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Notes for 6 Min. English

:wink: Prison Restaurant[list][*]as gloomy [*]exclusive[*]resettlement[*]inmates[*]particularly strange[*]clink: a slang name in English for a prison[*]sb. serves prison sentences: pr...

2010-04-22 20:07:44 129

原创 nested classes

nested classes 分两类,static and non-static.后者又叫inner class. 前者叫static nested classes.class OutClass{static class StaticNestedClass{}class InnerClass{}}nested classes可以声明private, protected, p...

2010-02-18 22:24:48 121

原创 new words

connotation 涵义 connotion of the wordoccationally Talk with native speakers even if it's very occasionally. set goalsmotivatingterrificcolloquial 属于日常会话的, 口语的,非正式场合的,非文献用的It's a terrific ...

2010-01-26 18:15:17 137

原创 外语学习

parlerJe parle un petit peu francaise.mangerJ'aime parle francaise.J'aime chanter.J'aime danser. la musiquela tableOn aime la musique classique.

2010-01-04 20:58:52 191

原创 新单词

das Omen : Das Anzeichen, Vorzeichen....Omen也是一个英语单词。象征,ein paar neue Wörter eingefügt am 27.Feb.2010.herzblut 原来德语中心血是这么直译的ProjektgeschehenBallastParzellePinzette f, -,-n 镊子,钳子Novit...

2009-11-25 04:39:31 176

Deutsche Wörter

:arrow: die letzte Ruhe[list][*]trauer[*]Leichenbitter[*]Gelsenkirchener Barock[*]Floskeln[*]Floskeln [*]blumige Formulierung[*]Verdrängung[*]Durch die Blumen sprechen[*]mit salop...

2009-07-24 23:41:43 149

原创 BM 秘方

医生说女生多有便秘问题,不知道坛子里是不是也有很多JM和我一样有这种困扰,现在就把方子介绍给大家,希望对大家也有帮助!Zum normalen Frühstück dazu: (医生说没有什么特别的规定,平常怎么吃早餐就怎么吃,面包啊粥啊什么的都可以,可能很多JM和我一样经常睡懒觉,往往中午的时候才吃所谓的早餐,这也没有关系,我睡晚了起来吃也照样有效)1/2 Becher Joghurt ...

2009-07-15 02:52:25 119

原创 Latex


2009-03-15 07:16:30 118

原创 Compass 入门


2009-03-14 21:55:19 84

原创 Terms in BPM

E-business: the practice of exchange of business documents by means of telecommunications

2009-03-10 20:40:13 81

原创 Software Architecture Einfuehrung


2009-02-22 02:08:36 94

101 English Phrases

a bolt from the blue a bolt out of the blueat sixes and sevensI am at sixes and sevens about what to do......take something with a pinch of salt: to believe something to not be entirely tr...

2009-02-04 00:05:49 106

原创 A simple pattern for requirements analysis

http://www.ibm.com/developerworks/architecture/library/ar-analpat/index.htmlThe patternTake the following steps to develop a pattern for business stakeholder requirements descriptions: 1...

2009-01-28 20:50:32 95

原创 Use case

A use case in software engineering and systems engineering is a description of a system’s behaviour as it responds to a request that originates from outside of that system. The use case technique is u...

2009-01-25 00:07:57 95

在Business Analysis中的标准Requirements Types

1. [b]Business Requirements[/b]较高层面上对企业的目标和需要做的陈述。Business Requirements are higher-level statements of the goals, objectives, or needsof the enterprise. They describe such things the reasons why...

2009-01-24 23:36:24 140


ADONIS 是一种BP modeling language, 有DOC GMbh发明的。ADONIS 用来描述BP从四个方面。1. A process landscape 给出所有涉及到的Business Processes的概括2. A business process model3. a working environment model 用来描述机构的结构(the stuc...

2009-01-24 20:28:04 1045


i.e. (id est)> this is > das heißtcf. (short for confer)> vergleich>注意是cf. 不是c.f.e.g. (for example)> beispielweise

2009-01-15 17:53:06 120

原创 to lock horns

[b]lock horns (with someone)[/b]to argue with someone in a very determined way. In her new movie she plays a middle-aged college student who locks horns with her professor.Etymology: based on th...

2009-01-14 17:28:41 117


[b]Pneumonia[/b] Die Lungenentzündung, Die Pneumonieinfectious [b]diarrhea[/b] Die Diarrheo, Die Diahö, Der Durchfall[b]tuberculosis[/b] Die Tuberkulose, Die Lungenschwindsuchtlung disease[b]...

2009-01-14 01:21:03 123

原创 Backorder

[b]Backorder:[/b] A distribution term that refers to the status of items on a purchase order in the event that some or all of the inventory required to fulfill the order is insufficient to satisfy dem...

2009-01-12 17:40:20 140


Terrific 了不起Superb 棒极了Stingy 小气oh, rats 差劲Outrageous 不得了objection 我抗议lousy 差劲Impressive! 很感人,永生难忘! Hurray! / Hurrah! 万岁! Fresh! 好有型!帅极了! Willingly! 很乐意!Baloney! 胡扯!荒谬!(也是一种大香肠的名字...

