RDA(二)----- 在RAC环境下使用

本文介绍了RDA从4.2版本开始支持远程数据收集功能,特别是在Oracle RAC环境中的使用。用户可以借助此指南了解RDA概述,下载步骤以及在集群或多节点环境中执行RDA的一般流程。内容涵盖了RDBMS、ASM和Cluster的信息收集,以及性能部分的详细说明。

Starting from release 4.2, RDA has the capability to perform remote data collections. RDA which is installed on one node can control the installation and execution of RDA on multiple nodes/Oracle homes.

This guide provides users with an overview of RDA, download instructions, and general steps on to how to execute RDA within an Oracle RAC (Cluster or Multiple node) environment.



[oracle@hcn1 rda]$ ./rda.sh -h
Usage: rda.pl [-bcdfilntvwxy] [-ABCDEGHIKLMPQRSTV] [-e list] [-m dir]
              [-s name] [-o out] [-p prof] arg ...
        -A      Authentify user through the setup file      						----通过安装文件验证密码用户
        -B      Start background collection                  						----启动后台收集
        -C      Collect diagnostic information                           ----收集诊断信息
        -D      Delete specified modules from the setup            ---从安装程序删除指定的模块
        -E      Explain specified error numbers                            -----解释指定的错误编号
        -G      Convert report files to XML format                                   ----报告文件转换为XML格式
        -H      Halt background collection                                          --暂停后台采集
        -I      Regenerate the index                                                 ---重新生成索引
        -K      Kill background collection                                                 ---kill后台采集
        -L      List the available modules, profiles, and conversion groups                ---列出可用的模块,配置文件和转换组
        -M      Display the related manual pages                                           ---显示相关手册
        -O      Render output specifications from STDIN
        -P      Package the reports (tar or zip)                                           ---打包报告
        -Q      Display the related setup questions                                        ---显示相关的设置问题
        -R      Generate specified reports                                                 ---生成指定的报告
        -S      Setup specified modules                                                    ---设置指定的模块
        -T      Execute test modules                                                       ---执行测试模块
        -V      Display component version numbers                                          ---显示组件的版本号
        -b      Don't backup setup file before saving                                      ---在保存之前不备份安装文件
        -c      Check the RDA installation and exit                                        ---检查RDA的安装和退出
        -d      Set debug mode                                                             ---设置debug模式
        -e list Specify a list of alternate setting definitions (var=val,...)              ---列出指定备用设置定义的列表
        -f      Set force mode                                                             ---强制设置模式
        -g grp  Specify the XML conversion group                                           ---指定XML转换组
        -h      Display the command usage and exit                                         ---帮助
        -i      Read settings from the standard input                                      ---从标准输入中读取设置
        -l      Use a lock file to prevent concurrent usage of a setup file                ---使用锁定文件,以防止并发使用的安装文件
        -m dir  Specify the module directory ('modules' by default)                        ---指定模块的目录
        -n      Start a new data collection                                                ---开始新的数据收集
        -o out  Specify the file for background collection output redirection              ---指定文件的后台收集输出重定向
        -p prof Specify the setup profile ('Default' by default)                           ---指定安装的profile
        -q      Set quiet mode                                                             ---设置安静模式
        -s name Specify the setup name ('setup' by default)                                ---指定设置名称
        -t      Set trace mode                                                             ---设置跟踪模式
        -v      Set verbose mode                                                           ---设置详细模式
        -w      Wait as long as the background collection daemon is active
        -x      Produce cross references                                                   ---生成交叉引用
        -y      Accept all defaults and skip all pauses                                    ---接受所有默认设置,然后跳过所有暂停
[oracle@hcn1 rda]$ 


[oracle@hcn1 rda]$ ./rda.sh -L profiles|grep Rac_Perf
 *Rac_Perf               Cluster performance problems
[oracle@hcn1 rda]$ 
[oracle@hcn1 rda]$ 
[oracle@hcn1 rda]$ ./rda.sh -L profiles|grep Rac_AdvancedAsm
 *Rac_AdvancedAsm        Cluster with ASM problems (ASM advanced mode)
[oracle@hcn1 rda]$ 


[oracle@hcn1 rda]$ 
[oracle@hcn1 rda]$ 
[oracle@hcn1 rda]$ ./rda.sh -M -p Rac_AdvancedAsm
    Profile Rac_AdvancedAsm - Cluster with ASM problems (ASM advanced mode)

    The Rac_AdvancedAsm profile uses the following modules:
      SMPL      Controls Sampling
      OS        Collects the Operating System Information
      PROF      Collects the User Profile
      PERF      Collects Performance Information
      NET       Collects Network Information
      ONET      Collects Oracle Net Information
      INST      Collects the Oracle Installation Information
      DB        Controls Oracle RDBMS Data Collection
      DBA       Collects Oracle RDBMS Information
      DBM       Collects Oracle RDBMS Memory Information
      LOG       Collects Oracle Database Trace and Log Files
      BR        Collects Oracle Database Backup and Recovery Information
      DNFS      Collects Direct NFS Information
      SP        Collects SQL*Plus/iSQL*Plus Information
      RAC       Collects Cluster Information
      RACD      Performs an Oracle Database Hang Analysis
      OCFS      Collects Oracle Cluster File System Information
      ASM       Collects Automatic Storage Management Information

    Copyright (c) 2002, 2012, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights

    Oracle and Java are registered trademarks of Oracle and/or its affiliates.
    Other names may be trademarks of their respective owners.
[oracle@hcn1 rda]$ 
[oracle@hcn1 rda]$ 
[oracle@hcn1 rda]$ ./rda.sh -M -p Rac_Perf
    Profile Rac_Perf - Cluster performance problems

    The Rac_Perf profile uses the following modules:
      SMPL      Controls Sampling
      OS        Collects the Operating System Information
      PROF      Collects the User Profile
      PERF      Collects Performance Information
      NET       Collects Network Information
      ONET      Collects Oracle Net Information
      INST      Collects the Oracle Installation Information
      DB        Controls Oracle RDBMS Data Collection
      DBA       Collects Oracle RDBMS Information
      LOG       Collects Oracle Database Trace and Log Files
      DNFS      Collects Direct NFS Information
      SP        Collects SQL*Plus/iSQL*Plus Information
      RACD      Performs an Oracle Database Hang Analysis

