
'		用ASP实现无组件上传/下载文件
' 功能简介	
' 将上传的文件数据保存到数据库中,可以处理表单中的多个上传文件的情况
' 适用于各种数据库,使用ADO的方法连接数据库
' 本示例中使用的是ACCESS数据库:zj.mdb
' 表:tb_img(id int(自增列),path text(255) 保存上传文件的目录
'	,fname text(250) 保存上传的文件名,img ole对象 保存上传的文件内容
'   ,type text(250)  保存上传的文件类型
' 邹建  2003.10

'	上传文件的HTML页: zj_up.htm


'================================================================== ' ' 上传文件保存到数据库的ASP页: zj_up.asp ' '================================================================== 127 Then iRe = iRe & Chr(AscW(MidB(sBin, iI + 1, 1) & iChr)) iI = iI + 1 Else iRe = iRe & Chr(AscB(iChr)) End If Next End If f_Bin2Str = iRe End Function iConcStr = "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Persist Security Info=False" & _ ";Data Source=" & server.mappath("zj.mdb") iSql="tb_img" set iRe=Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset") iRe.Open iSql,iConcStr,1,3 iLen=Request.TotalBytes sBin=Request.BinaryRead(iLen) iCrlf1 = ChrB(13) & ChrB(10) iCrlf2 = iCrlf1 & iCrlf1 iLen = InStrB(1, sBin, iCrlf1) - 1 iSpc = LeftB(sBin, iLen) sBin = MidB(sBin, iLen + 34) iPos1 = InStrB(sBin, iCrlf2) - 1 While iPos1 > 0 iStr = f_Bin2Str(LeftB(sBin, iPos1)) iPos1 = iPos1 + 5 iPos2 = InStrB(iPos1, sBin, iSpc) iPos3 = InStr(iStr, "; filename=""") + 12 If iPos3 > 12 Then iStr = Mid(iStr, iPos3) iPos3 = InStr(iStr, Chr(13) & Chr(10) & "Content-Type: ") - 2 iFn = Left(iStr, iPos3) If iFn <> "" Then iRe.AddNew ire("path")=left(iFn,instrrev(iFn,"\")) iRe("fname") = mid(iFn,instrrev(iFn,"\")+1) iRe("type") = Mid(iStr, iPos3 + 18) iRe("img").AppendChunk MidB(sBin, iPos1, iPos2 - iPos1) iRe.Update End If End If sBin = MidB(sBin, iPos2 + iLen + 34) iPos1 = InStrB(sBin, iCrlf2) - 1 Wend iRe.close set iRe=Nothing %> '================================================================== ' ' 下载数据的ASP页: zj_down.asp ' '================================================================== a.html _____________________________________________

