

        EXIF,是英文Exchangeable Image File(可交换图像文件)的缩写,最初由日本电子工业发展协会(JEIDA --Japan Electronic Industry Development Association) 制订,目前的版本是修改发表于1998年6月的2.1版。国际标准化组织(ISO)正在制订的相机文件设计标准(DCF -- Design role for Camera File system)就是以EXIF2.1格式为基础而设定的。

       记住,EXIF是一种图像文件格式,只是文件的后缀名还是沿用大家熟悉的jpg而已。实际上,EXIF信息就是由数码相机在拍摄过程中采集一系列的信息,然后把信息放置在我们熟知的jpg文件的头部,也就是说EXIF信息是镶嵌在JPEG图像文件格式内的一组拍摄参数,主要包括摄影时的光圈、快门、ISO、日期时间等各种与当时摄影条件相关的讯息,相机品牌型号,色彩编码,拍摄时录制的声音以及全球定位系统(GPS)等信息。简单的说,它就好像是傻瓜相机的日期打印功能一样,只不过EXIF信息所记录的资讯更为详尽和完备。不过,具有EXIF信息的JPEG图像文件要比普通的JPEG文件略大一点。就目前市场而言,新一代的数码相机都具有附加EXIF信息功能,大多数的数码相机厂商也都会随数码相机发售时附赠能够读取EXIF信息的软件,例如 Nikon 系列的数码相机就附赠 NikonView 软件,Agfa系列的相机则附赠 Photowize V1.8版,而富士相机附送的EXIF viewer软件更是这方面的领军人物(目前已在很多网站提供免费下载。还有一部分的数码相机会自动将EXIF信息转存成文档文件,例如:NIKON CoolPix 990和SONY FD系列。除了硬件厂商随数码相机附带的EXIF信息查看软件,很多专业的图像软件厂商在这方面也不甘示弱,相继推出自己公司看图软件的最新版来支持这种近乎完美的JPEG-EXIF图像信息附加技术,如最近刚推出的ACDSee 4.0版本,就对现在流行的各种数码相机有相当好的支持,在EXIF图像信息附加方面较之其3.0版本也有很大的进步。不管是硬件厂商的配套软件还是专业名门的看图工具,所有这些软件都是为了方便数码摄影者能更方便地保存查看摄影图像的重要信息。

        我们将这些读取EXIF信息的软件归纳后分为四类:专业EXIF信息查看工具(以富士的EXIF viewer为例) 、具有查看EXIF信息的强大通用看图工具(以ACDSee为例)、支持EXIF信息查看的操作系统(微软的Windows XP)以及可以修改EXIF信息的另类工具(EXIF Editer),而我们这里要讲的是通过C#在WEB上读取一个图片的EXIF信息。






         using System;

         using System.Drawing;

         using System.Drawing.Imaging;

         using System.Collections;

         using System.Collections.Specialized;

         using System.ComponentModel;


         namespace EXIFInfo


         /// <summary>

         /// EXIFMetaData 的摘要说明。

         /// </summary>

         public class EXIFMetaData


              #region 构造函数

              /// <summary>

              /// 构造函数

              /// </summary>

              public EXIFMetaData()





              #region 数据转换结构

              /// <summary>

              /// 转换数据结构

              /// </summary>

              public struct MetadataDetail


                   /// <summary>

                   /// 显示值串

                   /// </summary>

                   public string DisplayValue;//显示值串




              #region EXIF元素结构

              /// <summary>

              /// 结构:存储EXIF元素信息

              /// </summary>

              public struct Metadata


                   /// <summary>

                   /// 相片拍照日期

                   /// </summary>

                   public MetadataDetail DTDigitized;

                   /// <summary>

                   /// 设备制造商

                   /// </summary>

                   public MetadataDetail EquipmentMake;

                   /// <summary>

                   /// 曝光时间()

                   /// </summary>

                   public MetadataDetail ExposureTime;

                   /// <summary>

                   /// 快门速度()

                   /// </summary>

                   public MetadataDetail ShutterSpeed;

                   /// <summary>

                   /// 曝光模式

                   /// </summary>

                   public MetadataDetail MeteringMode;

                   /// <summary>

                   /// 闪光灯(/reserved)

                   /// </summary>

                   public MetadataDetail Flash;

                   /// <summary>

                   /// 水平分辩率(DPI)

                   /// </summary>

                   public MetadataDetail XResolution;

                   /// <summary>

                   /// 垂直分辩率(DPI)

                   /// </summary>

                  // 。。。。。。。//在此有很多相关的属性,不一一列出。有需要者可与我联系。

                   /// <summary>

                   /// 压缩(焦距)

                   /// </summary>

                   public MetadataDetail ThumbnailCompression;

                   /// <summary>

                   /// //----

                   /// </summary>

                   public MetadataDetail ThumbnailResolutionUnit;

                   /// <summary>

                   /// 摄影机型号

                   /// </summary>

                   public MetadataDetail EquipModel;


                   // 。。。。。。。//在此有很多相关的属性,不一一列出。有需要者可与我联系。





              #region 取得图片的EXIF信息

              /// <summary>

              /// 取得图片的EXIF信息

              /// </summary>

              /// <param name="PhotoName">图片物理路径</param>

              /// <returns>图片类实体</returns>

              public Metadata GetEXIFMetaData(string PhotoName)


                   // 创建一个图片的实例

                   System.Drawing.Bitmap bmp = new Bitmap(PhotoName);

                   EXIFextractor er = new EXIFextractor(ref bmp, "/n");

                   NameValueCollection items = new NameValueCollection();


                   foreach (Pair pr in er)





                   Metadata MyMetadata = new Metadata();



                       MyMetadata.DTDigitized.DisplayValue = items.Get("DTDigitized");

                       MyMetadata.EquipmentMake.DisplayValue = items.Get("Equip Make");

                       MyMetadata.ExposureProg.DisplayValue = items.Get("Exposure Prog");

                       MyMetadata.Aperture.DisplayValue = items.Get("Aperture");

                       MyMetadata.SensingMethod.DisplayValue = items.Get("Sensing Method");

                       MyMetadata.YResolution.DisplayValue = items.Get("Y Resolution");

                       MyMetadata.ExposureIndex.DisplayValue = items.Get("Exposure Index");







                   return MyMetadata;









         using System;

         using System.Text;

         using System.Collections;

         using System.Drawing.Imaging;

         using System.Reflection;

         using System.IO;


         namespace EXIFInfo


         /// <summary>

         /// EXIFextractor 的摘要说明。

         /// </summary>

         public class EXIFextractor: IEnumerable


              /// <summary>

              /// Get the individual property value by supplying property name

              /// These are the valid property names :


              /// "Exif IFD"

              /// "Gps IFD"

              /// "New Subfile Type"

              /// "Subfile Type"



              /// "Gps DestDist"

              /// </summary>

              public object this[string index]




                       return properties[index];




              private System.Drawing.Bitmap bmp;


              private string data;


              private translation myHash;


              private Hashtable properties;


              internal int Count




                       return this.properties.Count;




              string sp;

              /// <summary>


              /// </summary>

              /// <param name="id"></param> 

              /// <param name="data"></param>

              public void setTag(int id, string data)


                   Encoding ascii = Encoding.ASCII;

                   this.setTag(id, data.Length, 0x2, ascii.GetBytes(data));


              /// <summary>


              /// </summary>

              /// <param name="id"></param>

              /// <param name="len"></param>

              /// <param name="type"></param>

              /// <param name="data"></param>

              public void setTag(int id, int len, short type, byte[] data)


                   PropertyItem p = CreatePropertyItem(type, id, len, data);




              /// <summary>


              /// </summary>

              /// <param name="type"></param>

              /// <param name="tag"></param>

              /// <param name="len"></param>

              /// <param name="value"></param>

              /// <returns></returns>

              private static PropertyItem CreatePropertyItem(short type, int tag, int len, byte[] value)


                   PropertyItem item;


                   // Loads a PropertyItem from a Jpeg image stored in the assembly as a resource.

