Family Album CD8 对白

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Mrs. Wang, here's what I'd like to do-give guitar lessons to Vincent... free of charge.
Guitar lessons?
Can I, Mom?
Uh, this is a very kind of you... but why?
I feel responsible for what happened to Vincent at the picnic.
You did not make Vincent cry. Eh, you-uh-Vincent-Ban le yi jiao.
You did not trip him. You did not call him names. Bad boys did that.
I know, but I didn't protect Vincent, either. The guitar lessons are my way of apologizing to your family.
Uh, this-is-a-very kind. But first, I must speak to Vincent father.
He'll say it's OK.
I'd like to give lessons to Vincent's friend Alex, too.
Alex? Vincent likes this boy. He will take the lessons, too?
I will call Vincent father.
I'd like to have the lessons here, if it's OK with you and Mr. Wang.
Yes. Here is fine.
I'll bring Alex here and take him home after each lesson.
How much will the lessons cost?
Oh, nothing. Free of charge.
My mother says we must pay.
Oh, no, really, I don't want you to pay.
She said, 'wait a minute.' She'll be right back.
Hello, wo shi Mei-Lin.
Hi, Mei-Lin,
For Vincent, fine.
Yes. Bye.
OK. Bye-bye.
Please, for you.
Oh, it's beautiful, but I... I can't accept this.
My mom said she wants you to have it.
Thank you very much, Mrs. Wang.
Vincent's father is... a... very happy about the guitar lessons.
My mother says you're a very good person, and she's happy that you came to our house today.
Thank you. I'm happy to do something for Vincent and Alex. It's important to keep friends together.
My mom says we can do it!
Cool. When?
Startin' next Tuesday, after the program.
Hey, tell everybody the cards were great. Some of them were so cool.

I will. I can't wait till Tuesday!
Yeah. Me neither.

I kinda like it here at Grandma's house.
How about if we get a new house, just for us? We can't stay here forever, you know.
Mom says she's gonna get a house with a pool.
Is it hard living in two places-every other weekend with your mom, the rest of the time with me?
Sometimes it's hard. Sometimes I like it.
I know what you mean.
Dad... do you like Miss Casey?
Everybody likes Miss Casey. Why do you ask?
Are you and Miss Casey gonna date?
Alex, where did you get an idea like that?
I don't know... Jimmy Peters, at school... His dad is divorced and he goes out on dates.
I don't have time for dates. Anyway, Miss Casey is going out with Uncle Alberto. You know that. Do you have any homework?
That's what you always say. I'll put the rest of the dishes away. You start your homework. No guitar until your homework is finished, do you hear me?
Dad... do you think I could be a rock star?
I thought you wanted to be a baseball player.
I think I'd rather be a rock star.
My son can be anything he wants to be... but first, he has to do his homework.
Alex, you're getting popcorn all over the carpet! Please, pick that up... right now.
I'm supposed to do my homework.
First, pick up the popcorn. Then do your homework.
I bet rock stars don't have to pick up popcorn.
Rock stars? Where is your father?
In the kitchen.
Alex is getting popcorn all over the carpet! You should teach him to clean up after himself.
He was just in here helping me clean up the kitchen.
Alex, turn that television off... this minute!
That boy watches too much television.
I know. I know.
Ram¨.n, look at you, digging through laundry. You need a wife to take care of you and Alex.
I had one wife. That was enough for a lifetime.
Christine was never the right woman for you.
Look, I was young. I made a mistake.
Are you going to see her tonight?
Yeah. We're gonna try to settle this L.A. business.
You're not going to let her take Alex to Los Angeles, are you?
Not if I can help it. Look, Mama, I'm sorry. I've got to go.
Go. I'll finish this for you.
Go on. Ram¨.n... I wish you luck.

Come in.
Thank you for picking up the popcorn. What are you studying?
Science. All about cells... How things grow.
I can see you are growing. Look at your pajamas. They're too small for you.
Abuelita, do you think Mommy and Daddy will ever get back together again?
I don't think so, Alex. Your mother remarried. She's living with her new husband now.
Well, is Daddy gonna get married again?
I don't know. Maybe... if he finds the right woman...
I know somebody he likes.
Who's that?
Miss Casey.
I'm sure he likes her as a friend, that's all. Let's go over your homework. Tell me what you know about cells.
OK. You see this? This is an animal cell.
Animal cell?
And this is a plant cell.
Plant cell?
They both have cell walls.
Hey, Dad.
Hey, buddy. Let's go. Get your things.
Just a minute.
Are you OK?
Not really. I had a talk with Alex's mother last night... You know, she's moving to L.A....
I remember. How do it go?
Not very well. She still wants him to go with her. Of course, I want him to stay here. It looks like we'll have to go back to court over it. I don't know what I'm gonna tell Alex. It's terrifying. The judge may ask him to choose.
How horrible. But... wait a minute... you spend more time with him than his mother does.
True, but who knows what the judge will decide. I'm not looking forward to telling Alex about all this.
Just tell him the truth and that you love him.
I got my things.
Go get in the car, please. I'll be right there.
Bye, Miss Casey.
Bye, Alex. Don't forget to practice tonight, OK?
Sorry to bother you with all this...
That's what friends are for.

