Family Album CD2 对白

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Where's Kevin? I don't see him.
He's in the second row, Aunt Molly.
Will the Graduating Class of Boston Latin High School, please come forward and receive your diplomas?
. . . music school? Are you going to be a music teacher?
Maybe . . . or a performer or a songwriter, or all three.
Your mother always wanted to be a singer.
Kevin Patrick Casey.
Kevin! Over here.
Oh, that's my dad. I gotta go . . . I'll see you later.
All right, stand over there. I want to get a picture. You too, Aunt Molly.All right, look this way. Say cheese!
Cheese !
Kevin, I'm proud to see that diploma in your hand.
We all are. Congratulations, Kevin.
Dad, stand next to Kevin. I want to get a picture of just the two of you.
And I'm proud of you, too, Becky.
Me ? Why ?
Don't be so modest. When your mother died, you . . . you stepped right in and you became the mother. You took good care of Kevin and your Dad.
Well . . . there was no one else.

We are sorry to inform you . . . Oh, no. I can't believe it . . . God.... another rejection letter.
Three rejections. I can't believe it.
Three rejections. I can't believe it. What are you going to do?
I'm waiting to hear from one more school. They put me on their waiting list. Keep your fingers crossed.
Only one? Well, I hope they take you.
I'm supposed to hear this week.
Which college --the New England Conservatory?
No, they turned me down. It's the San Francisco College of Music.
San Francisco?
That's right. San Francisco, California.
But, Rebecca, this school is on the other side of the country.
I know that, but if San Francisco accepts me and gives me some financial aid, that's where I'm going.
But you don't know a soul out there.
Yes, I do. My godmother lives out there.
What is she, rich or something? She has such a big house.
No, she's not rich, but she does have room for me if I get accepted.
You re really serious about this, aren't you?
Dead serious.
Come in.
When do we eat ?
In five minutes. Dinner's in the oven.
Dad's not eating. He went to bed.
What's wrong? Is he sick?
No. He just said he was tired.
So, did you hear anything about your applications . . . you know, to music school?
I got three rejection letters.
That's too bad. So, what're you going to do?
I still have one last hope . . . a school in San Francisco.
San Francisco . . .

What, Dad? Are you OK?
No! . . . The Red Sox lost another game.
Dad, you make me crazy. Is my purse out there?
Yeah. It's here.
What's this?
A college brochure. See you tonight.
Becky, pick up the mail, OK?
Pick up the mail? It s too early.
Yesterday's mail.
But, Dad, you always get the mail . . .
Well, I didn't yesterday. My leg was bothering me.
Oh, Trixy, that was a great walk. Here we are. Home again! Good momin Rebecca. How are you?
Good morning, Mrs. Peterson. Hi, Trixy.
Is the mail here already?
No. This is from yesterday.
Oh. Excuse us.
San Francisco! We are pleased to inform you that you have been accepted at the San Francisco . . . Oh, my God! I'm going . . .
Good news ?
I . . . I . . . very good news.
Hi . . . !
What's up with Rebecca?
I don't know.
Well, she certainly seems happy.
Good morning, Grace.
Sandy, I got the letter! I'm in!
What letter? You mean, the San Francisco school?
Dear Ms. Casey: Congratulations! . . . Oh my gosh, they accepted you! The San Francisco College of Music! . . . Oh, Rebecca . . . I'm so happy for you!
Can you believe it?
Guess what? Rebecca's going to college.
College! . . . Good for her.
And she's quitting her job, too, and moving to San Francisco.
She's quitting?
Would you give up your job in this economy? No way.
Well, it's Rebecca's dream. It's good to have dreams.
I've got an idea! Why don't you come to San Francisco with me!
San Francisco? . . . I don't think so.
Why not?
Well, first of all, I don't have any money.
I'll lend you some.
Don't be silly. You're not Rockefeller.
Come on. What's keeping you in Boston? Nothing!
Ain't that the truth . . . but it is home . . . I mean, my mother lives here . . .
You and your mom don't even talk.
Well . . . there' s Jack . . .
Right . . . you and know what I think about that!
But it's still home. Sorry, Rebecca, Boston's my town. Nice of you to ask, but no thanks.
Well, it was an idea.
San Francisco. Wait till Matt and your dad hear about this!
We have to talk.

