Qt::Key_Escape | 0x01000000 | Esc键 |
Qt::Key_Tab | 0x01000001 | Tab键 |
Qt::Key_Backtab | 0x01000002 | Tab补全键 |
Qt::Key_Backspace | 0x01000003 | 退格键 |
Qt::Key_Return | 0x01000004 | Return键 |
Qt::Key_Enter | 0x01000005 | 回车键 |
Qt::Key_Insert | 0x01000006 | Insert键 |
Qt::Key_Delete | 0x01000007 | Delete键 |
Qt::Key_Pause | 0x01000008 | 暂停键 |
Qt::Key_Print | 0x01000009 | 截图键 |
Qt::Key_SysReq | 0x0100000a | PrtSc |
Qt::Key_Clear | 0x0100000b | 清除键 |
Qt::Key_Home | 0x01000010 | Home键 |
Qt::Key_End | 0x01000011 | End键 |
Qt::Key_Left | 0x01000012 | ← |
Qt::Key_Up | 0x01000013 | ↑ |
Qt::Key_Right | 0x01000014 | → |
Qt::Key_Down | 0x01000015 | ↓ |
Qt::Key_PageUp | 0x01000016 | 上页 |
Qt::Key_PageDown | 0x01000017 | 下页 |
Qt::Key_Shift | 0x01000020 | Shift键 |
Qt::Key_Control | 0x01000021 | Ctrl键 |
Qt::Key_Alt | 0x01000023 | Alt键 |
Qt::Key_AltGr | 0x01001103 | 右侧Alt |
Qt::Key_CapsLock | 0x01000024 | 大写键 |
Qt::Key_NumLock | 0x01000025 | NumLock |
Qt::Key_ScrollLock | 0x01000026 | 滚动锁定 |
Qt::Key_F1 | 0x01000030 | F1~F12 |
Qt::Key_F2 | 0x01000031 | |
Qt::Key_F3 | 0x01000032 | |
Qt::Key_F4 | 0x01000033 | |
Qt::Key_F5 | 0x01000034 | |
Qt::Key_F6 | 0x01000035 | |
Qt::Key_F7 | 0x01000036 | |
Qt::Key_F8 | 0x01000037 | |
Qt::Key_F9 | 0x01000038 | |
Qt::Key_F10 | 0x01000039 | |
Qt::Key_F11 | 0x0100003a | |
Qt::Key_F12 | 0x0100003b | |
Qt::Key_Menu | 0x01000055 | 菜单键 |
Qt::Key_Help | 0x01000058 | Help键 |
Qt::Key_Space | 0x20 | 空格键 |
Qt::Key_Exclam | 0x21 | ! |
Qt::Key_QuoteDbl | 0x22 | 引用 |
Qt::Key_NumberSign | 0x23 | # |
Qt::Key_Dollar | 0x24 | $ |
Qt::Key_Percent | 0x25 | % |
Qt::Key_Ampersand | 0x26 | & |
Qt::Key_Apostrophe | 0x27 | 分词符" ' " |
Qt::Key_ParenLeft | 0x28 | ( |
Qt::Key_ParenRight | 0x29 | ) |
Qt::Key_Asterisk | 0x2a | * |
Qt::Key_Plus | 0x2b | + |
Qt::Key_Comma | 0x2c | , |
Qt::Key_Minus | 0x2d | - |
Qt::Key_Period | 0x2e | 。 |
Qt::Key_Slash | 0x2f | / |
Qt::Key_0 | 0x30 | 数字0~9 |
Qt::Key_1 | 0x31 | |
Qt::Key_2 | 0x32 | |
Qt::Key_3 | 0x33 | |
Qt::Key_4 | 0x34 | |
Qt::Key_5 | 0x35 | |
Qt::Key_6 | 0x36 | |
Qt::Key_7 | 0x37 | |
Qt::Key_8 | 0x38 | |
Qt::Key_9 | 0x39 | |
Qt::Key_Colon | 0x3a | : |
Qt::Key_Semicolon | 0x3b | ; |
Qt::Key_Less | 0x3c | < |
Qt::Key_Equal | 0x3d | 等于 |
Qt::Key_Greater | 0x3e | > |
Qt::Key_Question | 0x3f | ? |
Qt::Key_At | 0x40 | @ |
Qt::Key_A | 0x41 | 字母键 |
Qt::Key_B | 0x42 | |
Qt::Key_C | 0x43 | |
