Useful links

Graphics Research Labs

Stanford Computer Graphics Laboratory

Graphics and Imaging Lab at University of Washington

Graphics Lab at Columbia University

Computer Graphics ant UNC Chape Hill

Graphics Lab at CMU

Mitsubishi Electric Research Laboratories

Microsoft Research Graphics Group

Microsoft Research Asia

Princeton Graphics Group

GVU at Georgia Tech

UIUC Computer Graphics Group

Visualization Lab at SUNY Stony Brook

Computer Graphics Group at USC

Computer Graphics at UC Berkeley

Media Research Lab at NYU

MIT Computer Graphics Group

Computer Graphics Research at Caltech

Brown University Computer Graphics Group

Progran of Computer Graphics at Cornell

Computer Graphics and Visualization Lab at Purdue

Computer Graphics at Utah

Computer Graphics Group at the University of Virginia

Computer Graphics Lab at UCSD

Northwestern University Computer Graphics Group

Graphics at Yale


CAD & CG ZheJiang University

VRlab at EPFL

MIRALab at University of Geneva

The Dalhousie Graphics and Visualization Lab at Dalhousie University Canada

Computer Graphics Lab at University of Waterloo

Imager Laboratory at UBC

Computer Graphics Lab at University of Tokyo

Computer Graphics Lab at University of Aizu

Graphics and Media Lab at SNU

Movement Research Lab at SNU

Computer Graphics at MPI Informatik

Graphics Lab at USC ICT

Computer Graphics at Tele Aviv University

CG LAb at Hebrew University

VisGraph Lab at HKUST

Animation Research at OSU

Computer Graphics Group at HKU

Computer Graphics and Media Design at University of Konstanz

Medical Image and Computer Assisted Surgery

ISIS at Georgetown

ERC/CISST at Johns Hopkins

Robart Research Institute

Bioimaging Science at Yale

Visual Information Processing Lab at Imperial College London

Medical Image Display and Analysis Group at UNC

Biomedical Imaging at INRIA


CASMIP at Hebrew University

Brain Imaging Center at McGill

Stanford Image Guided Laboratory

Academic Associations


IEEE Computer Society






Graphics & Visualization Journals

ACM Transactions on Graphics (SIGGRAPH)

Eugographics Computer Graphics Forum



Computer Animation and Virtual World

Visual Computer

Computer & Graphics

Journal of Visual Language and Computing

International Journal of Image and Graphics

Graphicsl Models

International Journal of Computational Geometry and Applications

International Journal of Shape Modeling

Journal of Graphics Tools

Computer Aided Geometric Design

Computer-Aided Design

Computing and Visualization in Science

Journal of Visual Communication and Image Representation

Computational Geometry

Computer Vision Journals


IEEE Transactions on Image Processing

Pattern Recognition

Pattern Recognition Letters

Real-Time Imaging

International Journal of Pattern Recognition and Artificial Intelligence

International Journal of Computer Vision

Computer Vision and Image Understanding

Image and Vision Computing

Machine Vision and Applications

European Integrated Machine Vision Newsletter

Journal of Mathematical Imaging and Vision

Machine Graphics and Vision Journal

The Photogrammetric Record


Vision Systems Design magazine

International Journal for Computation Vision and Biomechanics

Electronic Letters on Computer Vision and Image Analysis

EURASIP Journal on Advances in Signal Processing

IET Computer Vision

International Journal of Imaging Systems and Technology

Pattern Analysis and Applications

Pattern Recognition and Image Analysis

Signal Processing: Image Communication

Signal Image and Video Processing

Journal of Real Time Image Processing

Spatial Vision

Signal Processing

International Journal on Document Analysis and Recognition

IEEE Trans. Signal Processing

SPIE Optical Engineering

Color Research and Application

Journal of the Optical Society of America

Journal of Modern Optics

Applied Optics

International Journal of Computer and Information Science

Biomedical Engineering Journals

Medical Image Analysis

IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering


IEEE Transactions on Information Technology in Biomedicine

The International Journal of Medical Robotics and Computer Assisted Surgery

International Journal of Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery

Computer Aided Surgery

Annals of Biomedical Engineering

Biomedical Engineering

Medical and Biological Engineering and Computing

Computerized Medical Imaging and Graphics

Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine

Computers in Biology and Medicine

Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering

Computational & Mathematical Methods in Medicine

Journal of Medical Engineering & Technology

Minimally Invasive Neurosurgery

Medical Journals

Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association

International Journal of Medical Informatics

BJU International

The American Journal of Surgery

World Journal of Surgery

Current Problems in Surgery

The Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA)