                   Assembly assembly = Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly();

                   Stream emptyBitmapStream = assembly.GetManifestResourceStream("EXIFextractor.decoy.jpg");

                   System.Drawing.Image empty = System.Drawing.Image.FromStream(emptyBitmapStream);


                   item = empty.PropertyItems[0];


                   // Copies the data to the property item.

                   item.Type = type;

                   item.Len = len;

                   item.Id = tag;

                   item.Value = new byte[value.Length];

                   value.CopyTo(item.Value, 0);


                   return item;


              /// <summary>


              /// </summary>

              /// <param name="bmp"></param>

              /// <param name="sp"></param>

              public EXIFextractor(ref System.Drawing.Bitmap bmp, string sp)


                   properties = new Hashtable();


                   this.bmp = bmp;

                   this.sp = sp;


                   myHash = new translation();



              string msp = "";


              /// <summary>


              /// </summary>

              /// <param name="bmp"></param>

              /// <param name="sp"></param>

              /// <param name="msp"></param>

              public EXIFextractor(ref System.Drawing.Bitmap bmp, string sp, string msp)


                   properties = new Hashtable();

                   this.sp = sp;

                   this.msp = msp;

                   this.bmp = bmp;


                   myHash = new translation();





              /// <summary>


              /// </summary>

              /// <param name="fileName"></param>

              /// <returns></returns>

              public static PropertyItem[] GetExifProperties(string fileName)


                   FileStream stream = new FileStream(fileName, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read);

                   System.Drawing.Image image = System.Drawing.Image.FromStream(stream,

                       /* useEmbeddedColorManagement = */ true,

                       /* validateImageData = */ false);

                   return image.PropertyItems;



              /// <summary>


              /// </summary>

              /// <param name="file"></param>

              /// <param name="sp"></param>

              /// <param name="msp"></param>

              public EXIFextractor(string file, string sp, string msp)


                   properties = new Hashtable();

                   this.sp = sp;

                   this.msp = msp;


                   myHash = new translation();






              /// <summary>


              /// </summary>

              private void buildDB(System.Drawing.Imaging.PropertyItem[] parr)




                   data = "";


                   Encoding ascii = Encoding.ASCII;


                   foreach (System.Drawing.Imaging.PropertyItem p in parr)


                       string v = "";

                       string name = (string)myHash[p.Id];

                       // tag not found. skip it

                       if (name == null) continue;


                       data += name + ": ";


                       //1 = BYTE An 8-bit unsigned integer.,

                       if (p.Type == 0x1)


                            v = p.Value[0].ToString();


                            //2 = ASCII An 8-bit byte containing one 7-bit ASCII code. The final byte is terminated with NULL.,

                       else if (p.Type == 0x2)


                            // string    

                            v = ascii.GetString(p.Value);


                            //3 = SHORT A 16-bit (2 -byte) unsigned integer,

                       else if (p.Type == 0x3)


                            // orientation // lookup table    

                            switch (p.Id)


                                 case 0x8827: // ISO

                                     v = "ISO-" + convertToInt16U(p.Value).ToString();


                                 case 0xA217: // sensing method


                                     switch (convertToInt16U(p.Value))


                                          case 1: v = "Not defined"; break;

                                          case 2: v = "One-chip color area sensor"; break;

                                          // 。。。。。。。//在此有很多相关的属性,不一一列出。有需要者可与我联系。                                           case 8: v = "Color sequential linear sensor"; break;

                                          default: v = " reserved"; break;




                                 case 0x8822: // aperture

                                 switch (convertToInt16U(p.Value))


                                     case 0: v = "Not defined"; break;

                                     case 1: v = "Manual"; break;

                                     case 2: v = "Normal program"; break;

                                      // 。。。。。。。//在此有很多相关的属性,不一一列出。有需要者可与我联系。                                      case 8: v = "Landscape mode (for landscape photos with the background in focus)"; break;

                                     default: v = "reserved"; break;



                                 case 0x9207: // metering mode

                                 switch (convertToInt16U(p.Value))


                                     case 0: v = "unknown"; break;

                                     case 1: v = "Average"; break;

                                     case 2: v = "CenterWeightedAverage"; break;

                                     case 3: v = "Spot"; break;

                                     case 4: v = "MultiSpot"; break;

                                     case 5: v = "Pattern"; break;

                                     case 6: v = "Partial"; break;

                                     case 255: v = "Other"; break;

                                     default: v = "reserved"; break;



                                 case 0x9208: // light source


                                     switch (convertToInt16U(p.Value))


                                          case 0: v = "unknown"; break;

                                          case 1: v = "Daylight"; break;

                                          case 2: v = "Fluorescent"; break;

                                           // 。。。。。。。//在此有很多相关的属性,不一一列出。有需要者可与我联系。                       case 255: v = "other"; break;

                                          default: v = "reserved"; break;




                                 case 0x9209:


                                     switch (convertToInt16U(p.Value))


                                          case 0: v = "Flash did not fire"; break;

                                          case 1: v = "Flash fired"; break;

                                          case 5: v = "Strobe return light not detected"; break;

                                          case 7: v = "Strobe return light detected"; break;

                                          default: v = "reserved"; break;





                                     v = convertToInt16U(p.Value).ToString();




                            //4 = LONG A 32-bit (4 -byte) unsigned integer,

                       else if (p.Type == 0x4)


                            // orientation // lookup table    

                            v = convertToInt32U(p.Value).ToString();


                            //5 = RATIONAL Two LONGs. The first LONG is the numerator and the second LONG expresses the//denominator.,

                       else if (p.Type == 0x5)


                            // rational

                            byte[] n = new byte[p.Len / 2];

                            byte[] d = new byte[p.Len / 2];

                            Array.Copy(p.Value, 0, n, 0, p.Len / 2);

                            Array.Copy(p.Value, p.Len / 2, d, 0, p.Len / 2);

                            uint a = convertToInt32U(n);

                            uint b = convertToInt32U(d);

                            Rational r = new Rational(a, b);


                            //convert here


                            switch (p.Id)


                                     // 。。。。。。。//在此有很多相关的属性,不一一列出。有需要者可与我联系。

                                    case 0x829A://ExposureTime

                                     //v = r.ToDouble().ToString(); modify by gjr 2006.3.22 jinru

                                     v = r.ToString("/");


                                 case 0x829D: // F-number

                                      v = "F/" + r.ToDouble().ToString();



                                     v = r.ToString("/");





                            //7 = UNDEFINED An 8-bit byte that can take any value depending on the field definition,

                       else if (p.Type == 0x7)


                            switch (p.Id)


                                 case 0xA300:


                                     if (p.Value[0] == 3)


                                          v = "DSC";




                                          v = "reserved";




                                 case 0xA301:

                                     if (p.Value[0] == 1)

                                          v = "A directly photographed image";


                                          v = "Not a directly photographed image";



                                     v = "-";




                            //9 = SLONG A 32-bit (4 -byte) signed integer (2's complement notation),

                       else if (p.Type == 0x9)


