Family Album CD10 对白

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Uncle Brendan. It's so good to meet you finally.
Yeah, I wish it were under happier circumstances. How are you holdin' up?
We're OK. It's Dad I'm worried about.
Does he know you called me?
Yes. He wants to see you.
Can I go in and see him?
Excuse me, this is my Uncle Brendan. He'd like to see my father...
Yes, come in. He's resting.
Uh, I'd like to see him alone for a few minutes, if that's OK?
Yes. Of course.
I hope we did the right thing.
Kevin, are you all right? I'm worried about you.
I'll survive.
Do you wanna go get something to drink?
I'm gonna go and say goodnight to Sandy. I'll be back.
Patrick? Patrick... it's Brendan, your long-lost brother.
Oh... Sandy... I can't believe it!
Rebecca called me. She told me you asked for me to come.
I'm glad... glad you came...
It's been a long time... too long, I guess.
You know what we are? We're two pigheaded Irishmen, so stubborn that we didn't talk to each other for almost thirty years. That's not the way brothers are supposed to be.
You know what they say about us Irish short tempers and long memories.
I'm ready to forgive and forget. How about you?

Where did Sandy go?
I don't know. I can't believe she took off.
What's wrong?
Looks like Jack's been beating Sandy up.
You've got to be kidding. Actually hitting her?
Yeah. You should see her face. She has a huge black-and-blue mark right here.
That pig. He should have his face kicked in.
Kevin, don't talk like that.
This thing won't take my money. Do you have any change?
How much do you need?
Seventy-five cents.
Kevin, I'm sorry I yelled at you.
That's all right. That's all right ... It's all right.
Nurse! Hurry! Help!
What's wrong, Uncle Brendan? What's going on?
He's not breathing, and he has no pulse. We're going to shock him... Everybody, stand clear. Clear! Shock!... Shock!... Shock! Begin CPR... Can we get Lidocaine? One milligram of Lidocaine.
And one and two and three and four and five. . . and one and two and three and four and five...
Oh, hi, Hon. I have bad news-Patrick passed away a few hours ago.
Oh, Honey, I'm so sorry. Were you able to talk to him...?
We made our peace.
Oh, that's good. How are Kevin and Rebecca taking it?
Rebecca's, uh... pretty upset. Kevin's a little quiet.
Yeah, I understand.
I'd like you to come out to the funeral.
Of course.

Aunt Molly?... It's Rebecca. I have some sad news. Dad passed away this morning... a heart attack... Yes, it was a terrible shock... The wake is gonna be tomorrow, from six to nine... It's OK, Dad's friend, Frank Wells, will pick you up...
Thank you.
Who's this guy?
How thoughtful.He's
a friend from San Francisco.
Uncle Brendan... And you must be Anne. Thank you for making the trip.
I'm very sorry about your father.
It all happened so fast... We can't believe it... Thank you for the flowers. They're... just beautiful.
I don't know anyone here. Where's Kevin?
Over there.
Excuse me...
It was good you called Brendan. You did the right thing.
It's wrong for a family to be like that.
I know. Brendan can be very stubborn... But I guess your father was, too.
How're you holding up, kid?
Pretty good.
I don't know a soul here. Do you know who any of these people are?
Not all... but some. That guy over there worked with Dad at the fire department. And that's Mrs. Peterson. She lives in our building. That guy over there, that's Frank Wells. He's a fireman, too. He's an old friend of Dad's.
Oh, my God! I can't believe my eyes! Is that Molly over there?
Aunt Molly. Yeah. Frank Wells picked her up at the retirement community.
You know, we used to get Christmas cards from her... but I haven't seen her in I don't know how long...
Brendan's so sad about losing his only brother, but at least they made peace before your father died.
I was happy about that... Urn, can I ask you something?
Dad never told me what their disagreement was about. Do you know?
You mean... you don't know?
I think it would be better if Brendan told you himself...

It's such a shame about... about Patrick, though. He wasn't all that old... And now poor Rebecca and Kevin... They've got nobody.
But they have us... They have you, and Brendan, and me. Two aunts and an uncle. We'll have to be their family now.
Where did you find her, Brendan? She's much too good for you.
Rebecca... Kevin... The entire Boston Fire Department wishes to express its deepest sympathy on the death of your father, Patrick Casey. In recognition of your father's bravery, I'm presentin' you with this helmet.
Thank you.
Rebecca, can I say a couple of words? Your father was a special friend to me. I'm gonna miss the pleasure of his company. He probably never told you this, but he saved my neck more than once. I want you to know, Rebecca... Kevin... If you ever need anything, and I mean anything, please call on me. God bless.
Matt! It's good to see you.
Sandy called me. I'm really sorry about your father.
Thanks for coming. How are you?
Fine. How's life in San Francisco?
School's tough, but I like it.
That's good. Are you goin' back... or staying or...?
I don't know... At this point, I just don't know.
Listen, I can't stay. I just came by for a second to pay my respects...
Thanks for coming.
Take care, Becky.
Thank you Matt... Bye.
Sandy, where've you been? I've been worried about you. I've been calling and calling.
Sorry... I haven't been home.
What is it? Did Jack hit you again?
No, no, we talked... He's promised never to do it again.
You mean you're going back to him?
I guess so.
I'm real sorry to hear about your dad.
Thanks, Jack.
Let's go.
I'll call you.

