AddressBook Example
1. About this Example
2. Prerequisites
3. Design and Implementation
4. Building and Running
1. About this Example
The purpose of this application is to provide an example, including source code, of the use of the Nokia Web Services Framework so that developers can test and run the application against a live server. The server will be hosted by Forum Nokia and provide the interface specified later in this document.The sample is a small address book application, which enables the user to find information such as name, address, phone number, job title, and so on about other users. The sample utilizes a Liberty-based address book web service hosted by Forum Nokia, which providers the interface specified in section 3.4 "AddressBookConstants.h" file. The service will not be perfect address book service, as that is not needed to show the use of the Web Services framework. Those enhancements would make no difference on the use of the Web Services Framework and so would be just unnecessary work for this example.
The application will be used in S60 3.0 terminals. It is using Symbian native interfaces provided by native Nokia Web Services Framework. The latter framework takes care of tasks such as authentication, service discovery and connection management thus letting the application developer to focus on the application level logic.
2. Prerequisites
This example makes use of the standard Symbian OS application framework, comprising the Application, Document, UI, and View classes. The reader should be aware of this architecture before attempting to understand this example. It is also assumed that the reader is familiar with the concepts related to Web Services. Knowledge of Liberty Alliance specifications ( is an asset.It's necessary to have LAN Connection support for an emulator and GPRS Connection support for a device.
2.1 Emulator
In emulator configure network settings from tools->Preferences-network.3. Design and Implementation
This section starts with explaining the capabilities that the program can use. After that, the support using different screen modes are explained. And then in this section is detailed the design and implementation of each of the following four components required to get information about some employee used mechanism of Web Services:- Connection
- Searching
- AddToContant
- BrowseCard
3.1 Capabilities
The program capabilities are defined in AddressBook.mmp file: CAPABILITY NetworkServices ReadUserData WriteUserData WriteDeviceData ReadDeviceData.3.2 ScalableUI
The program takes screen parameters in the start of the application and works with all screen modes. The program supports changing the screen layout while the program is running.3.3 Connection
Message Description
1: CAddressBookAppUi::HandleCommandL(TInt aCommand) is called on the AppUi object whenever the user selects a menu option. The argument aCommand indicates the command the user selected. In case if the user chose "EaddressBookCmdAppConnect" to connect with a provider than function CAknWaitNoteWrapper::ExecuteL(R_CONNECTING_NOTE, *this, ETrue) runs the active scheduler, that calls CAknWaitNoteWrapper::RunL(), it checks:
3: Is process already done? - function CAddressBookAppUi::IsProcessDone() (it is overridden from interface MAknBackgroundProcess).
4: If process is not done yet then CAknWaitNoteWrapper::RunL() calls CAddressBookAppUi::StepL() that does one step of processing (it is overridden from interface MAknBackgroundProcess). This step establishes connection.
5: CAddressBookEngine::ConnectL() is run from CAddressBookAppUi::StepL(). Makes a connection to an ID-WSF service. When CAddressBookEngine::ConnectL() is called the first time, authentication and discovery services are connected and the user is therefore authenticated and the service is connected. When CAddressBookEngine::ConnectL() is called again and the credentials received from authentication and discovery services are valid, there are no need to connect to them again. This means that CAddressBookEngine::SetStatus(const TInt aStatus) will be called almost immediately with value CONNECTED, but in device GPRS or data connection is not opened yet (but instead it is opened when search occurs).
6: CAddressBookEngine::RegisterIdentityProviderL() is called from CAddressBookEngine::ConnectL(). It registers services. It creates the CSenServiceManager instance and uses it to register Identity Provider and Authentication Service (AS) Description. The AS is also associated with the registered IdentityProvider.
7: CAddressBookEngine::SetStatus(const TInt aStatus) gets status info about connection (STATUS_NEW, STATUS_READY or STATUS_EXIRED) to be initialized. It is called by CSenServiceConnectionImpl::RunL() that is called by active scheduler from CAddressBookAppUi::HandleCommandL(TInt aCommand) in case "EAddressBookCmdAppConnect".
8: CAddressBookAppUi::ConnectionReady() calls when connection is done.