                            v = convertToInt32(p.Value).ToString();


                            //10 = SRATIONAL Two SLONGs. The first SLONG is the numerator and the second SLONG is the


                       else if (p.Type == 0xA)



                            // rational

                            byte[] n = new byte[p.Len / 2];

                            byte[] d = new byte[p.Len / 2];

                            Array.Copy(p.Value, 0, n, 0, p.Len / 2);

                            Array.Copy(p.Value, p.Len / 2, d, 0, p.Len / 2);

                            int a = convertToInt32(n);

                            int b = convertToInt32(d);

                            Rational r = new Rational(a, b);


                            // convert here


                            switch (p.Id)


                                 case 0x9201: // shutter speed

                                     v = "1/" + Math.Round(Math.Pow(2, r.ToDouble()), 2).ToString();


                                 case 0x9203:

                                     v = Math.Round(r.ToDouble(), 4).ToString();



                                     v = r.ToString("/");




                       // add it to the list

                       if (properties[name] == null)

                            properties.Add(name, v);

                       // cat it too

                       data += v;

                       data += this.sp;





              /// <summary>


              /// </summary>

              /// <returns></returns>

              public override string ToString()


                   return data;


              /// <summary>


              /// </summary>

              /// <param name="arr"></param>

              /// <returns></returns>

              int convertToInt32(byte[] arr)


                   if (arr.Length != 4)

                       return 0;


                       return arr[3] << 24 | arr[2] << 16 | arr[1] << 8 | arr[0];


              /// <summary>


              /// </summary>

              /// <param name="arr"></param>

              /// <returns></returns>

              int convertToInt16(byte[] arr)


                   if (arr.Length != 2)

                       return 0;


                       return arr[1] << 8 | arr[0];


              /// <summary>


              /// </summary>

              /// <param name="arr"></param>

              /// <returns></returns>

              uint convertToInt32U(byte[] arr)


                   if (arr.Length != 4)

                       return 0;


                       return Convert.ToUInt32(arr[3] << 24 | arr[2] << 16 | arr[1] << 8 | arr[0]);


              /// <summary>


              /// </summary>

              /// <param name="arr"></param>

              /// <returns></returns>

              uint convertToInt16U(byte[] arr)


                   if (arr.Length != 2)

                       return 0;


                       return Convert.ToUInt16(arr[1] << 8 | arr[0]);


              #region IEnumerable Members


              /// <summary>


              /// </summary>

              /// <returns></returns>

              public IEnumerator GetEnumerator()


                   // TODO:  Add EXIFextractor.GetEnumerator implementation

                   return (new EXIFextractorEnumerator(this.properties));







         // dont touch this class. its for IEnumerator



         class EXIFextractorEnumerator : IEnumerator


              Hashtable exifTable;

              IDictionaryEnumerator index;


              internal EXIFextractorEnumerator(Hashtable exif)


                   this.exifTable = exif;


                   index = exif.GetEnumerator();



              #region IEnumerator Members


              public void Reset()


                   this.index = null;



              public object Current




                       return (new Pair(this.index.Key, this.index.Value));




              public bool MoveNext()


                   if (index != null && index.MoveNext())

                       return true;


                       return false;







         /// <summary>


         /// </summary>

         public class Pair


              /// <summary>

              /// First

              /// </summary>

              public string First;

              /// <summary>

              /// Second

              /// </summary>

              public string Second;


              /// <summary>

              /// Pair

              /// </summary>

              /// <param name="key"></param>

              /// <param name="value"></param>

              public Pair(object key, object value)


                   this.First = key.ToString();

                   this.Second = value.ToString();








using System;

         using System.Collections;

         using System.Collections.Specialized;

         using System.Text;


         namespace EXIFInfo


         /// <summary>

         /// translation 的摘要说明。

         /// </summary>

         public class translation: Hashtable


              /// <summary>

              /// translation

              /// </summary>

              public translation()


                   this.Add(0x8769,"Exif IFD");

                   this.Add(0x8825,"Gps IFD");

                   this.Add(0xFE,"New Subfile Type");

                   this.Add(0xFF,"Subfile Type");

                   this.Add(0x100,"Image Width");

                   this.Add(0x101,"Image Height");

                   this.Add(0x102,"Bits Per Sample");


                   // 。。。。。。。//在此有很多相关的属性,不一一列出。有需要者可与我联系。





         /// <summary>

         /// private class

         /// </summary>

         internal class Rational


              private int n;

              private int d;

              public Rational(int n, int d)


                   this.n = n;

                   this.d = d;

                   simplify(ref this.n, ref this.d);


              public Rational(uint n, uint d)


                   this.n = Convert.ToInt32(n);

                   this.d = Convert.ToInt32(d);


                   simplify(ref this.n, ref this.d);


              public Rational()


                   this.n= this.d=0;


              public string ToString(string sp)


                   if( sp == null ) sp = "/";

                   return n.ToString() + sp + d.ToString();


              public double ToDouble()


                   if( d == 0 )

                       return 0.0;


                   return Math.Round(Convert.ToDouble(n)/Convert.ToDouble(d),2);


              private void simplify( ref int a, ref int b )


                   if( a== 0 || b == 0 )



                   int gcd = euclid(a,b);

                   a /= gcd;

                   b /= gcd;


              private int euclid(int a, int b)



                       return a;


                       return euclid(b,a%b);







   首先引用以上所生成的DLL:using EXIFInfo;

EXIFMetaData em = new EXIFMetaData();

         string filePath=this.imgfile.PostedFile.FileName;//这里可以动态传递图片路径的


         this.Image1.ImageUrl = filePath;//预览照片


         EXIFMetaData.Metadata m = em.GetEXIFMetaData(filePath);//这里就是调用,传图片绝对路径

         string exif = m.Ver.DisplayValue;

         string camera = m.EquipmentMake.DisplayValue;

         string model = m.EquipModel.DisplayValue;

         string aperture = m.Aperture.DisplayValue;

         string shutter = m.ShutterSpeed.DisplayValue;

         string isospeed = m.ISOSpeed.DisplayValue;

         //   。。。。。。。。。   等等........

         this.Label1.Text = "EXIF版本:"+exif+" 相机品牌:"+camera.Replace("COMPANY","")+" 相机型号:"+model+" 光圈:"+aperture+" 快门速度:"+

         shutter+"s 曝光时间:"+exposuretime+"s ISO感光度:"+isospeed+" 焦距:"+focallength+"mm"; //   。。。。。。。。。   等等........