Qt::Key_D | 0x44 | |
Qt::Key_E | 0x45 | |
Qt::Key_F | 0x46 | |
Qt::Key_G | 0x47 | |
Qt::Key_H | 0x48 | |
Qt::Key_I | 0x49 | |
Qt::Key_J | 0x4a | |
Qt::Key_K | 0x4b | |
Qt::Key_L | 0x4c | |
Qt::Key_M | 0x4d | |
Qt::Key_N | 0x4e | |
Qt::Key_O | 0x4f | |
Qt::Key_P | 0x50 | |
Qt::Key_Q | 0x51 | |
Qt::Key_R | 0x52 | |
Qt::Key_S | 0x53 | |
Qt::Key_T | 0x54 | |
Qt::Key_U | 0x55 | |
Qt::Key_V | 0x56 | |
Qt::Key_W | 0x57 | |
Qt::Key_X | 0x58 | |
Qt::Key_Y | 0x59 | |
Qt::Key_Z | 0x5a | |
Qt::Key_BracketLeft | 0x5b | [ |
Qt::Key_Backslash | 0x5c | \ |
Qt::Key_BracketRight | 0x5d | ] |
Qt::Key_AsciiCircum | 0x5e | ^ |
Qt::Key_Underscore | 0x5f | _ |
Qt::Key_QuoteLeft | 0x60 | “ |
Qt::Key_BraceLeft | 0x7b | { |
Qt::Key_Bar | 0x7c | | |
Qt::Key_BraceRight | 0x7d | } |
Qt::Key_AsciiTilde | 0x7e | ~ |
Qt::Key_nobreakspace | 0x0a0 | 不换行空格 |
Qt::Key_exclamdown | 0x0a1 | ! |
Qt::Key_cent | 0x0a2 | 美分 |
Qt::Key_sterling | 0x0a3 | 英镑 |
Qt::Key_currency | 0x0a4 | 货币 |
Qt::Key_yen | 0x0a5 | 日元 |
Qt::Key_brokenbar | 0x0a6 | |
Qt::Key_section | 0x0a7 | |
Qt::Key_diaeresis | 0x0a8 | |
Qt::Key_copyright | 0x0a9 | |
Qt::Key_ordfeminine | 0x0aa | |
Qt::Key_guillemotleft | 0x0ab | |
Qt::Key_notsign | 0x0ac | |
Qt::Key_hyphen | 0x0ad | |
Qt::Key_registered | 0x0ae | |
Qt::Key_macron | 0x0af | |
Qt::Key_degree | 0x0b0 | |
Qt::Key_plusminus | 0x0b1 | |
Qt::Key_twosuperior | 0x0b2 | |
Qt::Key_threesuperior | 0x0b3 | |
Qt::Key_acute | 0x0b4 | |
Qt::Key_mu | 0x0b5 | |
Qt::Key_paragraph | 0x0b6 | |
Qt::Key_periodcentered | 0x0b7 | |
Qt::Key_cedilla | 0x0b8 | |
Qt::Key_onesuperior | 0x0b9 | |
Qt::Key_masculine | 0x0ba | |
Qt::Key_guillemotright | 0x0bb | |
Qt::Key_onequarter | 0x0bc | |
Qt::Key_onehalf | 0x0bd | |
Qt::Key_threequarters | 0x0be | |
Qt::Key_questiondown | 0x0bf | |
Qt::Key_Agrave | 0x0c0 | |
Qt::Key_Aacute | 0x0c1 | |
Qt::Key_Acircumflex | 0x0c2 | |
Qt::Key_Atilde | 0x0c3 | |
Qt::Key_Adiaeresis | 0x0c4 | |
Qt::Key_Aring | 0x0c5 | |
Qt::Key_AE | 0x0c6 | |
Qt::Key_Ccedilla | 0x0c7 | |
Qt::Key_Egrave | 0x0c8 | |
Qt::Key_Eacute | 0x0c9 | |
Qt::Key_Ecircumflex | 0x0ca | |
Qt::Key_Ediaeresis | 0x0cb | |
Qt::Key_Igrave | 0x0cc | |
Qt::Key_Iacute | 0x0cd | |
Qt::Key_Icircumflex | 0x0ce | |
Qt::Key_Idiaeresis | 0x0cf | |
Qt::Key_ETH | 0x0d0 | |
Qt::Key_Ntilde | 0x0d1 | |
Qt::Key_Ograve | 0x0d2 | |
Qt::Key_Oacute | 0x0d3 | |
Qt::Key_Ocircumflex | 0x0d4 | |
