学会如何学习学习笔记——3. 5 拖延症与记忆——创建有意义的小组和记忆宫殿的技巧,记忆总结


In this video, we're going to delve deeper into memory. Another key to memorization is to create meaningful groups that simplify the material. Let's say you wanted to remember four plants that help ward off vampires; garlic, rose, hawthorn, and mustard. The first letters abbreviate to GRHM. So all you need to do to remember is to use the image of a Graham cracker. It's much easier to remember numbers by associating them with memorable events. The year 1965 might be when one of your relatives was born for example, or you can associate numbers with a numerical system you're familiar with. For example, 11.0 seconds, is a good running time for the 100 meter dash. Or 75 might be the number of stitches on a knitting needle for the ski hats you like to make. Personally, I like to associate numbers with the feelings of when I was, or will be at a given age. The number 18 is an easy one. That's the age when I went out into the world. By age 104, I hope to be an old but happy great grandma.

Many disciplines use memorable sentences to help students memorize concepts. The first letter of each word in the sentence is also the first letter of each word in a list that needs to be memorized. Medicine, for example, is laden with memorable mnemonics. Among the cleaner of which are, Some Lovers Try Positions That They Can't Handle, to memorize the names of the carpal bones of the hand, and Old People From Texas Eat Spiders, for the cranial bones. Time after time, these kinds of memory tricks prove helpful. If you're memorizing something commonly used, see whether someone's come up with a particularly memorable memory trick by searching it out online. Otherwise, try coming up with your own. The memory palace technique is a particularly powerful way of grouping things you want to remember. It involves calling to mind a familiar place like the layout of your house and using it as a visual notepad where you can deposit the concept images that you want to remember. All you have to do is call to mind the place you're familiar with; your home, your route to school, or your favorite restaurant, and voila in the blink of an imaginative eye, this becomes the memory palace that you'll use as your notepad.

The memory palace technique is useful for remembering unrelated items such as a grocery list, milk, bread, eggs. To use the technique, you might imagine a gigantic bottle of milk just inside your front door, the bread plopped on the couch, and a cracked egg dribbling off the edge of the coffee table. In other words, you'd imagine yourself walking through a place you know well, coupled with shockingly memorable images of what you want to remember. If you're studying finance, sociology, chemistry, or what have you and you have lists to remember, you could use this same approach. The first time you do this, it will be slow. It takes a bit of time to conjure up a solid mental image. But the more you do it, the quicker it becomes. One study showed that a person using the memory palace technique could remember more than 95 percent of a 40 to 50 item list after only one or two practice mental walks where the items were placed on the grounds or the local university. In using the mind this way, memorization can become an outstanding exercise in creativity that simultaneously build neural hooks for even more creativity. Purists might sniff that using oddball memorization gimmicks isn't really learning, but research has shown that students who use these kinds of tricks outperform those who don't. In addition, imaging research on how people become experts shows that such memory tools speed up the acquisition of both chunks, and big picture templates helping transform novices to semi experts much more quickly even in a matter of weeks. Memory tricks allow people to expand their working memory with easy access to long term memory.

What's more, the memory process itself becomes an exercise in creativity. The more you memorize using these innovative techniques, the more creative you become. This is because you're building these wild unexpected possibilities for future connections early on even as you're first internalizing the ideas. The more you practice this type of memory muscle so to speak, the more easily you'll be able to remember. Where first it may take 15 minutes to build an evocative image for an equation and embed it say, in the kitchen sink of your memory palace. It can later take only minutes or seconds to perform a similar task. You also realize that as you begin to internalize key aspects of the material, taking a little time to commit the most important points to memory, you come to understand it much more deeply. The formulas will mean far more to you than it would if you simply look them up in a book. And you'll be able to sling those formulas around much more proficiently on tests, and in real world applications. You may say, ''Well, you're just not that creative.'' An equation or theory could hardly have its own grandiose motivations or persnickety emotional needs to help you understand and remember it. But always remember, your childlike creativity is still there inside you. You just need to reach out to it. Thanks for learning how to learn.

在这个视频中,我们将更深入地探讨记忆。记忆的另一个关键是创建有意义的组块来简化材料。比如说,你想记住四种可以抵御吸血鬼的植物:大蒜、玫瑰、山楂和芥末。它们的首字母缩写为GRHM。所以你只需要记住一个格雷厄姆饼干的形象。通过将数字与难忘的事件联系起来,更容易记住数字。例如,1965年可能是你某个亲戚出生的年份,或者你可以将数字与你熟悉的数字系统联系起来。例如,11.0秒是100米短跑的好成绩。或者75可能是你喜欢编织的滑雪帽上的针织针数。就我个人而言,我喜欢将数字与我在某个特定年龄时或将来某个年龄时的感受联系起来。18岁是一个容易记住的数字。那是我走向世界的年龄。到了104岁,我希望成为一个快乐的高龄曾祖母。 许多学科使用令人难忘的句子来帮助学生记忆概念。句子中每个单词的首字母也是需要记忆的列表中每个单词的首字母。例如,医学充满了令人难忘的记忆术。其中一些包括“Some Lovers Try Positions That They Can't Handle”,用于记住手部腕骨的名称,以及“Old People From Texas Eat Spiders”,用于记住颅骨的名称。这些记忆技巧一次又一次地被证明是有帮助的。如果你正在记忆一些常用的东西,看看是否有人在网上找到了一个特别难忘的记忆技巧。否则,尝试自己创造一个记忆技巧。

