Mapx 错误集合(转载)

Mapx 错误集合(转载)
  This is a table of the MapX errors encountered when writing MapX applications. For information on handling errors in Visual Basic, Delphi, and Powerbuilder, see the respective programmer's reference book and/or help system. For C++ similar information on programmers, see Working with Visual C++. Error Description
  1000 Out of memory.
  1001 Property or method not implemented.
  1002 Property not supported by themes of this type.
  1003 Object is no longer valid.
  1004 No object was found using the index you specified.
  1005 Invalid DataSet type specified.
  1006 Non-Unique Name specified. (Name already in use by another object).
  1007 Invalid GeoField specified. Name not found, or index out of range.
  1008 Invalid Secondary GeoField specified. Name not found, or index out of range.
  1009 Unable to match a GeoField or BindLayer automatically.
  1010 Invalid Fields parameter.
  1011 Unexpected error in MapX.
  1012 Invalid Theme type specified.
  1013 Unexpected error.
  1014 No key column was found in the specified dataset. Cannot create theme.
  1015 The DataBinding process was cancelled by setting the cancel property in the ResolveDataBind event.
  1016 Invalid aggregation function specified.
  1017 No source field specified.
  1018 Invalid field type specified.
  1019 Unable to refresh dataset.
  1020 Cannot find the BindLayer for this dataset. Unable to create theme.
  1021 Unable to create theme.
  1022 Invalid ranges.
  1023 Invalid number of ranges.
  1024 Theme categories cannot be removed.
  1025 Invalid distribution method.
  1026 Invalid fill pattern.
  1027 Invalid pen style.
  1028 Invalid Fields Parameter - Name or index of a field not found.
  1029 Could not create a default theme.
  1030 This property is available at design time only.
  1031 Layer specified is not matchable.
  1032 Matched or specified Layer is not in any GeoSets.
  1033 Invalid Name parameter specified.
  1034 The color you specified is invalid.
  1035 Invalid Spread by value.
  1036 Invalid pen width.
  1037 The Coordinate specified was not within the bounds of the map's Numeric CoordSys.
  1038 Invalid Zoom specified. Zoom must be > 0.
  1039 Invalid Tool specified. The tool number is invalid or doesn't exist, or the tool type or cursor is invalid.
  1040 Invalid paper unit specified.
  1041 Invalid mouse pointer specified.
  1042 Invalid export format specified.
  1043 Unable to create specified file.
  1044 An ODBC error has occurred: .
  1045 Invalid ODBCQueryInfo object specified. Object not of correct type or SqlQuery not specified.
  1046 Property not supported for annotations of this type.
  1047 Invalid character code. Value must be between 0 and 255.
  1048 Cannot create a theme of this type based on an attribute data column that has been aggregated by individual value.
  1049 Invalid Row Parameter: Row out of range, or fetch past end of table.
  1050 Invalid Column Parameter.
  1051 Unable to find or load MIODBC.DLL
  1052 Error initializing MIODBC.DLL Check DLL version.
  1053 MIODBC.DLL called with an invalid handle.
  1054 Dataset has no fields. No fields were successfully added to the dataset from the source data.
  1055 Unable to obtain a temporary directory.
  1056 Unable to create a filename for the new layer.
  1057 Key column not specified, cannot create new layer.
  1058 The specified reference layer is not installed in the geodictionary.
  1059 Unable to create new layer. Layer filename may already exist.
  1060 Invalid bind layer type specified.
  1061 Invalid bind layer specified.
  1062 Unable to complete this type of bind with the reference column(s) specified.
  1063 Unknown error creating map.
  1064 Invalid Search Time specified. Time must be between 1 and 3600 seconds.
  1065 Display unit specified was not valid .
  1066 Inalid Conversion Constant specified.
  1067 Missing or Invalid Source, or Source doesn't match Type specified.
  1068 The specified reference layer is not a point reference layer.
  1069 Invalid dot size.
  1070 Invalid position.
  1071 The maximum size for a point theme object is 48.
  1072 Unable to create geotable.
  1073 Unable to create map layer.
  1074 Unable to set or retrieve layer information.
  1075 Unable to set or retrieve label information.
  1076 Unable to set or retrieve layer style information.
  1077 Unable to set or retrieve label style information.
  1078 Feature object is no longer valid.
  1079 Unable to find or load Helper Dialog DLL.
  1080 Error initializing Helper Dialog DLL. Check DLL version.
  1081 For the geofield specified or auto detected a secondary geofield is required, and one was not specified or auto detected.