无组件ASP文件上传源代码 记得在建立一个文件夹"updata" saveannounce_upload.asp 上传页 ------------------------------------ body {font-size:9pt;} input {font-size:9pt;} 文件上传 文件 ------------------------------------ saveannouce_upfile.asp 保存文件到服务器 ------------------------------------ 文件上传 <% dim upload,file,formName,formPath set upload=new upload_5xSoft ''建立上传对象 formPath=upload.form("filepath") ''在目录后加(/) if right(formPath,1)"/" then formPath=formPath&"/" for each formName in upload.file ''列出所有上传了的文件 set file=upload.file(formName) ''生成一个文件对象 if file.filesize<100 then response.write "请先选择你要上传文件 [ 重新上传 ]" response.end end if if file.filesize>500*1000 then '设置上传文件大小为500K response.write "文件大小超过了限制 500K [ 重新上传 ]" response.end end if if file.FileSize>0 then ''如果 FileSize > 0 说明有文件数据 file.SaveAs Server.mappath("updata\"&file.FileName) ''保存文件 end if set file=nothing next set upload=nothing response.write "文件上传成功 [ 继续上传 ]" %> ------------------------------------ upload.inc 建立upload对象 ------------------------------------ dim upfile_5xSoft_Stream Class upload_5xSoft dim Form,File,Version Private Sub Class_Initialize dim iStart,iFileNameStart,iFileNameEnd,iEnd,vbEnter,iFormStart,iFormEnd,theFile dim strDiv,mFormName,mFormValue,mFileName,mFileSize,mFilePath,iDivLen,mStr Version="" if Request.TotalBytes<1 then Exit Sub set Form=CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary") set File=CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary") set upfile_5xSoft_Stream=CreateObject("Adodb.Stream") upfile_5xSoft_Stream.mode=3 upfile_5xSoft_Stream.type=1 upfile_5xSoft_Stream.open upfile_5xSoft_Stream.write Request.BinaryRead(Request.TotalBytes) vbEnter=Chr(13)&Chr(10) iDivLen=inString(1,vbEnter)+1 strDiv=subString(1,iDivLen) iFormStart=iDivLen iFormEnd=inString(iformStart,strDiv)-1 while iFormStart 0 and iFileNameStartiStart then mFileSize=iEnd-iStart-4 else mFileSize=0 end if set theFile=new FileInfo theFile.FileName=getFileName(mFileName) theFile.FilePath=getFilePath(mFileName) theFile.FileSize=mFileSize theFile.FileStart=iStart+4 theFile.FormName=FormName file.add mFormName,theFile else iStart=inString(iEnd+1,vbEnter&vbEnter) iEnd=inString(iStart+4,vbEnter&strDiv) if iEnd>iStart then mFormValue=subString(iStart+4,iEnd-iStart-4) else mFormValue="" end if form.Add mFormName,mFormValue end if iFormStart=iformEnd+iDivLen iFormEnd=inString(iformStart,strDiv)-1 wend End Sub Private Function subString(theStart,theLen) dim i,c,stemp upfile_5xSoft_Stream.Position=theStart-1 stemp="" for i=1 to theLen if upfile_5xSoft_Stream.EOS then Exit for c=ascB(upfile_5xSoft_Stream.Read(1)) If c > 127 Then if upfile_5xSoft_Stream.EOS then Exit for stemp=stemp&Chr(AscW(ChrB(AscB(upfile_5xSoft_Stream.Read(1)))&ChrB(c))) i=i+1 else stemp=stemp&Chr(c) End If Next subString=stemp End function Private Function inString(theStart,varStr) dim i,j,bt,theLen,str InString=0 Str=toByte(varStr) theLen=LenB(Str) for i=theStart to upfile_5xSoft_Stream.Size-theLen if i>upfile_5xSoft_Stream.size then exit Function upfile_5xSoft_Stream.Position=i-1 if AscB(upfile_5xSoft_Stream.Read(1))=AscB(midB(Str,1)) then InString=i for j=2 to theLen if upfile_5xSoft_Stream.EOS then inString=0 Exit for end if if AscB(upfile_5xSoft_Stream.Read(1))AscB(MidB(Str,j,1)) then InString=0 Exit For end if next if InString0 then Exit Function end if next End Function Private Sub Class_Terminate form.RemoveAll file.RemoveAll set form=nothing set file=nothing upfile_5xSoft_Stream.close set upfile_5xSoft_Stream=nothing End Sub Private function GetFilePath(FullPath) If FullPath "" Then GetFilePath = left(FullPath,InStrRev(FullPath, "\")) Else GetFilePath = "" End If End function Private function GetFileName(FullPath) If FullPath "" Then GetFileName = mid(FullPath,InStrRev(FullPath, "\")+1) Else GetFileName = "" End If End function Private function toByte(Str) dim i,iCode,c,iLow,iHigh toByte="" For i=1 To Len(Str) c=mid(Str,i,1) iCode =Asc(c) If iCode255 Then iLow = Left(Hex(Asc(c)),2) iHigh =Right(Hex(Asc(c)),2) toByte = toByte & chrB("&H"&iLow) & chrB("&H"&iHigh) Else toByte = toByte & chrB(AscB(c)) End If Next End function End Class Class FileInfo dim FormName,FileName,FilePath,FileSize,FileStart Private Sub Class_Initialize FileName = "" FilePath = "" FileSize = 0 FileStart= 0 FormName = "" End Sub Public function SaveAs(FullPath) dim dr,ErrorChar,i SaveAs=1 if trim(fullpath)="" or FileSize=0 or FileStart=0 or FileName="" then exit function if FileStart=0 or right(fullpath,1)="/" then exit function set dr=CreateObject("Adodb.Stream") dr.Mode=3 dr.Type=1 dr.Open upfile_5xSoft_Stream.position=FileStart-1 upfile_5xSoft_Stream.copyto dr,FileSize dr.SaveToFile FullPath,2 dr.Close set dr=nothing SaveAs=0 end function End Class




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