1.create new branch in remote:
git push upstream xxx:feature/xxx
this means that base on upstream ,you push xxx to feature/xxx
git branch -a
to show your remote branch
and git push:
git push upstream devices_health_monitor:feature/devices_health_monitor
2.delete branch to remote:
Git: Delete a branch (local or remote) - makandra dev
if you do something wrong such as create a wrong branch,use
git push upstream --delelte (your_branch_name )
be careful here.
3.checkout remote branch
git checkout <feature_branch>
git branch -b new_local_branch_name
or just do it by one line
git checkout upstream/spike/conan -b test_conan
Branch test_conan set up to track remote branch spike/conan from upstream.
Switched to a new branch 'test_conan'
git branch
shows that you are in test_conan