调试经验——Toad中的文件比较功能初体验(First touch of Toad Compare Files functionality)



为了排查问题,第一次使用Toad的Compare Files功能,感觉还挺好用!




Compare Files and Objects

You can use the File Differences Viewer to compare the contents of two files from a disk, or an object to a file or to another object.

To compare tabs in the Editor

 »  Press and hold CTRL while dragging one tab onto the other tab. 

To compare two files on disk

From the Utilities menu, select Compare Files. 
Select one or two files. 
Click OK. 

To compare objects in the Schema Browser

 »  From either the Procedures or Views page, right-click on an object and select Compare with another object. See Compare Single Objects for more information. 

To compare differing objects from a schema compare

 »  From the Schemas | Results (Interactive) tab, right-click an object listed as differing between schemas and select Show Difference Details to compare the scripts of the two objects. See Compare Schemas for more information. 


File Comparison Rules

This topic focuses on information that may be unfamiliar to you. It does not include all step and field descriptions.

To access file comparison rules

 »  Click  on the differenced viewer toolbar. See Compare Files and Objects for more information. 

Available Rules

General Tab  Description  
Synchronization Settings 
 Synchronization Settings control the comparison engine that reports differences and similarities between files. Unless you are experienced in manipulating comparison synchronization algorithms, you will probably find that the default settings work well enough for most situations. In general, the following principles apply: 

Set the synchronization parameters low - Allows more efficient searches for small differences. 
Set the synchronization parameters higher - Handle larger files or files with large differences. 
Initial Match Requirement - The minimum number of lines that need to match in order for text synchronization to occur. 
Skew Tolerance - The number of lines the Differences Viewer will search forward or backward when searching for matches. Smaller numbers improve performance. 
Suppress Recursion - Refers to the method used to scan for matches. Recursion improves the ability to match up larger as well as smaller sections of text, but it can take longer. 
Minor Differences 
 Use the Ignore Minor Differences checkbox to activate or deactivate the highlighting of minor differences in the Differences Viewer window. (As explained below, you specify what constitutes minor differences in the Rules options under Define Minor Differences.)
Define Minor tab
 You can have the comparison engine either highlight or ignore minor differences—such as comments, or spacing characters and tabs. This gives you the option of focusing only on significant differences, or, alternatively, reviewing even minor differences between versions. Place a checkmark next to the items that you want to classify as minor differences. Then, under the General category, you can select or clear the Ignore Minor Differences checkbox.
Line Weights tab
 The Line Weights tab lets you assign synchronization priorities to the lines that match. You can use the values listed in the tab, or you can create your own. 
Miscellaneous tab
 Use the Miscellaneous tab to make choices about line termination. 

You can also limit comparisons to specific columns by entering a column range in the comparison boxes. 

Viewing File Differences
When you have specified the objects you want to compare, whether they are files, database objects, or scripts, you can use the Differences Viewer. See Compare Files and Objects for more information.

The Differences Viewer lets you compare database objects in a split window. Differences between the objects are highlighted and the toolbar gives you access to controls for customizing the view and creating reports. 

File Comparison Rules and Options let you specify the way Toad displays the similarities and differences between two files, or two versions of a file. 

Thumbnail view
This lets you quickly change sections of the file. The thumbnail view (to the left of the viewing window) is a visual summary of differences. Colored lines show the relative position of line mismatches. A white rectangle represents the part of the text currently visible in the Differences Viewer window. You can click the thumbnail view to position the viewer at that point in the documents.






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