[Serializable] public class EXIF { #region -- Class level members -- // Class level members. private Image _picture; #endregion #region -- Constructors -- // Constructors. /// <summary> /// This is default constructor of the EXIF class. /// </summary> public EXIF() { } /// <summary> /// This is base constructor of the EXIF class. /// </summary> public EXIF(string filePath) { _picture = Image.FromFile(filePath); } #endregion #region -- Public methods -- /// <summary> /// This method returns EXIF property values. /// </summary> /// <param name="exifCode">EXIF property to be returned.</param> public string GetEXIFProperty(Definitions.exifCode exifCode) { // Declare local variables. string returnValue; try { // All of the EXIF properties will return strings to display in the control. // Some of the properties require additional formatting or massaging // of the data once it is returned. Those properties have their own // methods. switch (exifCode) { case Definitions.exifCode.ImageDescription: returnValue = ParsedString(Definitions.exifCode.ImageDescription); break; case Definitions.exifCode.Make: returnValue = ParsedString(Definitions.exifCode.Make); break; case Definitions.exifCode.Model: returnValue = ParsedString(Definitions.exifCode.Model); break; case Definitions.exifCode.Orientation: returnValue = Orientation(); break; case Definitions.exifCode.XResolution: returnValue = ParseResolution(Definitions.exifCode.XResolution); break; case Definitions.exifCode.YResolution: returnValue = ParseResolution(Definitions.exifCode.YResolution); break; case Definitions.exifCode.ResolutionUnit: returnValue = ResolutionUnit(); break; case Definitions.exifCode.Software: returnValue = ParsedString(Definitions.exifCode.Software); break; case Definitions.exifCode.DateTime: returnValue = ParsedDate(Definitions.exifCode.DateTime).ToString(); break; case Definitions.exifCode.WhitePoint: returnValue = WhitePoint(); break; case Definitions.exifCode.PrimaryChromaticities: returnValue = PrimaryChromaticities(); break; case Definitions.exifCode.YCbCrCoefficients: returnValue = YCbCrCoefficients(); break; case Definitions.exifCode.YCbCrPositioning: returnValue = YCbCrPositioning(); break; case Definitions.exifCode.ReferenceBlackWhite: returnValue = ReferenceBlackWhite(); break; case Definitions.exifCode.Copyright: returnValue = ParsedString(Definitions.exifCode.Copyright); break; case Definitions.exifCode.ExposureTime: returnValue = ExposureTime(); break; case Definitions.exifCode.FNumber: returnValue = FNumber(); break; case Definitions.exifCode.ExposureProgram: returnValue = ExposureProgram(); break; case Definitions.exifCode.ISOSpeedRatings: returnValue = UnformattedShort(Definitions.exifCode.ISOSpeedRatings); break; case Definitions.exifCode.ExifVersion: returnValue = ParsedString(Definitions.exifCode.ExifVersion); break; case Definitions.exifCode.DateTimeOriginal: returnValue = ParsedDate(Definitions.exifCode.DateTimeOriginal).ToString(); break; case Definitions.exifCode.DateTimeDigitized: returnValue = ParsedDate(Definitions.exifCode.DateTimeDigitized).ToString(); break; case Definitions.exifCode.ComponentsConfiguration: returnValue = ComponentsConfiguration(); break; case Definitions.exifCode.CompressedBitsPerPixel: returnValue = CompressedBitsPerPixel(); break; case Definitions.exifCode.ShutterSpeedValue: returnValue = ShutterSpeedValue(); break; case Definitions.exifCode.ApertureValue: returnValue = ApertureValue(); break; case Definitions.exifCode.BrightnessValue: returnValue = BrightnessValue(); break; case Definitions.exifCode.ExposureBiasValue: returnValue = ExposureBiasValue(); break; case Definitions.exifCode.MaxApertureValue: returnValue = MaxApertureValue(); break; case Definitions.exifCode.SubjectDistance: returnValue = SubjectDistance(); break; case Definitions.exifCode.MeteringMode: returnValue = MeteringMode(); break; case Definitions.exifCode.LightSource: returnValue = LightSource(); break; case Definitions.exifCode.Flash: returnValue = Flash(); break; case Definitions.exifCode.FocalLength: returnValue = FocalLength(); break; case Definitions.exifCode.MakerNote: returnValue = MakerNote(); break; case Definitions.exifCode.UserComment: returnValue = ParsedString(Definitions.exifCode.UserComment); break; case Definitions.exifCode.SubsecTime: returnValue = ParsedString(Definitions.exifCode.SubsecTime); break; case Definitions.exifCode.SubsecTimeOriginal: returnValue = ParsedString(Definitions.exifCode.SubsecTimeOriginal); break; case Definitions.exifCode.SubsecTimeDigitized: returnValue = ParsedString(Definitions.exifCode.SubsecTimeDigitized); break; case Definitions.exifCode.FlashpixVersion: returnValue = ParsedString(Definitions.exifCode.FlashpixVersion); break; case Definitions.exifCode.ColorSpace: returnValue = ColorSpace(); break; case Definitions.exifCode.RelatedSoundFile: returnValue = ParsedString(Definitions.exifCode.RelatedSoundFile); break; case Definitions.exifCode.FocalPlaneXResolution: returnValue = FocalPlaneXResolution(); break; case Definitions.exifCode.FocalPlaneYResolution: returnValue = FocalPlaneYResolution(); break; case Definitions.exifCode.FocalPlaneResolutionUnit: returnValue = ResolutionUnit(); break; case Definitions.exifCode.ExposureIndex: returnValue = ExposureIndex(); break; case Definitions.exifCode.SensingMethod: returnValue = SensingMethod(); break; case Definitions.exifCode.FileSource: returnValue = FileSource(); break; case Definitions.exifCode.SceneType: returnValue = SceneType(); break; case Definitions.exifCode.CFAPattern: returnValue = ParsedString(Definitions.exifCode.CFAPattern); break; case Definitions.exifCode.InteroperabilityIndex: returnValue = ParsedString(Definitions.exifCode.InteroperabilityIndex); break; case Definitions.exifCode.ImageWidth: returnValue = UnformattedShort(Definitions.exifCode.ImageWidth); break; case Definitions.exifCode.ImageLength: returnValue = UnformattedShort(Definitions.exifCode.ImageLength); ; break; case Definitions.exifCode.BitsPerSample: returnValue = BitsPerSample(); break; case Definitions.exifCode.Compression: returnValue = Compression(); break; case Definitions.exifCode.PhotometricInterpretation: returnValue = PhotometricInterpretation(); break; case Definitions.exifCode.StripOffsets: returnValue = StripOffsets(); break; case Definitions.exifCode.SamplesPerPixel: returnValue = UnformattedShort(Definitions.exifCode.SamplesPerPixel); break; case Definitions.exifCode.RowsPerStrip: returnValue = UnformattedShort(Definitions.exifCode.RowsPerStrip); break; case Definitions.exifCode.StripByteCounts: returnValue = StripByteCounts(); break; case Definitions.exifCode.PlanarConfiguration: returnValue = PlanarConfiguration(); break; case Definitions.exifCode.YCbCrSubSampling: returnValue = YCbCrSubSampling(); break; case Definitions.exifCode.ImageUniqueID: returnValue = ParsedString(Definitions.exifCode.ImageUniqueID); break; case Definitions.exifCode.JPEGInterchangeFormatLength: returnValue = UnformattedShort(Definitions.exifCode.JPEGInterchangeFormatLength); break; case Definitions.exifCode.TransferFunction: returnValue = "Not implemented."; break; case Definitions.exifCode.PixelXDimension: returnValue = UnformattedShort(Definitions.exifCode.PixelXDimension); break; case Definitions.exifCode.PixelYDimension: returnValue = UnformattedShort(Definitions.exifCode.PixelYDimension); break; case Definitions.exifCode.SpectralSensitivity: returnValue = ParsedString(Definitions.exifCode.SpectralSensitivity); break; case Definitions.exifCode.OECF: returnValue = ParsedString(Definitions.exifCode.OECF); break; case Definitions.exifCode.CustomRendered: returnValue = CustomRendered(); break; case Definitions.exifCode.ExposureMode: returnValue = ExposureMode(); break; case Definitions.exifCode.WhiteBalance: returnValue = WhiteBalance(); break; case