
<img src="cnbruce.jpg" οnerrοr="this.src='http://www.cnbruce.com/images/logo.gif'">
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原图<br> <img src="http://www.cnbruce.com/images/cnrose/mi.jpg"><br> 设定大小的图<br> <img src="http://www.cnbruce.com/images/cnrose/mi.jpg" οnlοad="javascript:if(this.width>screen.width-350)then(this.width=screen.width-350)">
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原图,会自动缩小<br> <img src="http://www.cnbruce.com/images/cnrose/xx.jpg"> <br> 设定不缩小<br> <img src="http://www.cnbruce.com/images/cnrose/xx.jpg" galleryimg="no">
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<META HTTP-EQUIV="imagetoolbar" CONTENT="no">
<img galleryimg="no">
img {nobar:expression(this.galleryImg='no')}

a {blr:expression(this.onFocus=this.blur())}
area {blr:expression(this.onFocus=this.blur())}
<a href="http://www.cnbruce.com/blog/" onFocus=this.blur()><img src="http://www.cnbruce.com/images/logo.gif" border=0></a>
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<script language="JavaScript"> var img; function test(){ if(img)img.removeNode(true); img=document.createElement('img'); img.style.display='none'; img.attachEvent('onreadystatechange',function(){if(img.readyState=='complete')alert(img.fileSize>1024?'图片尺寸必要小于1024':'OK');}); img.attachEvent('onerror',function(){alert('不能读取此文件')}); document.body.appendChild(img); img.src=file.value; } </script> <input name="file" type='file'><input type="button" value="Test" onClick="test()">
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<script> var img=null; function s() { if(img)img.removeNode(true); img=document.createElement("img"); img.style.position="absolute"; img.style.visibility="hidden"; img.attachEvent("onreadystatechange",orsc); img.attachEvent("onerror",oe); document.body.insertAdjacentElement("beforeend",img); img.src=inp.value; } function oe() { alert("cant load img"); } function orsc() { if(img.readyState!="complete")return false; alert("高:"+img.offsetHeight+"\n宽:"+img.offsetWidth); } </script> <input type="file" Name="file" id="inp" value="默认值"><br><input οnclick="s()" type="button" value="点我一下给出要上传图片的大小及长、宽" name="button">
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<script defer> for (var i=0;i<document.images.length;i++){ document.images[i].width=document.images[i].width*0.5 } </script> <img src="http://www.cnbruce.com/images/cnrose/xx.jpg">
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<html> <head> <title>Untitled Document</title> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=gb2312"> <script language="JavaScript"> <!-- var scrollcount=0; var dragy; var scrollarrowtop; function initdrag() { scrollcount=1; dragy=event.clientY; document.body.setCapture(); } function startdrag() { if (scrollcount==1) { window.scrollBy(dragy-event.clientX,dragy-event.clientY); document.body.style.cursor='hand'; dragy=event.clientY; } } function enddrag() { document.body.style.cursor=''; scrollcount=0; document.body.releaseCapture(); } // --> </script> </head> <body bgcolor="#FFFFFF" text="#000000" onselectstart="return false;" οnmοusedοwn="initdrag()" οnmοusemοve="startdrag()" οnmοuseup="enddrag()" scroll=yes> <img src="http://www.cnbruce.com/images/cnrose/mi.jpg"> <img src="http://www.cnbruce.com/images/cnrose/xx.jpg"> </body> </html>
