TivoliAccessManager for EnterpriseSingleSign-On培训讲义:安装

本教程详细介绍了如何在Windows 2003 Server上安装和配置TAM E-SSO,使用ADAM作为用户凭据和配置信息的存储库。首先,按照步骤安装ADAM实例,接着配置ADAM,创建应用目录分区,并为SSO配置权限。然后,安装TAMESSO客户端并设置同步。最后,通过测试验证SSO客户端与ADAM同步功能正常。



This lab guide walks you through the setup of TAM E-SSO Provisioning Adapter with IBM Tivoli Identity Manager Express 4.6 on a Windows 2003 Server system. Once you complete the steps outlined in this lab guide, you’ll have a fully functional environment which you can use to demonstrate the capabilities of ITAM E-SSO and ITIMx.


The lab is presented in three sections. In Part 1, you will install and configure TAM E-SSO to use Microsoft ADAM as the repository for user credentials and configuration information.


Active Directory Application Mode ( ADAM ) is a part of Microsoft’s integrated directory services available with Windows Server 2003, and is built specifically to address directory-enabled application scenarios. ADAM runs as a non-operating-system service, and, as such, it does not require deployment on a domain controller.


In Part 2 of the lab, you will install the TAME-SSO Provisioning Adapter (future addition)


Finally, in Part 3 and Part 4 of the lab you will configure the provisioning adapter to integrate with ITIM Express 4.6.  Then you will work through a demo scenario that shows the integration of the two products and the value it provides to customers looking to deploy an Identity Management and Desktop Single Sign on solution.  (future addition)

PART ONE _______________________________________________________


Installing Microsoft Active Directory Application Mode Service


You are starting with a VMware image that is running Windows 2003 Server, FP 1.  On this server, Identity Manager Express has already been installed. Details of this server are:


Hostname:                   ITIMServer

Adminstrator Name:          Adminstrator

Password:                    tivoli

Domain:                ondemandinc.com

ITIMx URL:               http://itimserver/itim/identity

Home Page:                            http://itimserver:81/homepage.html (running IBM HTTP server)


All installation files are located in the directory C:/Studentfiles/Install.


If it is not running, start the ITIMServer VMware image. Log into the server as Administrator.

Installing ADAM


Microsoft recommends that ADAM instances should not be installed on domain controllers. ITIMServer is a stand alone Windows 2003 Server.


1.      Navigate to the C:/Studentfiles/Install/ ADAM directory and launch the program ADAMSP1_x86_English.exe


Note:  ADAM is available as a free download from Microsoft’s download site. It is also part of Windows 2003 Server R2 and can be installed by accessing Windows Control Panel -> Add/Remove Programs.

2.      The installation program begins. Click Next> to continue.

3.      Accept the License Agreement. Click Next> to continue.

4.      The installation program progresses…

5.      Click Finish to complete the installation.

The ADAM program group has now been added to your system. You will now create an ADAM instance that will be used by TAMES.

6.      Click on Programs -> ADAM -> Create an ADAM instance.

7.      The setup wizard starts. Click Next > to continue.   

8.      Select the radio button for creating a unique instance.  Click Next > to continue.   

9.      Provide an instance name. Use TAMES as the instance name. Click Next > to continue.

10.  The first available ports are selected as the defaults. Port 50001 is selected as we have an instance of LDAP listening on port 389 already. The SSL port will not be used for this lab. Click Next > to continue.

11.   You will create an application directory partition for the SSO data. Name the partition OU=SSOPartition,dc=ondemandinc,dc=com


Click Next > to continue.

12.  Use the defaults for the location of the data files and the recovery files. Click Next > to continue.

13.  Accept the default for using the Network service account to perform ADAM operations. Click Next > to continue.


The following pop-up will appear.

14.  Click Yes to continue as we will not be using replication with other ADAM instances in this lab.

15.  Accept the default to use the currently logged on user for ADAM administration. Click Next > to continue.

16.  You do not need to import any LDIF information so click Next > to continue.

17.  Click Next > to





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