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1. Windows中进行系统设置的工具集是(      ),用户可以根据自己的爱好更改显示器、键盘、鼠标器、桌面等硬件的设置
A 开始菜单
B 我的电脑
C 资源管理器
D 控制面板

2. 利用鼠标拖放移动数据时,若有"是否替换目标单元格内容?"的提示框出现,则说明:(      )
A 数据不能移动
B 目标区域已有数据
C 目标区域为空白
D 不能用鼠标

3. Word中的标尺分为两种,(      )是用来调整文本段落的缩进,在左、右两边分别有左缩进标志和右缩进标志
A 垂直标尺
B 水平标尺
C 竖直标志
D 平行标尺

4. 将十进制小数0.7转化成二进制小数(保留五位小数)是()
A 0.10010
B 0.11010
C 0.01110
D 0.10110

5. 在Word编辑中,要移动或拷贝文本,可以用(      )来选择文本。
A 扩展选取
B 键盘
C 鼠标
D 以上方法都可以

6. 在Excel 2000表格中,若在单元格B1存储一公式A$7,将其复制到F1单元后,公式变为(      )
A A$7
B E$7
C D$1
D C$7

7. 在Windows98中,“剪贴板”是指(      )
A 在内存中开辟的一块缓冲区域。
B A盘上存放交换信息的一块区域
C D盘上存放交换信息的一块区域
D C盘上存放交换信息的一块区域

8. 能直接让计算机接受的语言是:(      )
C 汇编语言
D 机器语言

9. 资源管理器的左窗格以树状显示计算机中的(      )
A 各个对象
B 文件
C 数据
D 图标和文件夹

10. 若想快速的将一个Excel数据表格的行、列交换,可以
A 利用复制、粘贴命令
B 利用剪切、粘贴命
C 使用鼠标拖动的方法实现
D 先使用复制命令,然后选择“选择性粘贴”,再选中"转置",确定即可

11. 在Word 2000 文档窗口中,若选定的文本块中包含有几种字体的汉字,则格式工具栏的字体框中显示(      )
A 空白
B 第一个汉字的字体
C 系统缺省字体:宋体
D 文本块中使用最多的文字字体

12. 在幻灯片浏览视图中,下列(      )操作不能实现。
A 复制幻灯片
B 移动幻灯片
C 删除幻灯片
D 改变幻灯片中文字的字体格式

13. 在同一时刻,Windows98中的"活动窗口“的数量可以有:(      )
A 前台窗口和后台窗口各一个
B 255个
C 任意多个,只要内存足够
D 唯一一个

14. 在word编辑状态下,操作的对象经常是被选择的内容,若鼠标在某行行首的左边,鼠标呈现向右的箭头状,下列(      )操作可以仅选择光标所在的行。
A 单击鼠标右键
B 双击鼠标左键
C 将鼠标左键击三下
D 单击鼠标左键

15. 在Excel中,下列哪一项不属于工作表的拆分方式()
A 水平拆分
B 单元格拆分
C 垂直拆分
D 水平、垂直同时拆分

16. 下列不能对数据表排序的是:(      )
A 单击数据区中任一单元格,然后单击工具栏中升序"或"降序"按钮
B 选定要排序的数据区域,然后单击工具栏中的"升序"或"降序"按钮
C 选定要排序的数据区域,然后使用"编辑"菜单的"排序"命令
D 选定要排序的数据区域,然后使用"数据"菜单的"排序"命令

17. 图表是按表格中数据进行绘制的,当表格中的数据发生变化时,已经制作好的图表( )。
A 自动消失,必须重新制作
B 仍保存原样,必须重新制作
C 会发生不可预测的变化,必须重新制作
D 会自动随着改变,不必重新制作

18. 系统对WWW 网页存储的默认格式是(      )

19. 下面以( )为扩展名的文件是不能直接运行的。

20. 在Word的编辑状态,执行“文件”菜单中的“保存”命令后(      )。
A 将所有打开的文档存盘
B 只能将当前文档存储在原文件夹内
C 将当前文档存储在已有的任意文件夹内
D 建立新文件夹,再将文档存储在该文件夹内

21. 在Windows 中,下面有关打印机的叙述中,(      )是不正确的。
A 局域网上连接的打印机称为网络打印机
B 在打印某个文档时,不能同时对该文档进行编辑
C 使用控制面板可以安装打印机
D 一台微机只能安装一种打印驱动程序

22. “财务管理”软件属于(      )。
A 工具软件
B 系统软件
C 字处理软件
D 应用软件

23. Word中的标尺分为两种,()是用来调整文本段落的缩进,在左、右两边分别有左缩进标志和右缩进标志
A 垂直标尺
B 水平标尺
C 竖直标志
D 平行标尺

24. 存储器容量的基本单位是(  )。
A 字位
B 字节
C 字码
D 字长

25. 下列叙述中,不正确的是:
A Windows98中可同时打开多个应用程序
B Windows98可以利用剪贴板实现多个文件之间的复制
C 在资源管理器窗口中,用鼠标左键双击应用程序名,即可运行程序
D 在Windows98中不能对文件夹进行更名操作