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<html> <head> <title>Upload Image</title> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=gb2312"> <SCRIPT language=Javascript> gFlag=false; var gMaxSize,gCurrentSize,gUploadSize,gCurInputIndex,gCurImageSrc,gCurOFile; gMaxSize="10"; gCurrentSize=".18"; gMaxSize=parseFloat(gMaxSize)*1024*1024; //gMaxSize=parseFloat("1")*1024; gCurrentSize=parseFloat(gCurrentSize)*1024*1024; gErr=""; gUploadSize=0; function validate() { var lErr; lErr=""; if((gUploadSize+gCurrentSize)>gMaxSize){ if(form1.TempAlbum.value!=form1.OldAlbum.value){ lErr=".您要上传的图片尺寸大于您的剩余相册容量,请选择上传至\"临时相册\"\n"+lErr; } } if(form1.OldAlbum.value=="0"){ if(form1.NewAlbum.value.length==0){ lErr=".请输入新相册名称\n"+lErr; } } if(lErr.length>0){ alert("错误:\n"+lErr); if(lErr.indexOf("请输入新相册名称\n\n")!=-1){ form1.NewAlbum.focus(); } return false; } form1.submit(); /*进度条控制*/ //var winProgress=window.open("progress.htm","progress","width=300,height=250"); //winProgress.focus(); /*进度条控制*/ return true; } function handleBadImage() { alert('所选图片并非有效的JPG格式!\n请重新选择!'); eval("form1.file"+gCurInputIndex+".outerHTML=\"<input type=\\\"file\\\" name=\\\"file"+gCurInputIndex+"\\\" style=\\\"width:275\\\" value=\\\"\\\" onChange=\\\"FileChange(this);\\\">\""); eval("form1.file"+gCurInputIndex+".fireEvent(\"onChange\")"); return false; } function handleGoodImage() { imgsrc='<img src="'+gCurImageSrc+'" οnlοad="DrawImage(this,'+gCurInputIndex+'); " width="0" height="0">'; gCurOFile.parentNode.previousSibling.innerHTML=imgsrc; return true; } // function FileChange(oFile){ gErr=""; gUploadSize=0; str=''; gCurOFile=oFile; gCurImageSrc=oFile.value; inputname=oFile.name; i=inputname.substr((inputname.length-1),1); gCurInputIndex=i; if (gCurImageSrc.length>0){ //check for none jpg imgExt=new Image(); imgExt.οnlοad=handleGoodImage; imgExt.οnerrοr=handleBadImage; var fileName = gCurImageSrc.replace("\\", "/"); // NN7 var imgURL = 'file:///' + fileName; if((navigator.appVersion.indexOf('Mac')>-1) && (navigator.appVersion.indexOf('MSIE')>-1)){ imgURL='file://' + fileName; } imgExt.src=imgURL; //finish check } } function ShowImgOfServer(NewPath,ImgD){ ImgD.src=NewPath; } / function DrawImage(ImgD,Index){ var flag=false; var image=new Image(); image.src=ImgD.src; ImgD.value=ImgD.src; if(image.fileSize>2048000){ image.outerHTML=""; gErr+="此图片尺寸过大,图片尺寸应小于2MB\n"; eval("form1.file"+Index+".outerHTML=\"<input type=\\\"file\\\" name=\\\"file"+Index+"\\\" style=\\\"width:275\\\" value=\\\"\\\" onChange=\\\"FileChange(this);\\\">\""); eval("form1.file"+Index+".fireEvent(\"onChange\")"); alert("此图片尺寸过大,图片尺寸应小于2MB\n"); return ; } if(image.src.substr(image.src.length-3,3).toLowerCase()!="jpg"){ image.outerHTML=""; gErr+="此图片类型不匹配,只能上传JPG(JPEG)格式文件\n"; eval("form1.file"+Index+".outerHTML=\"<input type=\\\"file\\\" name=\\\"file"+Index+"\\\" style=\\\"width:275\\\" value=\\\"\\\" onChange=\\\"FileChange(this);\\\">\""); eval("form1.file"+Index+".fireEvent(\"onChange\")"); alert("此图片类型不匹配,只能上传JPG(JPEG)格式文件\n"); return ; } tempFileName=image.src; var iLastDot; iLastLine=tempFileName.lastIndexOf('/'); if(iLastLine!=-1){ tempFileName=tempFileName.substring(iLastLine+1,tempFileName.length); } if(!CheckIfEnglish(tempFileName)){ image.outerHTML=""; gErr+="此图片文件名包含中文或其他不合法字符\n文件名只能由'a-z'、'A-Z'、'_'、'-'构成\n"; eval("form1.file"+Index+".outerHTML=\"<input type=\\\"file\\\" name=\\\"file"+Index+"\\\" style=\\\"width:275\\\" value=\\\"\\\" onChange=\\\"FileChange(this);\\\">\""); eval("form1.file"+Index+".fireEvent(\"onChange\")"); alert("此图片文件名包含中文或其他不合法字符\n文件名只能由'a-z'、'A-Z'、'_'、'-'构成\n"); return ; } if(gErr.length>0){ return; } if(image.width>0 && image.height>0){ flag=true; if(image.width/image.height>= 120/80){ if(image.width>120){ ImgD.width=120; ImgD.height=(image.height*120)/image.width; }else{ ImgD.width=image.width; ImgD.height=image.height; } ImgD.alt="图片大小(宽*高): "+image.width+"×"+image.height+"\n图片大小: "+image.fileSize+"\n图片路径: "+image.src; eval('document.all.width'+Index+'.value='+image.width); eval('document.all.height'+Index+'.value='+image.height); var oCreated=new