Talked to your mother last night.
Am I gonna see her this weekend?
Yup... She and Norman wanna talk to you about something important.
What is it?
Norman got a new job... in Los Angeles. They're moving to L.A.
Mommy's moving? When?
The end of the month.
When am I going to see Mommy?
Well... she and Norman want you to move to L.A. with them.
You're kidding, right?
No, I'm not.
It's not fair. It's just not fair.
Alex, come back here. I think we should talk about this.
I hate you. I really, really hate all of you!
Alex, I didn't wanna upset you. I'm sorry.
I just want you to know how much I love you and this is ridiculous!
How about if I sit down?
Remember how we used to sit and talk about important things... like-uh-when your bike was stolen... or when you broke the kitchen window? So, your mom wants you to move, and I want you to stay. Somehow, we're gonna have to work this out. You understand?
I want it the way it was. With you and Mommy and me, together.
I don't think that's possible.
Why not? Because you don't love each other anymore? What about me? What am I supposed to do?
Where're you going?
No, you're not.
Alex, Alex, come back here. I mean it.
Don't you show your anger to me. This is not the way to solve our problem. Look, this isn't easy... for you, for me, or for your mother. But I promise I'll try to do what's best for you.
Why can't we be a family again? Why can't you and Mommy love each other again?

Are you quitting already?
I have to. I'm going to a big party tonight.
Aren't you the lucky one! Can you get me an invitation?
Nnn, I don't think so. It's a retirement party for...
Ugh, forget it. Retirement party... no way.
They're really nice people...
Old people make me nervous...
You are terrible...
Ain't that the truth! See ya!
Well, thank you, thank you. I hope we enjoy our retirement as much as we love our restaurant.
Hi, Miss Casey.
Alex, don't you look nice?
Can I take your coat?
I would love that. Here, would you take this for me as well?
Thank you.
Urn-this is Gloria Diaz. She's a friend of the family.
Nice to meet you, Gloria.
Hello, Rebecca. Tell me, how did you and Alberto meet?
Oh, I was driving across country, and my car broke down in the desert. Alberto just appeared out of the blue.
Actually, out of the desert. I was taking pictures when I noticed a car parked, stranded in the middle of nowhere. I tried to help, but her car attacked me.
It was an accident. The hood of my car fell on his head.
I recovered-by spending the rest of the night in the back seat of my car.
How romantic!
I was alone, Gloria.
Oh, thank you, Alex. They look delicious.
Rebecca's studying music and she's going to be a songwriter someday.
I'm hoping to be a songwriter.
And she works at the after-school program that Alex attends.
Alex is a super baseball player... and a very talented guitar player.
He's so adorable.
What did she say?
It's about... it's about her trip to Acapulco. And I want to hear the rest of this. Just-just-just a minute.

That's Phoenix for you. I don't even know my neighbors. They're all retired people. All they do is stay home.
But aren't there lots of activities for people like you?
Sure, but it's not easy to make new friends. To tell you the truth, retirement can get a little boring.
Don't say that! Here I am... about to retire.
You'll get used to it... eventually. So, tell me, what are your plans?
Well, we're hoping to go back to Mexico for Christmas to spend some time with our relatives.
That's nice. Did I show you pictures of me in front of my condominium?
Wow. That's some swimsuit, Alice.
Hello. Mama, Papa, you remember Rebecca?
Of course. How are you, Rebecca?
Very good, thanks.
It's so good to see you again.
It's a pleasure to be here.
This is Alice Goodman, an old friend. She came all the way from Arizona to be with us tonight.
Oh, wonderful.
This is Rebecca Casey.
Nice to meet you.
Hello, Rebecca. I knew this guy when he was just a little boy. He liked girls even back then.
OK. We'd better go before they start telling stories about my childhood.
So, what do you think?
Very attractive, but a little too skinny.
I think it's time for Alberto to settle down, have a family.
You women are terrible.
What ever happened to Patricia?
Pa-tri-ci-a? They still go out once in a while. I was hoping they would get married... she's Mexican-American, you know. But not such luck.
How old is this Rebecca, anyway?
I'm not sure. Urn-maybe twenty-nine.
Alber had better make up his mind fast if he's gonna have kids.
You're right. I would like to have more grandchildren.
You have Alex. You're lucky.
Yes. But you can never have too many grandchildren.
So... Uh... Rebecca and Ram¨.n are friends?
Yes. He got her a job at Alex's after-school program.
Looks like he's quite fond of her.
No, they're just friends. She's Alex's teacher. That's all.
Don't be too sure.