May God bless and keep our brother, Patrick Casey. Amen.
Um... My father... was a good father. He cared about us... He had a big heart. He had a hard life after he got hurt in the fire ... and if I added to his burden, I'm sorry... I'm sorry if I did. I'm gonna miss him.
My father had dreams, not big dreams... but small ones. He wanted to go fishing, on one of those deep-sea fishing boats... but somehow he never did. He dreamed of having a house... not a big house, just a little one with a garden. That never happened either. He had dreams for Kevin and me, too. Maybe we disappointed him with our crazy ideas. I'm sorry, Dad, if we did. You always cared for us, and loved us, and provided a shoulder to lean on. And that has made our journey easier. I hope you find your dreams now... maybe fishing, or working in the garden with Mom. Bye, Dad.

I'll get it.
'Dear Rebecca and Kevin. We are very sorry to hear of your father's passing. If there's anything we can do, please let us know. We have made a donation to the American Heart Association in memory of your father. You are in our prayers. With warm wishes, the O'Neils.'
It's probably better than sending flowers. A donation will do some good.
That was Mrs. Peterson. She dropped this casserole off for us.
That was very nice of her. She's always been a considerate neighbor... You might as well put that in the fridge.
I'm going to change.
Kevin, do you want to look at some of these cards?
I feel so sorry for Kevin. Is he always this quiet?
No, he's usually talkative, so enthusiastic...
He hardly knew his mother... and now his father's gone... It's hard to lose both parents when you're so young.
How old is Kevin?
Almost eighteen.
Does he know what he's gonna do?
I don't think he has a clue. He doesn't like to plan very much.
Well, what about you? You're going back to school, aren't you?
Well, I'd... like to, but I feel responsible for Kevin. I can't leave him here alone... and we have a lot of bills to pay... Oh, this note is from my godmother. I was staying with her in San Francisco. I'll have to let her know soon whether or not I'll be back.
Hon, we should talk about how we can help.
Oh, you've already been helpful, Uncle Brendan.
I feel bad that Patrick and I didn't come to a reconciliation sooner.
It's been so good to have you here. I don't know how I would have gotten through all of this without you.
Well, you must be exhausted. Now, is there anything else we can do before we go back to the hotel?
No, but thanks for asking.
Well, we'll talk tomorrow.
I'll call you in the morning.

This mural is new, isn't it? Wow, this neighborhood sure is changing.
Key, you've been so quiet. Are you all right? You miss Dad, don't you?
I don't know. It just doesn't feel real, yet. It's like... it's like he just went away for the weekend.
he's not coming back.
No kidding... What would I do without a big sister to tell me everything?
Sorry. Have you thought about what you're gonna do?
Sure. First, I'm gonna become a millionaire... Then I'm getting...
I'm serious... We both have to decide what we're gonna do.
You know what you're gonna do... You're going back to college in California... Aren't you?
I'm not sure. I can't leave you here alone.
Here we go again... Big sister butts in... Why not? Remember, I'm almost eighteen. I have a job, an apartment...
Can you afford the rent on the apartment?
I don't know... How much is it?
I'm hardworking. I'll get a second job if I have to. You should go back to SanFrancisco.
I don't know if I can right now.
Why not? Because of me?
Because of a lot of things. Dad said he wanted you to go to college... get a degree.
Maybe I don't want to go to college. I just got out of school. Anyway, how can we afford it?
Kevin! You have to get an education so that you can make a living. Don't let the cost stop you. We'll get you a student loan or financial aid, or something.
Beck, go back to San Francisco. You don't have to take care of me anymore. I'm not a baby, and you're not my mother.
I know you're not a baby, but you're my brother. And you're the only real family I have right now. Could I persuade you to come back to San Francisco with me?
Get serious! Why the hell would I do that?
I am serious! We both have to figure out what we're gonna do... together... and soon... Let's get a pizza... We'll take it home. We'll write down all our options and decide then. What do you say?
I suppose so...

How much do the bills add up to?
I don't know yet. Not all the doctor and hospital bills are covered by the HMO... And the funeral alone cost four thousand.
It cost how much... ? Four thousand dollars?
You know you're supposed to get some money from Dad's disability policy... because you're under eighteen.
That's good, but I won't be seventeen for long. How much is in the savings account?
Not much... just a few hundred dollars.
What about his insurance policy?
What insurance?
I don't know. He used to talk about his insurance. I guess he had some insurance policy.
He never mentioned it to me. I don't think he liked to talk about things like that. Where would it be?
In his room?
It makes me sad to come in here.
These shirts must be twenty years old.
Maybe that's what he meant when he said 'waste not, want not' ... We could give some things to the Salvation Army.
Look at this...
Open it...
Some papers... a photo... our cousins in Ireland. Someday I'd like to go to Ireland.
They look like you, don't they? Everyone says I looked like Mom's side of the family.

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