Date(image.fileModifiedDate); eval('document.all.PicUpdateDate'+Index+'.value="'+oCreated.toLocaleString()+'"'); } else{ if(image.height>80){ ImgD.height=80; ImgD.width=(image.width*80)/image.height; }else{ ImgD.width=image.width; ImgD.height=image.height; } ImgD.alt="图片大小(宽*高): "+image.width+"×"+image.height+"\n图片大小: "+image.fileSize+"\n图片路径: "+image.src; eval('document.all.width'+Index+'.value='+image.width); eval('document.all.height'+Index+'.value='+image.height); var oCreated=new Date(image.fileModifiedDate); eval('document.all.PicUpdateDate'+Index+'.value="'+oCreated.toLocaleString()+'"'); } } if(parseInt(Index)==parseInt(form1.upcount.value)){ form1.upcount.value=parseInt(form1.upcount.value)+1; str+='<table width="100%" ><tr valign="middle" ><td align="center" id="tdimg" height="" width="120" ></td><td id="tdfile" >文件'+(parseInt(Index)+1)+':<input onpropertychange="FileChange(this);" type="file" name="file'+(parseInt(Index)+1)+'" style="width:275" ><input id="width'+(parseInt(Index)+1)+'" name="width'+(parseInt(Index)+1)+'" type="hidden" value=""><input id="height'+(parseInt(Index)+1)+'" name="height'+(parseInt(Index)+1)+'" type="hidden" value=""><input name="PicUpdateDate'+(parseInt(Index)+1)+'" type="hidden" id="PicUpdateDate'+(parseInt(Index)+1)+'"></td></tr></table>'; 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<script language=vbs> Randomize i=Int((80 * Rnd) + 1) document.write"<img src='http://www.cnbruce.com/blog/smile/face"&i&".gif'>" </script>
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<SCRIPT LANGUAGE="JavaScript" defer> // Set slideShowSpeed (milliseconds) var slideShowSpeed = 2000; // Duration of crossfade (seconds) var crossFadeDuration = 3; // Specify the image files var Pic = new Array(); // to add more images, just continue // the pattern, adding to the array below Pic[0] = "/blog/smile/face1.gif"; Pic[1] = "/blog/smile/face2.gif"; Pic[2] = "/blog/smile/face3.gif"; Pic[3] = "/blog/smile/face4.gif"; Pic[4] = "/blog/smile/face5.gif"; // do not edit anything below this line var t; var j = 0; var p = Pic.length; var preLoad = new Array(); for (i = 0; i < p; i++) { preLoad[i] = new Image(); preLoad[i].src = Pic[i]; } function runSlideShow() { if (document.all) { document.images.SlideShow.style.filter="blendTrans(duration=2)"; document.images.SlideShow.style.filter="blendTrans(duration=crossFadeDuration)"; document.images.SlideShow.filters.blendTrans.Apply(); } document.images.SlideShow.src = preLoad[j].src; if (document.all) { document.images.SlideShow.filters.blendTrans.Play(); } j = j + 1; if (j > (p - 1)) j = 0; t = setTimeout('runSlideShow()', slideShowSpeed); } </script> <body οnlοad="runSlideShow()"> <img id="SlideShow"/>
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<html> <head> <title>Listing 35.13. A Wipe Transition for the Incoming Slide</title> <script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript"> // This array holds all of the document's DHTML-able objects var dhtml_objects = new Array() // This function creates the custom objects that serve as cross-browser front-ends function create_object_array() { // All the <div> and <span> tags are stored in these variables var div_tags var span_tags var css_tags // Is the browser W3C DOM compliant? if (document.getElementById) { // If so, use getElementsByTagName() to get the <div> tags div_tags = document.getElementsByTagName("div") // Loop through the <div> tags for (var counter = 0; counter < div_tags.length; counter++) { // Store the current object current_object = div_tags[counter] // Store how the browser accesses styles object_css = current_object.style // Store the object's id object_id = current_object.id // Only store those tags that have an id