【UEFI基础】UEFI Device Path (三): Device Path的产生

UEFI SPEC只要求为系统中的Physical Device创建Device Path,而Virtual Device是无需创建Device Path的。每个Physical Device都会对应1个Controller Handle,在该Handle下会安装其对应的Device Path。Controller Handle与Device Path的创建都与UEFI Driver紧密相关,因此有必须先了解UEFI Driver及其行为。

UEFI Driver与Controller的关系

UEFI SPEC定义了UEFI Driver Model, 在这个模型下UEFI Driver可以分成3类:

Bus Driver
Device Driver
Hybrid Driver (兼具Bus Driver和Device Driver的特点)
这里区分出了Bus Driver和Device Driver,其实是遵循物理设备在系统内部连接的拓扑层次结构来进行设计。PC中很多Industry总线标准是符合”Host Bus Controller - Child Device Controller“的层级结构的,比如下面示例的PCIe、SATA、USB总线都是如此。

Bus TypeHost Bus ControllerChild Device Controller
PCIePCI Root Bridge,PCI-to-PCI Bridge (in Root Complex or Switch)PCIe Device
SATASATA Host ControllerSATA Drive
USBUSB Host Controller,USB HubUSB Device

Example 1: PCIe总线拓扑层次结构

Example 2: SATA总线拓扑层次结构

Example 3: USB总线拓扑层次结构

可以简单地这样来理解UEFI Driver和Controller的关系:

Bus Driver负责初始化Host Bus Controller,侦测并枚举Host Bus Controller以下的所有连接到该总线的设备,这些设备统称为Child Device Controller。
Device Driver负责初始化上述1个或者多个Child Device Controller。
UEFI Bus Driver Connect时为Child Device Controller产生Device Path

UEFI Bus Driver只有在Connect到对应的Host Bus Controller时才会被执行,这个过程通过调用 EFI_BOOT_SERVICES.ConnectController()来发生。这个API的参数接口简单解释如下:

ControllerHandle – 目标Host Bus Controller的Handle。

DriverImageHandle – 代表UEFI Bus Driver的Image Handle List,可以包含多个UEFI Bus Driver。通常为NULL,表示用所有的UEFI Bus Driver来对该Host Bus Controller执行Connect操作。

RemainingDevicePath – 指向Host Bus Controller下面的Child Device的Device Path。通常为NULL不指定。

Recursive – 如果为TRUE,则会沿着Host Bus Controller往下穷尽对所有层次的Child Device的枚举遍历。通常为TRUE。

UEFI Bus Driver Connection过程

上述UEFI Bus Driver Connect到Host Bus Controller的过程简化如下:

1.执行UEFI Bus Driver的服务EFI_DRIVER_BINDING_PROTOCOL.Supported(),该服务会判断目标Host Bus Controller是否为该UEFI Bus Driver适用的设备,如果不适用则直接结束。

2.如果判断UEFI Bus Driver和目标Host Bus Controller匹配,接着执行UEFI Bus Driver的服务EFI_DRIVER_BINDING_PROTOCOL.Start()。在这个服务中,完成上述说的初始化Host Bus Controller和枚举Child Device Controller的过程。

3.每当枚举到1个新的Child Device Controller,都要:

为该Device创建1个Controller Handle。
在该Controller Handle下安装1个Device Path Protocol,也就是创建1个Device Path。
创建Device Path的方法是:先为该Child Device创建对应的Device Path Node,然后将该Node追加到其Parent Device的Device Path尾部形成1个新的Device Path。比如:Child Device (PCI Device=0x0, PCI Function=0x0) 是接在某个PCIe Root Port (PCI Device=0x1C, PCI Function=0x4)下的PCIe Device,其Parent Device的Device Path=PciRoot(0x0)/Pci(0x1C,0x4),该Child Device的Device Path Node为Pci(0x0,0x0),所以它最终的Device Path=PciRoot(0x0)/Pci(0x1C,0x4)/Pci(0x0,0x0)。

Host Bus Controller的Device Path产生
以上是UEFI SPEC定义的Child Device Controller的Device Path的产生过程,那么Host Bus Controller呢?它也属于Physical Device,也需要提供Device Path。针对这一点,UEFI SPEC并没有定义产生的标准流程。不过,系统的UEFI固件对平台上的Host Bus Controller有完全的了解,它会实现为所有Host Bus Controller创建Controller Handle并安装对应的Device Path。