记忆宫殿技术是一种特别强大的组织你想要记住的事物的方法。它涉及到想起一个熟悉的地方,比如你家的布局,并将其作为一个视觉便笺本,在那里你可以放置你想要记住的概念图像。你所要做的就是想起你熟悉的那个地方;你的家、你去学校的路线或你最喜欢的餐馆,然后眨眼间,这就变成了你将要使用的作为便笺本的记忆宫殿。 记忆宫殿技术对于记住不相关的事物如购物清单、牛奶、面包、鸡蛋等非常有用。要使用这种技术,你可以想象一个巨大的牛奶瓶就在你家的前门内,面包放在沙发上,一个破碎的鸡蛋从咖啡桌的边缘滴下来。换句话说,你会想象自己在熟悉的地方行走,伴随着你想要记住的事物令人震惊的难忘形象。如果你在学习金融、社会学、化学或其他什么,并且你有要记住的清单,你可以使用同样的方法。第一次这样做会很慢。构建一个坚实的心理图像需要一些时间。但是做得越多,就会变得越快。一项研究显示,使用记忆宫殿技术的人在只有一到两次练习性的心理漫步之后,就能记住超过95%4050项物品清单上的物品,这些物品被放置在当地大学或地面上。以这种方式使用大脑,记忆可以成为一项出色的创造力练习,同时为更多的创造力建立神经挂钩。纯粹主义者可能会嗤之以鼻地说,使用古怪的记忆技巧并不是真正的学习,但研究表明,使用这些技巧的学生比那些不使用这些技巧的学生表现得更好。

此外,关于人们如何成为专家的成像研究显示,这样的记忆工具可以加速新手向半专家的转变速度,甚至在几周内就能实现大图景模板的转变。记忆技巧允许人们扩展他们的工作记忆并轻松访问长期记忆。 更重要的是,记忆过程本身成为了一项创造力的锻炼。你使用这些创新技术记忆得越多,你就会变得越有创造力。这是因为你在最初内化想法的同时建立了这些野性的、意想不到的未来联系的可能性。正如所说的那样,你越是练习这种类型的记忆肌肉,你就越能轻松地记住东西。起初可能需要15分钟来为一个方程式构建一个引人入胜的形象并将其嵌入到你的记忆中的厨房水槽里。后来可能只需要几分钟或几秒钟就能完成类似的任务。你还意识到,当你开始内化材料的关键方面时,花一点时间记住最重要的点时,你会对它理解得更深刻。公式对你来说意味着远远超过了如果你只是在书中查找它们的话。而且你将能够在测试和现实世界的应用中更加熟练地运用这些公式。你可能会说:嗯,你就是没有那么有创造力。一个方程式或理论几乎不可能有它自己的宏伟动机或挑剔的情感需求来帮助你理解和记住它。但请始终记住,你孩子般的创造力仍然在你体内存在。你只需要触及它即可。感谢你学会了如何学习。


Learning to use your memory in a more disciplined yet creative manner, helps you learn to focus your attention even as you create wild diffuse connections that build stronger memories. Here are the key ideas about memory we've covered.

In this course, we discussed two main memory systems involved in your ability to chunk concepts. The first is long term memory which is like a storage warehouse. You need to practice and repeat in order to help store items in long-term memory so you can retrieve them more easily. Practicing and repeating all in one day is a bad idea, you want to extend your practice to several days. This is why tackling procrastination is important, it helps you build better memories because you start earlier. The second, is working memory which is like a whole blackboard they quickly fades. You can only hold about four items in your working memory. When you master a technique or concept in some sense, it compacts the ideas so they can occupy less space in your working memory when you do bring them to mind. This frees your mental thinking space so that they can more easily grapple with other ideas. We have outstanding visual and spatial memory systems. If you tap into those systems it will help improve your memory. To begin tapping into your visual memory system, try making a very memorable visual image representing one key item you want to remember. Beyond merely seeing, try to feel, to hear and even to smell something you're trying to remember. The funnier and more evocative the images the better. As always, repetition over several days is really helpful. Another key to memorization is to create meaningful groups that simplify the material. Try associating numbers with years or with systems you're familiar with like running times. Many disciplines use memorable sentences. The memory palace technique, placing memorable images in a scene that's familiar to you allows you to dip into the strength of your visual memory system, providing a particularly powerful way of grouping things you want to remember. By making meaningful groups and abbreviations, you can simplify and chunk what you're trying to learn so you can more easily store it in memory. By memorizing material you understand, you can internalize the material in a profound way. You're reinforcing the mental library you need to become a genuine master of the material. Happy memories, I'm Barbara Oakley. Thanks for learning how to learn.










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