Qt::Key_Otilde | 0x0d5 | |
Qt::Key_Odiaeresis | 0x0d6 | |
Qt::Key_multiply | 0x0d7 | |
Qt::Key_Ooblique | 0x0d8 | |
Qt::Key_Ugrave | 0x0d9 | |
Qt::Key_Uacute | 0x0da | |
Qt::Key_Ucircumflex | 0x0db | |
Qt::Key_Udiaeresis | 0x0dc | |
Qt::Key_Yacute | 0x0dd | |
Qt::Key_THORN | 0x0de | |
Qt::Key_ssharp | 0x0df | |
Qt::Key_division | 0x0f7 | |
Qt::Key_ydiaeresis | 0x0ff | |
Qt::Key_Multi_key | 0x01001120 | |
Qt::Key_Codeinput | 0x01001137 | |
Qt::Key_SingleCandidate | 0x0100113c | |
Qt::Key_MultipleCandidate | 0x0100113d | |
Qt::Key_PreviousCandidate | 0x0100113e | |
Qt::Key_Mode_switch | 0x0100117e | |
Qt::Key_Kanji | 0x01001121 | |
Qt::Key_Muhenkan | 0x01001122 | |
Qt::Key_Henkan | 0x01001123 | |
Qt::Key_Romaji | 0x01001124 | |
Qt::Key_Hiragana | 0x01001125 | |
Qt::Key_Katakana | 0x01001126 | |
Qt::Key_Hiragana_Katakana | 0x01001127 | |
Qt::Key_Zenkaku | 0x01001128 | |
Qt::Key_Hankaku | 0x01001129 | |
Qt::Key_Zenkaku_Hankaku | 0x0100112a | |
Qt::Key_Touroku | 0x0100112b | |
Qt::Key_Massyo | 0x0100112c | |
Qt::Key_Kana_Lock | 0x0100112d | |
Qt::Key_Kana_Shift | 0x0100112e | |
Qt::Key_Eisu_Shift | 0x0100112f | |
Qt::Key_Eisu_toggle | 0x01001130 | |
Qt::Key_Hangul | 0x01001131 | |
Qt::Key_Hangul_Start | 0x01001132 | |
Qt::Key_Hangul_End | 0x01001133 | |
Qt::Key_Hangul_Hanja | 0x01001134 | |
Qt::Key_Hangul_Jamo | 0x01001135 | |
Qt::Key_Hangul_Romaja | 0x01001136 | |
Qt::Key_Hangul_Jeonja | 0x01001138 | |
Qt::Key_Hangul_Banja | 0x01001139 | |
Qt::Key_Hangul_PreHanja | 0x0100113a | |
Qt::Key_Hangul_PostHanja | 0x0100113b | |
Qt::Key_Hangul_Special | 0x0100113f | |
Qt::Key_Dead_Grave | 0x01001250 | |
Qt::Key_Dead_Acute | 0x01001251 | |
Qt::Key_Dead_Circumflex | 0x01001252 | |
Qt::Key_Dead_Tilde | 0x01001253 | |
Qt::Key_Dead_Macron | 0x01001254 | |
Qt::Key_Dead_Breve | 0x01001255 | |
Qt::Key_Dead_Abovedot | 0x01001256 | |
Qt::Key_Dead_Diaeresis | 0x01001257 | |
Qt::Key_Dead_Abovering | 0x01001258 | |
Qt::Key_Dead_Doubleacute | 0x01001259 | |
Qt::Key_Dead_Caron | 0x0100125a | |
Qt::Key_Dead_Cedilla | 0x0100125b | |
Qt::Key_Dead_Ogonek | 0x0100125c | |
Qt::Key_Dead_Iota | 0x0100125d | |
Qt::Key_Dead_Voiced_Sound | 0x0100125e | |
Qt::Key_Dead_Semivoiced_Sound | 0x0100125f | |
Qt::Key_Dead_Belowdot | 0x01001260 | |
Qt::Key_Dead_Hook | 0x01001261 | |
Qt::Key_Dead_Horn | 0x01001262 | |
Qt::Key_Dead_Stroke | 0x01001263 | |