Otolaryngology - Head and Neck Surgery

Archives of Otolaryngology - Head & Neck Surgery

The Journal of Laryngology & Otology (UK)

American Journal of Otolaryngology

Operative Techniques in Otolaryngology - Head and Neck Surgery

Journal of The Voice

International Journal of Language and Communication Disorders

American Journal of Otolaryngology - Head and Neck Medicine and Surgery

Current Opinion in Otolaryngology & Head and Neck Surgery

Surgical Endoscopy

Journal of Laparoendoscopic & Advanced Surgical Techniques

Surgical Laparoscopy, Endoscopy & Percutaneous Techniques

Gastrointestinal Endoscopy

International Journal of Rehabilitation Research

Disability and Rehabilitation: Assistive Technology

Journal of Urology

VR, HCI, Multimedia and Compression Journals

Springer Virtual Reality

Presence Journal of Teleoperators and Virtual Environments

The International Journal of Virtual Reality

JVRB - Journal of Virtual Reality and Broadcasting

The Journal of Virtual Environments (JOVE)

ACM Transaction on Computer Human Interaction

IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics

International Journal of Human-Computer Interaction

International Journal of Human-Computer Studies

Interacting with Computers

Interactions from ACM

ACM Transactions on Multimedia Computing, Communications and Applications

IEEE transaction on Multimedia

Multimedia Systems

Multimedia Tools and Applications

Multidimensional Systems and Signal Processing

Journal of Mobile Multimedia

ACM Transaction on Information Systems

IEEE Transaction on Information Theory

IEEE Transaction on Communication

ACM Transaction on Applied Perception


SIGGRAPH Paper From Tim Rowley

Graphics Papers by Ke Sen Huang

Vrvis Computer Graphics Conference Calendar

Computer Vision Conference Calendar

Computer Graphics Conference Schedule

Medical Imaging Conference Schedule

Computer Graphics Conference by Eric Paquette

Graphics Conferences

GRAPHITE 2007 (Perth, Australia Dec 1-4, 2007)
Aug 17th, 2007

GRAPP 2008 (Portugal, Jan 22-25, 2008)
Sep 12th, 2007

IASTED CGIM 2008 (Innsbruck, Austria, Feb 13 – 15, 2008)
Sep 15th, 2007

Eurographics 2008 (Crete, Greece, Apr 14-18, 2008)
Sep 21th 2007

WSCG 2008 (Czech Republic, Feb 4-8 2008)
Sep 27th 2007

I3D 2008 (Redwood, CA, Feb 15-18 2008)
Oct 22, 2007

GMP 2008 (Hangzhou, China, Apr 23-25, 2008)
Oct 28th, 2007

GDC 2008 (Game Developer's Conference) (Mar, 2008)
Oct, 2007

ACM Symposium on Solid and Physical Modeling 2008(New York, June 4-6, 2008)
Nov 27th, 2007

Shape Modeling International (SMI) 2008, (New York, June 4-6, 2008)
Nov 27th, 2007

Mirage (Computer Vision / Computer Graphics Collaboration Techniques and Applications) (Mar 2008)
Nov 2007

Graphics Interface (May 2008)
Dec 2007

SIGGRAPH 2008 (Los Angeles, Aug 11-15, 2008)
Jan 24th 2008

Computer Graphics International (May 2008)
Feb, 2008

Smart Graphics (June 2008)
Feb 2008

SCCG (Spring Conference on Computer Graphics) (Apr 2008)
Feb 2008

CAE (Int. Symp on Computational Aesthetics in Graphics, Visualization and Imaging) (June 2008)
March, 2008

UIST (Oct 2008)
March, 2008

CGVR (International Conference on Computer Graphics and Virtual Reality) (Las Vegas, June 2008)

CASA (June 2008)
April, 2008

SCA (Aug 2008)
April, 2008

NPAR (Aug 2008)
April, 2008

Graphics Hardware (Aug 2008)
April, 2008

SGP (Eurographics Symposium on Geometry Processing) (July 2008)
April, 2008

CGV (IADIS Computer Graphics and Visualization) (July 2008)
April, 2008

Eurographics Symposium on Rendering (June 2008)
April, 2008

ICCAD (International Conference on Computer-Aided Design) (Nov 2008)
April, 2008

Pacific Graphics (October 2008)
April-May 2008

AFRIGRAPH (Oct 2008)
May, 2008

Point-based Graphics (PBG) (Sep 2008)
May, 2008

Eurographics Workshop on Natural Phenomena (Sep 2008)
May, 2008

International Symposium on Volume Graphics (Sep 2008)
May, 2008

Symposium on Interactive Ray Tracing (RT) (Sep 2008)
June, 2008

International Symposium on Visual Computing (Nov 2008)
July, 2008

Visualization Conferences

SPIE VDA 2008 (San Jose, CA, Jan 26-31, 2008)
Jul 16th, 2007

PacificVis 2008 (Tokyo Japan, Mar 23-25 2008)
Sep 10th 2007

GVE (IASTED Graphics and Visualization in Engineering) (Jan 2008)