2009-01-11 05:53:12 112


IBM WebSphere,一般指IBM的软件产品的商标,但是也用来指其软件产品中具体的IBM WebSphere Application Server.WebSphere使用基于JAVA的Web技术用来建立,操作,集成电子商务应用程序。这些应用程序可以跨多个计算机平台。WebSphere包含了运行的部件和用来开发在WAS运行的应用程序工具。...

2009-01-10 21:46:31 291

原创 一个网购强贴,转过来

[b]转自 go2eu.com,原作者 南在南方,绝对网购强人。谢谢其分享[/b]先介绍一下我自己,我在美国生活过三年,那时就是网购的狂热败家族了,大大小小基本上都是网购,可以避消费税,折扣也多。现在归来了,还是会喜欢很多国内买不到的东西,虽然在淘宝代购上也花费了不少银子,但是因为这些代购不会逃消费税,因为人家靠那个赚取利润,所以有时候我还是会自己在美国网站上购物。 最近看到论...

2009-01-05 21:05:04 433



2008-12-30 06:17:08 204

原创 土耳其


2008-12-29 01:39:26 692



2008-12-28 23:57:44 132


das Schilf: reedvom Wind bewegtes Schilf: reeds swayed by the windder Krawall -> riot, affraydie Grünlilie 挂兰einstellen: 有停止,终止的意思。这个一直没有注意到Z.B. Nach der Blüte sollte man das Düngen ganz ein...

2008-12-27 19:39:06 94

Patten Matching方面的一些资料

Model-Driven Design Using Business Patternshttp://www.phruby.com/book/index.htmlPatterns for e-businesshttp://www.ibm.com/developerworks/patterns/index.htmlhttp://www.kriha.de/krihaorg/dload...

2008-12-11 03:09:08 121


[color=blue][b]sparrow[/b][/color], der Spatz, der Sperling 麻雀[b][color=blue]swallow[/color][/b], die Schwalbe 燕子[color=blue][b]crow[/b][/color], die Krähe 乌鸦[color=blue][b]magpie[/b][/color], d...

2008-12-03 01:03:33 135



2008-12-02 01:20:24 4563

原创 JDBC基础教程之概述

文章来源 http://dev.yesky.com/SoftChannel/72342371961929728/20040828/1847507.shtml 1.1 什么是 JDBC?   JDBC 是一种用于执行 SQL 语句的 JavaTM API(有意思的是,JDBC 本身是个商标名而不是一个缩写字;然而,JDBC常被认为是代表 “Java 数据库连接 (Java Databas...

2008-11-28 22:02:10 101

deutsche Worter

Kracherle/Krächerle: 用少量黄油煎过的白面包块(Badische Croutons)Krachmantel 干杏仁Kolik: colik 胆绞痛

2008-11-28 00:17:07 79

English Words

[b][color=blue]Buffer[/color][/b]n. 缓冲器v.to buffer : zwischenpuffernring buffer: der Ringspeicher[b][color=blue]Turkey day = Thanksgiving[/color][/b][color=blue][b]minglegossipsafran[/b]...

2008-11-27 07:46:46 74

BDB XML的学习笔记

BDB XML documents储存在containers,你通过使用XmlManager的objects来生成和管理containers.一个XMLManager的Object可以同时打开多个container每一个container可以装载几百万个文档。对于在container中的每一个文档,container都会装载document data,any metadata that you...

2008-11-27 06:26:08 152

原创 Berkeley DB XML入门

ZZhttp://blog.csdn.net/dongle2001/archive/2007/04/15/1565240.aspxBerkeley DB XML入门For dbxml-2.2.13第一章 概观 本章内容的以dbxml-2.2.13为例,请使用dbxml-2.2.13基础BDB xml 以库的形式直接练到用户的应用程序,BDB ...

2008-11-27 03:38:19 130

原创 四个主流的Native-XML数据库(转载)

作者:雨水 日期:2007-03-22 转载出处http://blog.csdn.net/gobitan 随着XML日益广泛的应用,XML数据存储的问题摆在了我们的面前。如何有效地管理大量的XML文档是亟待解决的问题。最初,通常的做法是先把XML数据转换为关系映射将其存入关系数据库中,写入和读出都要进行相应的转换。但是随着XML数据量的日益增加,这显然不是最好的解决办...

2008-11-26 22:47:37 113

mouth expressions

[b][color=blue]do not bad mouth me: [/color][/b]不要说我的坏话I really [color=blue][b]put my foot in my mouth [/b][/color]this time 我说错话了[b][color=blue]Do not put words in my mouth [/color][/b]我没说的,不要强加给...

2008-11-26 09:55:23 103

English words

a cup of joe = a cup of coffeean average joedid not know jackJeez louiseFor Peter's sakea doubting ThomasJoe Blowa plain JaneSheilaNo way, Josedid not know either of these two peop...

2008-11-25 19:37:53 86


Array中element的数据类型要求一样,而且array的大小固定。如果要应用多维数据,ArrayList是个选择。static public void main(String argv[]){ ArrayList list = new ArrayList(); list.add(new ...

2008-11-25 03:45:01 1122

Neue Deutsche Wörter mit Englische Übersetzung

das Brettspiel: board gamedie Weide: willowder Igel: hedgehogder Basar, Weihnachtenbasar 义卖: charity bazaardeftig: good and solid, e.g. Zwiebelbrot mit deftigen Zwiebel substantiald...

2008-11-24 22:48:04 115



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