    Copyright (c) 2002, 2012, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights

    Oracle and Java are registered trademarks of Oracle and/or its affiliates.
    Other names may be trademarks of their respective owners.
[oracle@hcn1 rda]$ 
[oracle@hcn1 rda]$ 


[oracle@hcn1 rda]$ 
[oracle@hcn1 rda]$ ./rda.sh -vX RDA::Remote setup_cluster / 
Requesting common information
Enter the absolute path of the directory where RDA will be installed on the
remote nodes.
Hit 'Return' to accept the default (/home/oracle/rda/rda)

Enter the absolute path of the directory where setup files and reports will be
stored on the remote nodes?
Hit 'Return' to accept the default (/home/oracle/rda/rda)

Do you want RDA to use an alternative login to execute remote requests (Y/N)?
Hit 'Return' to accept the default (Y)
> y

Enter the login to execute requests on remote nodes
Hit 'Return' to accept the default (hcn2.oracle.com)          -----这里要求输入的用户名
> oracle      

Requesting information for node hcn1.oracle.com
Enter the Oracle home to be analyzed on the node hcn1.oracle.com
Hit 'Return' to accept the default (/u01/oracle/product/10.2.0/db_1)

Requesting information for node hcn2.oracle.com
Enter the Oracle home to be analyzed on the node hcn2.oracle.com
Hit 'Return' to accept the default (/u01/oracle/product/10.2.0/db_1)

RAC Setup Summary
. NOD001  hcn1.oracle.com/hcndb1
. NOD002  hcn2.oracle.com/hcndb2
2 nodes found
S909RDSP: Produces the Remote Data Collection Reports
        Updating the setup file ...
[oracle@hcn1 rda]$ 
[oracle@hcn1 rda]$ 


