
  有一对夫妻住在同一个房子里, 但相互之间不沟通,或者说他们之间没什么好沟通的。 他们只有在重大事情发生的时候才用简讯沟通。 否则他们都太忙于自己的生活, 也没有时间去打扰(照顾)对方。 长年累月下去会发生什么? 一次挫折、些许挫折、表面的愤怒、一次爆发就会发生。 只有更多的沟通、更少的争执、一些认同和相互之间的鼓励才能使一段关系更加稳固。
  研发人员和测试人员之间的关系在某种意义上是类似的,他们都为一个项目而努力并致力于项目的成功。世界上没有一个项目的成功是因为工具、预算、代码或者基础建设。 项目成功的真正因素始终是人。 事情的成功往往和一个团队是分不开的。

#1. 默认情况下项目是成功的:
  当一个项目不会因为一些琐碎的问题和自尊心而导致开发团队和测试团队经常性的争执,这个项目是成功的。 大部分时间下,开发和测试团队在玩一个任务分配的游戏. 是的,就是 bug分配. 每个人都想证明问题是来自其他人. 如果能够明白问题最终是归属于项目内的并且试图把问题一起解决, 那么所有的问题都会引刃而解。

#2. 个人的成长:

#3. 团队成长:

#4. 为未来而学习:


#1. 工作时放下自我:
  知情或不知情的情况下,我们把自我带入到工作的地方。我们认为我们做的最好 (对此毫不怀疑),但这并不意味着其他人做的不好。
  如果一个开发人员认为他所有他研发的模块中被报告的缺陷都是无知的,愚昧的,恶意的或者有意的侵犯,那么这里的缺陷应该是自我问题而不是 bug 本身。如果一个测试人员认为他报告的 bug 被拒绝是因为开发人员想要伤害他们,是因为开发人员不想解决 bug,是因为开发人员认为这个测试人员不能正确地理解事物或者因为开发人员认为他是一个开发者并且做的最好……测试的想法和 bug 都会因此减少。
  所以如果有可能的话,不要把自己当成是一个测试人员,首先把自己当做团队的一员,努力正确地做事。当 bug 被拒绝的时候不要感觉受到打击,而是努力去弄明白原因。在预估的测试时间结束后也不要停止测试。不要小看自己,接受开发是一项伟大的工作并且最后不要因为你从其他人的工作中找出问题而过于骄傲。

#2. 实事求是 :
  作为一名测试人员,最痛苦的时候就是当你提的 bug 被拒绝。 实事求是、 试着了解背后被拒绝的原因、 尝试理解你误解了什么,如果你认为你所提出的设想情况是正确的那就试着继续前进,试着说服开发人员或项目经理.

#3. 确定项目的优先级:
  总是关注着大局, 根据实际情况确定事情的优先次序。项目比一个 bug 或者个人更重要。放下你的自我,去到开发人员的办公桌前,讨论、分享、理解和工作。

#4. 耐心点:
  事物不会轻易改变,所以耐心点,坚持你所做的好的事情。如果有人给你带来消极的情绪或者开发人员不认同你的建议或者 bug,也不要轻易放弃。

#5. 分享观点,但并不强制执行:
  开发和测试团队之间频繁的沟通有助于双方生成更多的想法。开发人员可以建议有关如何更好地测试一个特定的模块, 同时测试人员可以展示如果去修正缺陷。 为新建议和新主意敞开心扉。

#6. 接受人是会出错的:
  在发现一个严重的 bug 后,不要在开发人员面前打趣它。要知道测试人员在时间和预算紧张的情况下的工作方式和开发人员是一样的。 没有人可以创造一个没有 bug 的软件,否则测试就不会存在。所以要理解你的角色并帮助纠正问题,而不是取笑他们。

#7. 要知道多个团队肯定比一个团队要好:
  一个测试团队一旦和其他的开发团队脱离,就不会有任何生产功能。 当测试人员调整自己以适应立足于开发者之间, 发展一种相互关系并创造一个良好的环境。当所有开发人员和测试人员一起工作时, 对双方都是一个双赢局面。

#8. 敏捷和结对测试:
  喜欢敏捷方法、 协同工作、 结对测试、 与开发人员合作、 频繁的讨论和会面, 更少的文档, 对每个人的工作给予同等重视和尊重。
  如果你认为你正试图使世界变得更好,更干净, 赶上垃圾收集器,并且有策略地努力做事,这个世界肯定会变得更好。

关于作者: This post is written by STH team member Bhumika Mehta. She is a project lead, carrying 7+ years of software testing experience.

Happy testing, as usual.