9-11: Checks Is process already done - function CAddressBookAppUi::IsProcessDone()? If connection is established the active scheduler calls functions CAddressBookAppUi::ProcessFinished() and CAddressBookAppUi::DialogDismissedL(TInt aButtonId) which is overridden from interface MaknBackgroundProcess.
3.4 "AddressBookConstants.h" file
This file contains constants that describe Address Book service. This information is localized in the separate file specially that to avoid modifications inside the source code if will be some changes in the Address Book service (for example ProviderContract /EndPoint /testAuthentication ID /testPassword /Provider ID /WS Framework ID).The service is hosted by Forum Nokia and its connection parameters are listed in the table below.
3.5 Searching
Message Description
1: CAddressBookAppUi::HandleCommandL(TInt aCommand) is called on the AppUi object whenever the user selects a menu option. The argument aCommand indicates the command the user selected. In case if the user chose "EAddressBookCmdAppSearch" to search contact information about an employee than function CAknWaitNoteWrapper::ExecuteL(R_SEARCHING_NOTE, *this) runs the active scheduler, that calls CSenServiceConnectionImpl::RunL() and it calls function CAddressBookEngine::HandleMessageL(const TDesC8& aMessage) (it is overridden from interface MSenServiceConsumer) for receiving messages from the CSenServiceConnection::SendL() function.
2: CAddressBookView::Draw() draws help information "How need to search".
3: CAddressBookView::Draw() draws the window for typing query.
4-8: CAddressBookEngine::SendSearchL(const TDesC& aSearchPattern) sends query entered by user. Create a search pattern from the descriptor and send it to the WSP. The message from server is received through CAddressBookEngine::HandleMessageL(const TDesC8& aMessage) or an error is received through CAddressBookEngine::HandleErrorL(const TInt aErrorCode, const TDesC8& aError).
12-38: Receiving and parsing message from server. Xmlparser calls CAddressBookEngine::StartElementL(const TDesC8& aNsUri, const TDesC8& aLocalName, const TDesC8& aQName, const RAttributeArray& aAttrs) every time a new element tag is found and CAddressBookEngine::EndElementL( const TDesC8& aNsUri, const TDesC8& aLocalName, const TDesC8& aQName) every time a closing element tag is found. In our case we are interested in the <Status> and <Card> elements. When Status is found, we compare if attribute 'Code' is OK or not. CSenXmlUtils::LocalName() only extracts out a possible XML prefix (i.e. 'ab:OK'). When local name is 'Card', we have encountered a contact-object. Then we make a new CAddressBookContact and delegate the parsing to it.
39-46: CAddressBookAppUi::SearchFinishedL(RPointerArray<CAddressBookContact>& aContactArray) finishes searching and CAddressBookView::UpdateL( RPointerArray<CAddressBookContact>& aContactArray) parses information and creates received information in convenient for user view.
47,48: Checks Is process already done - function CAddressBookAppUi::IsProcessDone()? If connection is established the active scheduler calls functions CAddressBookAppUi::ProcessFinished() and CAddressBookAppUi::DialogDismissedL(TInt aButtonId) which is overridden from interface MaknBackgroundProcess.
49: CAddressBookView::Draw() draws the list of contacts matched under user's query.
3.5.1 Structure for address card
Below is the structure for address cards presented in XML style to give an idea what data is supported for cards.<Card> <N> <FAMILY/> <GIVEN/> <MIDDLE/> </N> <ADR> <POBOX/> <EXTADR/> <STREET/> <LOCALITY/> <REGION/> <PCODE/> <CTRY/> </ADR> <TEL type="FAX/CELL/PREF"/> <TEL type="FAX/CELL/PREF"/> <TEL type="FAX/CELL/PREF"/> <TEL type="FAX/CELL/PREF"/> <EMAIL/> <TITLE/> <ORG> <ORGNAME/> <ORGUNIT/> <ORGUNIT/> <ORGUNIT/> <ORGUNIT/> </ORG> </Card>
3.5.2 Message examples
This section contains message examples. First there is a basic query to request address cards containing phone number 1234. The only changing parts are the <ResourceID> and <Select> parameters. The <Select> parameter defines, what is requested. See 3.5.3 Select, for more details.<ab:Query xmlns:ab="urn:nokia:test:addrbook:2004-09"> <ab:ResourceID>XYZ</ab:ResourceID> <ab:QueryItem> <ab:Select>/ab:Card[ab:TEL="1234"]</ab:Select> </ab:QueryItem> </ab:Query>
The response has two changing parts. Status code depends on the processing results on the service side. The <Data> element contains the returned data. It may include one or more <Card> elements. Each card element has those elements for which content/values are specified.