其他情况下产生Device Path

某些UEFI Driver并不初始化Host Bus Controller并枚举Child Device,但是仍然产生Child Device Handle并安装Device Path,它们也被广义上看作UEFI Bus Driver。典型的例子包括Graphics Driver、Serial Driver、LAN Driver、Console Driver等,下面简单说明。

Graphics Driver产生Device Path

Graphics Driver用来初始化系统集成的或者外接显卡上的Graphics Controller,这些Graphics Controller往往不止有1个Graphics Output接口 (比如笔记本上有集成的LCD显示和HDMI接口等)。这些不同的Graphics Output在物理或者逻辑上被Graphics Driver视为不同的Child Device,Graphics Driver在初始化时会侦测并枚举它们,因此会给这些Child Device创建Handle并产生Device Path。值得一提的是,这种Device Path的最后1个Device Path Node是ACPI _ADR Device子类型的(如下面的例子),其值代表了1个表示display output device的UID,具体定义参考ACPI SPEC 6.3 B.5.1 _ADR。PciRoot(0x0)/Pci(0x2,0x0)/AcpiAdr(0x80011400)

LAN Driver产生Device Path

该Driver会针对对应的网卡创建1个Child Device Handle并产生如下Device Path:

1.代表网卡MAC地址的Device Path,比如PciRoot(0x0)/Pci(0x1F,0x6)/MAC(54E1AD76ACEB,0x0)。

2.代表网卡IPv4和IPv4地址的Device Path,比如:



其Parent Device Path是对应网卡设备的PCI Device Path=PciRoot(0x0)/Pci(0x1F,0x6)。

Console Device Path

Serial Port和Keyboard/Mouse都是常见的Console In Device,相应的Driver会为它们创建Child Handle并产生Device Path。


PciRoot(0x0)/Pci(0x1F,0x0)/Acpi(PNP0303,0x0) => PNP0303代表Keyboard

PciRoot(0x0)/Pci(0x1F,0x0)/Acpi(PNP0F03,0x0) => PNP0F03代表Mouse

PciRoot(0x0)/Pci(0x1F,0x0)/Acpi(PNP0501,0x0) or PciRoot(0x0)/Pci(0x1F,0x0)/Serial(0x0)=> PNP0501代表Serial Port

关于PNPXXXX与实际设备的对照关系,可以参考下面的Device List。

Device List

UEFI Bus Driver – 3.10.2 Bus driver
Graphics Driver – 23.2.3 Driver Binding Protocol Implementation

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This Unified Extensible Firmware Interface (UEFI) Specification describes an interface between the operating system (OS) and the platform firmware. UEFI was preceded by the Extensible Firmware Interface Specification 1.10 (EFI). As a result, some code and certain protocol names retain the EFI designation. Unless otherwise noted, EFI designations in this specification may be assumed to be part of UEFI. The interface is in the form of data tables that contain platform-related information, and boot and runtime service calls that are available to the OS loader and the OS. Together, these provide a standard environment for booting an OS. This specification is designed as a pure interface specification. As such, the specification defines the set of interfaces and structures that platform firmware must implement. Similarly, the specification defines the set of interfaces and structures that the OS may use in booting. How either the firmware developer chooses to implement the required elements or the OS developer chooses to make use of those interfaces and structures is an implementation decision left for the developer. The intent of this specification is to define a way for the OS and platform firmware to communicate only information necessary to support the OS boot process. This is accomplished through a formal and complete abstract specification of the software-visible interface presented to the OS by the platform and firmware. Using this formal definition, a shrink-wrap OS intended to run on platforms compatible with supported processor specifications will be able to boot on a variety of system designs without further platform or OS customization. The definition will also allow for platform innovation to introduce new features and functionality that enhance platform capability without requiring new code to be written in the OS boot sequence. Furthermore, an abstract specification opens a route to replace legacy devices and firmware code over time. New device types and associated code can provide equivalent functionality through the same defined abstract interface, again without impact on the OS boot support code. The specification is applicable to a full range of hardware platforms from mobile systems to servers. The specification provides a core set of services along with a selection of protocol interfaces. The selection of protocol interfaces can evolve over time to be optimized for various platform market segments. At the same time, the specification allows maximum extensibility and customization abilities for OEMs to allow differentiation. In this, the purpose of UEFI is to define an evolutionary path from the traditional “PC-AT”- style boot world into a legacy-API free environment.


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