26. 在"我的电脑"或"资源管理器"窗口的右区中,选取任意多个文件的方法是:
A 选取第一个文件后,按住Alt键,再单击第二个、第三个…
B 选取第一个文件后,按住Shift键,再单击第二个、第三个…
C 选取第一个文件后,按住Ctrl键,再单击第二个、第三个…
D 选取第一个文件后,按住Tab键,再单击第二个、第三个…

27. 在excel中,给当前单元格输入文本型数据时,默认为(      )
A 居中
B 左对齐
C 右对齐
D 随机

28. 完整的微机系统包括:
A 主机与外部设备
B 主机与输入输出设备
C 运算器,控制器和存储器
D 硬件系统和软件系统

29. 计算机内所有的信息都是以()形式来存放的
A 八进制
B 十进制
C 二进制
D 十六进制

30. 下列计算机外围设备中,可以作为输入设备的是(      )
A 打印机
B 绘图仪
C 显示器
D 数字相机

31. 关于计算机病毒说法正确的是
A 计算机病毒是一种破坏计算机系统的微生物
B 计算机病毒是一段影响计算机正常工作的程序
C 计算机病毒无法预防
D 一旦计算机感染病毒就必须送厂家维修

32. 在单元格中输入:=Average(10,-3)-Pi(),则该单元格显示的值:(      )
A 大于零
B 小于零
C 等于零
D 不确定

33. 电子计算机主要以()划分发展阶段
A 集成电路
B 电子元件
C 电子管
D 晶体管

34. 如果要播放演示文稿,可以使用()
A 幻灯片放映视图
B 大纲视图
C 幻灯片浏览视图
D 灯片视图

35. Word中复制文本使用的快捷键是(      )
A Ctrl+C
B Ctrl+A
C Ctrl+V
D Ctrl+X

36. ASCII码是美国国际信息交换码,计算机中用(      )个字节存放一个ASCII码
A 1
B 2
C 3
D 4

37. 在Excel 2000中,当公式中出现被零除的现象时,产生的错误值是(      )
A #N/A!
B #DIV/0!

38. windows菜单命令项的右边有省略号…表示(      )
A 该命令当前不能执行
B 执行该命令会打开一对话框
C 该命令会出现级联菜单
D 该命令无效

39. 以下十六进制数的运算,(  )是正确的。
A 1+9=A
B 1+9=B
C 1+9=C
D 1+9=10

40. 硬盘与软盘相比,硬盘具有()的特点
A 价格便宜
B 携带方便
C 速度慢
D 容量大

41. Internet能够提供的服务包括:(      )
B E-Mail
C Telnet

42. 计算机硬件系统由()部件组成
A 运算器
B 控制器
C 存储器
D 输入设备和输出设备

43. PowerPoint中,在设计动画时,有2种不同的动画设计是()
A 幻灯片内
B 幻灯片外
C 幻灯片间
D 幻灯片

44. 下列属于Excel中的比较运算符的是()
A =、>
B +、*
C &
D <=、<>

45. 计算机系统由()组成
A 硬件系统
B 软件系统
C 存储设备
D 管理设备

46. 下列情况在“网上邻居”中可以实现的是(      )
A 访问网络上的共享打印机
B 使用在网络上共享的磁盘空间
C 查找网络上特定的计算机
D 使用他人计算机上未共享的文件

47. 计算机操作系统是由(      )基本管理功能组成
A 处理器管理
B 存储管理
C 设备管理
D 文件管理和作业管理

48. 按网络规模和距离远近可以将计算机网络分为(      )
A 局域网
B 城域网
C 广域网
D 网域网

49. 根据病毒感染的目标,可以将计算机病毒分为()
A 引导型病毒
B 文件型病毒
C 混合型病毒
D 宏病毒

50. 计算机系统由(      )组成
A 硬件系统
B 软件系统
C 存储设备
D 管理设备


1. Look, this roof is covered with____________leaves.
A falling
B fallen
C fell
D felt

2. —Tomorrow is my birthday. 
A Oh, I have a good idea.
B I am glad you like it.
C Many happy returns of the day!
D You must be very happy.

