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  1. 运行下载的 SQLServer2017-SSEI-Dev.exe 文件SQL Server 2017 Developer
  2. 选择安装类型【基本】SQL Server 2017 Developer
  3. 选择语言【中文(简体)】,单击【接受】SQL Server 2017 Developer
  4. 指定SQL Server安装位置,单击【安装】SQL Server 2017 Developer
  5. 下载安装程序包SQL Server 2017 Developer
  6. 安装SQL Server 2017 Developer
  7. 安装完成,单击【关闭】SQL Server 2017 Developer


SQL Server 服务启用

  1. 打开【开始】菜单,打开【Microsoft SQL Server 2017】>【SQL Server 2017 配置管理器】SQL Server 服务启用
  2. 启用SQL Server 服务:单击【SQL Server 服务】,右键单击【SQL Server (MSSQLSERVER)】>单击【启用】SQL Server 服务启用


  1. 打开【开始】菜单,打开【Microsoft SQL Server 2017】>【SQL Server 2017 配置管理器】TCP/IP协议启用
  2. 将所有的TCP/IP协议都启用TCP/IP协议启用


  1. 首先安装 Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio,打开【开始】菜单,打开【Microsoft SQL Server Tools 17】>【Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio 17】 Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio
  2. 【服务器类型】选择 数据库引擎,【服务器名称】选择 计算机名 或者输入 localhost,【身份验证】选择 Windows 身份验证,单击【连接】 Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio
  3. 右键单击左侧树目录根目录,单击【属性】Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio
  4. 单击选择页【安全性】,服务器身份验证选择【SQL Server 和 Windows 身份验证模式】Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio
  5. 单击选择页【连接】,远程服务器连接勾选【允许远程连接到此服务器】,单击【确定】Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio


  1. 打开【开始】菜单,打开【Microsoft SQL Server Tools 17】>【Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio 17】Microsoft SQL Server Tools 17
  2. 【服务器类型】选择 数据库引擎,【服务器名称】选择 计算机名 或者输入 localhost,【身份验证】选择 Windows 身份验证,单击【连接】Microsoft SQL Server Tools 17
  3. 展开左侧树目录【安全性】>【登录名】,右键单击【sa】,单击【属性】Microsoft SQL Server Tools 17
  4. 单击选择页【常规】,输入【密码】,输入【确认密码】Microsoft SQL Server Tools 17
  5. 单击选择页【状态】,是否允许连接到数据库引擎选择【授予】,登录名选择【启用】,单击【确定】Microsoft SQL Server Tools 17
  6. 即可用登录名 sa 连接数据库,远程连接数据库时服务器名称输入 数据库的IP地址,身份验证选择【SQL Server 身份验证】,登录名输入 sa,密码输入登录名 sa 对应的密码
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What this book covers Chapter 1, Introduction to SQL Server 2016, very covers briefly the most important features and enhancements, not only those for developers. We want to show the whole picture and point where things are moving on. Chapter 2, Review of SQL Server Features for Developers, is a brief recapitulation of the features available for developers in previous versions of SQLServer and serves as a foundation for an explanation of the many new features in SQLServer 2016. Some best practices are covered as well. Chapter 3, SQL Server Tools, helps you understand the changes in the release management of SQL Server tools and explores small and handy enhancements in SQLServer Management Studio (SSMS). It also introduces RStudio IDE, a very popular tool for developing R code, and briefly covers SQL Server Data Tools (SSDT), including the new R Tools for Visual Studio (RTVS), a plugin for Visual Studio, which enables you to develop R code in an IDE that is common and well-known among developers that use Microsoft products and languages. Chapter 4, Transact-SQL Enhancements, explores small Transact-SQLenhancements: new functions and syntax extensions, ALTER TABLE improvements for online operations, and new query hints for query tuning. Chapter 5, JSON Support in SQL Server, explores the JSON support built into SQLServer. This support should make it easier for applications to exchange JSON data with SQLServer. Chapter 6, Stretch Database, helps you understand how to migrate historical or less accessed data transparently and securely to Microsoft Azure by using the Stretch Database (Stretch DB) feature. Chapter 7, Temporal Tables, introduces support for system-versioned temporal tables based on the SQL:2011 standard. We’ll explain how this implemented in SQLServer is and demonstrates some use cases for it (for example, a time-travel application). Chapter 8, Tightening the Security, introduces three new security features. With Always Encrypted, SQLServer finally enables full data encryption. Row-level security on the other side restricts which data in a table can be seen by specific user. Dynamic data masking is a soft feature that limits sensitive data exposure by masking it to non-privileged users. Chapter 9, Query Store, guides you through Query Store, and helps you to troubleshoot and fix performance problems that are related to execution plan changes. Chapter 10, Columnstore Indexes, revises the columnar storage and then explores the huge improvements for columnstore indexes in SQLServer 2016: updateable nonclustered columnstore indexes, columnstore indexes on in-memory tables, and many other new features for operational analytics. Chapter 11, Introducing SQL Server In-Memory OLTP, describes a feature introduced in SQL Server 2014 that is still underused: the In-Memory database engine, which provides significant performance gains for OLTP workloads. Chapter 12, In-Memory OLTP Improvements in SQL Server 2016, describes all of the improvements of the In-Memory OLTP technology in SQLServer 2016, which extend the number of potential use cases and allow implementation with less development effort and risk. Chapter 13, Supporting R in SQL Server, introduces R Services and the R language. It explains how SQLServer R Services combine the power and flexibility of the open source R language with enterprise-level tools for data storage and management, workflow development, and reporting and visualization. Chapter 14, Data Exploration and Predictive Modeling with R in SQL Server, shows how you can use R for advanced data exploration and manipulation, and for statistical analysis and predictive modeling that is way beyond what is possible when using T-SQLlanguage.


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