<ab:QueryResponse xmlns:ab="urn:nokia:test:addrbook:2004-09"> <ab:Status code="OK"/> <ab:Data> <ab:Card> <ab:N> <ab:FAMILY>Smith</ab:FAMILY> <ab:GIVEN>John</ab:GIVEN> </ab:N> <ab:ADR> <ab:EXTADR>Room 123</ab:EXTADDR> <ab:STREET>1st ST 123</ab:STREET> <ab:LOCALITY>Huitsi</ab:LOCALITY> <ab:REGION>Nevada</ab:REGION> <ab:PCODE>7698532</ab:PCODE> </ab:ADR> <ab:TEL>1234</ab:TEL> <ab:TEL type="CELL">2122345</ab:TEL> <ab:EMAIL></ab:EMAIL> <ab:TITLE>Gadget Manager</ab:TITLE> </ab:Card> </ab:Data> </ab:QueryResponse>
<ab:Query xmlns:ab="urn:nokia:test:addrbook:2004-09"> <ab:ResourceID>XYZ</ab:ResourceID> <ab:QueryItem> <ab:Select>/ab:Card[ab:N/ab:FAMILY="Smith" and ab:N/ab:GIVEN="John"]</ab:Select> </ab:QueryItem> </ab:Query>
<ab:QueryResponse xmlns:ab="urn:nokia:test:addrbook:2004-09"> <ab:Status code="OK"/> <ab:Data> <ab:Card> <ab:N> <ab:FAMILY>Smith</ab:FAMILY> <ab:GIVEN>John</ab:GIVEN> </ab:N> <ab:ADR> <ab:EXTADR>Room 123</ab:EXTADDR> <ab:STREET>1st ST 123</ab:STREET> <ab:LOCALITY>Huitsi</ab:LOCALITY> <ab:REGION>Nevada</ab:REGION> <ab:PCODE>7698532</ab:PCODE> </ab:ADR> <ab:TEL>1234</ab:TEL> <ab:TEL type="CELL">2122345</ab:TEL> <ab:EMAIL></ab:EMAIL> <ab:TITLE>Gadget Manager</ab:TITLE> </ab:Card> </ab:Data> </ab:QueryResponse>
3.5.3 Select
The Select parameter is a string containing an XPath expression based on XPath 1.0. Some examples on the expressions that can be used on the client side can be found below:- Querying based on the phone number: /ab:Card[ab:TEL="1234"]
- Querying based on the family name: /ab:Card[ab:N/ab:FAMILY="Smith"]
- Querying based on the given name: /ab:Card[ab:N/ab:GIVEN="John"]
- Querying based on the family and given name: /ab:Card[ab:N/ab:FAMILY="Smith" and ab:N/ab:GIVEN="John"]
3.6 AddToContact
Message Description
1: CAddressBookAppUi::HandleCommandL(TInt aCommand) is called on the AppUi object whenever the user selects a menu option. The argument aCommand indicates the command the user selected. In case if the user chose "EAddressBookCmdAppAdd" to add contact in phone book.
2,3: CAddressBookEngine::GetContact(TInt aPosition, CAddressBookContact*& aContact) and CAddressBookView::CurrentContact() get information from current contact.
4: CPbkContactEngine::CreateEmptyContactL() creates an empty item for contact information.
5-10: CAddressBookContact::PhoneL(), CAddressBookContact::MobilePhoneL(), CAddressBookContact::SelectedPhoneL(const TDesC8& aType), CAddressBookAppUi::UpdateFieldL(CPbkContactItem* modifiableItem, TPbkFieldId fieldId, const TDesC8& newValue) add in this item information about the mobile and general phones.