Definitions.exifCode.DigitalZoomRatio: returnValue = DigitalZoomRatio(); break; case Definitions.exifCode.FocalLengthIn35mmFilm: returnValue = FocalLengthIn35mmFilm(); break; case Definitions.exifCode.SceneCaptureType: returnValue = SceneCaptureType(); break; case Definitions.exifCode.GainControl: returnValue = GainControl(); break; case Definitions.exifCode.Contrast: returnValue = Contrast(); break; case Definitions.exifCode.Saturation: returnValue = Saturation(); break; case Definitions.exifCode.Sharpness: returnValue = Sharpness(); break; case Definitions.exifCode.DeviceSettingDescription: returnValue = ParsedString(Definitions.exifCode.DeviceSettingDescription); break; case Definitions.exifCode.SubjectDistanceRange: returnValue = SubjectDistanceRange(); break; default: returnValue = "EXIF property not found."; break; } return returnValue; } catch { return "N/A"; } } #endregion #region -- EXIF Methods -- /// <summary> /// This method returns the bits per sample EXIF property. /// </summary> private string BitsPerSample() { //Declare local variables. string returnValue = "EXIF property not found."; byte[] data = GetPropertyValue(Definitions.exifCode.BitsPerSample); //Translate the EXIF code into a readable value. if (!data.Equals(null)) { returnValue = data[0].ToString() + " " + data[1].ToString() + " " + data[2].ToString(); } return returnValue; } /// <summary> /// This method returns the compression EXIF property. /// </summary> private string Compression() { //Declare local variables. string returnValue = "EXIF property not found."; byte[] data = GetPropertyValue(Definitions.exifCode.Compression); //Translate the EXIF code into a readable value. if (!data.Equals(null)) { switch (data[0]) { case 1: returnValue = "uncompressed"; break; case 6: returnValue = "JPEG compression (thumbnails only)"; break; default: returnValue = "reserved"; break; } } return returnValue; } /// <summary> /// This method returns the photometric interpretation EXIF property. /// </summary> private string PhotometricInterpretation() { //Declare local variables. string returnValue = "EXIF property not found."; byte[] data = GetPropertyValue(Definitions.exifCode.PhotometricInterpretation); //Translate the EXIF code into a readable value. if (data != null) { switch (data[0]) { case 2: returnValue = "RBG"; break; case 6: returnValue = "YCbCr"; break; default: returnValue = "reserved"; break; } } return returnValue; } /// <summary> /// This method returns the strip offsets EXIF property. /// </summary> private string StripOffsets() { return "Not implemented."; } /// <summary> /// This method returns the strip byte counts EXIF property. /// </summary> private string StripByteCounts() { return "Not implemented."; } /// <summary> /// This method returns the planar configuration EXIF property. /// </summary> private string PlanarConfiguration() { //Declare local variables. string returnValue = "EXIF property not found."; byte[] data = GetPropertyValue(Definitions.exifCode.PlanarConfiguration); //Translate the EXIF code into a readable value. if (data != null) { switch (data[0]) { case 1: returnValue = "chunky format"; break; case 2: returnValue = "planar format"; break; default: returnValue = "reserved"; break; } } return returnValue; } /// <summary> /// This method returns the YCbCr subsampling EXIF property. /// </summary> private string YCbCrSubSampling() { //Declare local variables. string returnValue = "EXIF property not found."; byte[] data = GetPropertyValue(Definitions.exifCode.YCbCrSubSampling); //Translate the EXIF code into a readable value. if (data != null) { switch (data[0]) { case 2: if (data[1] == 1) { returnValue = "YCbCr4:2:2"; } else { returnValue = "YCbCr4:2:0"; } break; default: returnValue = "reserved"; break; } } return returnValue; } /// <summary> /// This method returns the orientation EXIF property. /// </summary> private string Orientation() { //Declare local variables. string returnValue = "EXIF property not found."; byte[] data = GetPropertyValue(Definitions.exifCode.Orientation); //Translate the EXIF code into a readable value. if (data.Length > 0) { switch (data[0]) { case 1: returnValue = "The 0th row is at the visual top of the image, and the 0th column is the visual left-hand side."; break; case 2: returnValue = "The 0th row is at the visual top of the image, and the 0th column is the visual right-hand side."; break; case 3: returnValue = "The 0th row is at the visual bottom of the image, and the 0th column is the visual right-hand side."; break; case 4: returnValue = "The 0th row is at the visual bottom of the image, and the 0th column is the visual left-hand side."; break; case 5: returnValue = "The 0th row is at the visual left-hand side of the image, and the 0th column is the visual top."; break; case 6: returnValue = "The 0th row is at the visual right-hand side of the image, and the 0th column is the visual top."; break; case 7: returnValue = "The 0th row is at the visual right-hand side of the image, and the 0th column is the visual bottom."; break; case 8: returnValue = "The 0th row is at the visual left-hand side of the image, and the 0th column is the visual bottom."; break; default: returnValue = "Other"; break; } } return returnValue; } /// <summary> /// This method returns the resolution unit EXIF property. /// </summary> private string ResolutionUnit() { //Declare local variables. string returnValue = "EXIF property not found."; byte[] resUnit = GetPropertyValue(Definitions.exifCode.ResolutionUnit); //Translate the EXIF code into a readable value. if (resUnit != null) { switch (resUnit[0]) { case 2: returnValue = "inches"; break; case 3: returnValue = "centimeters"; break; default: returnValue = "reserved"; break; } } return returnValue; } /// <summary> /// This method returns the white point EXIF property. /// </summary> private string WhitePoint() { string returnValue = "EXIF property not found."; EXIFRational[] data = ParsedRationalArray(Definitions.exifCode.WhitePoint); if (data.Length > 0) { returnValue = data[0].Denominator.ToString() + ", " + data[1].Denominator.ToString(); } return returnValue; } /// <summary> /// This method returns the primary chromaticities EXIF property. /// </summary> private string PrimaryChromaticities() { string returnValue = "EXIF property not found."; EXIFRational[] data = ParsedRationalArray(Definitions.exifCode.PrimaryChromaticities); if (data.Length > 0) { returnValue = data[0].Denominator.ToString() + ", " + data[1].Denominator.ToString() + ", " + data[2].Denominator.ToString() + ", " + data[3].Denominator.ToString() + ", " + data[4].Denominator.ToString() + ", " + data[5].Denominator.ToString(); } return returnValue; } /// <summary> /// This method returns the YCbCr coefficients EXIF property. /// </summary> private string YCbCrCoefficients() { string returnValue = "EXIF property not found."; EXIFRational[] data = ParsedRationalArray(Definitions.exifCode.YCbCrCoefficients); if (data.Length > 0) { returnValue = data[0].Denominator.ToString() + ", " + data[1].Denominator.ToString() + ", " + data[2].Denominator.ToString(); } return returnValue; } /// <summary> /// This method returns the YCbCr positioning EXIF property. /// </summary> private string YCbCrPositioning() { //Declare local variables. string returnValue = ""; byte[] data = GetPropertyValue(Definitions.exifCode.YCbCrPositioning); //Translate the EXIF code into a readable value. if (data.Length > 0) { switch (data[0]) { case 1: returnValue = "centered"; break; case 2: returnValue = "co-sited"; break; default: returnValue = "reserved"; break; } } else { returnValue = "EXIF property not found."; } return returnValue; } /// <summary> /// This method returns the reference black white EXIF property. /// </summary> private string ReferenceBlackWhite() { string returnValue = "EXIF property