Qt::Key_Dead_Abovecomma | 0x01001264 | |
Qt::Key_Dead_Abovereversedcomma | 0x01001265 | |
Qt::Key_Dead_Doublegrave | 0x01001266 | |
Qt::Key_Dead_Belowring | 0x01001267 | |
Qt::Key_Dead_Belowmacron | 0x01001268 | |
Qt::Key_Dead_Belowcircumflex | 0x01001269 | |
Qt::Key_Dead_Belowtilde | 0x0100126a | |
Qt::Key_Dead_Belowbreve | 0x0100126b | |
Qt::Key_Dead_Belowdiaeresis | 0x0100126c | |
Qt::Key_Dead_Invertedbreve | 0x0100126d | |
Qt::Key_Dead_Belowcomma | 0x0100126e | |
Qt::Key_Dead_Currency | 0x0100126f | |
Qt::Key_Dead_a | 0x01001280 | |
Qt::Key_Dead_A | 0x01001281 | |
Qt::Key_Dead_e | 0x01001282 | |
Qt::Key_Dead_E | 0x01001283 | |
Qt::Key_Dead_i | 0x01001284 | |
Qt::Key_Dead_I | 0x01001285 | |
Qt::Key_Dead_o | 0x01001286 | |
Qt::Key_Dead_O | 0x01001287 | |
Qt::Key_Dead_u | 0x01001288 | |
Qt::Key_Dead_U | 0x01001289 | |
Qt::Key_Dead_Small_Schwa | 0x0100128a | |
Qt::Key_Dead_Capital_Schwa | 0x0100128b | |
Qt::Key_Dead_Greek | 0x0100128c | |
Qt::Key_Dead_Lowline | 0x01001290 | |
Qt::Key_Dead_Aboveverticalline | 0x01001291 | |
Qt::Key_Dead_Belowverticalline | 0x01001292 | |
Qt::Key_Dead_Longsolidusoverlay | 0x01001293 | |
Qt::Key_Back | 0x01000061 | |
Qt::Key_Forward | 0x01000062 | |
Qt::Key_Stop | 0x01000063 | |
Qt::Key_Refresh | 0x01000064 | |
Qt::Key_VolumeDown | 0x01000070 | |
Qt::Key_VolumeMute | 0x01000071 | |
Qt::Key_VolumeUp | 0x01000072 | |
Qt::Key_BassBoost | 0x01000073 | |
Qt::Key_BassUp | 0x01000074 | |
Qt::Key_BassDown | 0x01000075 | |
Qt::Key_TrebleUp | 0x01000076 | |
Qt::Key_TrebleDown | 0x01000077 | |
Qt::Key_MediaPlay | 0x01000080 | A key setting the state of the media player to play |
Qt::Key_MediaStop | 0x01000081 | A key setting the state of the media player to stop |
Qt::Key_MediaPrevious | 0x01000082 | |
Qt::Key_MediaNext | 0x01000083 | |
Qt::Key_MediaRecord | 0x01000084 | |
Qt::Key_MediaPause | 0x1000085 | A key setting the state of the media player to pause (Note: not the pause/break key) |
Qt::Key_MediaTogglePlayPause | 0x1000086 | A key to toggle the play/pause state in the media player (rather than setting an absolute state) |
Qt::Key_HomePage | 0x01000090 | |
Qt::Key_Favorites | 0x01000091 | |
Qt::Key_Search | 0x01000092 | |
Qt::Key_Standby | 0x01000093 | |
Qt::Key_OpenUrl | 0x01000094 | |
Qt::Key_LaunchMail | 0x010000a0 | |
Qt::Key_LaunchMedia | 0x010000a1 | |