[oracle@hcn1 rda]$ 
[oracle@hcn1 rda]$ ./rda.sh -v -e REMOTE_TRACE=1
        Collecting diagnostic data ...
RDA Data Collection Started 31-Jan-2013 21:14:29
Processing Initialization module ...
Processing PERF module ...
Processing CFG module ...
Processing Sampling module ...
Processing OS module ...
Processing PROF module ...
Processing NET module ...
Processing ONET module ...
Listener checks may take a few minutes. please be patient...
  Processing listener LISTENER_HCN1
Processing Oracle installation module ...
Processing RDBMS module ...
Processing RDBMS Memory module ...
Processing LOG module ...
Processing BR module ...
Processing Cluster module ...
Performing a hang analysis ...
  Hanganalyze may take up to 3 minutes or might even hang
  Systemstate dump may take up to 10 minutes or might even hang
  Hanganalyze may take up to 3 minutes or might even hang
  Systemstate dump may take up to 10 minutes or might even hang
Processing ASM module ...
Processing REXE module ...
NOD001>         Setting up ...
NOD002> bash: /home/oracle/rda/rda/rda.sh: No such file or directory
NOD001>         Collecting diagnostic data ...
NOD001> -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
NOD001> RDA Data Collection Started 31-Jan-2013 21:16:10
NOD001> -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
NOD001> Processing Initialization module ...
NOD001> Processing OCM module ...
NOD001> Processing PERF module ...
NOD001> Processing CFG module ...
NOD001> Processing Sampling module ...
NOD001> Processing OS module ...
NOD001> Processing PROF module ...
NOD001> Processing NET module ...
NOD001> Processing ONET module ...
NOD001> Listener checks may take a few minutes. please be patient...
NOD002>         Setting up ...
NOD001>   Processing listener LISTENER_HCN1
NOD001> Processing Oracle installation module ...
NOD001> Processing RDBMS module ...
NOD002>         Collecting diagnostic data ...
NOD002> -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
NOD002> RDA Data Collection Started 31-Jan-2013 21:16:17
NOD002> -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
NOD002> Processing Initialization module ...
NOD002> Processing OCM module ...
NOD002> Processing PERF module ...
NOD002> Processing CFG module ...
NOD002> Processing Sampling module ...
NOD002> Processing OS module ...
NOD001> Processing RDBMS Memory module ...
NOD001> Processing LOG module ...
NOD001> Processing Cluster module ...
NOD002> Processing PROF module ...
NOD002> Processing NET module ...
NOD002> Processing ONET module ...
NOD002> Listener checks may take a few minutes. please be patient...
NOD002>   Processing listener LISTENER_HCN2
NOD002> Processing Oracle installation module ...
NOD002> Processing RDBMS module ...
NOD002> Processing RDBMS Memory module ...
NOD002> Processing LOG module ...
NOD002> Processing Cluster module ...
NOD001> Processing RDSP module ...
NOD001> Processing LOAD module ...
NOD001> Processing End module ...
NOD001> -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
NOD001> RDA Data Collection Ended 31-Jan-2013 21:17:02
NOD001> -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
NOD001>         Generating the reports ...
NOD001>                 - RDA_DBA_vsession_wait.txt ...
NOD001>                 - RDA_LOG_R00017_bdump13_hcndb1_lms1_5078_trc.dat ...
NOD001>                 - RDA_RAC_racOnOff.txt ...
NOD001>                 - RDA_INST_inventory_xml.txt ...
NOD001>                 - RDA_DBA_vcontrolfile.txt ...
NOD001>                 - RDA_DBA_tablespace.txt ...
NOD001>                 - RDA_DBA_jvm_info.txt ...
NOD001>                 - RDA_DBA_undo_info.txt ...
NOD001>                 - RDA_DBM_lchitrat.txt ...
NOD001>                 - RDA_LOG_R00015_bdump11_hcndb1_lms0_5074_trc.dat ...
NOD001>                 - RDA_DBM_subpool.txt ...
NOD001>                 - RDA_LOG_R00032_udump9_hcndb1_ora_5214_trc.dat ...
NOD001>                 - RDA_PROF_dot_bash_profile.txt ...
NOD001>                 - RDA_DBA_vlicense.txt ...
NOD001>                 - RDA_DBA_security.txt ...
NOD001>                 - RDA_OS_etc_conf.txt ...
NOD001>                 - RDA_END_report.txt ...
NOD001>                 - RDA_END_system.txt ...
NOD001>                 - RDA_OS_numactl.txt ...
NOD001>                 - RDA_OS_tracing.txt ...
NOD001>                 - RDA_DBA_vspparameters.txt ...
NOD001>                 - RDA_NET_net_statistics.txt ...
NOD001>                 - RDA_PERF_cbo_trace.txt ...
NOD001>                 - RDA_LOG_R00030_udump7_hcndb1_ora_668_trc.dat ...
NOD001>                 - RDA_DBA_vfeatureinfo.txt ...
NOD001>                 - RDA_ONET_adapters.txt ...
NOD001>                 - RDA_ONET_R00013_log.dat ...
NOD001>                 - RDA_LOG_udump.txt ...
NOD001>                 - RDA_CFG_oh_inv.txt ...
NOD001>                 - RDA_PERF_autostats.txt ...
NOD001>                 - RDA_DBM_sgacomp.txt ...
NOD001>                 - RDA_INST_L00018_oh_inv.txt ...
NOD001>                 - RDA_DBA_ses_procs.txt ...
NOD001>                 - RDA_END_files.txt ...
NOD001>                 - RDA_LOG_R00014_bdump10_hcndb1_lmon_5067_trc.dat ...
NOD001>                 - RDA_LOG_R00019_bdump15_hcndb1_m000_28665_trc.dat ...
NOD001>                 - RDA_INST_make_report.txt ...
NOD001>                 - RDA_OS_misc_linux_info.txt ...
NOD001>                 - RDA_LOG_R00033_udump10_hcndb1_ora_5047_trc.dat ...
NOD001>                 - RDA_CFG_homes.txt ...
NOD001>                 - RDA_PROF_etc_profile.txt ...
NOD001>                 - RDA_ONET_hs_inithsodbc_ora.txt ...
NOD001>                 - RDA_LOG_R00013_bdump9_hcndb1_lmon_5070_trc.dat ...
NOD001>                 - RDA_DBA_spatial.txt ...
NOD001>                 - RDA_OS_libc.txt ...
NOD001>                 - RDA_DBA_replication.txt ...
NOD001>                 - RDA_LOG_R00010_bdump6_hcndb1_lgwr_5088_trc.dat ...