International Symposium on Flow Visualization (Nice, France, Jul 1-4, 2008)
Oct 15th, 2007

SIMVIS (Simulation and Visualization) (Feb 28-29, 2008)
Nov, 2007

TopoinVis (Topology-based Methods in Visualization) (Mar 2008)
Nov, 2007

EuroVis 2008 (Eindhoven, Netherlands, May 26-28, 2008)
Dec, 2007

GIV (GeoVisualization and Information Visualization) (July 2008)
Dec, 2007

EGPGV (Eurographics Symposium on Parallel Graphics and Visualization) (May 2008)
Dec, 2007

3D PVT (3D Data Processing, Visualization and Transmission) (June 2008)
Feb, 2008

IV-KAV (Symposium of Knowledge and Argument Visualization) (July 2008)
Feb, 2008

MSV (Int. Conf on Modeling, Simulation and Visualization Methods) (Las Vegas, June 2008)

IEEE Visualization (Oct 2008)
Mar, 2008

Information Visualization (Oct 2008)
Mar, 2008

CMV (Coordinated & Multiple Views in Exploratory Visualization) (July 2008)
Mar, 2008

VAST (Oct 2008)
Mar, 2008

APGV (Symposium on Applied Perception in Graphics and Visualization) (July 2008)
April, 2008

CGIV (Computer Graphics, Imaging and Visualization) (Aug 2008)
April, 2008

SoftVis (ACM Symposium on Software Visualization) (Sep 2008)
April, 2008

VIIP (IASTED Visualization, Imaging, and Image Processing) (Aug 2008)
May, 2008

VMV (Vision Modeling and Visualization) (Nov 2008)
Jul, 2008

Computer Vision Conferences

SPIE Photonics West 2008 (San Jose, Jan 19-24, 2008)
July 9, 2007

IS&T SPIE Electronic Imaging 2008 (San Jose, Jan 26-31, 2008)
July 16, 2007

VISAPP 2008(International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications) (Jan 22-25, 2008)
Sep 12, 2007

SPPRA 2008 (IASTED Signal Processing, Pattern Recognition, and Applications) (Feb 13-15 2008)
Sep 15, 2007

WVM 2008 (Winter Vision Meetings) (Copper Mountain Resort, CO, Jan 7-9 2008)
Sep, 2007

WACV 2008 (IEEE Workshop on Apps of Computer Vision) (Feb 21-22, 2008)
Oct, 2007

SSIAI 2008 (Southwest Symposium on Image Analysis and Interpretation) (Santa Fe, CA Mar 23-25, 2008)
Oct, 2007

ICVS (International Conference on Computer Vision Systems) (Greece, May 12-14 2008)
Nov 11, 2007

CVPR 2008 (Anchorage Alaska, June 24–26, 2008)
Nov 26, 2007

3DTV-CON 2008 (The True Vision: Capture, Transmission and Display of 3D Video) (May 2008)
Dec 2007

ICIP 2008 (San Diego CA, Oct 12-15, 2008)
Jan, 2008

GEOBIA (Geographic Object Based Image Analysis) (Calgary Canada, Aug 6-7 2008)
Jan 21 2008

CIVR 2008 (ACM International Conference on Image and Video Retrieval) (Canada, Jul 7-9 2008)
Jan 28, 2008

CRV (Canadian Conference on Computer and Robot Vision) (May 2008)
Jan 2008

ICIAR (Int. Conf on Image Analysis and Recognition) (Aug 2008)
Feb 2008

ICIAP (Int. Conf on Image Analysis and Processing) (Sep 2008)
Feb 2008

VIE (Visual Information Engineering) (Jul 2008)
Feb 2008

SPIE Optics East 2008 (Sep, 2008)
Feb 2008

ECCV 2008 (Marseille, France, Oct 12-18, 2008)
Mar 14, 2008

FG 2008 (IEEE Face and Gesture Recognition) (Netherlands, Sep 10-13, 2008)
Mar 22, 2008