Qt::Key_Launch0 | 0x010000a2 | On X11 this key is mapped to "My Computer" (XF86XK_MyComputer) key for legacy reasons. |
Qt::Key_Launch1 | 0x010000a3 | On X11 this key is mapped to "Calculator" (XF86XK_Calculator) key for legacy reasons. |
Qt::Key_Launch2 | 0x010000a4 | On X11 this key is mapped to XF86XK_Launch0 key for legacy reasons. |
Qt::Key_Launch3 | 0x010000a5 | On X11 this key is mapped to XF86XK_Launch1 key for legacy reasons. |
Qt::Key_Launch4 | 0x010000a6 | On X11 this key is mapped to XF86XK_Launch2 key for legacy reasons. |
Qt::Key_Launch5 | 0x010000a7 | On X11 this key is mapped to XF86XK_Launch3 key for legacy reasons. |
Qt::Key_Launch6 | 0x010000a8 | On X11 this key is mapped to XF86XK_Launch4 key for legacy reasons. |
Qt::Key_Launch7 | 0x010000a9 | On X11 this key is mapped to XF86XK_Launch5 key for legacy reasons. |
Qt::Key_Launch8 | 0x010000aa | On X11 this key is mapped to XF86XK_Launch6 key for legacy reasons. |
Qt::Key_Launch9 | 0x010000ab | On X11 this key is mapped to XF86XK_Launch7 key for legacy reasons. |
Qt::Key_LaunchA | 0x010000ac | On X11 this key is mapped to XF86XK_Launch8 key for legacy reasons. |
Qt::Key_LaunchB | 0x010000ad | On X11 this key is mapped to XF86XK_Launch9 key for legacy reasons. |
Qt::Key_LaunchC | 0x010000ae | On X11 this key is mapped to XF86XK_LaunchA key for legacy reasons. |
Qt::Key_LaunchD | 0x010000af | On X11 this key is mapped to XF86XK_LaunchB key for legacy reasons. |
Qt::Key_LaunchE | 0x010000b0 | On X11 this key is mapped to XF86XK_LaunchC key for legacy reasons. |
Qt::Key_LaunchF | 0x010000b1 | On X11 this key is mapped to XF86XK_LaunchD key for legacy reasons. |
Qt::Key_LaunchG | 0x0100010e | On X11 this key is mapped to XF86XK_LaunchE key for legacy reasons. |
Qt::Key_LaunchH | 0x0100010f | On X11 this key is mapped to XF86XK_LaunchF key for legacy reasons. |
Qt::Key_MonBrightnessUp | 0x010000b2 | |
Qt::Key_MonBrightnessDown | 0x010000b3 | |
Qt::Key_KeyboardLightOnOff | 0x010000b4 | |
Qt::Key_KeyboardBrightnessUp | 0x010000b5 | |
Qt::Key_KeyboardBrightnessDown | 0x010000b6 | |
Qt::Key_PowerOff | 0x010000b7 | |
Qt::Key_WakeUp | 0x010000b8 | |
Qt::Key_Eject | 0x010000b9 | |
Qt::Key_ScreenSaver | 0x010000ba | |
Qt::Key_WWW | 0x010000bb | |
Qt::Key_Memo | 0x010000bc | |
Qt::Key_LightBulb | 0x010000bd | |
Qt::Key_Shop | 0x010000be | |
Qt::Key_History | 0x010000bf | |
