Panic IN Rust


  • Option::None and Result::Err => unwrap() expect() to panic.

  • Panicking will unwind the stack, running destructors and ensuring that memory is cleaned up. Abort does not do this, and relies on the OS to clean it up properly.

  • Unwinding the Stack or Aborting in Response to a Panic

By default, when a panic occurs, the program starts unwinding, which means Rust walks back up the stack and cleans up the data from each function it encounters. But this walking back and cleanup is a lot of work. The alternative is to immediately abort, which ends the program without cleaning up. Memory that the program was using will then need to be cleaned up by the operating system. If in your project you need to make the resulting binary as small as possible, you can switch from unwinding to aborting upon a panic by adding panic = 'abort' to the appropriate [profile]sections in your Cargo.toml file. For example, if you want to abort on panic in release mode, add this:

[profile.release] panic = 'abort'

RUST_BACKTRACE=1 cargo run //可以打印出详细栈信息。

Debug symbols are enabled by default when using cargo build or cargo run without the --release flag

编译器提供了一个选项,供用户指定 panic 的实现方式。如下所示:

rustc -C panic=unwind

rustc -C panic=abort

如果我们尝试使用 “-C panic=abort” 选项编译代码,可以看到,这个 std::panic::catch_unwind 起不了什么作用。但是,请大家注意,这个 catch_unwind 机制绝对不是设计用于模拟 “try catch” 机制的。请大家永远不要利用这个机制,来做正常的流程控制。它的主要用处在哪里呢,比如下面的这些情况:

  1. FFI场景下的时候,如果说C语言调用了Rust的函数,在Rust内部出现了panic,如果这个panicRust内部没有处理好,直接扔到C代码中去,会导致C语言产生“未定义行为(undefined behavior)”。

  2. 某些高级抽象机制,需要阻止栈展开,比如线程池,如果一个线程中出现了panic,我们希望只把这个线程关闭,而不至于将整个线程池一起被拖下水。


  • 异常安全存在4种层次的保证:

  1. No-throw. 这种层次的安全性,保证了所有的异常都在内部正确处理完毕,外部毫无影响。

  2. Strong exception safety. 强异常安全保证,可以保证异常发生的时候,所有的状态都可以“回滚”到初始状 态,不会导致状态不一致问题。

  3. Basic exception safety. 基本异常安全保证,可以保证异常发生的时候,不会导致资源泄漏。

  4. No exception safety. 没有任何异常安全保证。

  • forget 函数可以阻止一个对象的析构函数调用。FFI用得着!

  • In Rust, a panic terminates the current thread but is not sent back to and break themain thread. if the main thread panics it will terminate all your threads and end your program with code 101.

  • althoughtsome panic occurred in child thread , but the panic cannot sent back to and break the parent thread.

注意:以上两点, panic only terminates the current thread, then return a Result::Err(Any) to the parent thread.

  • Catch and Recover Panics

Note that panic::catch_unwind function may not catch all panics in Rust. A panic in Rust is not always implemented via unwinding, but can be implemented by aborting the process as well. This function only catches unwinding panics, not those that abort the process.

use std::panic;
fn main() {
 let result = panic::catch_unwind(|| {
       println!("no panics , all is ok!");
  let result = panic::catch_unwind(|| {
          panic!("oh panic occured !");
  println!("main thread is ok" );


  • Rethrow Panic

use std::panic;
fn main() {
 let result = panic::catch_unwind(|| {
     panic!("oh no!, panic occured!");
 println!("I am ok 1st", );
 if let Err(err) = result {
     println!("I am ok 2nd", );
     //println!("unreachable here", );
 println!("unreachable here", );
  1. Triggers a panic without invoking thepanic hook. 注意:不会调用panic hook

  2. This is designed to be used in conjunction with catch_unwind to, for example, carry a panic across a layer of C code.

主要用于FFI, 根据C代码中传出来的Err,在Rust代码中throw a panic.


  • Set a panic hook

use std::panic;
fn main() {
panic::set_hook(Box::new(|info| {
   println!("Custom panic hook: {:?}", info);
panic!("Normal panic");

Registers a custom panic hook, replacing any that was previously registered.

The panic hook is invoked when a thread panics, but before the panic runtime is invoked. As such, the hook will run with both the aborting and unwindingruntimes. The default hook prints a message to standard error and generates a backtrace if requested, but this behavior can be customized with the set_hook and take_hook functions.

The hook is provided with a PanicInfo structwhich contains information about the origin of the panic, including the payload passed to panic! and the source code location from which the panic originated.

The panic hook is a global resource.


  • Take a panic hook

use std::panic;
fn main() {
 panic::set_hook(Box::new(|_| {
     println!("Custom panic hook");
 let _ = panic::take_hook();
 panic!("Normal panic");
  1. Unregisters the current panic hook, returning it. 注销之前注册的自定义hook.