3. David ____________himself while he ____________the machine.
A hurted... was fixing
B hurts... is fixing
C hurt... fixed
D hurt ... was fixing

4. We all know knowledge begins ___ practice.
A at
B from
C in
D with

5. Silk _______ by Chinese for thousands of years now.
A has used
B has been used
C was used
D is used

6. I didn't see the minister,____________ did I see the secretary.
A so
B nor
C either
D none

7. Come and sit down by the fire. Your hand____________.
A feel so coldly
B is feeling so cold
C feels so cold
D is felt so cold

8. Mark often attempts to escape ____________ whenever he breaks traffic regulations.
A having been fined
B to have been fined
C to be fined
D being fined

9. —I was worried about chemistry, but Mr. Brown gave me an A!
A Don't worry about it
B Congratulations! That's a difficult course
C Mr. Brown is very good
D Good luck to you

10. If you have made a decision, please stick _______ what you want.
A to
B up
C of
D for

11. While he was in prison he was not allowed to ___ with his family.
A comment
B complain
C communicate
D comprehend

12. One____________if one breaks the law.
A will be punished
B will punish
C is being punished
D has been punished

13. — You should have thanked her before you left.— I meant____________, but when I was leaving I couldn't find her anywhere.
A to do
B to
C doing
D doing so

14. I admired my classmate Lisa very much. ______ her prettiness, she was smart and helpful.
A Except for
B But for
C Apart from
D In spite of

15. When are they ____________ in their plan?
A hand
B handed
C to hand
D give

16. A number of paintings in the castle are believed____________in a fire.
A being destroyed
B having been destroyed
C to be destroyed
D to have been destroyed

17. I am sorry____________ written you a letter at the time.
A to have not
B to not have
C not to have
D not having

18. This test ___ a number of multiple -choice questions.
A composed of
B composes in
C consists of
D consists in

19. The event ____________ at the time last year.
A happens
B happened
C is happened
D was happened

20. I have no doubt ____ he will overcome all his difficulties.
A which
B what
C that
D if

21. The President____________ went to see the flood-stricken areas.
A himself
B did
C is said
D has

22. He was ________ the Nobel prize for his new discovery.
A offered
B informed
C rewarded
D awarded

23. —You have lovely children.
A No, no, no. They are not
B Oh, no, no
C You're talking too much
D Thanks

24. —Do you think I could borrow your dictionary?  
A Yes, you may borrow
B Yes, go on
C Yes, help yourself
D It doesn't matter

25. That factory ____________ nearly 50 years ago.
A has been built
B had built
C was built
D has built

26. They are considering ____________ before the prices go up.
A of buying the house
B with buying the house
C buying the house
D to buy the house

27. Our English professor is very____in using chopsticks.
A skilled
B great
C likely
D good

28. You were silly not ____________your car.
A to lock
B to have locked
C locking
D having locked

29. Such problems ____________ as soon as possible.
A have solved
B have been solving
C have to solve
D have to be solved

30. —Could you be so kind as to turn down that rock “n” roll? I am preparing for tomorrow's exam. 
A It's none of your business.
B What are you doing?
C Sure. Sorry to disturb you.
D No, I don't think so.

31. Why____ with him? He’ll never change his mind.
A argued
B argue
C arguing
D to argue

32. In such dry weather, the flowers will have to be watered if they____________.
A have survived
B are to survive
C would survived
D will survive

33. —Excuse me, but can you tell me the way to the airport? 
A Don't ask that
B Sorry, I'm a stranger here
C No, I can't say that
D No, you're driving too fast

34. Jack____________ in the street when I____________on him.
A walked... called
B was walking ... was calling
C walked ... was calling
D was walking...called

35. After ____________ his work, he came to help me with my English.
A finished
B being finished
C finishing
D having been finished

36. I'd rather have a room of my own, however small it is, than____________a room with someone else.
A to share
B to have shared
C share
D sharing

37. He used to have a _____________ of stampcollecting but he has given it up.
A habit
B hobby
C custom
D like

38. I don't know whether you happen____________, but I am going to study in the U.S.A this September.
A to be heard
B to be hearing
C to hear
D to have heard

39. I went to the post office,only_____ it was closed.
A finding
B to find
C to be finding
D found

40. Robert is said ____________abroad, but I don't know what country he studied in.
A to have studied
B to study
C to be studying
D to have been studying

41. The problem of housing____________ lead to the problem of social instability.
A itself
B must
C did
D never

42. They are from__________.They are_________.
A Germany;Germen
B German;Germany
C Germany;German
D Germany;Germans

43. My aunt has lived in New York ______ 1995.
A for
B during
C in
D since

44. Intelligent students can always ___ good solutions to problems.
A carry out
B come up with
C look into
D catch up with

45. The class ____________ over, we had a ____________discussion.
A been ... heat
B being ... heated
C is ... heating
D be ... heated

46. There are many sheep____their farm.
A at
B in
C on
D within

47. On the ground ____________ a dead snake.
A did lie
B did lay
C laid
D lay

48. As a result of my laziness, I failed____________my work in time.
A and finished
B to finish
C and finishing
D to finished

49. —What can I do for you, madam? 
A I want a kilo of apples
B You can go your own way
C Thanks
D Excuse me. I'm busy

50. After a number of disagreements with the committee, the chairman decided to_____.
A withdraw
B resign
C retire
D retreat

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