NOD001>                 - RDA_NET_udp_settings.txt ...
NOD001>                 - RDA_ONET_lstatus.txt ...
NOD001>                 - RDA_DBM_libcache.txt ...
NOD001>                 - RDA_LOG_R00024_udump1_hcndb1_ora_4780_trc.dat ...
NOD001>                 - RDA_OS_cpu_info.txt ...
NOD001>                 - RDA_ONET_netenv.txt ...
NOD001>                 - RDA_DBA_nls_parms.txt ...
NOD001>                 - RDA_PERF_latch_data.txt ...
NOD001>                 - RDA_INST_R00007_oraInstall2013_01_17_04_36_00PM_out.dat ...
NOD001>                 - RDA_INST_comps_xml.txt ...
NOD001>                 - RDA_ONET_sqlnet_endpoints_listener_ora.txt ...
NOD001>                 - RDA_PERF_lock_data.txt ...
NOD001>                 - RDA_PERF_ash_report.txt ...
NOD001>                 - RDA_OS_nls_env.txt ...
NOD001>                 - RDA_DBA_versions.txt ...
NOD001>                 - RDA_OS_hugepage.txt ...
NOD001>                 - RDA_CFG_database.txt ...
NOD001>                 - RDA_RAC_client_log.txt ...
NOD001>                 - RDA_LOG_R00031_udump8_hcndb1_ora_526_trc.dat ...
NOD001>                 - RDA_DBA_latch_info.txt ...
NOD001>                 - RDA_LOG_R00012_bdump8_hcndb1_lmd0_5074_trc.dat ...
NOD001>                 - RDA_DBA_mts.txt ...
NOD001>                 - RDA_RAC_product_info.txt ...
NOD001>                 - RDA_LOG_R00028_udump5_hcndb1_ora_3994_trc.dat ...
NOD001>                 - RDA_LOG_R00026_udump3_hcndb1_ora_4570_trc.dat ...
NOD001>                 - RDA_LOG_R00020_bdump16_hcndb1_q000_5442_trc.dat ...
NOD001>                 - RDA_ONET_sqlnet_sqlnet_ora.txt ...
NOD001>                 - RDA_DBA_vparameters.txt ...
NOD001>                 - RDA_DBA_datafile.txt ...
NOD001>                 - RDA_DBA_init_ora.txt ...
NOD001>                 - RDA_PERF_top_sql.txt ...
NOD001>                 - RDA_INST_orainventory_files.txt ...
NOD001>                 - RDA_LOG_alert_sum.txt ...
NOD001>                 - RDA_LOG_R00029_udump6_hcndb1_ora_689_trc.dat ...
NOD001>                 - RDA_DBA_aq_data.txt ...
NOD001>                 - RDA_RAC_ipc.txt ...
NOD001>                 - RDA_OS_memory_info.txt ...
NOD001>                 - RDA_LOG_log_trace.txt ...
NOD001>                 - RDA_RAC_racg_dump.txt ...
NOD001>                 - RDA_RAC_alert_log.txt ...
NOD001>                 - RDA_INST_oracle_home.txt ...
NOD001>                 - RDA_RAC_crs_stat.txt ...
NOD001>                 - RDA_INST_R00022_log_configToolAllCommands.txt ...
NOD001>                 - RDA_INST_orainventory_logdir.txt ...
NOD001>                 - RDA_RAC_init.txt ...
NOD001>                 - RDA_ONET_dynamic_dep.txt ...
NOD001>                 - RDA_PROF_env.txt ...
NOD001>                 - RDA_OS_system_error_log.txt ...
NOD001>                 - RDA_DBA_vHWM_Statistic.txt ...
NOD001>                 - RDA_NET_rev_lookup.txt ...
NOD001>                 - RDA_LOG_R00009_bdump5_hcndb1_lgwr_5086_trc.dat ...
NOD001>                 - RDA_NET_etc_files.txt ...
NOD001>                 - RDA_LOG_R00008_bdump4_hcndb1_lck0_29049_trc.dat ...
NOD001>                 - RDA_INST_oracle_install.txt ...
NOD001>                 - RDA_LOG_alert_log.txt ...
NOD001>                 - RDA_PERF_addm_report.txt ...
NOD001>                 - RDA_OS_java_version.txt ...
NOD001>                 - RDA_LOG_R00027_udump4_hcndb1_ora_4564_trc.dat ...
NOD001>                 - RDA_DBA_CPU_Statistic.txt ...
NOD001>                 - RDA_DBA_log_info.txt ...
NOD001>                 - RDA_DBA_vsystem_event.txt ...
NOD001>                 - RDA_OS_sysdef.txt ...
NOD001>                 - RDA_RAC_evm_log.txt ...
NOD001>                 - RDA_DBA_vfeatureusage.txt ...
NOD001>                 - RDA_DBA_voption.txt ...
NOD001>                 - RDA_INST_R00024_log_trace_log.txt ...
NOD001>                 - RDA_RAC_srvctl.txt ...
NOD001>                 - RDA_LOG_R00016_bdump12_hcndb1_lms0_5076_trc.dat ...
NOD001>                 - RDA_INST_L00017_homes.txt ...
NOD001>                 - RDA_RAC_ocrconfig.txt ...
NOD001>                 - RDA_RAC_lastgasp.txt ...
NOD001>                 - RDA_DBM_hwm.txt ...
NOD001>                 - RDA_LOG_R00021_bdump17_hcndb1_q001_5444_trc.dat ...
NOD001>                 - RDA_OS_packages.txt ...
NOD001>                 - RDA_PROF_profiles.txt ...
NOD001>                 - RDA_NET_netperf.txt ...
NOD001>                 - RDA_ONET_sqlnet_listener_ora.txt ...
NOD001>                 - RDA_RAC_cluvfy.txt ...
NOD001>                 - RDA_LOG_R00005_bdump1_hcndb1_diag_5066_trc.dat ...
NOD001>                 - RDA_OS_ntp.txt ...
NOD001>                 - RDA_PROF_dot_bashrc.txt ...
NOD001>                 - RDA_OS_disk_info.txt ...
NOD001>                 - RDA_OS_kernel_info.txt ...
NOD001>                 - RDA_OS_linux_release.txt ...
NOD001>                 - RDA_LOG_R00011_bdump7_hcndb1_lmd0_5072_trc.dat ...
NOD001>                 - RDA_LOG_R00022_bdump18_hcndb1_smon_28411_trc.dat ...
NOD001>                 - RDA_LOG_bdump.txt ...
NOD001>                 - RDA_RAC_cluster_status_file.txt ...
NOD001>                 - RDA_RAC_cluster_net.txt ...
NOD001>                 - RDA_INST_R00023_log_configToolAllCommands_bak.txt ...
NOD001>                 - RDA_DBA_vresource_limit.txt ...
NOD001>                 - RDA_NET_ifconfig.txt ...
NOD001>                 - RDA_OS_services.txt ...
NOD001>                 - RDA_RAC_ocrcheck.txt ...
NOD001>                 - RDA_RAC_interconnect.txt ...
NOD001>                 - RDA_RAC_oifcfg.txt ...
NOD001>                 - RDA_LOG_R00025_udump2_hcndb1_ora_5417_trc.dat ...
NOD001>                 - RDA_LOG_R00006_bdump2_hcndb1_diag_5063_trc.dat ...
NOD001>                 - RDA_INST_oratab.txt ...
NOD001>                 - RDA_DBA_scn_check.txt ...
