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Today, men still have an affair than women, whether he had an affair back, a woman how to do? Men are forgiven for the occasional smell the flowers, why must Kukuxiangbi?

1st, not to men too seriously

too seriously to a man, too ambition to control a man's woman, potentially resulting hysteria ambition send colossal pressure aboard the other side, so he fled to another emotional circle, which is often repaid man action. So, in this circumstance a woman how to face her husband's affair and his return?

1, cognitive feelings and enthusiasms are all mobile. If a woman know how to He also tolerant to their own space, so can calmly look at her husband

2, regardless of who is having an affair, both mates have the opportunity to examine carefully how their marriage went bad. Because the affair is definitely not intentional, but the affective state at the time an needs distinct accessory, this is precisely the omit alternatively absence of the additional, to try to re-adjust the interactive mode, prefer than to thermal ruckus alternatively cold cycle. Crisis have transform the cornering point, and then to become life, naturally impossible.

3, women do not for many years of emotional attachment, or child mash them again, give yourself a bunch of reasons that can not depart the marriage, rather than to a genuine face. Marriage to be conscious of their self-positioning in what is, that is, men change and the same, not that the woman is If you want this marriage to approve the return of the man having an affair, or can also be chilly to leave to ascertain their own realm.

second, to give him emancipation while setting a nice bottom line

give him freedom, it method to study to trick themselves. You say to yourself, he came back late because of engaged with go, he is not too long, option statement of the deep ... ...

while mixing in between his wife and his lover, he tired, the mood has become extra complex. The more you do not understand why he can be so leisurely, why alteration the face of love You look like naught happened, why you still like a love to trust him when the tight appendix. Also, why do you suddenly become more neutral, more attractive, leaving him unable to give up. So, you will finally be a medalist, because you silent compel, maintaining the status quo is distant greater than the power of argument, forced confessions and even pillow cage.

the face of her husband had an affair, the sapient wife have in mutual, that is, the bishop, stability is nourished. His freedom, while setting a good bottom line, like kite flying, fly tall afresh, the line is still holding hands. Since he knows namely home, why should they be tightly mantled approximately dead? He came back, always because the heart is also Lianzhao this home, and memorized through the years with you, so do not attention about the elapse if it were not for cozy to erase to at fewest turn a new foliage.

male like a huge child, caress needs, you need to coax, and occasionally fun, yet exhausted of all coming home. The face of the return of his business, you think: palace for decades in a wedding with a woman reside together with, and then the love of love Over Gold also retreated Guanghua polished at time. Occasionally, extenuating circumstances tin also smell the flowers, why have to Kukuxiangbi?

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