New laptop

 got a new laptop HP dv2-1121.
    电脑:    惠普 HP Pavilion dv2 Notebook PC 笔记本电脑  
    操作系统:    Windows 7 Ultimate ( 64位 / DirectX 11 )  
    处理器:    AMD Athlon(速龙) Neo X2 双核 L335  
    主板:    Flextronics 3055  
    芯片组:    ATI RS690  
    内存:    2 GB ( 金士顿 DDR2 800MHz )  
    主硬盘:    东芝 MK3255GSX ( 320 GB )  
    显卡:    ATI Mobility Radeon HD 3400 Series (M82) ( 512 MB / 惠普 )  
    显示器:    奇美 CMO1233 ( 12.2 英寸 )  
    声卡:    IDT 矽玛特 STAC 92XX @ ATI IXP SB600 高保真音频  
    网卡:    瑞昱 RTL8102E/8103E Family PCI-E Fast Ethernet NIC / 惠普  
yes got win7 on board. cuz the preinstalled vista is kind annoy me. 2 mins booting time is unacceptable. wouldnt say win7 is better than XP, but at lease far better than vista. around 1 mins booting time after close all the unneccessary services. about the services, it is still mircosoft style, there are about 5~7 about the security services, and another 5~7 about WMP 12, all of them are kind too much for me as i got my own firewall, virus scanner, malware stopper, music player , etc. but anyway i still got about 30 services need to start at the begin compare to about 15s in XP, double the number. it wont effect on normal users, acturally the default setting is covered all the situations that you may meet. so i will suggest its better to get a bigger memory(over 4G) and a great Soild disk. i looking forward to heard some simplised win7 after 22/oct, you kown sometimes you just wanna control everything.
but on another side, there are some new techs in WIN7 though not really change in deep. it support all the new hardware well, i was surprised that there no need to install any drivers cuz its all enclosed. it has a good performace in threads or mult-tasks, cpu usage is controlled well, but the problem is still the hard disk, this bottleneck comes more clearly than ever. most of the time the system is waiting for the disk transfer, the hard disk light must be the best qulity than anything else.
the most change is the views, you could find many many arts to discuss the new WIN7 style look. it is kind good, but it drops the classic start menu, and quick lunch bar, which i found kind sad. so installed circuit addon for my self.
ps i got a cofilct of the sound icon and language bar, so i cannt use it to adjust my sound, suggest is from my sound driver, 64bits system is kind poor of supports.

i wanna run away never say goodbey
public class ComputerSystem extends JFrame{ private Vector<Computer> computers; private JButton button_Start; private JPanel panel0; private JDialog dialog_enter1; private final String[][] StaffLists = {{"p1","p1"},{"p2","p2"},{"p3","p3"},{"m1","m1"},{"m2","m2"}}; public ComputerSystem(Vector<Computer> computers){ this.computers = computers; setLayout(null); panel0 = new JPanel(); JLabel label = new JLabel(new ImageIcon("")); panel0.add(label); getContentPane().add(panel0); button_Start = new JButton("Click to login",new ImageIcon("ComputerStore.png"));//这个图片整不上去,最后整一个,好看 add(button_Start); setDefaultCloseOperation(WindowConstants.EXIT_ON_CLOSE); button_Start.setBounds(5,5,400,150); button_Start.setHorizontalTextPosition(SwingConstants.RIGHT); button_Start.setVerticalTextPosition(SwingConstants.CENTER); button_Start.setFont(new Font("黑体",Font.BOLD,40)); public class Main { public static void main(String[] args) { //Computer[] computers = new Computer[999]; Vector<Computer> computers = new Vector<>(999); Scanner scanner = null; int i = -1; try { scanner = new Scanner(new BufferedReader(new FileReader("C:\Users\86137\Desktop\Computer.txt"))); String item; try { while (scanner.hasNext()) { i++; item = scanner.nextLine(); String[] cols = item.split(","); if(Objects.equals(cols[0], "Desktop PC")){ computers.add(new Desktop(cols[0], cols[1], cols[2], cols[3], cols[4], Integer.valueOf(cols[7]), Integer.valueOf(cols[5]), Integer.valueOf(cols[6]))); } if(Objects.equals(cols[0], "Laptop")){ computers.add(new Laptop(cols[0], cols[1], cols[2], cols[3], cols[4], Integer.valueOf(cols[8]), Integer.valueOf(cols[5]), Integer.valueOf(cols[6]), Double.valueOf(cols[7]))); } if(Objects.equals(cols[0], "Tablet")){ computers.add(new Tablet(cols[0], cols[1], cols[2], cols[3], cols[4], Integer.valueOf(cols[6]), Double.valueOf(cols[5]))); } // computers[i].category = cols[0]; // computers[i].Type = cols[1]; // computers[i].ID = cols[2]; // computers[i].Brand = cols[3]; // computers[i].CPU_Family = cols[4]; // computers[i].Price = Integer.valueOf(cols[5]); } }finally { if (scanner != null) { scanner.close(); } } } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } ComputerSystem computerSystem = new ComputerSystem(computers); computerSystem.setTitle("Computer Products Management System"); computerSystem.setSize(700,300); computerSystem.setLocationRelativeTo(null); computerSystem.setVisible(true); computerSystem.setDefaultCloseOperation(WindowConstants.EXIT_ON_CLOSE); // TableFilterDemo demo = new TableFilterDemo(computers); } }这段代码为什么无法呈现按钮和图片。 一些类没给你,不影响




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