11-13: CAddressBookContact::FirstName(), CAddressBookContact::ChildValue( const TDesC8& aFirstElement, const TDesC8& aSecondElement), CAddressBookAppUi::UpdateFieldL(CPbkContactItem* modifiableItem, TPbkFieldId fieldId, const TDesC8& newValue) also add information about the first name. The same steps follow for adding information about last name/fax/email/organization/title and street.
14: CPbkContactEngine::AddNewContactL() adds new item about contact information in phonebook's database.
3.7 BrowseCard
Message Description
1: CAddressBookView::HandleListBoxEventL(CEikListBox*, TListBoxEvent aEventType) is called whenever the user presses "enter" button (EeventEnterKeyPressed) to browse full information about the employee.
2,3: CAddressBookView::OpenItemL() and CAddressBookEngine::GetContact(TInt aPosition, CAddressBookContact*& aContact) get information about current contact.
4-6: CAddressBookView::AppendRowL(TPtrC8 aValue, const TDesC8& aFieldName, CDesCArray& aArray), CAddressBookContact::LastName(), CAddressBookContact::SelectedPhoneL(const TDesC8& aType) convert information about last name that to draw it as the separate row.
7-9: CAddressBookView::AppendRowL(TPtrC8 aValue, const TDesC8& aFieldName, CDesCArray& aArray), CAddressBookContact::PhoneL(), CAddressBookContact::ChildValue(const TDesC8& aFirstElement, const TDesC8& aSecondElement) convert information about phone that to draw it as the separate row. The same steps follow for first name/middle name/extra address/street/locality/region/post code/country/mobile phone/fax/email/title/organization/unit.
10: CAddressBookView::ChangeCbaL(TInt aResourceId, TDrawNow aDrawNow) sets aResourceId = R_AVKON_SOFTKEYS_OPTIONS_BACK and state = EdrawNow.
11: CAddressBookView::Draw() draws full information about employee who was found as rows.
4. Building and Running
When the application starts up, the following screen appears:Selecting the Options soft key displays the following 3 choices:
- Select About to display the information about this application.
- Select Connect to connect to the authentication service.
- Select Exit at any time to exit the application.
4.1 Select Connect from the Options menu.
4.1.1 Introduction
Address book is provided by the imaginary enterprise and is its internal address book, which employees of the enterprise can use to find address & phone number information related to other people.A user can make queries by providing some values. The address cards matching those values are returned. E.g. a family name can be given and all address cards containing exactly that family name will be returned, unless there are e.g. more than ten cards matching that value in which case a status code indicating too many matches will be returned and the end user should give more parameters, e.g. give also the given name.
4.1.2 Use scenario
1. User chooses Connect from the Options menu.2. At this point application asks for available address book services (the company address book service based on the ProviderID). This note appears only once during first time of connection with service.
3. So WebServices connects to the authentication service, gets a resource offering for the discovery service and gets available address book services, unless the information is already cached.
4. Appears a list of access points from which is needed to choose right. (For emulator it is "Ethernet with Daemon", for hardware it corresponds with SIM card.)
5. Appears the new options menu, where Search need to find an information about somebody.
6. When user chooses this point of menu appears the next note:
7. A screen for entering query parameters is displayed. Note: although the different address book services contain a bit different data, both have same available query parameters.
8. User types the query parameters, e.g. first name of a colleague to get the rest of the information or the phone number of a missed call to check, who called.
9. As a response one of the following alternatives is received:
- One address card matching the query. This must be displayed to the user.
- More than one address card matching the query.
User can browse all the returned address cards.
- A status code indicating that too many card matched the query and a new query with more parameters (e.g. given name in addition to the family name) must be supplied to get address cards. This must be indicated to the user and a query screen with previously supplied parameters provided so that the user can easily add more and make new query.
- OK status code, but no address card, as there was no matching card. User must be told that no matching address cards were found.
- Some error code, as there was something wrong in the request or some problems in the backend system. Some status must be displayed to the user and user can try again.
- Nothing is received, as there were problems in communication channels, etc. Some timeout must be implemented to return to normal operation (user might try another search, close application, throw the terminal to a wall, etc)
10. If one or more than one address card matching the query there is opportunity to add them to contacts.