Fun party, huh?
Your grandmother's a good dancer.
I guess so.
Alex, is there something wrong?
I have to move with my mother to Los Angeles.
Your father told me. It's gonna be hard on everyone.
I don't wanna go. I wanna stay here.
I'm sorry. You must be very upset.
Hey. Got a little surprise for you to cheer you up.
What kind of surprise?
Something my brother gave me.
What is it?
It's a four-leaf clover. It's supposed to bring you good luck. I don't know if it's true, but I hope it brings you good luck.
Thank you, Miss Casey.
Why don't you call me Rebecca? Miss Casey sounds so old. OK?
OK... Rebecca.
That's better.
Excuse me you two. Alex, now is the time.
Can you sit for a while and visit?
Not yet. I've been in the kitchen all day, and now is the time to present my masterpiece.
Our masterpiece, Dad!
You're right... our masterpiece.
Oh... What is it?
Should we tell her or let her wait?
Let her wait.
You two.
You've given your parents a great party!
Remember, gave me a dance.
I will.

Attention, everyone. Be quiet, please. Quiet. Before we cut into this beautiful cake made with loving care by us, their loving sons, a few words from the guests of honor...
Thank you my very dear friends. We wish to thank you all for coming here to join us in our party tonight. Yes, we are retiring, but we will never forget the good times we've had here with you over the last thirty years. Now, I know there's been a rumor that we are selling the restaurant. But I am here tonight to assure you that the Mendoza tradition will continue. So, here's to the next thirty years of the Casa Mendoza restaurant. May they be as joyful as the first thirty years.
To all of you, God bless, salud, dinero, y amor!
We have been very lucky to have all of you as friends. And we have been very lucky to have each other, too. The only thing I regret in all these years is that my husband is such a good cook!
I'd like to propose a toast to my warm and loving parents. May your life continue to be an adventure... and may it be joyful and fruitful. To you.
To the greatest parents anyone ever had. May every day be better than the last. Salud!
And now...the couple-of-honor will lead us in a dance.

Excuse me, Miss. May I have this dance?
With pleasure.
I'm so glad your parents decided not to sell.
Me too. You know, Alex is crazy about you. Every day, it's 'Miss Casey this... Miss Casey that...'
I'm crazy about him, too. I told him he could call me Rebecca, if he likes.
I wanted him to know that I was his friend.
You have a beautiful smile... and a beautiful spirit.
Thank you.
I gave your son a present tonight.
What was that?
My four-leaf clover.
Good luck charm...
Um-hmm. My brother gave it to me before I left home...
That must be very special to you. Why Alex?
What good is luck if you can't share it with the people you love?
I'm sorry. We're closed. This is a private party.
We're looking for Rebecca Casey.
I see.
Yes. It's very important.
I'll get her.
I'm sorry, Rebecca. There's somebody asking for you.
For me?
If you'll excuse me.
Nancy? Angela? What on earth are you doing here?
Your brother called. He said it was an emergency. He wants you to call him.
What is it?
It's your father. He's in the hospital.
I have to call home. My father's in the hospital. May I use your phone?
Of course. There... there's a phone in the kitchen. It'll be quieter there.
What happened? Did they say?
You can use this phone right here.
If you need anything, we'll be outside.
Would you like a glass of water?
No. That's OK.
Kevin, it's me... Oh, my God! Is he OK? Well, what did the doctors say?... I will... I-I-I'll take the next flight out... whatever it costs... Kevin, hang in there, OK? Bye.
You sure you're gonna be all right?
Yeah. Nancy will take me back to the house. I'll pick up some clothes, and then we'll head to the airport. I'll catch the next flight to Boston.

Are you sure you don't want me to drive you to the airport?
No, no. Thank you. Go back to the party. This is your parents' night... I'll call when I get to Boston.
My brother's checking with the airlines. He'll call you and let you know which flight has a seat available, OK?
OK. I'm sorry to be so much trouble.
No, no, shh. I just hope your father will be all right.
Thank you for everything.
You're welcome.

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