if (object_id) { // Create a new dhtml_object and store it in dhtml_objects 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positioned <div> and <span> tags css_tags = document.layers // Loop through the layers for (var counter = 0; counter < css_tags.length; counter++) { // Store the current object current_object = css_tags[counter] // Store how the browser accesses styles object_css = current_object // Store the object's id object_id = current_object.id // Only store those tags that have an id if (object_id) { // Create a new dhtml_object and store it in dhtml_objects dhtml_objects[object_id] = new dhtml_object(current_object, object_css, object_id) } } } } function dhtml_object (obj, css, id) { this.obj = obj this.css = css this.id = id this.left = get_left this.right = get_right this.top = get_top this.bottom = get_bottom this.width = get_width this.height = get_height this.visibility = get_visibility this.zIndex = get_zIndex this.move_to = move_to this.move_by = move_by this.set_left = set_left this.set_top = set_top this.set_width = set_width this.set_height = set_height this.set_visibility = 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property return parseInt(this.obj.offsetWidth) } } else { // If not, return the layer's document width return parseInt(this.obj.document.width) } } function get_height() { // Is this a W3C or DHTML DOM browser? if (!document.layers) { // If so, is the height defined? if (this.css.height) { // If so, return the height property return parseInt(this.css.height) } else { // If not, return the offsetHeight property return parseInt(this.obj.offsetHeight) } } else { // If not, return the layer's document height return parseInt(this.obj.document.height) } } function get_visibility() { // Is this a W3C or DHTML DOM browser? if (!document.layers) { // If so, is the visibility defined? if (this.css.visibility) { // If so, return the visibility property return this.css.visibility } } else { // Otherwise, it's an LDOM browser, so // handle the proprietary visibility values if (this.css.visibility == "show") { return "visible" } if (this.css.visibility == "hide") { return "hidden" } } // If we get this far, just return "inherit" return "inherit" } function get_zIndex() { return this.css.zIndex } function move_to (new_left, new_top) { this.css.left = new_left this.css.top = new_top } function move_by (delta_left, delta_top) { // Add the delta values this.css.left = this.left() + parseInt(delta_left) this.css.top = this.top() + parseInt(delta_top) } function set_left (new_left) { this.css.left = new_left } function set_top (new_top) { this.css.top = new_top } function set_width (new_width) { // Is this a W3C or DHTML DOM browser? if (!document.layers) { // If so, just set the width property this.css.width = new_width } } function set_height (new_height) { // Is this a W3C or DHTML DOM browser? if (!document.layers) { // If so, just set the width property this.css.height = new_height } } function set_visibility (new_visibility) { // Is this a W3C or DHTML DOM browser? if (!document.layers) { // If so, just set the visibility // to the value of the argument this.css.visibility = 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values are now in the current_clip object return current_clip.top } else { // Otherwise, use clip.top return this.css.clip.top } } var current_clip function clip_object(top, right, bottom, left) { this.top = top this.right = right this.bottom = bottom this.left = left } function parse_dom_clip(current_object) { clip_string = current_object.css.clip if (clip_string.length > 0) { var values_string = clip_string.slice(5, clip_string.length - 1) var clip_values = values_string.split(" ") var