  1082 Fields Add or Remove not allowed after dataset has been created.
  1083 Property or Method not supported by layers of this type.
  1084 A Lotus Notes error has occurred: .
  1085 Invalid NotesViewInfo object specified. Object not of correct type or Database or View not specified.
  1086 A numeric overflow or underflow has occurred during a coordinate conversion. Under Windows95/98, all coordinates are limited to the range of -32767 to +32767. The actual screen or map coordinates may be in range, but the conversion overflowed. See IsPointVisible or ClipLine.
  1087 Attempt to set the Animation Layer to an object which is not a valid layer object.
  1088 Invalid Filespec parameter.
  1089 Invalid DataSet specified.
  1090 Feature Type Invalid or not applicable.
  1091 Operation not allowed on a standalone feature object.
  1092 Error updating feature object.
  1093 Error adding feature object.
  1094 Error deleting feature object.
  1095 Feature property or method not valid for feature type.
  1096 Error reading Feature from layer.
  1097 A line must have at least 2 points. A region must have at least 3 points.
  1098 Invalid rectangle specified.
  1099 Cannot find a specified Field in the DataSet.
  1100 Invalid Features object.
  1101 Invalid Search type specified.
  1102 Invalid Search precision specified.
  1103 Invalid Points object.
  1104 Invalid Point object.
  1105 Invalid Style object.
  1106 Attempt to use a new Symbol or Text feature object without first setting the Point property.
  1107 Invalid Area unit specified.
  1108 Every Feature in a Features collection object must be from the same layer.
  1109 Key field not found in layer.
  1110 The Layer that the Feature or Features object is from is no longer valid.
  1111 Variant could not be converted to the appropriate type.
  1112 The reference layer specified has no matchable columns, and therefore cannot be used as a reference layer.
  1113 Creating bitmap image failed on map export.
  1114 Invalid Circle Type specified.
  1115 Resolution must be >= 3.
  1116 Invalid Datum object.
  1117 Invalid CoordSys object.
  1118 Invalid units specified.
  1119 Invalid origin longitude specified.
  1120 Invalid origin latitude specified.
  1121 Invalid standard parallel #1 specified.
  1122 Invalid standard parallel #2 specified.
  1123 Invalid azimuth specified.
  1124 Invalid scale factor specified.
  1125 Invalid false easting specified.
  1126 Invalid false northing specified.
  1127 Invalid range specified.
  1128 Invalid bounds specified.
  1129 Invalid AffineInfo object.
  1130 Datum has not been specified.
  1131 Units have not been specified.
  1132 Origin longitude has not been specified.
  1133 Origin latitude has not been specified.
  1134 Standard parallel #1 has not been specified.
  1135 Standard parallel #2 has not been specified.
  1136 Azimuth has not been specified.
  1137 Scale factor has not been specified.
  1138 False easting has not been specified.
  1139 False northing has not been specified.
  1140 Range has not been specified.
  1141 Bounds have not been specified.
  1142 Invalid CoordSys type specified.
  1143 Invalid AffineTransform object.
  1144 Degenerate AffineTransform specified.
  1145 Custom dataset error.
  1146 The map contains no layers. The Geoset was not saved.
  1147 The map contains temporary or userdraw layers. Those layers were not included in the saved Geoset.
  1148 Dataset type does not support dynamic column binding.
  1149 Style object does not support bitmap symbols.
  1150 Invalid symbol type specified.
  1151 Attempt to restore a dataset by name for which there was no saved dataset.
  1152 Custom dataset error. Method failed: IMMapXColumnInfoContainer::GetColumnInfoEnumerator .
  1153 Custom dataset error. Method failed: IMEnumMapXColumnInfo::Reset.
  1154 Custom dataset error. Required interface not supported: IMMapXColumnInfoContainer.
  1155 Custom dataset error. Method failed: IMMapXColumnInfo::GetColumnName.
  1156 Custom dataset error. Method failed: IMMapXColumnInfo::GetColumnNumber.
  1157 Custom dataset error. Method failed: IMMapXColumnInfo::GetDataType.