not found."; EXIFRational[] data = ParsedRationalArray(Definitions.exifCode.ReferenceBlackWhite); if (data.Length > 0) { returnValue = "[" + data[0].Denominator.ToString() + ", " + data[1].Denominator.ToString() + ", " + data[2].Denominator.ToString() + ", " + data[3].Denominator.ToString() + ", " + data[4].Denominator.ToString() + ", " + data[5].Denominator.ToString() + "]"; } return returnValue; } /// <summary> /// This method returns the exposure time EXIF property. /// </summary> private string ExposureTime() { //Declare local variables. string returnValue = "EXIF property not found."; EXIFRational exposureTime = ParsedRational(Definitions.exifCode.ExposureTime); //Translate the EXIF code into a readable value. if (!exposureTime.Equals(null)) { if (exposureTime.Numerator == 0 && exposureTime.Denominator == 0) { returnValue = "N/A"; } else { returnValue = string.Format("{0}/{1} s", exposureTime.Numerator, exposureTime.Denominator); } } else { returnValue = "N/A"; } return returnValue; } /// <summary> /// This method returns the FNumber EXIF property. /// </summary> private string FNumber() { //Declare local variables. string returnValue = "EXIF property not found."; EXIFRational fNumber = ParsedRational(Definitions.exifCode.FNumber); //Translate the EXIF code into a readable value. if (!fNumber.Equals(null)) { returnValue = string.Format("f{0}", (float)(fNumber.Numerator / fNumber.Denominator)); } return returnValue; } /// <summary> /// This method returns the exposure program EXIF property. /// </summary> private string ExposureProgram() { //Declare local variables. string returnValue = "EXIF property not found."; byte[] data = GetPropertyValue(Definitions.exifCode.ExposureProgram); //Translate the EXIF code into a readable value. if (data.Length > 0) { switch (data[0]) { case 0: returnValue = "Not defined"; break; case 1: returnValue = "Manual"; break; case 2: returnValue = "Normal program"; break; case 3: returnValue = "Aperture priority"; break; case 4: returnValue = "Shutter priority"; break; case 5: returnValue = "Creative program (biased toward depth of field)"; break; case 6: returnValue = "Action program (biased toward fast shutter speed)"; break; case 7: returnValue = "Portrait mode (for closeup photos with the background out of focus)"; break; case 8: returnValue = "Landscape mode (for landscape photos with the background in focus)"; break; default: returnValue = "Reserved"; break; } } return returnValue; } /// <summary> /// This method returns the components configuration EXIF property. /// </summary> private string ComponentsConfiguration() { //Declare local variables. string returnValue = "EXIF property not found."; byte[] data = GetPropertyValue(Definitions.exifCode.ComponentsConfiguration); switch (data[0]) { case 1: returnValue = "YCbCr"; break; case 4: returnValue = "RGB"; break; default: returnValue = "Reserved"; break; } return returnValue; } /// <summary> /// This method returns the compressed bits per pixel EXIF property. /// </summary> // This method needs to fixed to return the correct value. private string CompressedBitsPerPixel() { //Declare local variables. string returnValue = "EXIF property not found."; EXIFRational cbpp = ParsedRational(Definitions.exifCode.CompressedBitsPerPixel); //Translate the EXIF code into a readable value. if (!cbpp.Equals(null)) { returnValue = string.Format("{0}/{1}", cbpp.Numerator, cbpp.Denominator); } return returnValue; } /// <summary> /// This method returns the aperture value EXIF property. /// </summary> private string ApertureValue() { //Declare local variables. string returnValue = "EXIF property not found."; EXIFRational fNumber = ParsedRational(Definitions.exifCode.FNumber); //Translate the EXIF code into a readable value. if (!fNumber.Equals(null)) { double av = Math.Round(2 * Math.Log(((fNumber.Numerator / fNumber.Denominator)), 2.00)); returnValue = string.Format("f{0}", (double)av); } return returnValue; } /// <summary> /// This method returns the shutter speed value EXIF property. /// </summary> private string ShutterSpeedValue() { //Declare local variables. string returnValue = "EXIF property not found."; returnValue = ExposureTime(); return returnValue; } /// <summary> /// This method returns the subject distance EXIF property. /// </summary> private string SubjectDistance() { //Declare local variables. string returnValue = "EXIF property not found."; EXIFRational sd = ParsedRational(Definitions.exifCode.SubjectDistance); //Translate the EXIF code into a readable value. if (!sd.Equals(null)) { returnValue = string.Format("{0}", sd.Numerator); } return returnValue; } /// <summary> /// This method returns the metering mode EXIF property. /// </summary> private string MeteringMode() { //Declare local variables. string returnValue = "EXIF property not found."; byte[] data = GetPropertyValue(Definitions.exifCode.MeteringMode); //Translate the EXIF code into a readable value. if (data.Length > 0) { switch (data[0]) { case 0: returnValue = "Unknown"; break; case 1: returnValue = "Average"; break; case 2: returnValue = "CenterWeightedAverage"; break; case 3: returnValue = "Spot"; break; case 4: returnValue = "MultiSpot"; break; case 5: returnValue = "Pattern"; break; case 6: returnValue = "Partial"; break; case 255: returnValue = "Other"; break; default: returnValue = "Reserved"; break; } } return returnValue; } /// <summary> /// This method returns the light source EXIF property. /// </summary> private string LightSource() { //Declare local variables. string returnValue = "EXIF property not found."; byte[] data = GetPropertyValue(Definitions.exifCode.LightSource); //Translate the EXIF code into a readable value. if (data.Length > 0) { switch (data[0]) { case 1: returnValue = "Daylight"; break; case 2: returnValue = "Fluorescent"; break; case 3: returnValue = "Tungsten (incandescent light)"; break; case 4: returnValue = "Flash"; break; case 9: returnValue = "Fine weather"; break; case 10: returnValue = "Cloudy weather"; break; case 11: returnValue = "Shade"; break; case 12: returnValue = "Daylight fluorescent (D 5700 - 7100K)"; break; case 13: returnValue = "Day white fluorescent (N 4600 - 5400K)"; break; case 14: returnValue = "Cool white fluorescent (W 3900 - 4500K)"; break; case 15: returnValue = "White fluorescent (WW 3200 - 3700K)"; break; case 17: returnValue = "Standard light A"; break; case 18: returnValue = "Standard light B"; break; case 19: returnValue = "Standard light C"; break; case 20: returnValue = "D55"; break; case 21: returnValue = "D65"; break; case 22: returnValue = "D75."; break; case 23: returnValue = "D50"; break; case 24: returnValue = "ISO studio tungsten"; break; case 255: returnValue = "other light source"; break; default: returnValue = "Reserved"; break; } } return returnValue; } /// <summary> /// This method returns the flash EXIF property. /// </summary> private string Flash() { //Declare local variables. string returnValue = "EXIF property not found."; byte[] data = GetPropertyValue(Definitions.exifCode.Flash); //Translate the EXIF code into a readable value. if (data.Length > 0) { switch (data[0]) { case 0: returnValue = "Flash did not fire."; break; case 1: returnValue = "Flash fired."; break; case 5: returnValue = "Strobe return light not detected."; break; case 7: returnValue = "Strobe return light detected."; break; case 9: returnValue = "Flash fired, compulsory flash mode."; break; case 13: returnValue = "Flash fired, compulsory flash mode, return light not detected."; break; case 15: returnValue = "Flash fired, compulsory flash mode, return light detected."; break; case 16: returnValue = "Flash did not fire, compulsory flash mode."; break; case 24: returnValue = "Flash did not fire, auto mode."; break; case 25: returnValue = "Flash fired, auto mode."; break; case 29: returnValue = "Flash