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转载 Android on OMAP
查看原文Android on OMAPThis page collects information about and guides you through the installation of Google's Android on TI's ARM based OMAP SoCs.Note: Only small parts of this page sh
2012-01-08 18:42:59 703
转载 轻松实现坐标转换 不同地理位置系统转换入门
查看原文轻松实现坐标转换不同地理位置系统转换入门Sami Salkosuo, 应用程序架构师, EMC简介: 很多流行的应用程序可以提供基于位置的服务,但是计算机如何识别真实世界中的位置呢?很多方法都涉及到地理坐标系统,并且在实际应用中存在不同的此类系统。在本文中,应用程序架构师 Sami Salkosuo 演示了使用 Java™ 代码在
2011-12-28 10:16:39 725
转载 High Performance Web Sites 14 rules for faster pages
2011-12-22 17:43:32 664
转载 Various Licenses and Comments about Them
Table of ContentsIntroductionSoftware LicensesGPL-Compatible Free Software LicensesGPL-Incompatible Free Software LicensesNon-Free Software LicensesLicenses For Documentation
2011-12-21 11:22:50 573
转载 张苏沛律师:用专利法来保护计算机软件
原文网址:http://www.cnip.cn/news/redianwenti/2006/1012/2201.htm张苏沛律师:用专利法来保护计算机软件 近年来,蓬勃发展的计算机软件极大地推动了技术进步,同时计算机软件及其相关发明的法律保护问题也成为法律界和软件业人士关注的焦点之一。计算机软件是指计算机程序及其有关文档。计算机软件的法律保护是计算机程序及其有关文档的保护。计
2011-12-19 17:16:11 2147
转载 SpringAnnotations By Craig Walls
A pretty good Spring Annotation quick reference card, simple but clear.Click to view in PDF
2011-12-16 11:55:35 574
转载 Android SD Configuration
查看原文FULL TEXTContents [hide]1 SD Configuration and Setup2 Preparation3 Script to partition/format SDCards4 Alternative Script to format SD Cards for 3 partitions5
2011-12-15 17:22:43 972
转载 A brief guide for android native development
FULL TEXT阅读全文ContentsHello, worldReading the keypadBuilding SDLDynamic linkingUsing OpenGL ESDebuggingBitmap color reduction and GIF encodingA practical
2011-12-14 17:22:21 457
转载 NGO and NGO Management
查看全文FULL TEXTIntroductionhttp://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Non-governmental_organizationHow to manage NGOhttp://isgmit.org/projects-storage/NGOManagement/NGO_Management_Final.pdf
2011-12-14 10:49:50 503
转载 Best practices in open source development
查看原文Original LinkBest practices in open source developmentARTICLE BY ANGIE BYRONFEBRUARY 19, 2007 - 7:58PMIntroductionOpen source software has countless advan
2011-12-13 10:09:35 620
原创 开源的webOS将动谁的奶酪?
2011-12-12 16:43:08 2304
原创 Bash Shell Script Tutorials
Shell script programming is an essential skill of Unix/Linux/Cygwin users. With the support of dozens of utilities, the shell script could be multi-purpose Swiss knife to improve our productivity and
2011-12-09 15:26:40 707
原创 Books that android framework developers should read
1. Design patternhttp://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Software_design_pattern2. Expert C programminghttp://www.comp.nus.edu.sg/~xujia/Expert.C.Programming.pdf3. Object-Oriented Programming
2011-12-09 15:09:09 889
转载 Tutorial: Android Internals - Building a Custom ROM
I found a useful android tutorial from Youtube, it illustrate a whole process to customize android ROM. hopefully these video also can bring value to you.Tutorial: Android Internals - Building a Cus
2011-12-08 11:20:02 796
转载 The Scientist and Engineer's Guide to Digital Signal Processing
http://www.dspguide.com/pdfbook.htm浏览全书The Scientist and Engineer's Guide toDigital Signal ProcessingBy Steven W. Smith, Ph.D.HomeThe Book by ChaptersAbout the Bo
2011-12-07 14:02:08 1107
转载 Design Patterns Quick Reference
PDF点击查看全文A brief but very clear reference for Design Patterns (GoF).