  1158 Custom dataset error. A column contains an unsupported type.
  1159 Custom dataset error. Method failed: IMMapXDataset::GetSample.
  1160 Custom dataset error. Method failed: IMMapXStaticDataset::BeginFetch.
  1161 Custom dataset error. Method failed: IMMapXStaticDataset::FetchData.
  1162 Custom dataset error. Method failed: IMMapXStaticDataset::EndFetch.
  1163 Custom dataset error. Method failed: IMMapXDynamicDataset::FetchData.
  1164 Custom dataset error. Method failed: IMMapXDataset:Init.
  1165 Custom dataset error. Could not find a CLSID for the type of custom dataset specified. Check that the custom dataset is properly registered.
  1166 Custom dataset error. Could not create the custom dataset object. Check that the custom dataset is properly registered.
  1167 Operation not allowed due to license restrictions.
  1168 Unable to open one of the Drilldown component tables.
  1169 Unable to reset Drilldown layer to specified level.
  1170 The Feature is too complex. There are too many parts or points in the Feature object.
  1171 A Line or Region Feature must have at least 1 Part.
  1172 The stand-alone Feature object is not attached to the map. Use Feature.Attach() before other Feature methods or properties.
  1173 Unable to attach Feature to the map. Make sure Map object is valid.
  1174 Error creating buffer.
  1175 Operation not allowed on an empty Features collection.
  1176 Invalid parameter combination.
  1177 Invalid Caption parameter specified.
  1178 Invalid Intersection Point flag specified.
  1179 Invalid Intersection Test flag specified.
  1180 Error Combining Features
  1181 Invalid Arc Distance specified.
  1182 Invalid Angle specified.
  1183 Missing or Invalid RefineBoundary specified in Search method.
  1184 XY and PointRef datasets are not allowed with dynamic binding.
  1185 Custom dataset error. Required interface not supported.
  1186 Custom dataset error. GetSample must return an array.
  1187 Custom dataset error. Unsupported type returned.
  1188 Error saving geoset.
  1189 Unable to find file needed by the coordsys dialog.
  1190 Layer.UpdateFeature(Target, Source) - 'Target' must be a feature from 'Layer'.
  1191 Range and individual value themes are not available on SpatialWare layers.
  1192 The find method is not available on SpatialWare layers.
  1193 Operation not allowed on a map with no layers.
  1194 Empty Text Annotations not allowed.
  1195 Failed adding key from drilldown level ; possibly others failed. Key Field not indexed?
  1196 Failed removing key from drilldown level ; possibly others failed.
  1197 Invalid minimum zoom value specified. Zoom values must be greater than zero.
  1198 Invalid maximum zoom value specified. Zoom values must be greater than zero.
  1199 Setting Value not allowed unless ComputeTheme is false.
  1200 Invalid style unit value specified.
  1201 Cannot add a theme of type miThemeNone.
  1202 The ShowCount property is only supported for ranged and individual value themes.
  1203 The maps display coordinate system cannot be modified while the map contains visible raster layers.
  1204 This line style does not support interleaved styles.
  1205 No feature was found using the name you specified.
  1206 The AllOthersText property is only supported for ranged and individual value themes.
  1207 Invalid Match Threshold specified. Percentage must be between 1 and 100.
  1208 The ShowCount property cannot be set to true, when ComputeTheme is false.
  1209 The text font size property cannot be changed, when overriding a layer style.
  1210 Invalid cache option.
  1211 Cannot load specified cursor.
  1212 Error occurred while searching within a layer.
  1213 Error occurred while updating or drawing the selection.
  1214 Invalid feature ID.
  1215 Unable to retrieve or set the theme style information.
  1216 Error while accessing thematic object.
  1217 Error occurred while creating the theme.
  1218 Error occurred while accessing the thematic modifier.
  1219 Error occurred while recalculating the theme.
  1220 The theme ranges are invalid. Please verify that the ranges do not overlap. You may want to set AutoRecompute to FALSE when setting custom theme ranges.