Qt::Key_AddFavorite | 0x010000c0 | |
Qt::Key_HotLinks | 0x010000c1 | |
Qt::Key_BrightnessAdjust | 0x010000c2 | |
Qt::Key_Finance | 0x010000c3 | |
Qt::Key_Community | 0x010000c4 | |
Qt::Key_AudioRewind | 0x010000c5 | |
Qt::Key_BackForward | 0x010000c6 | |
Qt::Key_ApplicationLeft | 0x010000c7 | |
Qt::Key_ApplicationRight | 0x010000c8 | |
Qt::Key_Book | 0x010000c9 | |
Qt::Key_CD | 0x010000ca | |
Qt::Key_Calculator | 0x010000cb | On X11 this key is not mapped for legacy reasons. Use Qt::Key_Launch1 instead. |
Qt::Key_ToDoList | 0x010000cc | |
Qt::Key_ClearGrab | 0x010000cd | |
Qt::Key_Close | 0x010000ce | |
Qt::Key_Copy | 0x010000cf | |
Qt::Key_Cut | 0x010000d0 | |
Qt::Key_Display | 0x010000d1 | |
Qt::Key_DOS | 0x010000d2 | |
Qt::Key_Documents | 0x010000d3 | |
Qt::Key_Excel | 0x010000d4 | |
Qt::Key_Explorer | 0x010000d5 | |
Qt::Key_Game | 0x010000d6 | |
Qt::Key_Go | 0x010000d7 | |
Qt::Key_iTouch | 0x010000d8 | |
Qt::Key_LogOff | 0x010000d9 | |
Qt::Key_Market | 0x010000da | |
Qt::Key_Meeting | 0x010000db | |
Qt::Key_MenuKB | 0x010000dc | |
Qt::Key_MenuPB | 0x010000dd | |
Qt::Key_MySites | 0x010000de | |
Qt::Key_News | 0x010000df | |
Qt::Key_OfficeHome | 0x010000e0 | |
Qt::Key_Option | 0x010000e1 | |
Qt::Key_Paste | 0x010000e2 | |
Qt::Key_Phone | 0x010000e3 | |
Qt::Key_Calendar | 0x010000e4 | |
Qt::Key_Reply | 0x010000e5 | |
Qt::Key_Reload | 0x010000e6 | |
Qt::Key_RotateWindows | 0x010000e7 | |
Qt::Key_RotationPB | 0x010000e8 | |
Qt::Key_RotationKB | 0x010000e9 | |
Qt::Key_Save | 0x010000ea | |
Qt::Key_Send | 0x010000eb | |
Qt::Key_Spell | 0x010000ec | |
Qt::Key_SplitScreen | 0x010000ed | |
Qt::Key_Support | 0x010000ee | |
Qt::Key_TaskPane | 0x010000ef | |
Qt::Key_Terminal | 0x010000f0 | |
Qt::Key_Tools | 0x010000f1 | |
Qt::Key_Travel | 0x010000f2 | |
Qt::Key_Video | 0x010000f3 | |
Qt::Key_Word | 0x010000f4 | |
Qt::Key_Xfer | 0x010000f5 | |
Qt::Key_ZoomIn | 0x010000f6 | |
Qt::Key_ZoomOut | 0x010000f7 | |
Qt::Key_Away | 0x010000f8 | |
Qt::Key_Messenger | 0x010000f9 | |
Qt::Key_WebCam | 0x010000fa | |
Qt::Key_MailForward | 0x010000fb | |
Qt::Key_Pictures | 0x010000fc | |
Qt::Key_Music | 0x010000fd | |
Qt::Key_Battery | 0x010000fe | |
Qt::Key_Bluetooth | 0x010000ff | |
Qt::Key_WLAN | 0x01000100 | |
Qt::Key_UWB | 0x01000101 | |
Qt::Key_AudioForward | 0x01000102 | |
Qt::Key_AudioRepeat | 0x01000103 | |
Qt::Key_AudioRandomPlay | 0x01000104 | |