fired, auto mode, return light not detected."; break; case 31: returnValue = "Flash fired, auto mode, return light detected."; break; case 32: returnValue = "No flash function."; break; case 65: returnValue = "Flash fired, red-eye reduction mode."; break; case 69: returnValue = "Flash fired, red-eye reduction mode, return light not detected."; break; case 71: returnValue = "Flash fired, red-eye reduction mode, return light detected."; break; case 73: returnValue = "Flash fired, compulsory flash mode, red-eye reduction mode."; break; case 77: returnValue = "Flash fired, compulsory flash mode, red-eye reduction mode, return light not detected."; break; case 79: returnValue = "Flash fired, compulsory flash mode, red-eye reduction mode, return light detected."; break; case 89: returnValue = "Flash fired, auto mode, red-eye reduction mode."; break; case 93: returnValue = "Flash fired, auto mode, return light not detected, red-eye reduction mode."; break; case 95: returnValue = "Flash fired, auto mode, return light detected, red-eye reduction mode."; break; default: returnValue = "Not defined, reserved."; break; } } return returnValue; } /// <summary> /// This method returns the focal length EXIF property. /// </summary> private string FocalLength() { //Declare local variables. string returnValue = "EXIF property not found."; EXIFRational focalLength = ParsedRational(Definitions.exifCode.FocalLength); //Translate the EXIF code into a readable value. if (!focalLength.Equals(null)) { if (focalLength.Numerator == 0 && focalLength.Denominator == 0) { returnValue = "N/A"; } else { returnValue = string.Format("{0:N0} mm", focalLength.Numerator * 1.0 / focalLength.Denominator); } } return returnValue; } /// <summary> /// This method returns the maker note EXIF property. /// </summary> private string MakerNote() { return "Not implemented."; } /// <summary> /// This method returns the color space EXIF property. /// </summary> private string ColorSpace() { //Declare local variables. string returnValue = "EXIF property not found."; byte[] data = GetPropertyValue(Definitions.exifCode.ColorSpace); //Translate the EXIF code into a readable value. if (data.Length > 0) { switch (data[0]) { case 1: returnValue = "sRGB"; break; case 255: returnValue = "Uncalibrated"; break; default: returnValue = "Reserved"; break; } } return returnValue; } /// <summary> /// This method returns the focal plane x resolution EXIF property. /// </summary> private string FocalPlaneXResolution() { //Declare local variables. string returnValue = "EXIF property not found."; EXIFRational focalPlaneXRes = ParsedRational(Definitions.exifCode.FocalPlaneXResolution); //Translate the EXIF code into a readable value. if (!focalPlaneXRes.Equals(null)) { returnValue = string.Format("{0:N0} mm", (focalPlaneXRes.Numerator * 1.0 / focalPlaneXRes.Denominator)); } return returnValue; } /// <summary> /// This method returns the focal plane y resolution EXIF property. /// </summary> private string FocalPlaneYResolution() { //Declare local variables. string returnValue = "EXIF property not found."; EXIFRational focalPlaneYRes = ParsedRational(Definitions.exifCode.FocalPlaneYResolution); //Translate the EXIF code into a readable value. if (!focalPlaneYRes.Equals(null)) { returnValue = string.Format("{0:N0} mm", focalPlaneYRes.Numerator * 1.0 / focalPlaneYRes.Denominator); } return returnValue; } /// <summary> /// This method returns the exposure index EXIF property. /// </summary> private string ExposureIndex() { //Declare local variables. string returnValue = "EXIF property not found."; EXIFRational expIndex = ParsedRational(Definitions.exifCode.ExposureIndex); //Translate the EXIF code into a readable value. if (!expIndex.Equals(null)) { returnValue = string.Format("{0:N0} mm", expIndex.Numerator * 1.0 / expIndex.Denominator); } return returnValue; } /// <summary> /// This method returns the sensing method EXIF property. /// </summary> private string SensingMethod() { // Declare local variables. // Get the value for this EXIF property. byte[] data = GetPropertyValue(Definitions.exifCode.SensingMethod); string returnValue = "EXIF property not found."; if (data.Length > 0) { switch (data[0]) { case 1: returnValue = "Not defined."; break; case 2: returnValue = "One-chip color area sensor."; break; case 3: returnValue = "Two-chip color area sensor."; break; case 4: returnValue = "Three-chip color area sensor."; break; case 5: returnValue = "Color sequential area sensor."; break; case 7: returnValue = "Trilinear sensor."; break; case 8: returnValue = "Color sequential linear sensor"; break; default: returnValue = "Reserved."; break; } } return returnValue; } /// <summary> /// This method returns the file source EXIF property. /// </summary> private string FileSource() { // Declare local variables. // Get the value for this EXIF property. byte[] data = GetPropertyValue(Definitions.exifCode.FileSource); string returnValue = "EXIF property not found."; if (data.Length > 0) { switch (data[0]) { case 3: returnValue = "DSC"; break; default: returnValue = "Reserved"; break; } } return returnValue; } /// <summary> /// This method returns the scene type EXIF property. /// </summary> private string SceneType() { // Declare local variables. // Get the value for this EXIF property. byte[] data = GetPropertyValue(Definitions.exifCode.FileSource); string returnValue = "EXIF property not found."; if (data.Length > 0) { switch (data[0]) { case 1: returnValue = "A directly photographed image."; break; default: returnValue = "Reserved."; break; } } return returnValue; } /// <summary> /// This method returns the custom rendered EXIF property. /// </summary> private string CustomRendered() { // Declare local variables. // Get the value for this EXIF property. byte[] data = GetPropertyValue(Definitions.exifCode.CustomRendered); string returnValue = "EXIF property not found."; if (data.Length > 0) { switch (data[0]) { case 0: returnValue = "Normal process"; break; case 1: returnValue = "Custom process"; break; default: returnValue = "Reserved"; break; } } return returnValue; } /// <summary> /// This method returns the exposure mode EXIF property. /// </summary> private string ExposureMode() { // Declare local variables. // Get the value for this EXIF property. byte[] data = GetPropertyValue(Definitions.exifCode.ExposureMode); string returnValue = "EXIF property not found."; if (data.Length > 0) { switch (data[0]) { case 0: returnValue = "Auto exposure"; break; case 1: returnValue = "Manual exposure"; break; case 2: returnValue = "Auto bracket"; break; default: returnValue = "Reserved"; break; } } return returnValue; } /// <summary> /// This method returns the white balance EXIF property. /// </summary> private string WhiteBalance() { // Declare local variables. // Get the value for this EXIF property. byte[] data = GetPropertyValue(Definitions.exifCode.WhiteBalance); string returnValue = "EXIF property not found."; if (data.Length > 0) { switch (data[0]) { case 0: returnValue = "Auto white balance"; break; case 1: returnValue = "Manual white balance"; break; default: returnValue = "Reserved"; break; } } return returnValue; } /// <summary> /// This method returns the focal length in 35mm film EXIF property. /// </summary> private string FocalLengthIn35mmFilm() { // Declare local variables. // Get the value for this EXIF property. byte[] data = GetPropertyValue(Definitions.exifCode.FocalLengthIn35mmFilm); string returnValue = "EXIF property not found."; if (data.Length > 0) { if (data[0] == 0) { returnValue = "Unknown"; } else if (data[0].ToString().Trim() == "NaN") { returnValue = "N/A"; } else { returnValue = data[0].ToString() + "mm"; } } return returnValue; } /// <summary> /// This method returns the scene capture type EXIF property. /// </summary> private string SceneCaptureType() { // Declare