We have to talk.
I have some good news.
This music school accepted me and they're offering financial aid and a partial scholarship. I . . . uh . . . they want me to be a student there.
When did you get this letter?
This moming.
This college is in San Francisco!
Yeah, I know.
My God, that's the other side of the earth!
Come on, Dad. It s only six hours by plane.
It's too far away. We'll never see you. Why don't you go to school around here?
All the music schools in Boston turned me down.
What about a nice community college . . . a good teacher's college . . .
I want to study music. This is the only music school that accepted me.
What about Kevin? What about us?
Kevin's almost eighteen, he can take care of himself. And with a little help from him, you'll be fine, too. This is my big chance.
So, what do you want from me?
I . . . um . . . nothing. Just your approval.
You want my approval? No way.
N-O. No way.
That's it? End of conversation?
What do you want me to say . . . that I'm thrilled? I gave you my opinion, but you don't care.
But, Dad. This is something I really want to do.
There's a lot I want to do, too. But you don't always get what you want in this world.
But, I'm not going forever. I'll call. I'll visit.
Visit? Who's gonna pay for that?
I will.
And where are you going to live out there? Rebecca, do you know how expensive it is to live on your own?
Yes, I do. I have a place to stay.
I don't understand . . .
At Nancy Shaw's.
That woman! Where's my cane?
I know you don't like Nancy, but she is my godmother.
Does your brother know about this?
Not yet.
I'm going to bed.
That school in San Francisco accepted you?
Yeah. They gave me financial aid, too . . .
So what are you gonna do?
Dad really wants me to stay, but I'm going.
When do you have to leave?
In a few weeks. Kevin, the truth. Is it all right with you if I go?
Go for it!
Thanks . . . You're a pal.
Don't worry about Dad. He'll get used to it.
You think so?
I'm sure of it . . . Besides, then I can have your room.
My room! You little . . . my room! I'm not even out of here yet and you want my room?

It's ten o'clock. Come on. It's break time.
You want to get a soda?
No. I need a cigarette. So...
No, you don't.
Yes, I do.
Sandy, when are you going to quit smoking?
So? What did they say?
I haven't told Matt yet. Kevin thinks it's great. My dad is definitely not happy!
He's mad, huh?
Yeah . . . Well, today's the day. It's time to let the boss know I'm leaving.
You're going to quit . . . just like that?
Well, I have to give them a two-week notice, right? Then . . . I'm out of here.
Oh, I can't believe it.
Well, it s true . . . Hey, I need some new clothes . . . you want to go shopping after work?
What are we looking for?
I've got plenty of jeans and casual stuff for class. What I really need is something dressy for California. I've got zilch.
How about this?
Too formal. This is pretty. Where's the price tag?
Two hundred dollars! And it's on sale?
Who can afford this stuff?
This is 30 percent off-only sixty dollars.
I like it. Do they have your size?
Mmm . . . Size six, perfect. I m going to try it on.
Listen, I have to tell you a big secret. My mom doesn't even know.
What ?
I'm moving in with Jack.
You're what? The two of you are always fighting!
Well . . . things change.
Yeah, but people don't.
Look, I'm going to do it. Period. I know you don't think it's a good idea, so let's just change the subject.
Sandy, I just want you to be happy, that's all. This thing with you and Jack is just . . .
Look . . . I think I can make it work.
It looks great.
I don't know. Maybe it's too . . .
It's perfect.
All right.
When do you have to leave?
In a few weeks.
Do you have your plane ticket?
No, of course not.
You'd better hurry up. It's cheaper if you buy your ticket a few weeks in advance.
I am not flying; I'm driving to San Francisco.
Drive? All by yourself? Are you crazy?
No, practical. I'll need a car in San Francisco, right? Anyway, I want to see the Southwest. So, why not buy a car here and drive it out there?
You are nuts! So, what kind of car are you gonna get?
The best car I can get for fifteen hundred dollars.

Hello. Can I help you folks?
We're just looking, thanks.
Are you looking for anything special?
She's looking for a car to drive across country.
Gotcha! So you want something you can count on . . .
I have something for you right over here . . . It's in A-l condition. New tires, excellent engine . . . It's a Florida car.
Oh, no! That's much too expensive . . .
Well, for you, I can come down a little in the price. How much do you want to spend?
Fifteen hundred, max.
Fifteen hundred, max!!! I don't think so . . . I haven't really got anything for you . . . But I've got a friend who sells cars about four blocks from here . . .
I need something to eat. Do you want anything?
No, thanks.
Kevin and I went looking at used cars . . . for my trip. They're all so expensive.
This is silly. Would you please talk to me?
Everyone has to leave home . . . sometime.
Dad, I'm leaving pretty soon.
I know.
I don't want to leave with you angry at me.
I'm not angry.
Try to be happy for me.
I just don't see why you have to go so far away.
Dad, it's something I really want to do . . .
I know, I know. But I don't have to like it, do I?

Hi, Miss Casey. I'm sorry I'm late for my lesson.
Hi, Melissa, how are you doing?
Good. Listen, before we begin, I have to tell you something.
I m going back to school.
You are? Why?
To study music.
But you're the best music teacher, and you know lots of music.
Thanks, but I want to be better . . . But I'm sad because the school is far away and I won't be . . .
Where is it?
San Francisco.
Where's that?
We're here . . . and San Francisco's all the way over here, in California.
I won't be able to see you?
Yes, I'm leaving, but, let's see, we have one more lesson. I'll try to find you a good teacher, OK?
What do you want to play first?
Can we play the blues?
Sure. You know Travelin' Blues, right?
Let s play that.
A Major.