Qt::Key_Subtitle | 0x01000105 | |
Qt::Key_AudioCycleTrack | 0x01000106 | |
Qt::Key_Time | 0x01000107 | |
Qt::Key_Hibernate | 0x01000108 | |
Qt::Key_View | 0x01000109 | |
Qt::Key_TopMenu | 0x0100010a | |
Qt::Key_PowerDown | 0x0100010b | |
Qt::Key_Suspend | 0x0100010c | |
Qt::Key_ContrastAdjust | 0x0100010d | |
Qt::Key_TouchpadToggle | 0x01000110 | |
Qt::Key_TouchpadOn | 0x01000111 | |
Qt::Key_TouchpadOff | 0x01000112 | |
Qt::Key_MicMute | 0x01000113 | |
Qt::Key_Red | 0x01000114 | |
Qt::Key_Green | 0x01000115 | |
Qt::Key_Yellow | 0x01000116 | |
Qt::Key_Blue | 0x01000117 | |
Qt::Key_ChannelUp | 0x01000118 | |
Qt::Key_ChannelDown | 0x01000119 | |
Qt::Key_Guide | 0x0100011a | |
Qt::Key_Info | 0x0100011b | |
Qt::Key_Settings | 0x0100011c | |
Qt::Key_MicVolumeUp | 0x0100011d | |
Qt::Key_MicVolumeDown | 0x0100011e | |
Qt::Key_New | 0x01000120 | |
Qt::Key_Open | 0x01000121 | |
Qt::Key_Find | 0x01000122 | |
Qt::Key_Undo | 0x01000123 | |
Qt::Key_Redo | 0x01000124 | |
Qt::Key_MediaLast | 0x0100ffff | |
Qt::Key_unknown | 0x01ffffff | |
Qt::Key_Call | 0x01100004 | A key to answer or initiate a call (see Qt::Key_ToggleCallHangup for a key to toggle current call state) |
Qt::Key_Camera | 0x01100020 | A key to activate the camera shutter. On Windows Runtime, the environment variable QT_QPA_ENABLE_CAMERA_KEYS must be set to receive the event. |
Qt::Key_CameraFocus | 0x01100021 | A key to focus the camera. On Windows Runtime, the environment variable QT_QPA_ENABLE_CAMERA_KEYS must be set to receive the event. |
Qt::Key_Context1 | 0x01100000 | |
Qt::Key_Context2 | 0x01100001 | |
Qt::Key_Context3 | 0x01100002 | |
Qt::Key_Context4 | 0x01100003 | |
Qt::Key_Flip | 0x01100006 | |
Qt::Key_Hangup | 0x01100005 | A key to end an ongoing call (see Qt::Key_ToggleCallHangup for a key to toggle current call state) |
Qt::Key_No | 0x01010002 | |
Qt::Key_Select | 0x01010000 | |
Qt::Key_Yes | 0x01010001 | |
Qt::Key_ToggleCallHangup | 0x01100007 | A key to toggle the current call state (ie. either answer, or hangup) depending on current call state |
Qt::Key_VoiceDial | 0x01100008 | |
Qt::Key_LastNumberRedial | 0x01100009 | |
Qt::Key_Execute | 0x01020003 | |
Qt::Key_Printer | 0x01020002 | |
Qt::Key_Play | 0x01020005 | |
Qt::Key_Sleep | 0x01020004 | |
Qt::Key_Zoom | 0x01020006 | |
Qt::Key_Exit | 0x0102000a | |
Qt::Key_Cancel | 0x01020001 |