2011-12-07 10:25:41 480
转载 [HAM]The HAM Radio Operator's Antenna Handbook
FULL TEXTAppreciate the sharing of Buck Rogers who work with radio for many year.The handbook is pretty good stuff to guide HAM to DIY and setup their radio antenna. It contain bunch of form
2011-12-06 22:28:26 767
转载 [HAM Radio] Digital Modes Information Page
Join the Fun!!Communication technologies that are specifically designed to improve "live" HF keyboard operation can now be achieved which were previously only theory, too complex, or too costly to
2011-12-05 21:17:48 554
转载 Linux startup process
FULL TEXTThe Linux startup process is the process of Linux-operating system initialization. It is in many ways similar to the BSD and other Unix style boot processes, from which it derives
2011-12-05 20:50:22 532
转载 Building a Small Embedded Linux Kernel Example
This application note demonstrates NOR kernel building and board setup using the DaVinci DM644x Digital Evaluation Module (DVEVM) package. The goal is to build the smallest possible kernel using the M
2011-12-05 16:40:25 526
原创 业余无线电入门介绍
业余无线电入门介绍Guide to Amateur Radio for New Hamshttp://www.eham.net/newham/基础知识The ARRL General Class License Manualhttp://books.google.com/books?id=2rvTFmCCshsC&pg=PR9&dq=AMATUER+RADI
2011-12-04 21:45:03 1352
转载 Android ListView and ListActivity - Tutorial
FULL TEXTAndroid ListView and ListActivity - TutorialLars VogelVersion 2.7Copyright © 2010 - 2011 Lars Vogel21.11.2011Revision History
2011-12-02 15:20:23 495
转载 Indoor Navigation, The new killer application of mobile computing.
With the popularization of GPS-enabled smartphone, location-aware service is becoming the one of most important killer applications in recent years. The GPS device can work fine on highway to gu
2011-12-01 22:42:15 577
转载 Kernel Space - User Space Interfaces
Kernel Space - User Space InterfacesAriane Keller mailto:ariane.zerospam.keller@tik.ee.ethz.chVersion 0.8, July 2008This document looks at the numerous and interesting ways the Linux kernel 2.
2011-12-01 15:44:38 953
转载 8 Things I learned from "High Performance MySQL"
查看原文8 Things I learned from "High Performance MySQL"Posted by Mike Vysocka on April 1, 2010 at 2:35pmView BlogI was reading through... "High Performance MySQL
2011-12-01 15:35:56 701
原创 Understanding Android GPS HAL Driver
Understanding Android GPS HAL DriverAlex Dou autoasm@yahoo.comAndroid Hardware Abstraction LayerThe Android HAL (Hardware Abstraction Layer) is software layer that the user spa
2011-11-30 14:51:06 3560
转载 Characteristics of a good team and team member
查看原文Team Building \ Team Building Articles \ Characteristics of a good team and team memberEveryone participates actively and positively in meetings and projects.
2011-11-30 11:25:05 977
转载 Android Sensor PortingGuide
Full TextContents [hide]1 Introduction2 Accelerometer2.1 Android sensor sub system overview2.2 Driver porting2.2.1 Modify LIS331DLH data structure2.2.2 Add
2011-11-30 11:08:52 550
转载 [EBOOK] Building Android Apps with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript
http://ofps.oreilly.com/titles/9781449383268/Building Android Apps with HTML, CSS, and JavaScriptJonathan StarkCopyright © 2010 Jonathan StarkAbstract
2011-11-29 13:39:12 676
转载 Android Application Development, 1st Edition
Thanks someone who share the book link on LinkedInhttp://androidapps.org.ua/toc.html Android Application Developm
2011-11-29 13:35:25 611
转载 Android Platform Developer's Guide
点击打开链接Setup and BuildingBuild SystemRelease Keys and Signing BuildsCustomizationCustomizationSystemBring upConnectiv
2011-11-29 12:06:53 581
转载 Android Porting Guide for Embedded Platforms ( Android 嵌入式平台移植指南 )
Android is a Dalvik Virtual Machine based software platform that runs on a Linux based kernel. Therefore,to port an Android platform, one needs to port the underlying Linux OS and then the Android p
2011-11-28 16:50:43 591
转载 Google I/O 2011: Cloud Robotics
Did you have image control robot by android client through cloud? Right, That's really Cool!Google has invested on the robot system that can cooperate with android system. Please see the Goo
2011-11-28 15:21:48 692
转载 Deep Inside Android
Click to open the document in PDF.A good stuff for Android developers, the document covers both system layer and android applications.
2011-11-27 22:35:31 548
转载 How to Cross Compile the Bash shell for Android 1.5 (为Android平台编译Bash shell)
原文网址How to Cross Compile the Bash shell for Android 1.5Introduction:I just got a new G1 Android phone, and since it runs Linux I just had to get the Bash shell running on i
2011-11-26 15:34:00 618
转载 Android Custom UI: Making a Vintage Thermometer
原文网址Android Custom UI: Making a Vintage ThermometerJun 7th, 2010 at 10:05 pmHi everyone. Today I would like to show how to design a simple yet cool-looking custom UI element for An
2011-11-25 20:17:25 897
转载 Android Booting (Android 引导过程)
原文网址Android BootingThe bootup of an Android system consists of several phases, which are outlined here.Contents [hide]1 Key bootup components1.1 Bootloader1
2011-11-24 17:08:11 1797
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