What do you think, Frank . . . am I nuts?
No, you're not crazy. Rebecca's twenty-eight. I mean, it's about time she got a car...
Hey, what do you think of this one here?
No way! Look at the price!
She needs a small car-something she can drive around Boston.
Frank . . . she's driving all the way to San Francisco.
San Francisco?
Yeah, alone.
She's gonna drive three thousand miles . . . by herself? . . . Is that safe?
I think she should fly if she insists on going, but she said she'd rather put the money in a car that she can use when she's out there.
I'd never drive that far by myself. You know that daughter of yours is pretty independent. Hey, now here's a car to drive across country.
She got into a good school, Frank. The San Francisco College of Music.
Music school? That'll never pay off. You can't make any money in music.
You're telling me! I thought she should go to a local college.
Well, that makes more sense to me. So why does she have to go all the way to San Francisco?
Well, the school out there accepted her . . . and they offered her financial help.
Well that's good, right?
I guess so.
Hey, if you're so worried about this, why don't you talk her out of it?
I can't change her mind. She's all fired up about the idea. Says it's her dream.
Yeah, but dreams don't pay bills.
Yeah, well there's nothing I can do . . . If this is what she wants, maybe I can help her with a car.
Well, if she's gonna be driving, you know, all the way across country, she's gotta have a decent car.
Hey . . . hey, here's one of those what do you call it Oldsmobile Deltas?
Yeah, Oldsmobile Delta.
Hey, looks in tip-top shape, look.
Oh, you don't know about used cars, Frank. Whew! 80,000 miles.
Oh, that's a lot of miles! You know we have to take a close look at the engine, the tires, the doors, everything . . .
It's a lot of money, Frank. I don't wanna get ripped off.
You have to watch these used car salesmen.
I don't know . . . Do I wanna do this?
She'll love you for it.
You think so?
Yeah . . . there, come on, let's take a look.
Whew, watch that one . . . Hey, looks clean, no oil leaks.
That's a lotta mileage, Frank . . . Let's have that mechanic of yours, what's his name . .
Yeah. We'll tell the salesman we want our mechanic to take a look at it before we pay anything.
And we take it for a test drive, too.
You got it.
OK. Let's make a deal.

What's the score?
Three to nothing.
Three to nothing?
All right, Mary!
C'mon, Mary. You can do it, Mary. Put it right by her now, Mary. C'mon, she's no batter, let's go Mary!
That a girl, Becky !
Come on, Becky, beat the bums!
So how do you feel about Rebecca leaving home?
Uh, I don't know. I'm OK, I guess.
You're going to miss her, aren't you?
Yeah, but at least I get to move into her room. Hey, don't take all my potato chips!
Don't be so stingy!
Come on, girl-put it in there, one more out! Lets go, Mary!
She is not!
Is too.
Is not.
Safe. End of discussion.
Oh, this is ridiculous, she was . . . she was out, there was no . . .
Twenty-two to two, what happened to you?
Hey, how about a little sympathy? I lost my last softball game.
Poor you! You can't do it all by yourself. If it wasn't for that umpire . . .
Yeah, I think he was working for the other team.
What the heck, it's only a game, right?
I think I'm heading home. I'll see you later.
All right, thanks for coming.
Oh, it was fun . . . seeing you get beat!
You're supposed to be cheering me on . . .
Tomorrow night we'll go car hunting again?
Absolutely . . . Bye.
Bye, Sandy.
Bye! Thanks for the potato chips!
Hey, the team's going to the Sports Bar, do you wanna come?
I can't. Jack and I are going to the movies.
I still don't know what you see in that guy.
You're not me, OK?
Now, when are you leaving for San Francisco?
A week from Saturday. I drive out real early.
Let's hope you have a car by then . . .
I will!
Oh, make room, move that glove.
Oh my gosh! You guys, you didn't have to do this, this is too much!
You're in our hearts, as you well know . . . We'll think of you, wherever you go. You'll be a hit in San Francisco! Thanks.
OK, hurry up, hurry up!
What did you guys get me?
A Red Sox jacket! This is great!
What a great present. Thanks, you guys! Ah, what to say . . . Well, we didn't win many games, but we had more fun than any other team in the league . . . and I'm never gonna forget the Silver Stars. I'm gonna miss you guys.
Don't replace me too soon, OK?
Hey, Matt! What are you doing here?
I got out of work late. I called your house. And Kevin told me you'd be here. Nice jacket.
Thanks, its a present from the team.
They're gonna miss you. You're their star player.
I wasn't today. We lost, twenty-two to two.
Ouch.I think we need to have a talk.

Look, if it's about my decision to go to San Francisco, I'm not going to change my mind.
I realize that.
But I'll be back to visit . . . and you can come and see me.
No, let's not kid ourselves. Four years of college in California will pretty much end our relationship.
Lots of people have long-distance relationships.
Not me. I'm not a long-distance kind of guy. All our friends are getting married. They're having kids. I thought we were next.
See, Becky, you and I . . . we have different dreams . . . I think it's better to call quits.
Is it?
I think so.
Look, I'm sorry you feel this way, but I'm never going to be happy if I don't try this. I'm sorry.





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