Cubist software

Cubist software (version 2.05)

Data Mining with Cubist

Data mining is all about extracting patterns from an organization’s stored or warehoused data. These patterns can be used to gain insight into aspects of the organization’s operations, and to predict outcomes for future situations as an aid to decision-making.

Cubist builds rule-based predictive models that output values, complementing See5/C5.0 that predicts categories. For instance, See5/C5.0 might classify the percentage yield from some process as “high”, “medium”, or “low”, whereas Cubist would output a number such as “7.3”.

Cubist is a powerful tool for generating rule-based models that balance the need for accurate prediction against the requirements of intelligibility. Cubist models generally give better results than those produced by simple techniques such as multivariate linear regression, while also being easier to understand than neural networks.

Some important features:

Cubist has been designed to analyze substantial databases containing hundreds of thousands to millions of records and tens to thousands of numeric or nominal fields. If you have used neural networks or similar modeling tools, you’ll be surprised by Cubist’s speed! (Cubist also takes advantage of processors with up to eight cores in one or more CPUs (including Intel Hyper-Threading) to speed up model-building.)

To maximize interpretability, Cubist models are expressed as collections of rules, where each rule has an associated multivariate linear model. Whenever a situation matches a rule’s conditions, the associated model is used to calculate the predicted value.
Cubist is available for Windows 8/10 and Linux.
Cubist is easy to use and does not presume advanced knowledge of Statistics or Machine Learning (although these don’t hurt, either!)
RuleQuest provides C source code so that models constructed by Cubist can be embedded in your organization’s own systems.
If you would like to learn more about Cubist or try out a demonstration version of the system, here are some useful links:

Source code for a single-threaded Linux version of Cubist is available under the Gnu GPL. Please see the downloads page.
Links to several publications by Cubist users are available here.
Tutorials describing and illustrating the use of Cubist are available for the Windows and Unix versions.
Free demonstration versions (limited to small datasets) and the public code to read and interpret Cubist models are available from our downloads page.
If you have tried earlier versions of Cubist, here is a precis of new features in Release 2.10.

引用[1]:在目前的文献中,较少的预测ML算法经过训练和测试后将结果与以前的研究进行比较,例如(Adamovic et al., 2017; Johnson et al., 2017; Kannangara et al., 2017)。在这些研究中,不同的机器学习技术的真正多功能性和优势或局限性仍然未知。引用[2]:DNN的核心思想不仅是学习输入和输出之间的非线性映射,而且是学习数据的底层结构(Karhunen et al., 2015)。DNN模型使用反向误差传播算法从训练数据中学习模式,其中,来自输出的误差或反馈信号将向后传播,以调整神经网络权重并使最终输出的误差最小(Chollet and Allaire, 2018)。DNN的结构包括输入,隐藏和输出层。引用[3]:基于机器学习模型的预测结果有助于越南的综合固体废弃物管理行动计划的规划、设计和实施。本研究的局限性体现在数据集的异质性,如越南下级行政部门缺乏有效数据。基于此,当未来能够获取更多的可靠数据时,可以更新和重新训练机器学习预测模型。 问题: 什么是机器学习cubist? 回答: 在提供的引用中,并没有提到机器学习cubist的具体定义或描述。引用[1]提到了一些机器学习算法的比较,但没有提到cubist。引用[2]提到了DNN(深度神经网络)的核心思想和结构,但没有提到cubist。引用[3]讨论了基于机器学习模型的预测结果在固体废弃物管理中的应用,但同样没有提到cubist。因此,根据提供的引用内容,无法回答关于机器学习cubist的问题。




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