NOD001>                 - RDA_ONET_sqlnet_tnsnames_ora.txt ...
NOD001>                 - RDA_INST_orainst_loc.txt ...
NOD001>                 - RDA_DBA_security_files.txt ...
NOD001>                 - RDA_DBA_text.txt ...
NOD001>                 - RDA_PERF_awr_report.txt ...
NOD001>                 - RDA_PERF_overview.txt ...
NOD001>                 - RDA_DBA_partition_data.txt ...
NOD001>                 - RDA_DBM_sgastat.txt ...
NOD001>                 - RDA_RAC_crs_log.txt ...
NOD001>                 - RDA_PROF_ulimit.txt ...
NOD001>                 - RDA_LOG_R00018_bdump14_hcndb1_lms1_5080_trc.dat ...
NOD001>                 - RDA_DBA_dba_registry.txt ...
NOD001>                 - RDA_DBA_services.txt ...
NOD001>                 - RDA_LOG_R00007_bdump3_hcndb1_lck0_5112_trc.dat ...
NOD001>                 - RDA_DBA_database_properties.txt ...
NOD001>                 - RDA_RAC_crs_status.txt ...
NOD001>                 - RDA_RAC_css_log.txt ...
NOD001>                 - RDA_RAC_ocrdump.txt ...
NOD001>                 - RDA_DBM_spresmal.txt ...
NOD001>                 - RDA_NET_tcpip_settings.txt ...
NOD001>                 - RDA_DBA_sga_info.txt ...
NOD001>                 - RDA_DBA_vcompatibility.txt ...
NOD001>                 - RDA_DBM_respool.txt ...
NOD001>                 - Report index ...
NOD001>         Packaging the reports ...
NOD001>                 RDA_NOD001.zip created for transfer
NOD001>         Updating the setup file ...
NOD002> Processing RDSP module ...
NOD002> Processing LOAD module ...
NOD002> Processing End module ...
NOD002> -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
NOD002> RDA Data Collection Ended 31-Jan-2013 21:17:17
NOD002> -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
NOD002>         Generating the reports ...
NOD002>                 - RDA_DBA_vsession_wait.txt ...
NOD002>                 - RDA_LOG_R00007_bdump3_hcndb2_lgwr_5085_trc.dat ...
NOD002>                 - RDA_RAC_racOnOff.txt ...
NOD002>                 - RDA_INST_inventory_xml.txt ...
NOD002>                 - RDA_DBA_vcontrolfile.txt ...
NOD002>                 - RDA_DBA_tablespace.txt ...
NOD002>                 - RDA_DBA_jvm_info.txt ...
NOD002>                 - RDA_DBA_undo_info.txt ...
NOD002>                 - RDA_DBM_lchitrat.txt ...
NOD002>                 - RDA_DBM_subpool.txt ...
NOD002>                 - RDA_PROF_dot_bash_profile.txt ...
NOD002>                 - RDA_LOG_R00006_bdump2_hcndb2_diag_5195_trc.dat ...
NOD002>                 - RDA_DBA_vlicense.txt ...
NOD002>                 - RDA_DBA_security.txt ...
NOD002>                 - RDA_OS_etc_conf.txt ...
NOD002>                 - RDA_END_report.txt ...
NOD002>                 - RDA_END_system.txt ...
NOD002>                 - RDA_LOG_R00015_bdump11_hcndb2_lms1_5072_trc.dat ...
NOD002>                 - RDA_OS_numactl.txt ...
NOD002>                 - RDA_OS_tracing.txt ...
NOD002>                 - RDA_DBA_vspparameters.txt ...
NOD002>                 - RDA_LOG_R00025_bdump21_hcndb2_smon_5225_trc.dat ...
NOD002>                 - RDA_LOG_R00021_bdump17_hcndb2_q000_5383_trc.dat ...
NOD002>                 - RDA_LOG_R00030_udump3_hcndb2_ora_5046_trc.dat ...
NOD002>                 - RDA_NET_net_statistics.txt ...
NOD002>                 - RDA_PERF_cbo_trace.txt ...
NOD002>                 - RDA_DBA_vfeatureinfo.txt ...
NOD002>                 - RDA_ONET_adapters.txt ...
NOD002>                 - RDA_LOG_R00028_udump1_hcndb2_ora_1068_trc.dat ...
NOD002>                 - RDA_ONET_R00013_log.dat ...
NOD002>                 - RDA_LOG_udump.txt ...
NOD002>                 - RDA_INST_L00013_homes.txt ...
NOD002>                 - RDA_CFG_oh_inv.txt ...
NOD002>                 - RDA_PERF_autostats.txt ...
NOD002>                 - RDA_DBM_sgacomp.txt ...
NOD002>                 - RDA_DBA_ses_procs.txt ...
NOD002>                 - RDA_LOG_R00023_bdump19_hcndb2_q002_27761_trc.dat ...
NOD002>                 - RDA_END_files.txt ...
NOD002>                 - RDA_LOG_R00012_bdump8_hcndb2_lmon_5199_trc.dat ...
NOD002>                 - RDA_INST_make_report.txt ...
NOD002>                 - RDA_OS_misc_linux_info.txt ...
NOD002>                 - RDA_CFG_homes.txt ...
NOD002>                 - RDA_PROF_etc_profile.txt ...
NOD002>                 - RDA_ONET_hs_inithsodbc_ora.txt ...
NOD002>                 - RDA_DBA_spatial.txt ...
NOD002>                 - RDA_OS_libc.txt ...
NOD002>                 - RDA_DBA_replication.txt ...
NOD002>                 - RDA_NET_udp_settings.txt ...
NOD002>                 - RDA_ONET_lstatus.txt ...
NOD002>                 - RDA_DBM_libcache.txt ...
NOD002>                 - RDA_OS_cpu_info.txt ...
NOD002>                 - RDA_ONET_netenv.txt ...
NOD002>                 - RDA_DBA_nls_parms.txt ...
NOD002>                 - RDA_LOG_R00026_bdump22_hcndb2_smon_28715_trc.dat ...
NOD002>                 - RDA_PERF_latch_data.txt ...
NOD002>                 - RDA_INST_R00007_oraInstall2013_01_17_04_36_00PM_out.dat ...
NOD002>                 - RDA_INST_comps_xml.txt ...
NOD002>                 - RDA_ONET_sqlnet_endpoints_listener_ora.txt ...
NOD002>                 - RDA_PERF_lock_data.txt ...
NOD002>                 - RDA_PERF_ash_report.txt ...
NOD002>                 - RDA_OS_nls_env.txt ...
NOD002>                 - RDA_DBA_versions.txt ...
NOD002>                 - RDA_LOG_R00024_bdump20_hcndb2_q002_32326_trc.dat ...
NOD002>                 - RDA_OS_hugepage.txt ...
NOD002>                 - RDA_CFG_database.txt ...
NOD002>                 - RDA_RAC_client_log.txt ...
NOD002>                 - RDA_DBA_latch_info.txt ...
NOD002>                 - RDA_DBA_mts.txt ...
NOD002>                 - RDA_RAC_product_info.txt ...
NOD002>                 - RDA_INST_L00014_oh_inv.txt ...
NOD002>                 - RDA_LOG_R00019_bdump15_hcndb2_p001_5169_trc.dat ...