  2. If no custom hook is registered, the default hook will be returned.


  • Some Rust panic example code

  1. write panic info to log

use std::panic;
use std::ops::Deref;
fn main() {
panic::set_hook(Box::new(|panic_info| {
  let (filename, line) = panic_info.location()
                                                                  .map(|loc| (loc.file(), loc.line()))
                                                                  .unwrap_or(("<unknown>", 0));
  let cause = panic_info.payload()
  let cause = cause.unwrap_or_else(|| {
                              .downcast_ref::<&str>().map(|s| *s)
                              .unwrap_or("<cause unknown>")
println!("Test A panic occurred at {}:{}: {}", filename, line, cause); //you can write panicinfo to log/file/io here.
panic!("oh panic!");
  1. 统一处理panic

use std::thread;
use std::panic;
use std::time;
use std::any::Any;
fn main() {
     println!("Entering main!");
     let h = thread::spawn(|| {
         let dur_millis = time::Duration::from_millis(500);
     let r = h.join();
     let r = panic::catch_unwind(|| {
         let dur_millis = time::Duration::from_millis(500);
         panic!(String::from("boom again!"));
     println!("Exiting main!");
//both of the panic::catch_unwind and thread::spawn  is to return Err(Any)
//fn handle(r: thread::Result<()>) {
fn handle<T: std::fmt::Debug>( r:  Result<T, Box<dyn Any + Send + 'static>>) {
//r: Box<T+ Send + 'static> is an owned pointer to a value (with the original type unknown and dynamically //change) such as std::any::Any , which can be sent across threads and lives as long as the program itself.
//中文意思大概是: 这是一个指针, 指向动态大小的类型,所指value可以在线程间传递,并且其生命周期长度与本//进程一样长。
     println!("{:?}", r );
     match r {
         Ok(r) => println!("All is well! {:?}", r),
         Err(e) => {
             if let Some(e) = e.downcast_ref::<&'static str>() {
                 println!("Got an error: {}", e);
             else if let Some(e) = e.downcast_ref::<String>() {
                     println!("Got an error: {}", e);
              else {
                 println!("Got an unknown error: {:?}", e);


  • What is unwind safety? that is panic safe.

    1. Panic可能引发2个问题
  • A data structure is in a temporarily invalid state when the thread panics.

  • This broken invariant is then later observed.

简单讲:由于panic发生, 导致某个元素处于无效状态,而且这个无效元素可以被外部引用到!

反过来讲,只要以上2点同时成立,则必然是unwind not safe。当然就不是panic safe!

Types such as &mut T and &RefCell are examples which are not unwind safe. The general idea is that any mutable state which can be shared across catch_unwind is not unwind safe by default. This is because it is very easy to witness a broken invariant outside of catch_unwind as the data is simply accessed as usual.

Types like &Mutex, however, are unwind safe because they implement poisoning by default. They still allow witnessing a broken invariant, but they already provide their own "speed bumps" to do so.

共享不可变,可变不共享,按照这个Rust最高哲学原则之一来判定, 通常而言那些可变且共享的元素(包括内部可变性)就是不安全的, 故此不满足UnwindSafe

  1. 询问Rust Compiler那些元素是UnWindSafe

use std::cell::RefCell;
use std::sync::Mutex;
//do ask rust compiler what types are unwindsafe.
fn implements<T: std::panic::UnwindSafe>() {}
fn main() {
//below all is UnwindSafe.
//below all is not UnwindSafe.
 implements::<&mut i32>();

注意:Mutex虽然是内部可变且共享元素, 但却是UnWindSafe的;当持有这个Mutex的线程panic时, 这个Mutex通过自身的Poisoned策略, 可以对外部所有线程证明,我中毒了,我被panic毒害了,所以你们可以自己选择是否信任使用我持有的数据!正式因为Mutex可以自证清白,所以Rust Compiler认为它是UnWindSafe的!由此推到出第3个原则:一个共享可变元素,经历panic后,如果可以对外证明宣称自己已中毒而不会再毒害他人, 则Rust Compiler认为这个元素就是UnWindSafe 。此为我的理解,谬误请一笑了之!

use std::sync::{Arc, Mutex};
use std::thread;

fn main() {

 let lock = Arc::new(Mutex::new(0_u32));
 let lock2 = lock.clone();

 let _ = thread::spawn(move || -> () {
 // This thread will acquire the mutex first, unwrapping the result of
 // `lock` because the lock has not been poisoned.
 let _guard = lock2.lock().unwrap();

 // This panic while holding the lock (`_guard` is in scope) will poison
 // the mutex.

// The lock is poisoned by this point, but the returned result can be
// pattern matched on to return the underlying guard on both branches.
 let mut guard = match lock.lock() {
     Ok(guard) => guard,
     Err(poisoned) => poisoned.into_inner(),

 println!("{}", *guard );
 *guard += 1;
 println!("{}", *guard );

 assert_eq!(lock.is_poisoned(), true);
 println!("poisoned: {}",lock.is_poisoned() );

  1. AssertUnwindSafe主动宣称我是UnWindSafe的,请Rust Compiler放过我

use std::panic::{self, AssertUnwindSafe};

fn main() {

 let mut variable = 4;
 println!("{}",variable );
 // This code will not compile because the closure captures `&mut variable`
 // which is not considered unwind safe by default.

 // panic::catch_unwind(|| {
 //     variable += 3;
 // });

 // This, however, will compile due to the `AssertUnwindSafe` wrapper
 let result = panic::catch_unwind(AssertUnwindSafe(|| {
     variable += 3;

 println!("{}",variable );
 println!("{:?}",result );

  1. 采用C++RAII模式, 当Panic发生时, 那么在Unwind模式下,Rust保证自动调用每一个栈对象的析构函数(但forget主动放弃析构函数被调用的对象除外) , 从而保证内存和各种资源的有效释放清理。 但是如果是Abort模式 , 亦或直接调用了exit()或abort()等系统接口, 则进程当即死亡, 故而Rust 没有自动调用析构函数的机会,内存和资源只能泄露了, 由操作系统打扫战场。


  • 代码例子都在目录:panic_in_rust/


  • 深入浅出Rust, 范长春著, 机械工业出版社

  • Rust编程之道,张汉东著,电子工业出版社



















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