clip_top = parseInt(clip_values[0]) var clip_right = parseInt(clip_values[1]) var clip_bottom = parseInt(clip_values[2]) var clip_left = parseInt(clip_values[3]) } else { var clip_top = 0 var clip_right = current_object.width() var clip_bottom = current_object.height() var clip_left = 0 } current_clip = new clip_object(clip_top, clip_right, clip_bottom, clip_left) } function get_clip_right() { // Is this a W3C or DHTML DOM browser? if (!document.layers) { // If so, first parse the clip string 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current_clip.left } else { // Otherwise, use clip.width return this.css.clip.width } } function get_clip_height() { // Is this a W3C or DHTML DOM browser? if (!document.layers) { // If so, first parse the clip string parse_dom_clip(this) // Clip values are now in the current_clip object return current_clip.bottom - current_clip.top } else { // Otherwise, use clip.width return this.css.clip.height } } function resize_clip_to(new_top, new_right, new_bottom, new_left) { if (new_top == "auto") {new_top = this.get_clip_top() } if (new_right == "auto") {new_right = this.get_clip_right() } if (new_bottom == "auto") {new_bottom = this.get_clip_bottom() } if (new_left == "auto") {new_left = this.get_clip_left() } // Is this a W3C or DHTML DOM browser? if (!document.layers) { // Clip values are now in the current_clip object this.css.clip = "rect(" + new_top + " " + new_right + " " + new_bottom + " " + new_left + ")" } else { // Otherwise, use clip properties this.css.clip.top = new_top 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Array("slide", "wipe") var h_directions = new Array("left", "right", "both", "none") var v_directions = new Array("down", "up", "both", "none") var viewer_data = new viewer_data_object() // This function creates the viewer object function viewer_data_object(width, height, top, left, scrollamount) {} function initialize() { // If this is a non-DHTML browser, bail out if (!dhtml_ok) { return } // Create the DHTML objects create_object_array() // Set up the viewer object viewer_data.width = dhtml_objects['viewer1'].width() viewer_data.height = dhtml_objects['viewer1'].height() viewer_data.top = dhtml_objects['viewer1'].top() viewer_data.left = dhtml_objects['viewer1'].left() viewer_data.scrollamount = scroll_amount viewer_data.scrolldelay = scroll_delay viewer_data.scroll_start = slide_width viewer_data.transition = transitions[0] viewer_data.h_direction = h_directions[0] viewer_data.v_direction = v_directions[0] write_controls() } // This function sets the initial viewer position and 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clearTimeout(timeout_id) // The pending slide is now the current slide current_slide = pending_slide // Prepare the incoming slide prepare_next_slide() } } function stop_it() { // Shut down the viewer by clearing the current timeout clearTimeout(timeout_id) // Clear the scrolling flag scrolling = false // Update the controls write_controls() } function prepare_next_slide() { // Select a random wipe transition viewer_data.transition = "wipe" viewer_data.h_direction = h_directions[Math.floor(h_directions.length * Math.random())] viewer_data.v_direction = v_directions[Math.floor(v_directions.length * Math.random())] var top_clip_start = 0 var right_clip_start = viewer_data.width var bottom_clip_start = viewer_data.height var left_clip_start = 0 // Get the horizontal adjustments if (viewer_data.h_direction == "left") { left_clip_start = viewer_data.width } else if (viewer_data.h_direction == "right") { right_clip_start = 0 } else if (viewer_data.h_direction == "both") { left_clip_start = 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