IPCV (Image Processing, Computer Vision, and Pattern Recognition) (June 2008)

SIP 2008 (IASTED Signal and Image Processing) (Hawaii, Aug 18–20, 2008)
Apr 1, 2008

ICPR 2008 (Tampa, Florida, Dec 8-11, 2008)
April 8, 2008

BMVC (Sep, 2008)
April, 2008

CAIP (Int. Conf on Computer Analysis of Images and Patterns) (Aug 2008)
April, 2008

CVPRIP (Int. Conf on Computer Vision, Pattern Recognition & Image Processing) (Jul 2008)
April, 2008

ICARCV (Int. Conf on Control, Automation, Robotics and Vision) (Dec 2008)
April, 2008

3DIM (Int. Conf on 3-D Digital Imaging and Modeling) (Aug 2008)
April, 2008

IMVIP (Int. Machine Vision and Image Processing Conference) (Sep 2008)
April, 2008

ACCV (Nov 2008)
May, 2008

VVG (Vision, Video Graphics) (Sep, 2008)
Jun, 2008

AVSS (Int'l Conf on Advanced Video and Signal based Surveillance) (Sep 2008)
Jun, 2008

IVCNZ (Image and Vision Computing New Zealand) (Dec 2008)
Aug 2008

VIP (Asia-Pacific Workshop on Visual Information Processing) (Dec 2008)
Aug 2008

PSIVT (Pacific-Rim Symposium on Image and Video Technology) (Dec 2008)
Aug 2008

ICCV 2009 (Kyoto Japan)

Biomedical Engineering Conferences

BIOSTEC 2008 (Portugal, Jan 28-31 2008)
Jul, 2007

ACM MMVR 16 (Long Beach CA, Jan 31-Feb 1, 2008)
Jul 15th, 2007

ICMB'2008 (Int. Conf on Medical Biometrics) (Hong kong, Jan 4-5, 2008)
Aug 1, 2007

SPIE Medical Imaging 2008 (San Diego CA, Feb 16-21, 2008)
Aug 6th, 2007

STROKE 2008 (International STROKE conference) (New Orleans, LA, Feb 20-22, 2008)
Aug 27, 2007

ICRA 2008 (IEEE Int. Conf on Robotics & Automation) (Pasadena CA, May 19-23 2008)
Sep 14, 2007

BioMED 2008 (IASTED Biomedical Engineering) (Austria, Feb 13 – 15, 2008)
Sep 15, 2007

IWCIA'08 (Int. Workshop on Combinatorial Image Analysis) (Apr 7-9,2008)
Oct 10, 2007

ISBI 2008 (Paris, France May 14-17 2008)
Dec 7, 2007

IMECS 2008 (IAENG) (Hong Kong, Mar 19-21, 2008)
Dec 12, 2007

CAOS 2008 (Computer Assisted Orthopaedic Surgery) (Hong Kong, Jun 4-7, 2008)
Jan 21, 2008

ASME 2008 Summer Bioengineering Conference (Florida, Jun 25-29, 2008)
Jan 31, 2008

CARS 2006 Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery, (Spain, June, 2008)
Jan, 2008

CBMS (IEEE Symposium on Computer-Based Medical Systems) (Jun 2008)
Jan, 2008

CompMed (Computer Simulation in Medicine) (May, 2008)
Jan, 2008

FIMH (Int. Conf on Functional Imaging and Modeling of the Heart) (Jun, 2008)
Jan, 2008

ICCR (Int. Conf on the Use of Computers in Radiation Therapy) (Jun, 2008)

MediViz (Int. Conf on Medical Information Visualization) (Jul 2008)

MedSIP 2008 (Int'l Conf. on Advances in Medical Signal & Information Processing) (Jul, 2008)
Feb, 2008

WCE 2008 (ICSBB IAENG) (London UK, Jul 2-4, 2008)
Mar 6, 2008

MICCAI 2008 (New York, Sep 4-8, 2008)
Mar, 2008

ICBBE (Int. Conf on Bioinformatics and Biomedical Engineering) (Jul 2008)
Mar, 2008

EMBEC 2008 (European Medical and Biological Engineering Conf) (Nov 23-27, 2008)
Mar, 2008

MIAR 2008 (Int. Workshop on Medical Imaging and Augmented Reality) (Aug, 2008)
April, 2008

EMBC 2008 (IEEE EMBS Annual International Conference) (Vancouver, Canada, Aug 20-24, 2008)
Apr 7th, 2008

RSNA 2008 (Radiological Society of North America) (Chicago, Nov 31-Dec 5, 2008)
Apr 15th, 2008