NOD002>                 - RDA_LOG_R00014_bdump10_hcndb2_lms0_5208_trc.dat ...
NOD002>                 - RDA_ONET_sqlnet_sqlnet_ora.txt ...
NOD002>                 - RDA_DBA_vparameters.txt ...
NOD002>                 - RDA_DBA_datafile.txt ...
NOD002>                 - RDA_LOG_R00017_bdump13_hcndb2_p000_5167_trc.dat ...
NOD002>                 - RDA_DBA_init_ora.txt ...
NOD002>                 - RDA_PERF_top_sql.txt ...
NOD002>                 - RDA_INST_orainventory_files.txt ...
NOD002>                 - RDA_LOG_R00005_bdump1_hcndb2_diag_5060_trc.dat ...
NOD002>                 - RDA_LOG_alert_sum.txt ...
NOD002>                 - RDA_DBA_aq_data.txt ...
NOD002>                 - RDA_RAC_ipc.txt ...
NOD002>                 - RDA_OS_memory_info.txt ...
NOD002>                 - RDA_LOG_log_trace.txt ...
NOD002>                 - RDA_RAC_racg_dump.txt ...
NOD002>                 - RDA_RAC_alert_log.txt ...
NOD002>                 - RDA_INST_oracle_home.txt ...
NOD002>                 - RDA_RAC_crs_stat.txt ...
NOD002>                 - RDA_INST_orainventory_logdir.txt ...
NOD002>                 - RDA_RAC_init.txt ...
NOD002>                 - RDA_ONET_dynamic_dep.txt ...
NOD002>                 - RDA_PROF_env.txt ...
NOD002>                 - RDA_OS_system_error_log.txt ...
NOD002>                 - RDA_DBA_vHWM_Statistic.txt ...
NOD002>                 - RDA_NET_rev_lookup.txt ...
NOD002>                 - RDA_NET_etc_files.txt ...
NOD002>                 - RDA_INST_oracle_install.txt ...
NOD002>                 - RDA_LOG_alert_log.txt ...
NOD002>                 - RDA_PERF_addm_report.txt ...
NOD002>                 - RDA_OS_java_version.txt ...
NOD002>                 - RDA_LOG_R00008_bdump4_hcndb2_lgwr_5220_trc.dat ...
NOD002>                 - RDA_DBA_CPU_Statistic.txt ...
NOD002>                 - RDA_DBA_log_info.txt ...
NOD002>                 - RDA_DBA_vsystem_event.txt ...
NOD002>                 - RDA_OS_sysdef.txt ...
NOD002>                 - RDA_RAC_evm_log.txt ...
NOD002>                 - RDA_LOG_R00011_bdump7_hcndb2_lmon_5064_trc.dat ...
NOD002>                 - RDA_DBA_vfeatureusage.txt ...
NOD002>                 - RDA_DBA_voption.txt ...
NOD002>                 - RDA_RAC_srvctl.txt ...
NOD002>                 - RDA_LOG_R00013_bdump9_hcndb2_lms0_5068_trc.dat ...
NOD002>                 - RDA_RAC_ocrconfig.txt ...
NOD002>                 - RDA_RAC_lastgasp.txt ...
NOD002>                 - RDA_DBM_hwm.txt ...
NOD002>                 - RDA_OS_packages.txt ...
NOD002>                 - RDA_PROF_profiles.txt ...
NOD002>                 - RDA_NET_netperf.txt ...
NOD002>                 - RDA_ONET_sqlnet_listener_ora.txt ...
NOD002>                 - RDA_RAC_cluvfy.txt ...
NOD002>                 - RDA_LOG_R00020_bdump16_hcndb2_p001_27765_trc.dat ...
NOD002>                 - RDA_OS_ntp.txt ...
NOD002>                 - RDA_PROF_dot_bashrc.txt ...
NOD002>                 - RDA_OS_disk_info.txt ...
NOD002>                 - RDA_OS_kernel_info.txt ...
NOD002>                 - RDA_OS_linux_release.txt ...
NOD002>                 - RDA_LOG_R00018_bdump14_hcndb2_p000_27763_trc.dat ...
NOD002>                 - RDA_LOG_bdump.txt ...
NOD002>                 - RDA_RAC_cluster_status_file.txt ...
NOD002>                 - RDA_RAC_cluster_net.txt ...
NOD002>                 - RDA_LOG_R00029_udump2_hcndb2_ora_5165_trc.dat ...
NOD002>                 - RDA_DBA_vresource_limit.txt ...
NOD002>                 - RDA_NET_ifconfig.txt ...
NOD002>                 - RDA_LOG_R00016_bdump12_hcndb2_lms1_5212_trc.dat ...
NOD002>                 - RDA_OS_services.txt ...
NOD002>                 - RDA_RAC_ocrcheck.txt ...
NOD002>                 - RDA_RAC_interconnect.txt ...
NOD002>                 - RDA_RAC_oifcfg.txt ...
NOD002>                 - RDA_INST_oratab.txt ...
NOD002>                 - RDA_DBA_scn_check.txt ...
NOD002>                 - RDA_ONET_sqlnet_tnsnames_ora.txt ...
NOD002>                 - RDA_INST_orainst_loc.txt ...
NOD002>                 - RDA_DBA_security_files.txt ...
NOD002>                 - RDA_LOG_R00022_bdump18_hcndb2_q001_5385_trc.dat ...
NOD002>                 - RDA_DBA_text.txt ...
NOD002>                 - RDA_PERF_awr_report.txt ...
NOD002>                 - RDA_PERF_overview.txt ...
NOD002>                 - RDA_DBA_partition_data.txt ...
NOD002>                 - RDA_DBM_sgastat.txt ...
NOD002>                 - RDA_RAC_crs_log.txt ...
NOD002>                 - RDA_PROF_ulimit.txt ...
NOD002>                 - RDA_LOG_R00009_bdump5_hcndb2_lmd0_5066_trc.dat ...
NOD002>                 - RDA_DBA_dba_registry.txt ...
NOD002>                 - RDA_DBA_services.txt ...
NOD002>                 - RDA_DBA_database_properties.txt ...
NOD002>                 - RDA_RAC_crs_status.txt ...
NOD002>                 - RDA_RAC_css_log.txt ...
NOD002>                 - RDA_RAC_ocrdump.txt ...
NOD002>                 - RDA_DBM_spresmal.txt ...
NOD002>                 - RDA_NET_tcpip_settings.txt ...
NOD002>                 - RDA_DBA_sga_info.txt ...
NOD002>                 - RDA_LOG_R00010_bdump6_hcndb2_lmd0_5206_trc.dat ...
NOD002>                 - RDA_INST_R00008_oraInstall2013_01_17_09_53_10PM_out.dat ...
NOD002>                 - RDA_DBA_vcompatibility.txt ...
NOD002>                 - RDA_DBM_respool.txt ...
NOD002>                 - Report index ...
NOD002>         Packaging the reports ...
NOD002>                 RDA_NOD002.zip created for transfer
NOD002>         Updating the setup file ...
Processing RDSP module ...
Processing LOAD module ...
Processing End module ...
RDA Data Collection Ended 31-Jan-2013 21:17:21
        Generating the reports ...
                - RDA_LOG_R00022_udump1_hcndb1_ora_526_trc.dat ...
                - RDA_BR_dump_request.txt ...
                - RDA_DBA_vsession_wait.txt ...
