CMMI 1-5 级别定义

CMMI: Capability Maturity Model Integration

Five Levels:   1 - Initial ,  2 - Managed,  3 - Defined,  4 - Quantitatively Managed, 5 - Optimizing


At maturity level 1, processes are usually ad hoc and chaotic. The organization usually does not provide a stable environment to support the processes. Success in these organizations depends on the competence and heroics of the people in the organization and not on the use of proven processes. In spite of this chaos, maturity level 1 organizations often produce products and services that work; however, they frequently exceed their budgets and do not meet their schedules. Maturity level 1 organizations are  characterized by a tendency to over commit, abandonment of processes in a time of crisis, and an inability to repeat their successes.



At maturity level 2, the projects of the organization have ensured that processes are planned and executed in accordance with policy; the projects employ skilled people who have adequate resources to produce controlled outputs; involve relevant stakeholders; are monitored, controlled, and reviewed; and are evaluated for adherence to their process descriptions. The process discipline reflected by maturity level 2 helps to ensure that existing practices are retained during times of stress. When these practices are in place, projects are performed and managed according to their documented plans.

At maturity level 2, the status of the work products and the delivery of services are visible to management at defined points (e.g., at major milestones and at the completion of major tasks). Commitments are established among relevant stakeholders and are revised as needed.

Work products are appropriately controlled. The work products and services satisfy their specified process descriptions,  standards, and procedures.



At maturity level 3, processes are well characterized and understood, and are described in standards, procedures, tools, and methods. The organization’s set of standard processes, which is the basis for maturity level 3, is established and improved over time. These standard processes are used to establish consistency across the organization.

Projects establish their defined processes by tailoring the organization’s set of standard processes according to tailoring guidelines. (See the glossary for a definition of “organization’s set of standard processes.”)

A critical distinction between maturity levels 2 and 3 is the scope of standards, process descriptions, and procedures. At maturity level 2, the standards, process descriptions, and procedures may be quite different in each specific instance of the process (e.g., on a particular project). At maturity level 3, the standards, process descriptions, and procedures for a project are tailored from the organization’s set of standard processes to suit a particular project or organizational unit and therefore are more consistent, except for the differences allowed by the tailoring guidelines.

Another critical distinction is that at maturity level 3, processes are typically described more rigorously than at maturity level 2. A defined process clearly states the purpose, inputs, entry criteria, activities, roles, measures, verification steps, outputs, and exit criteria. At maturity level 3, processes are managed more proactively using an understanding of the interrelationships of the process activities and detailed measures of the process, its work products, and its services.

At maturity level 3, the organization must further mature the maturity level 2 process areas. The generic practices associated with generic goal 3 that were not addressed at maturity level 2 are applied to achieve maturity level 3.



At maturity level 4, the organization and projects establish quantitative objectives for quality and process performance and use them as criteria in managing processes. Quantitative objectives are based on the needs of the customer, end users, organization, and process implementers.

Quality and process performance is understood in statistical terms and is managed throughout the life of the processes [SEI 2001].

For selected subprocesses, detailed measures of process performance are collected and statistically analyzed. Quality and processperformance measures are incorporated into the organization’s measurement repository to support fact-based decision making [McGarry 2000]. Special causes of process variation are identified and, where appropriate, the sources of special causes are corrected to prevent future occurrences. (See the definition of “special cause of process variation” in the glossary.)

A critical distinction between maturity levels 3 and 4 is the predictability of process performance. At maturity level 4, the performance of processes is controlled using statistical and other quantitative techniques, and is quantitatively predictable. At maturity level 3, processes are typically only qualitatively predictable.



At maturity level 5, an organization continually improves its processes based on a quantitative understanding of the common causes of variation inherent in processes. (See the definition of “common cause of process variation” in the glossary.)

Maturity level 5 focuses on continually improving process performance through incremental and innovative process and technological improvements. Quantitative process improvement objectives for the organization are established, continually revised to reflect changing business objectives, and used as criteria in managing process improvement. The effects of deployed process improvements are measured and evaluated against the quantitative process improvement objectives. Both the defined processes and the organization’s set of standard processes are targets of measurable improvement activities.

A critical distinction between maturity levels 4 and 5 is the type of process variation addressed. At maturity level 4, the organization is concerned with addressing special causes of process variation and providing statistical predictability of the results. Although processes may produce predictable results, the results may be insufficient to achieve the established objectives. At maturity level 5, the organization is concerned with addressing common causes of process variation and changing the process (to shift the mean of the process performance or reduce the inherent process variation experienced) to improve process performance and to achieve the established quantitative process improvement objectives.