EANM 2008 (European Association of Nuclear Medicine) (Munich, Germany, Oct 11-15 2008)
April, 2008

MIUA (Medical Image Understanding and Analysis) (Jul 2008)
April, 2008

NSS/MIC 2008 (IEEE Nuclear Science Symp and Medical Imaging Conf) (Germany, Oct 18-25 2008)
May, 2008

SMI 2008 (The Society of Molecular Imaging) (Nice France, Sep 10-13, 2008)
May, 2008

Neuroscience 2008 (Washington DC, Nov 15-19 2008)
May, 2008

ESMRMB (Valencia,Spain, Oct 2-4 2008)
May, 2008

CINC (Computers in Cardiology) (Sep 2008)
May, 2008

HBM 2008 (Human Brain Mapping) (Sep 2008)
May, 2008

ICBME 2008 (Int. Conf on Biomedical Engineering) (Singapore, Dec 3-6, 2008)

MMBIA (IEEE Mathematical Methods in Biomedical Image Analysis) (Oct, 2008)
June, 2008

Jul, 2008

PSB 2008 (Pacific Symposium on Bio-computing) (Hawaii, Jan 4-8, 2008)
Jul, 2008

IPMI 2009 (Information Processing in Medical Imaging) (July 2009)
Jan, 2009

WC 2009 (World Congress on Medical Phy and Biomedical Engineering) (Munich, Germany, Sep 13-18, 2009)
Feb 10, 2009

Virtual Reality Conferences

IEEE Virtual Reality 2008 (Reno NV, Mar 8-12 2008)
Sep 15, 2007

PRIP (Int. Conf on Pattern Recognition and Information Processing) (May 2008)
Jan, 2008

VRCIA 2008 (ACM SIGGRAPH Int. Conf on Virtual Reality Continuum and Its Applications) (June 2008)
Feb, 2008

VRST (Nov 2008)
May, 2008

ACM-GIS (Symposium on Advances in Geographic Information Systems) (Nov 2008)
Jun, 2008

Aug 2008

Multimedia Conferences

SCMS 2007 (International Workshop on Semantic Computing and Multimedia Systems) (Sep, 2008)
Jun, 2007

MMM2008 (International Conference on Multimedia Modeling) (Japan, Jan 9-10, 2008)
Jul 17, 2007

EuroIMSA 2008 (IASTED Internet and Multimedia Sys & Applications) (Innsbruck, Austria, Mar 17 – 19, 2008)
Oct 15th, 2007

ICME 2008 (IEEE Int. Conf on Multimedia & Expo) (Germany, June 23-26, 2008)
Dec, 2007

MMSP (IEEE International Workshop on Multimedia Signal Processing) (Oct, 2008)
Mar, 2008

ACM Multimedia 2008 (USA, Oct 2008)
Apr, 2008

ISM (IEEE International Symposium on Multimedia) (Dec, 2008)
Apr, 2008

PCM 2008 (Pacific-Rim Conference on Multimedia) (Dec, 2008)
Jun, 2008

MIPR (IEEE Int. Workshop on Multimedia Information Processing and Retrieval) (Dec, 2008)
Jul, 2008

MoMM (Advances in Mobile Computing and Multimedia) (Dec 2008)
Jul, 2008

HCI Conferences

ACM CHI 2008 (Italy, Apr 5-10, 2008)
Sep 15 2007

IUI2008 (International Conference on Intelligent User Interfaces) (Spain, Jan 13-16, 2008)
Oct 1, 2007

IASTED Human-Computer Interaction (Innsbruck, Austria, Mar 17 – 19, 2008)
Oct 15th, 2007

3DUI (IEEE Symposium on 3D User Interfaces) (Mar 2008)
Nov, 2007

AVI 2008 (Advanced Visual Interfaces) (Napoli, Italy, May 28-30, 2008)
Dec 1 2007

HCI 2008 (British HCI Society) (Sep 2008)
Mar, 2008

ICMI (International Conference on Multimodal Interfaces) (Nov 2008)
Apr, 2008

UI13 (Oct-Nov 2008)

IEEE HCI 2009 (Oct, 2009)
Jul, 2009

Data Compression Conferences

IEEE DCC (Data Compression Conference) (Mar 2008)
Nov, 2007

ITW 2008 (IEEE Information Theory Workshop) (Portugal, May 5-9, 2008)
Nov 16, 2007

WSCIT 2009 (Winter School on Coding and Information Theory) (Norway 2009)
Jan, 2007

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