谷歌101课程(google 101 at the University of Washington)

Oct. 8, 2007 |Education|Technology
'Google 101' class at UW inspires first Internet-scale programming courses
Hannah Hickey

A pilot course taught at the University of Washington has been expanded into a national program that shows students how to program using tens, hundreds or thousands of computers. Google and IBM announced an initiative Monday to promote new programming methods that will help students and researchers address the challenges of Internet-scale applications.

"This is a new style of computing in which the focus is on analyzing massive amounts of data, using massive numbers of computers," said Ed Lazowska, a UW computer science and engineering professor. "This has come on the scene fairly recently. Universities haven't been teaching it in part because the software is really complex, and in part because you need a big rack of computers to support it."

That is about to change. Based on the success of last year's pilot course at the UW, Google and IBM decided to donate and maintain hundreds of processors that students across the country can use for courses to address large-scale computing on the Web. More information on the program is available in a. University partners include the UW, Carnegie Mellon University, the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Stanford University, the University of California, Berkeley, and the University of Maryland. In future the academic consortium will be expanded to include additional researchers, educators and scientists.

The seeds of the program were planted last year when Christophe Bisciglia, a senior software engineer at Google who graduated from the UW in 2003 with a degree in computer science, was interviewing potential Google employees. Many bright applicants could solve very difficult problems that could be done on a single computer, he said, but when asked what they would do if confronted with 1,000 times as much data, they were stumped.

Bisciglia wondered if he could modernize the curriculum to address these types of challenges. He started sketching out a curriculum in the company's "20 percent" program, which allows employees to use one day a week to work on their own projects or ideas. Last fall he moved 80 processors to Seattle. The first offering of "Problem Solving on Large-Scale Clusters," nicknamed "Google 101," was taught by two UW alumni, Hannah Tang and Albert Wong, who work in Google's Kirkland office. Fifteen students enrolled in the five-week seminar-style course.

"One of my big intentions was to close the gap between how industry and academia think about computing," said Bisciglia, who served as course director.

In spring quarter this year, Bisciglia and others refined the curriculum and offereda more formal coursetaught by UW graduate student Aaron Kimball. One group of students created a program named Geozette that finds news article, scans the text in an attempt to determine where the news took place and then displays the articles on a world map.

"Being able to deal effectively with big datasets is going to be relevant regardless of whether you're working at Google or Microsoft or Yahoo or Zillow," said Sierra Michels-Slettvet, a senior UW computer science student who took the class in winter quarter and acted as a teaching assistant in the spring.

"It develops a set of skills that all employers in Internet-scale fields are looking for," she said, "and it's not something that's addressed in the rest of the curriculum."

Bisciglia said: "Based on the success we had at the UW, people at Google started asking me to spend more and more time on this, to the point that it's a full-time job."

Google isn't the only one that will benefit from the newly trained graduates, Lazowska said. Other companies also use large-scale computing methods. And many scientific fields are confronting colossal amounts of data coming from computerized instruments or electronic sensors placed in roads and bridges, on the seafloor and in living organisms.

"More and more fields are becoming data-rich," Lazowska said. "And extracting knowledge from massive amounts of data is exactly what this is about."


For more information, contact Lazowska at (206) 543-4755 To schedule an interview with Bisciglia, contact Google public relations officer Andrew Pederson atandrewpederson@google.comor (650) 214-6228.

For more details see the Google/IBM joint press release,

Google and the Wisdom of Clouds
BusinessWeekDec. 13, 2007
Maryland Joins Megacomputer 'Cloud' Project
Washington PostOct. 9, 2007
Software Notebook: Google, IBM expand program to teach 'Internet-scale' computing
Seattle Post-IntelligencerOct. 8, 2007
Google and I.B.M. Join in 'Cloud Computing' Research
New York TimesOct. 8, 2007
IBM, Google, Universities Combine 'Cloud' Forces
Wall Street JournalOct. 8, 2007

RSS news feed: news releases about Ed Lazowska

'Puter Profs: Experts who can address a variety of computer-related issues
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Harnessing cloud computing for data-intensive research on oceans, galaxies
April 14, 2009
'Google 101' class at UW inspires first Internet-scale programming courses
Oct. 8, 2007
Custom cell phones for microfinance co-ops, fair-trade coffee growers
Feb. 28, 2007
Collaborators designing data, control architecture for new generation of ocean observatories
Sept. 30, 2004

CSE 490H: Problem Solving on Large Scale Clusters, Spring 2007

Course description

Students in this course will explore methods for working with large data sets from both practical and theoretical perspectives. In labs and an independent design project, students will work with Hadoop, an open source implementation of MapReduce and GFS, hosted on a large server cluster.

Lectures: Monday 3:30-5:20 EEB 042
Labs: Wednesday 3:30-5:20CSE 407

Who Office Hours
Aaron Kimball, Instructor
ak @ cs

Wed, 2:30-3:30
CSE 212

Sierra Michels-Slettvet, TA
sierra @ cs

Thurs 1:30-2:30

Taj Campbell, TA
tajc @ cs

Fri 10:30-11:30
CSE 218

Smartest Engineer: Christophe Bisciglia (最聪明的工程师: 克里斯托夫·比希利亚)

21 of 50
Smartest Engineer: Christophe Bisciglia
Co-Founder, Cloudera

What kinds of problems could we solve if everyone had access to the computing heft that powers Google? Christophe Bisciglia joined the search giant as a software engineer when he was just out of college and quickly realized that if he shifted his digital workload from an individual computer to a cluster of networked computers, he could crunch data faster. Problem was, most scientists didn't have access to the kind of web-based, or "cloud," computing power of Google.

After teaching a class called Google 101, which taught software engineers at the University of Washington to program on a cloud-size scale, Bisciglia, 29, became obsessed with the possibilities emerging from an open-source project called Hadoop. Hadoop lets engineers take advantage of the massive computing efficiencies that come from networking hundreds of computers. He left Google in 2008 to help start Cloudera, which makes it easier for customers to turn their data into insights using Hadoop. Bisciglia resigned from Cloudera in June but tells Fortune he remains committed to harnessing the massive power of the cloud in new ways. Brains and brawn are definitely a potent combination.



克里斯托夫·比希利亚(Christophe Bisciglia)


亚军:亚当·德安杰洛(Adam D’Angelo)及查理·奇弗(Charlie Cheever),Quora 公司联合创始人;卢克·拉吉里奇(Luke Rajlich),Farmville 游戏首席技术官;阿米特·辛格(Amit Singhal),谷歌公司工程师;史特劳贝尔(J.B. Strausel),特斯拉(Tesla)汽车公司首席技术官


29 岁的比希利亚给华盛顿大学(University of Washington)的软件工程师们上了一门名为“谷歌 101”的课程,教他们以云规模进行编程,随后他就开始着迷于一个叫 Hadoop 的开放源项目所能带来的各种潜力。Hadoop 使得工程师们能利用成百上千计算机联网的强大效率。他在 2008 年离开谷歌公司,协助创立了 Cloudera 公司,让客户更便捷地利用 Hadoop 将数据转化成分析结论。比希利亚于 6 月从 Cloudera 辞职,但他告诉《财富》杂志,他仍将致力于开发利用云的强大力量的新方式。有勇又有谋,无疑是最强大的组合。 ——J.H.

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