  1221 This property or method is only supported for themes with custom ranges.
  1222 Invalid theme category index specified.
  1223 This property or method is not supported for the all others category.
  1224 Invalid Layer MBRSearch option specified.
  1225 Invalid predominant object type.
  1226 Operation not allowed on this datasets collection.
  1227 Dataset created without SourceRow information. See Datasets.BuildSourceRows.
  1228 This property or method is only supported when ComputeTheme is false.
  1229 Error occurred while setting the number of categories for the theme.
  1230 A file named already exists.
  1231 Unable to open file . Verify that the file exists and that you have sufficient access rights to open it.
  1232 Unable to open file . Verify that the file exists in either the geodictionary directory or on the list of search paths. Also make sure that you have sufficient access rights to open it.
  1233 Error writing file during export.
  1234 Invalid BeginAccessType or Invalid EndAccessType.
  1235 Theme value must be positive.
  1236 This property is not supported for stacked bar charts.
  1237 This property is only supported for stacked bar charts.
  1238 The GraduateSizeBy property is only supported for graduated stacked bar charts and for bar charts which are not stacked or independently scaled.
  1239 Invalid LayerInfo parameter specified.
  1240 Error adding LayerInfo parameter.
  1241 Expected LayerInfo parameter is either missing or invalid.
  1242 Couldn't open . Table not found in the geodictionary.
  1243 This property is not supported for the current symbol type. The symbol type must match the type of symbol for which you are changing properties.
  1244 Theme deserialization error occurred.
  1245 Theme serialization error occurred.
  1246 Theme recreation error occurred.
  1247 Cannot modify layer. Table may be readonly.
  1248 Invalid Expression Parameter specified.
  1249 Error occurred while creating the legend.
  1250 Legend deserialization error occurred.
  1251 Legend serialization error occurred.
  1252 Legend recreation error occurred.
  1253 Table is not mappable. Make sure table has an object column. If table is a server table, make sure that there is an entry in the mapinfo mapcatalog for it.
  1254 Invalid closematch max value specified. Closematch values must be greater than or equal to zero.
  1255 Invalid rounding value specified.
  1256 This property can only be set when the RoundRanges property is set to true.
  1257 This property can only be set when the SpreadBy property is set to miSpreadByColor.
  1258 This property can only be set when the InflectRanges property is set to true.
  1259 An invalid inflection range index was specified.
  1260 Not enough ranges to use inflection. There must be at least three ranges to use inflection.
  1261 An invalid apply attribute was specified.
  1262 Cannot apply size attributes on a layer which predominantly contains bounded objects or text objects.
  1263 Cannot spread by size on a layer which predominantly contains bounded objects or text objects.
  1264 Cannot spread by color when applying size attributes.
  1265 Cannot spread by size when applying color attributes.
  1266 Cannot apply size attributes on an individual value theme.
  1267 Invalid label max value specified. Label max values must be between 0 and 32767.
  1268 Attempt to set the Insertion Layer to an object which is not a valid layer object.
  1269 Invalid RowValue object specified.
  1270 Invalid RowValue object specified.
  1271 Invalid UpdateFeature parameter specified.
  1272 Error occurred while setting the current tool to a standard tool.
  1273 The insertion layer is not set. The insertion layer must be set before the object creation tools can be used.
  1274 Error occurred while setting the current tool to a custom tool.
  1275 Error occurred while creating a standard tool.
  1276 Error occurred while creating a custom tool.
  1277 Cannot create a theme automatically on Seamless table.
  1278 Invalid Key Specified.
  1279 The layer that was specified is read-only. A read-only layer cannot be editable.
  1280 The layer that was specified is not editable. The insertion layer can only be set to a layer that is editable.
  1281 The layer specified does not contain any area objects. Centroids can only be shown for layers that contain bounded area objects.
  1282 The layer specified does not contain any line objects. Line direction can only be shown for layers that contain line objects.
  1283 The layer specified does not contain any point objects or area objects. Nodes can only be shown for layers that contain point objects or bounded area objects.
  1284 Invalid layer specified. Cannot set the insertion layer to a drilldown, raster, seamless, or user draw layer.
  1285 Invalid Field specified. Name not found, or index out of range.
  1286 Error accessing the insertion tools for the map.
  1287 The editable property for the insertion layer cannot be set to false.




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