this 


but Synology will use this 


If u are thinking to change main.cpp of h264_v4l2_rtspserver on raspberry in order to remove “unicast” string from url …BAD IDEA!! It will stop suddenly with no error log!!! Don't know why!

So now select the camera(s) in the list that show as disconected and choose Export from the Configuration menu. Give it a name and export it. An FYI, you can't export this to a file on your computer. 
You need to have a share on the NAS for the export info to save to. This will create a folder called SSCamExport_CameraNameYouUsed and appears empty. 
Inside are several files however that are hidden. You have to ssh into the NAS and used vi (with root privileges) to make the changes..

To see hidden file in linux use

ls -al

The file you're looking for is: .ExpCam

Open that and edit the two path lines to look like this (or your prefered settings if you know them):

path = ‘unicast’ 
live_path = 'unicast'

Save the file then in Surveillance Station use the Import option from the Configuration menu. 
You have to delete the camera before importing it if you have no more licenses available. 

Hope this helps!





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