Using Quick Tabs in Internet Explorer 7

 When you have multiple webpages open at once, each one is displayed on a separate tab. These tabs make it easy for you to switch between open websites. Quick Tabs provides a miniature visual view (called a thumbnail) of all your open tabs. This makes it easier to find the webpage that you want to view.similar to Windows' Alt-Tab functionality.
     To give Quick Tabs a try, open a few tabs in IE7, and hit Ctrl-Q. (Or click the Quick Tabs button to the left of your open tabs.) Use your arrow keys to move between the thumbnails and Enter to select one and bring it into focus. Like the looks of this, Firefox users? Check out the foxPose extension.

A very cool way to navigate.

To implement multiple tabs in Ant Design Pro, you can use the `Tabs` component provided by Ant Design. Here are the steps: 1. Import the `Tabs` component from Ant Design: ``` import { Tabs } from 'antd'; ``` 2. Define the tabs and their content: ``` const { TabPane } = Tabs; function callback(key) { console.log(key); } <Tabs defaultActiveKey="1" onChange={callback}> <TabPane tab="Tab 1" key="1"> Content of Tab Pane 1 </TabPane> <TabPane tab="Tab 2" key="2"> Content of Tab Pane 2 </TabPane> <TabPane tab="Tab 3" key="3"> Content of Tab Pane 3 </TabPane> </Tabs> ``` In this example, we have defined three tabs with the content for each tab. We have also defined a `callback` function that will be called when the active tab changes. 3. Customize the tabs using props: The `Tabs` component provides several props that can be used to customize the appearance and behavior of the tabs. Some of the commonly used props are: - `defaultActiveKey`: The key of the tab that should be active by default. - `activeKey`: The key of the currently active tab. - `onChange`: A function that will be called when the active tab changes. - `tabBarStyle`: An object that can be used to style the tab bar. - `tabBarExtraContent`: Content that should be displayed to the right of the tabs. For example, you can set the `tabBarStyle` prop to change the background color of the tab bar: ``` <Tabs defaultActiveKey="1" onChange={callback} tabBarStyle={{ background: '#fff' }} > ... </Tabs> ``` You can also use the `tabBarExtraContent` prop to add buttons or other elements to the right of the tabs: ``` <Tabs defaultActiveKey="1" onChange={callback} tabBarExtraContent={ <Button type="primary" size="small"> New Tab </Button> } > ... </Tabs> ``` In this example, we have added a `Button` component to the right of the tabs.




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