100 Ways to Motivate Yourself--(H)

[size=large][color=blue][b]91.Inflate your goal.[/b][/color][/size]
This self motivator can be used as an intellectual tool.Take a certain goal of yourself and double it or triple it or multiple it by ten.And then ask yourself quite seriously what would you have to do to achieve that new goal. Remember,this is just a self contained game and not a promise to anyone else.But it is a game that's fun to play.Why? Because it works.
[size=large][color=blue][b]92.Come to your own rescue[/b][/color][/size]
1.You can't leave a place you never been
2.No one is coming.I use to believe I can run from all my freighting thoughts and beliefs about myself.But all that ever did was create deeper internal fears and conflicts.What I needed to do was to get all my fears into the sunshine and demystify them.Once I systematically was to dismantle the fears like bomb squid does to a bomb.Acceptance and full conscious of those fears was the place I've never been.Once I was in that place,I could leave.The notion that on one is coming is more terrifying.You can much happier if you value independence and self-reliancy then depending on someone else.So when you accept the idea that no one is coming,it's actually that very powerful moment.It means you accepted that you are enough.You can actually handle problems yourself.You can grow. You can get strong.You can generate your own happiness.And paradoxically,from that position of independence truly great relationships can be built because they are not based on dependency.They are not based on fear.They are based on mutual independence and love.See how much better you are at self motivation once you begin to celebrate the news that you are enough.
[size=large][color=blue][b]93.Push your own buttons[/b][/color][/size]
Motivation never has to be accidental.Any form of motivation.A lot of people like to motivate themselves musically for example.But you don't have to wait for hours utils a certain song comes on the radio that picks up your spirits.You can control what songs you hear.If there are certain songs that lifts you up, create a greatest hits motivation tape for yourself.You got much more control over your environment than you ever realized. Learn how to push your own buttons.
[size=large][color=blue][b]94.Strengthen your rehearsal[/b][/color][/size]
The harder you are on yourself,the easier life is on you.There isn't anything that life can challenge you with that you can't challenge yourself with ahead of time.You can set yourself up to succeed.If you have to make a presentation in front of someone that scares you,you can always rehearse it in front of someone that scares you even more.If you got something hard to do and your hesitant to do it, find something even hard and do that first.Watch what it does to your self-motivation going into the real challenge.
[size=large][color=blue][b]95.Improve your vision[/b][/color][/size]
"It's not what a vision is,it's what a vision does."So what does your vision do to you?Does it give you energy?Does it make your smile?when your tired,does it give you energy to go that extra mile? A vision should be judged by these criteria.The criteria of power and effectiveness.In other words,what does it do? what do you want to bring into being.If your vision isn't giving you energy then picture another one.Keep at it until you develop a vision that is so colorful and so clear it puts you in action just to think about it.
[size=large][color=blue][b]96. Build your power base[/b][/color][/size]
The more awake you are,the more conscious you are, and the more you pay attention to how your own efforts at self-motivation are succeeding,the more powerful you'll become,Your knowledge of self-motivation is power in it of itself.Respect your knowledge and build on it.
[size=large][color=blue][b]97.Link truth to beauty[/b][/color][/size]
The best case for honesty is how beautiful it is.How clean it clear it makes the journey from current reality to the dream.Truth leads you to a more confident level in your relationships with others and with yourself.it diminishes fear and it increases you sense of personal mastery.Lies, half-truths,will always weigh you down.Where as truth will clear up your thinking and give you the energy and clarity needed for self motivation.
[size=large][color=blue][b]98.Take No fo a question[/b][/color][/size]
Ask the universe for what you want.Don't take NO for an answer.Take NO for a question. When you ask for something that is denied to you.imagine that the NO you heard is really the question,"Can't you be more creative than what?"Never accept NO at face value.Let rejection motivate you to get more creative.
[size=large][color=blue][b]99.Walk with LOVE and DEATE[/b][/color]
[size=medium]Whenever I need to get through something,create something or face some kind of courageous plan,I always take long walks.When I walk long and for enough a solution always appears.I eventually get oriented to the most creative action.Andrew Wiles in "Spontanceous Healing"says when you walk,the movements of your limbs are cross patterned.The right leg and left arm move forward at the same time and the left leg and right arm.The spontaneous type of movement generates electrical activity in the brain that has a harmonizing influence on the central nervous system.A special benefit of walking that you don't necessary get from other type of exercise.I call it "A Walk with Love"Because love and fear are opposites.Most people think love and hate are opposites but their not.The ultimate creativity occurs from the spirit of love.Love is always creative and fear is always destructive.And I called it a "A walk with Death"because it is only the acceptance and awareness of my own death that give my life the clarity it needs to make my life exciting.Take your own challenges out of a walk.Feel your own self-motivation growing inside of you.Feel the electricity in your brain.Feel it harmonize with your central nervous system.You'll soon know for a fact that you do have what it takes.You can walk courage into existence.
[size=large][color=blue][b]100.Buy yourself flowers[/b][/color][/size]
Buy yourself flowers and every time you look at them,let them remind you of how colorful your future is going to be.How fresh your thoughts are.How easy it is to honor yourself.How much power you have to make your environment beautiful.And how sweet the smell of the universe can be.




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