select name,value
from v$sysstat
where name in ('physical reads', 'physical reads direct',
'physical reads direct (lob)', 'session logical reads');
select 1 - ((physical.value - direct.value - lobs.value) / logical.value) "Buffer Cache Hit Ratio"
from v$sysstat physical,
v$sysstat direct,
v$sysstat lobs,
v$sysstat logical
where physical.name = 'physical reads'
and direct.name = 'physical reads direct'
and lobs.name = 'physical reads direct (lob)'
and logical.name = 'session logical reads';
redo buffer命中率
select name,value
from v$sysstat
where name like '%redo%tries%';
select sum(pinhits)/sum(pins)*100 "hit radio" from v$librarycache;