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### 回答1: CMMI(集成能力成熟度模型)是一种常用的软件开发过程改进模型,它分为五个级别,从初级到高级逐步提高组织的软件开发过程能力和成熟度。 CMMI Level 3(CMMI 3级)是一种比较成熟的软件开发过程,具备了项目管理的能力。通过CMMI 3级,组织可以建立一套稳定且可靠的软件开发流程,具备更好的项目管理和质量保证能力。 CMMI Level 3文件是为了在软件开发项目中确保一致性和可追溯性而创建的文件集合。它们记录了项目实施过程中所需的关键活动、工作产品和实施指南。这些文件通常包括项目计划、需求规格、设计文档、测试计划和报告等。 CMMI Level 3文件的制定和管理对于确保软件开发过程的一致性和可靠性非常关键。这些文件可以帮助在整个软件开发生命周期中跟踪和管理项目的各个方面,以确保项目按时交付、质量良好。 CMMI Level 3文件还可以帮助组织实现标准化,确保不同项目之间的过程和实践保持一致。它们提供了一个框架和指导,以确保团队在软件开发中遵循一致的最佳实践。 总之,CMMI Level 3文件是为了确保软件开发过程可控、可追溯和一致而制定的一套文件。它们对于提高软件开发过程的成熟度和质量有着重要的作用,并为组织建立了一套可靠和标准化的软件开发实践。 ### 回答2: CMMI(能力成熟度模型集成,Capability Maturity Model Integration)是一种软件过程模型,旨在评估和提升组织的软件开发和维护过程的能力和成熟度。 CMMI 3级是CMMI模型中的一个级别,也称为已被定义级别。在这个级别上,组织已经建立了已定义的过程,并在项目中使用这些过程。这意味着组织已经制定了标准化的工作流程和方法,并且项目成员都明确了自己的责任和工作方式。 CMMI 3级文件则指的是在CMMI 3级下必需的文档和记录,以确保过程的适当执行和监控。这些文件包括项目计划、需求规格、设计文档、测试计划和报告、配置管理计划和报告、问题和变更管理记录等。这些文件的目的是为了记录和追踪项目的进展,确保项目按时交付,并保证软件质量。 在CMMI 3级文件中,每个文件都有特定的要求和格式,以确保信息的准确性和一致性。这些文件通常由项目质量管理团队或项目经理负责编制和更新。此外,这些文件还需要定期审查和验证,以确保其符合组织的质量标准和CMMI要求。 总之,CMMI 3级文件是一个关键的管理工具,用于支持和改进组织的软件开发和维护过程。通过规范和统一的文档,组织可以更好地控制项目进展和质量,提高工作效率和客户满意度。同时,这些文件也为组织提供了数据和信息,用于持续改进和决策制定。 ### 回答3: CMMI(Capability Maturity Model Integration)是一种软件工程和组织发展的成熟度模型框架,被广泛应用于软件开发领域。CMMI 3级是指CMMI的第三级成熟度,也被称为Defined级,它代表一个组织已经在软件工程方面能够实现明确定义的流程,并且这些流程已经在整个组织中得到有效地推广和实施。 CMMI 3级文件,指的是在CMMI 3级成熟度的基础上,组织所拥有的相关文件文档、标准和指南。这些文件在整个软件开发过程中起着重要的作用,通过规范性的文件可以实现以下几个方面的目标: 1. 明确工作内容:文件对于不同的工作任务、项目阶段,明确了具体的工作内容、要求和标准。团队成员能够根据文件中的指导按照统一的流程进行工作,提高工作效率和质量。 2. 保证质量:文件对于开发过程中所需遵循的工作流程、规范、标准和方法进行了详细的描述,确保所有成员能够使用相同或相似的方法进行工作,并达到一定的质量要求。通过遵守文件规定,可以提高产品的可靠性和可维护性,减少开发过程中的错误和缺陷。 3. 信息共享:文件作为信息的载体,可以帮助团队成员共享和传递知识,提供了一种信息交流和沟通的方式。通过文件,团队成员可以了解到相关项目的历史和背景,以及过去的经验教训,为项目的开展提供参考和借鉴,从而提高整体的项目管理和执行能力。 4. 可追溯性:文件可以提供工作过程中的信息记录和追溯,有助于进行问题排查和项目审计。通过对文件的监控和检查,可以发现问题的根源,及时进行调整和改进,确保项目按时、按质地完成。 总而言之,CMMI 3级文件对于组织的软件开发项目具有重要意义,通过明确工作内容、保证质量、信息共享和可追溯性,可以提高整体项目的成功率和效率,从而使组织在软件工程领域取得更大的成就和竞争优势。


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