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原创 accessing pixels in digital images

Struggling with this topic for days as I wanted to associate the digital pixels to points in PCD.I messed around with the basic concepts of pixel intensity, gray scale images, channels in image matr

2013-09-04 17:49:12 564

原创 3D Features, Surface Normals, Local Descriptors and KdTree

Concepts of Point Cloud from Point Cloud Library:#####################################################################################3D Feature##################################

2013-08-23 17:31:10 1180

原创 Ubuntu connection to network drives

1. Home Foler -> Browse contents of the network2. File -> Connect to server ...3. Server: allesodernix.zlw-ima.rwth-aachen.de  Then get the access to the network drive.

2013-06-18 15:34:06 535

原创 edge detection on digital images

I did this for the project proposal of D. Actually, there were no benefits for me to do this on digital images. I am working on point clouds which contains depth information, that is 3D image informat

2013-06-05 17:26:00 623

原创 OpenNI and openni_kinect

Big problem:I started with the intention to get depth_registered image in ROS to work with Roboearth, but I broke the openni_launch package ( perhaps the driver of kinect camera thing) with"the

2013-05-29 19:14:20 1056


user@mobile-122:~$ rosrun re_comm runfind: `/jre/lib/': No such file or directoryCannot find libjsig ... maybe you need to set JAVA_HOME?I had the exact same issue. I did the following to get i

2013-05-27 22:19:26 707

原创 All reinstallation of ROS on Ubuntu

This is my nightmare!!! Not because I got a new laptop, but because I have to reinstall everything I have on the old one, mainly ROS. Some of its packages are not well maintained and need much work li

2013-05-22 00:21:13 2331 1

原创 roslaunch: command not found

upgrade Ubuntu from 12.04 to 13.04 roslaunch: command not foundying@ying-Latitude-D630:~/fuerte_workspace$ ros[TAB][TAB]rosawesome rosdep-source rospdrosboost-cfg rosdistro_build_cac

2013-05-17 20:28:50 6687 1

原创 Ubuntu 12.04 and my new laptop

As ROS does not support Ubuntu 13.04, I have to install 12.04 to override the latest release. While I have trouble doing it, which could be due to the old Ubuntu release does not support the new devic

2013-05-17 20:27:25 851

原创 Virtual Ubuntu Resolution Settings

Install VirtualBox 4.2.12 on Windows 7 and also Ubuntu 12.04 64bit virtual OS.The problem is that monitor resolution is low and cannot be set to be higher.Solution: install guest additions on virt

2013-05-17 20:26:38 574

原创 RViz in Virtual Ubuntu

Openni_launch package was installed and launched as expected. I tried to visualize the image in RViz, but VirtualBox crushed.Several things I have tried:1. maximized the video memory to 128MB

2013-05-17 20:25:29 1772

原创 Virtual Ubuntu Resolution Settings

Install VirtualBox 4.2.12 on Windows 7 and also Ubuntu 12.04 64bit virtual OS.The problem is that monitor resolution is low and cannot be set to be higher.Solution: install guest additions on virt

2013-05-14 21:58:21 517

原创 LaTex on Ubuntu

LaTex is so cool. I saw other colleagues using it. I want to have a try. Since it is a cross-platform application. I will be able to write papers on both Ubuntu and Windows, without worrying about the

2013-05-10 22:23:27 682

转载 Fujistu Lifebook S series not supported by Ubuntu 12.04

Yes, sad truth as the title telling. Therefore, I was cornered to install a Virtual machine on Windows 7 and then install Ubuntu 12.04 on the virtual machine. I chose Virtualbox for it is open sourc

2013-05-10 15:42:27 583

原创 Ubuntu and Windows 7

Today  it has been a tiring day fighting with Ubuntu and Windows 7. Here is the story:Because I am not clear about the partition of Ubuntu, I made a terrible mistake which seemed to be helpless.

2013-05-03 02:08:21 1005

原创 Ubuntu upgrade


2013-05-01 19:02:58 413








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