它会 根据cpu使用率 发声
cpu usage 2秒内发声情况
10% . (2声)
20% ..(4声)
100% ....................(20声)
#!/usr/bin/env python2.6
#<<neo>> 06:45-6:55 beep ... ... .....
#if the cpu usage is full ,the beep will not stop.
# usage:
# sudo modprobe pcspkr
# sudo apt-get install beep
import os
import re, time
def beep(frequency, duration=100, repeat=10, delay=10): #100 ms
cmd = 'beep -f %s -l %s -r %s -d %s' % (frequency,duration, repeat, delay)
print cmd
last_all = 0
last_used = 0
def cpu_usage():
str = file('/proc/stat').read()
arr = re.split(r'\s+', str)[1:5]
print arr
arr = [int(item) for item in arr]
print arr
cpu_all = sum(arr)
cpu_used = sum(arr[0:3])
usage = 1.0 * (cpu_used- last_used) / (cpu_all - last_all)
global last_used, last_all
last_all = cpu_all
last_used = cpu_used
print usage
return usage
for i in range (0, 100000):
usage = cpu_usage()
t1 = time.time()
beep(80, 10, int(usage * 20)+1, 100) #beep for (usage*10+10) times, will tack 1s-2s
t2 = time.time()
print t1, t2
time.sleep(2-(t2-t1)) #2s sub the time used in beep