  To start the discussion for said topic, I want to take a real-life example:
  A husband and a wife, living in the same house, are not communicating with each other. Or let’s say there is nothing to communicate between them. They just text each other if anything important to be taken care. Otherwise both are busy in their own lives and do not disturb / take care much about each other. What happens after days? A frustration rises, irritation multiplies, anger surfaces and an explosion occurs. A relationship strengthens only if there are frequent communications, rare fights and multiple agreements and celebrations with each other.

  Now, compare the above situation with software project life cycle.

  A developer and a tester’s relation is something similar, who works for a project to make it successful. No project in the world had been successful because of tools, budget, code or infrastructure. It was always real people who made project successful. And to make something successful, a team is required and not an individual.

  After drawing that brief line, I would like you to take a deep dive to understand why tester and developer should communicate / work as a team?
Why tester and developer should communicate and work as a team?

  First, let’s cover what are the benefits if developers and testers work as a team:

#1. By default project is successful:
  When the project does not see development team and testing team fighting frequently for trivial issues and ego, the project is guaranteed to be successful. Most of the time, development and testing teams play a game of assignment. Yes, it is bug assignment. Everyone wants to show that problem is from other end. If it’s understood that ultimately the problem is within the premises (project) and if tried to resolve it together, all the other problems can be taken care.

#2. Individual growth:
  Everyone grows because there is a healthy competition and no hidden fights. Ideas shared and suggestions accepted give everyone a chance to progress.

#3. Team growth:
  Ultimately a team becomes stronger and competent, by having team members who understands each other and respects each other’s work.

#4. Learning for future:
  After delivering a successful project, everyone learns. The future project for the team becomes more successful, hassle free, and smooth.
  Ok, now we know the benefits of working together rather than being a developer or tester, but how to make it work?

  Tester and developer: communication is a key
  Ideas to work together:

#1. Leave work related ego:
  Knowingly or unknowingly, we carry an ego with ourselves when entering to work place. We think we are doing best work (no doubt about it) but that does not mean others do not.
  If a developer thinks that any defect reported for the module he developed is ignorant, trivial, a malicious idea or an effort to harass then the defect is an ego problem rather than a bug. If a tester thinks that the bug he reported was rejected because developer wanted to hurt, because developer does not like to resolve bugs, because developer thinks that specific tester does not understand things properly or because developer thinks he is a developer and he does the best……the testing ideas and bugs, both are going to decrease.
By showing and acting ego, we are trying to deprive ourselves from growing and others from working.
  So, if possible, do not think that you are a tester, first think you are a team member who is working hard to make things right. Do not get hurt when bugs are rejected but try to know the reason behind it. Do not stop yourself after knowing that the estimated time for testing was completed. Do not underestimate yourselfby accepting that development is a great job and finally do not be over confident by assuming that you are superior because you are finding problems from others’ work.

#2. Be realistic:
  As a tester, the most painful time to face is when the bug you reported gets rejected. Be realistic, try to understand the reason behind dismissal, try to understand what did you misunderstood or presumed, try to convince developer or project manager if you think that the scenario you presented was correct and try to move on.

#3. Prioritize the project:
  Always look at bigger picture and prioritize things accordingly. Project is more important than a bug or an individual. Leave your ego behind and go to developers’ desk, discuss, share, understand and work accordingly.

#4. Be patient:
  Things do not change nightly so be patient and keep doing good work. Do not get de-motivated if someone remarks negatively or a developer does not consider your bug / suggestion for once in a while.

#5. Share ideas but do not emphasize on implementation:
  The frequent communication between development and testing teams helps generating more ideas on each side. Developer can suggest about how to test a particular module better and at the same time tester can show how to correct the defect. Open yourself for new suggestions and sharing ideas.

#6.Accept that human being is mistakable:
  After finding a critical bug, do not make a fun of it in front of developer. Understand that the way a tester works under time and budget crunches, same applies to developer too. No one can create a bug free software otherwise testing would not have existed. So understand your role and help in rectifying issues rather than making fun of them.

#7. Understand multiple teams always work better than individual team:
  A testing team isolated from all the other development team, cannot be productive. When a tester adjusts himself/herself among the developers and develops a mutual relation, a good environment of team created and when all the developers and testers work together, it’s a win-win situation for both parties.

#8. Agile and pair testing:
  Prefer agile methodologies, work together, do pair testing, work with developers, discuss and meet frequently, document less, give equal importance and respect to everyone’s work.
  I would conclude the topic as below:
  If you think you are a sweeper, you will be a sweeper always.
  If you think you are trying to make the world better and clean and catch up with trash collectors and put in efforts in doing things strategically, the world would surely be better.

About the author: This post is written by STH team member Bhumika Mehta. She is a project lead, carrying 7+ years of software testing experience.

Happy testing, as usual.

And please don’t forget to share your more ideas on how to make developers and testers work together for a project success.

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