                - RDA_LOG_R00017_bdump13_hcndb1_lms1_5078_trc.dat ...
                - RDA_RAC_racOnOff.txt ...
                - RDA_INST_inventory_xml.txt ...
                - RDA_DBA_vcontrolfile.txt ...
                - RDA_DBA_tablespace.txt ...
                - RDA_DBA_jvm_info.txt ...
                - RDA_DBA_undo_info.txt ...
                - RDA_DBM_lchitrat.txt ...
                - RDA_LOG_R00015_bdump11_hcndb1_lms0_5074_trc.dat ...
                - RDA_DBM_subpool.txt ...
                - RDA_PROF_dot_bash_profile.txt ...
                - RDA_DBA_vlicense.txt ...
                - RDA_RDSP_overview.txt ...
                - RDA_DBA_security.txt ...
                - RDA_OS_etc_conf.txt ...
                - RDA_END_report.txt ...
                - RDA_END_system.txt ...
                - RDA_BR_data_file.txt ...
                - RDA_OS_numactl.txt ...
                - RDA_OS_tracing.txt ...
                - RDA_DBA_vspparameters.txt ...
                - RDA_BR_db.txt ...
                - RDA_ASM_R00021_log_50_udev_rules.txt ...
                - RDA_ASM_R00037_log_asm1_diag_4820_trc.txt ...
                - RDA_NET_net_statistics.txt ...
                - RDA_PERF_cbo_trace.txt ...
                - RDA_ASM_R00030_log_echo.txt ...
                - RDA_ASM_R00040_log_asm1_lmd0_4799_trc.txt ...
                - RDA_ASM_alert_log.txt ...
                - RDA_ASM_partitions.txt ...
                - RDA_DBA_vfeatureinfo.txt ...
                - RDA_ONET_adapters.txt ...
                - RDA_ASM_R00027_log_90_hal_rules.txt ...
                - RDA_BR_dump_file.txt ...
                - RDA_ASM_R00023_log_60_raw_rules.txt ...
                - RDA_ONET_R00013_log.dat ...
                - RDA_LOG_udump.txt ...
                - RDA_CFG_oh_inv.txt ...
                - RDA_PERF_autostats.txt ...
                - RDA_DBM_sgacomp.txt ...
                - RDA_RACD_ssd.txt ...
                - RDA_INST_L00018_oh_inv.txt ...
                - RDA_ASM_vspparameters.txt ...
                - RDA_DBA_ses_procs.txt ...
                - RDA_END_files.txt ...
                - RDA_LOG_R00014_bdump10_hcndb1_lmon_5067_trc.dat ...
                - RDA_LOG_R00019_bdump15_hcndb1_m000_28665_trc.dat ...
                - RDA_INST_make_report.txt ...
                - RDA_OS_misc_linux_info.txt ...
                - RDA_ASM_R00025_log_88_clock_rules.txt ...
                - RDA_CFG_homes.txt ...
                - RDA_PROF_etc_profile.txt ...
                - RDA_ONET_hs_inithsodbc_ora.txt ...
                - RDA_LOG_R00013_bdump9_hcndb1_lmon_5070_trc.dat ...
                - RDA_DBA_spatial.txt ...
                - RDA_OS_libc.txt ...
                - RDA_DBA_replication.txt ...
                - RDA_LOG_R00010_bdump6_hcndb1_lgwr_5088_trc.dat ...
                - RDA_NET_udp_settings.txt ...
                - RDA_ONET_lstatus.txt ...
                - RDA_DBM_libcache.txt ...
                - RDA_OS_cpu_info.txt ...
                - RDA_ASM_R00047_log_asm1_rbal_4842_trc.txt ...
                - RDA_ASM_R00024_log_61_uinput_stddev_rules.txt ...
                - RDA_ONET_netenv.txt ...
                - RDA_ASM_R00045_log_asm1_lms0_4828_trc.txt ...
                - RDA_DBA_nls_parms.txt ...
                - RDA_ASM_R00026_log_90_dm_rules.txt ...
                - RDA_PERF_latch_data.txt ...
                - RDA_INST_R00007_oraInstall2013_01_17_04_36_00PM_out.dat ...
                - RDA_INST_comps_xml.txt ...
                - RDA_ONET_sqlnet_endpoints_listener_ora.txt ...
                - RDA_PERF_lock_data.txt ...
                - RDA_ASM_R00046_log_asm1_rbal_4815_trc.txt ...
                - RDA_PERF_ash_report.txt ...
                - RDA_OS_nls_env.txt ...
                - RDA_DBA_versions.txt ...
                - RDA_OS_hugepage.txt ...
                - RDA_CFG_database.txt ...
                - RDA_RAC_client_log.txt ...
                - RDA_DBA_latch_info.txt ...
                - RDA_LOG_R00012_bdump8_hcndb1_lmd0_5074_trc.dat ...
                - RDA_DBA_mts.txt ...
                - RDA_RAC_product_info.txt ...
                - RDA_BR_user_dump.txt ...
                - RDA_ONET_sqlnet_sqlnet_ora.txt ...
                - RDA_DBA_vparameters.txt ...
                - RDA_DBA_datafile.txt ...
                - RDA_ASM_R00020_log_40_multipath_rules.txt ...
                - RDA_DBA_init_ora.txt ...
                - RDA_PERF_top_sql.txt ...
                - RDA_INST_orainventory_files.txt ...
                - RDA_LOG_alert_sum.txt ...
                - RDA_DBA_aq_data.txt ...
                - RDA_RAC_ipc.txt ...
                - RDA_OS_memory_info.txt ...
                - RDA_LOG_log_trace.txt ...
                - RDA_RAC_racg_dump.txt ...
                - RDA_RAC_alert_log.txt ...
                - RDA_INST_oracle_home.txt ...
                - RDA_RAC_crs_stat.txt ...
                - RDA_INST_R00022_log_configToolAllCommands.txt ...
                - RDA_INST_orainventory_logdir.txt ...
                - RDA_RAC_init.txt ...
                - RDA_ONET_dynamic_dep.txt ...
                - RDA_PROF_env.txt ...
                - RDA_ASM_R00048_log_asm1_ora_4816_trc.txt ...
                - RDA_OS_system_error_log.txt ...
                - RDA_ASM_R00007_kffxp.dat ...
                - RDA_DBA_vHWM_Statistic.txt ...
                - RDA_NET_rev_lookup.txt ...
                - RDA_LOG_R00009_bdump5_hcndb1_lgwr_5086_trc.dat ...
                - RDA_ASM_R00028_log_99_oracle_asmdevices_rules.txt ...
                - RDA_NET_etc_files.txt ...
                - RDA_ASM_R00041_log_asm1_lmd0_4826_trc.txt ...
                - RDA_LOG_R00008_bdump4_hcndb1_lck0_29049_trc.dat ...
                - RDA_ASM_vis_disks.txt ...
                - RDA_ASM_storage_info.txt ...
                - RDA_BR_ctlfil_trace.txt ...