local variables. // Get the value for this EXIF property. byte[] data = GetPropertyValue(Definitions.exifCode.SceneCaptureType); string returnValue = "EXIF property not found."; if (data.Length > 0) { switch (data[0]) { case 0: returnValue = "Standard"; break; case 1: returnValue = "Landscape"; break; case 2: returnValue = "Portrait"; break; case 3: returnValue = "Night scene"; break; default: returnValue = "Reserved"; break; } } return returnValue; } /// <summary> /// This method returns the gain control EXIF property. /// </summary> private string GainControl() { // Declare local variables. // Get the value for this EXIF property. byte[] data = GetPropertyValue(Definitions.exifCode.GainControl); string returnValue = "EXIF property not found."; if (data.Length > 0) { switch (data[0]) { case 0: returnValue = "None"; break; case 1: returnValue = "Low gain up"; break; case 2: returnValue = "High gain up"; break; case 3: returnValue = "Low gain down"; break; case 4: returnValue = "High gain down"; break; default: returnValue = "Reserved"; break; } } return returnValue; } /// <summary> /// This method returns the contrast EXIF property. /// </summary> private string Contrast() { // Declare local variables. // Get the value for this EXIF property. byte[] data = GetPropertyValue(Definitions.exifCode.Contrast); string returnValue = "EXIF property not found."; if (data.Length > 0) { switch (data[0]) { case 0: returnValue = "Normal"; break; case 1: returnValue = "Soft"; break; case 2: returnValue = "Hard"; break; default: returnValue = "Reserved"; break; } } return returnValue; } /// <summary> /// This method returns the saturation EXIF property. /// </summary> private string Saturation() { // Declare local variables. // Get the value for this EXIF property. byte[] data = GetPropertyValue(Definitions.exifCode.Saturation); string returnValue = "EXIF property not found."; if (data.Length > 0) { switch (data[0]) { case 0: returnValue = "Normal"; break; case 1: returnValue = "Low saturation"; break; case 2: returnValue = "High saturation"; break; default: returnValue = "Reserved"; break; } } return returnValue; } /// <summary> /// This method returns the sharpness EXIF property. /// </summary> private string Sharpness() { // Declare local variables. // Get the value for this EXIF property. byte[] data = GetPropertyValue(Definitions.exifCode.Sharpness); string returnValue = "EXIF property not found."; if (data.Length > 0) { switch (data[0]) { case 0: returnValue = "Normal"; break; case 1: returnValue = "Soft"; break; case 2: returnValue = "Hard"; break; default: returnValue = "Reserved"; break; } } return returnValue; } /// <summary> /// This method returns the subject distance range EXIF property. /// </summary> private string SubjectDistanceRange() { // Declare local variables. // Get the value for this EXIF property. byte[] data = GetPropertyValue(Definitions.exifCode.SubjectDistanceRange); string returnValue = "EXIF property not found."; if (data.Length > 0) { switch (data[0]) { case 0: returnValue = "Unknown"; break; case 1: returnValue = "Macro"; break; case 2: returnValue = "Close view"; break; case 3: returnValue = "Distant view"; break; default: returnValue = "Reserved"; break; } } return returnValue; } /// <summary> /// This method returns the subject location EXIF property. /// </summary> private string SubjectLocation() { // Declare local variables. // Get the value for this EXIF property. byte[] data = GetPropertyValue(Definitions.exifCode.SubjectLocation); string returnValue = "EXIF property not found."; if (data.Length > 0) { returnValue = "(" + data[0].ToString() + ", " + data[1].ToString() + ")"; } return returnValue; } /// <summary> /// This method returns the digital zoom ratio EXIF property. /// </summary> private string DigitalZoomRatio() { //Declare local variables. string returnValue = "EXIF property not found."; EXIFRational dzr = ParsedRational(Definitions.exifCode.DigitalZoomRatio); //Translate the EXIF code into a readable value. if (!dzr.Equals(null)) { returnValue = dzr.Numerator.ToString() + ":" + dzr.Denominator.ToString(); } return returnValue; } /// <summary> /// This method returns the brightness value EXIF property. /// </summary> private string BrightnessValue() { //Declare local variables. string returnValue = "EXIF property not found."; EXIFRational data = ParsedRational(Definitions.exifCode.DigitalZoomRatio); //Translate the EXIF code into a readable value. if (!data.Equals(null)) { if ((long)data.Numerator >= Int32.MaxValue) { returnValue = "Unknown"; } else { returnValue = Math.Log(data.Numerator / data.Denominator, 2.0).ToString(); } } return returnValue; } /// <summary> /// This method returns the max aperture value EXIF property. /// </summary> private string MaxApertureValue() { //Declare local variables. string returnValue = "EXIF property not found."; EXIFRational data = ParsedRational(Definitions.exifCode.MaxApertureValue); //Translate the EXIF code into a readable value. if (!data.Equals(null)) { returnValue = string.Format("f{0}", (double)(data.Numerator / data.Denominator)); } return returnValue; } /// <summary> /// This method returns the exposure bias value EXIF property. /// </summary> private string ExposureBiasValue() { //Declare local variables. string returnValue = "EXIF property not found."; EXIFRational data = ParsedRational(Definitions.exifCode.ExposureBiasValue); //Translate the EXIF code into a readable value. if (!data.Equals(null)) { returnValue = string.Format("f{0}", (double)(data.Numerator / data.Denominator)); } return returnValue; } #endregion #region -- Private helper functions -- // Private helper functions. /// <summary> /// This method retrieves the data from the propery items collection. /// </summary> private byte[] GetPropertyValue(Definitions.exifCode exifCode) { return _picture.GetPropertyItem((int)exifCode).Value; } /// <summary> /// This method returns string EXIF data. /// </summary> private string ParsedString(Definitions.exifCode exifCode) { // Declare local variables. // Retrieve the data for this EXIF property. byte[] data = GetPropertyValue(exifCode); // Holds the return value. string parsed = ""; // If there's data, go ahead and parse it. if (data.Length > 1) { // Allocate some memory. IntPtr h = Marshal.AllocHGlobal(data.Length); int i = 0; foreach (byte b in data) { Marshal.WriteByte(h, i, b); i++; } parsed = Marshal.PtrToStringAnsi(h); Marshal.FreeHGlobal(h); } return parsed; } /// <summary> /// This method returns rational EXIF data. /// </summary> private EXIFRational ParsedRational(Definitions.exifCode exifCode) { // Declare local variables. // Retrieve the data for this EXIF property. byte[] data = GetPropertyValue(exifCode); // Parse the data. EXIFRational parsed = new EXIFRational(data); return parsed; } /// <summary> /// This method returns an array of rational EXIF data. /// </summary> private EXIFRational[] ParsedRationalArray(Definitions.exifCode exifCode) { // Declare local variables. // Retrieve the data for this EXIF property. byte[] data = GetPropertyValue(exifCode); // Holds the return value. EXIFRational[] parsed = null; int arraySize = (data.Length / 8); if (arraySize > 0) { parsed = new EXIFRational[arraySize]; for (int i = 0; i < arraySize; i++) { parsed[i] = new EXIFRational(data, i * 8); } } return parsed; } /// <summary> /// This method returns date/time EXIF data. /// </summary> private DateTime ParsedDate(Definitions.exifCode exifCode) { // Declare local variables. // Create a new date object. DateTime ret = new DateTime(1900, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0); // Parse the data. string date = ParsedString(exifCode); // Format the data. if (date.Length >= 19) {
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当前余额3.43前往充值 >
领取后你会自动成为博主和红包主的粉丝 规则
钱包余额 0