                - RDA_INST_oracle_install.txt ...
                - RDA_LOG_alert_log.txt ...
                - RDA_LOG_R00024_udump3_hcndb1_ora_5047_trc.dat ...
                - RDA_PERF_addm_report.txt ...
                - RDA_ASM_product_info.txt ...
                - RDA_OS_java_version.txt ...
                - RDA_LOG_R00020_bdump16_hcndb1_smon_28411_trc.dat ...
                - RDA_DBA_CPU_Statistic.txt ...
                - RDA_DBA_log_info.txt ...
                - RDA_DBA_vsystem_event.txt ...
                - RDA_OS_sysdef.txt ...
                - RDA_RAC_evm_log.txt ...
                - RDA_ASM_R00029_log_done.txt ...
                - RDA_DBA_vfeatureusage.txt ...
                - RDA_DBA_voption.txt ...
                - RDA_INST_R00024_log_trace_log.txt ...
                - RDA_RAC_srvctl.txt ...
                - RDA_LOG_R00016_bdump12_hcndb1_lms0_5076_trc.dat ...
                - RDA_INST_L00017_homes.txt ...
                - RDA_RAC_ocrconfig.txt ...
                - RDA_RAC_lastgasp.txt ...
                - RDA_ASM_dev_list.txt ...
                - RDA_DBM_hwm.txt ...
                - RDA_OS_packages.txt ...
                - RDA_PROF_profiles.txt ...
                - RDA_ASM_R00019_log_05_udev_early_rules.txt ...
                - RDA_ASM_alert_sum.txt ...
                - RDA_RDSP_results.txt ...
                - RDA_NET_netperf.txt ...
                - RDA_ONET_sqlnet_listener_ora.txt ...
                - RDA_RAC_cluvfy.txt ...
                - RDA_ASM_R00039_log_asm1_gmon_4844_trc.txt ...
                - RDA_LOG_R00005_bdump1_hcndb1_diag_5066_trc.dat ...
                - RDA_ASM_overview.txt ...
                - RDA_ASM_space_info.txt ...
                - RDA_OS_ntp.txt ...
                - RDA_PROF_dot_bashrc.txt ...
                - RDA_OS_disk_info.txt ...
                - RDA_OS_kernel_info.txt ...
                - RDA_OS_linux_release.txt ...
                - RDA_LOG_R00011_bdump7_hcndb1_lmd0_5072_trc.dat ...
                - RDA_LOG_bdump.txt ...
                - RDA_RAC_cluster_status_file.txt ...
                - RDA_ASM_vparameters.txt ...
                - RDA_RAC_cluster_net.txt ...
                - RDA_INST_R00023_log_configToolAllCommands_bak.txt ...
                - RDA_ASM_R00036_log_asm1_diag_4793_trc.txt ...
                - RDA_DBA_vresource_limit.txt ...
                - RDA_ASM_R00042_log_asm1_lmon_4797_trc.txt ...
                - RDA_NET_ifconfig.txt ...
                - RDA_OS_services.txt ...
                - RDA_RAC_ocrcheck.txt ...
                - RDA_RAC_interconnect.txt ...
                - RDA_RAC_oifcfg.txt ...
                - RDA_RACD_R00002_diaghcndb1_diag_5066_trc.dat ...
                - RDA_LOG_R00006_bdump2_hcndb1_diag_5063_trc.dat ...
                - RDA_INST_oratab.txt ...
                - RDA_LOG_R00023_udump2_hcndb1_ora_5214_trc.dat ...
                - RDA_ASM_init_ora.txt ...
                - RDA_DBA_scn_check.txt ...
                - RDA_ONET_sqlnet_tnsnames_ora.txt ...
                - RDA_INST_orainst_loc.txt ...
                - RDA_DBA_security_files.txt ...
                - RDA_RACD_diag.txt ...
                - RDA_DBA_text.txt ...
                - RDA_PERF_awr_report.txt ...
                - RDA_PERF_overview.txt ...
                - RDA_DBA_partition_data.txt ...
                - RDA_ASM_R00044_log_asm1_lms0_4801_trc.txt ...
                - RDA_ASM_R00022_log_51_hotplug_rules.txt ...
                - RDA_DBM_sgastat.txt ...
                - RDA_RAC_crs_log.txt ...
                - RDA_PROF_ulimit.txt ...
                - RDA_LOG_R00018_bdump14_hcndb1_lms1_5080_trc.dat ...
                - RDA_DBA_dba_registry.txt ...
                - RDA_DBA_services.txt ...
                - RDA_ASM_R00043_log_asm1_lmon_4824_trc.txt ...
                - RDA_LOG_R00007_bdump3_hcndb1_lck0_5112_trc.dat ...
                - RDA_DBA_database_properties.txt ...
                - RDA_BR_R00006_ctlfil_data.dat ...
                - RDA_RAC_crs_status.txt ...
                - RDA_RAC_css_log.txt ...
                - RDA_RAC_ocrdump.txt ...
                - RDA_ASM_log_trace.txt ...
                - RDA_ASM_R00038_log_asm1_gmon_4817_trc.txt ...
                - RDA_DBM_spresmal.txt ...
                - RDA_NET_tcpip_settings.txt ...
                - RDA_ASM_R00006_kfdat.dat ...
                - RDA_DBA_sga_info.txt ...
                - RDA_DBA_vcompatibility.txt ...
                - RDA_DBM_respool.txt ...
                - Report index ...
        Packaging the reports ...

 You can review the reports by transferring the contents of the
 /home/oracle/rda/rda/output directory to a location where you have
 web-browser access. Then, point your browser at this file to display the

 Based on your server configuration, some possible alternative approaches are:
 - If your client computer with a browser has access to a web shared
   directory, copy the /home/oracle/rda/rda/output directory to the web shared
   directory and visit this URL:
 - If your client computer with a browser has FTP access to the server
   computer with the /home/oracle/rda/rda/output directory, visit this URL:

 If this file was generated to assist in resolving a Service Request, please
 send /home/oracle/rda/rda/output/RDA.RDA_hcn1.zip to Oracle Support by
 uploading the file via My Oracle Support. If ftp'ing the file, please be sure
 to ftp in BINARY format.

 Please note: Do not submit any health, payment card or other sensitive
 production data that requires protections greater than those specified in the
 Oracle GCS Security Practices
 Information on how to remove data from your submission is available at

        Updating the setup file ...
[oracle@hcn1 rda]$ 






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