VTK学习笔记(三十)Python vtkPolyData支持的操作查看

VTK学习笔记(三十)Python vtkPolyData支持的操作查看


import vtk
polydata = vtk.vtkPolyData()

# help(vtk)


Help on vtkPolyData object:

class vtkPolyData(vtkPointSet)
 |  vtkPolyData - concrete dataset represents vertices, lines, polygons,
 |  and triangle strips
 |  Superclass: vtkPointSet
 |  vtkPolyData is a data object that is a concrete implementation of
 |  vtkDataSet. vtkPolyData represents a geometric structure consisting
 |  of vertices, lines, polygons, and/or triangle strips. Point and cell
 |  attribute values (e.g., scalars, vectors, etc.) also are represented.
 |  The actual cell types (vtkCellType.h) supported by vtkPolyData are:
 |  vtkVertex, vtkPolyVertex, vtkLine, vtkPolyLine, vtkTriangle, vtkQuad,
 |  vtkPolygon, and vtkTriangleStrip.
 |  One important feature of vtkPolyData objects is that special
 |  traversal and data manipulation methods are available to process
 |  data. These methods are generally more efficient than vtkDataSet
 |  methods and should be used whenever possible. For example, traversing
 |  the cells in a dataset we would use GetCell(). To traverse cells with
 |  vtkPolyData we would retrieve the cell array object representing
 |  polygons (for example using GetPolys()) and then use vtkCellArray's
 |  InitTraversal() and GetNextCell() methods.
 |  @warning
 |  Because vtkPolyData is implemented with four separate instances of
 |  vtkCellArray to represent 0D vertices, 1D lines, 2D polygons, and 2D
 |  triangle strips, it is possible to create vtkPolyData instances that
 |  consist of a mixture of cell types. Because of the design of the
 |  class, there are certain limitations on how mixed cell types are
 |  inserted into the vtkPolyData, and in turn the order in which they
 |  are processed and rendered. To preserve the consistency of cell ids,
 |  and to insure that cells with cell data are rendered properly, users
 |  must insert mixed cells in the order of vertices (vtkVertex and
 |  vtkPolyVertex), lines (vtkLine and vtkPolyLine), polygons
 |  (vtkTriangle, vtkQuad, vtkPolygon), and triangle strips
 |  (vtkTriangleStrip).
 |  @warning
 |  Some filters when processing vtkPolyData with mixed cell types may
 |  process the cells in differing ways. Some will convert one type into
 |  another (e.g., vtkTriangleStrip into vtkTriangles) or expect a
 |  certain type (vtkDecimatePro expects triangles or triangle strips;
 |  vtkTubeFilter expects lines). Read the documentation for each filter
 |  carefully to understand how each part of vtkPolyData is processed.
 |  @warning
 |  Some of the methods specified here function properly only when the
 |  dataset has been specified as "Editable". They are documented as
 |  such.
 |  Method resolution order:
 |      vtkPolyData
 |      vtkPointSet
 |      vtkDataSet
 |      vtkDataObject
 |      vtkmodules.vtkCommonCore.vtkObject
 |      vtkmodules.vtkCommonCore.vtkObjectBase
 |      builtins.object
 |  Methods defined here:
 |  AddCellReference(...)
 |      V.AddCellReference(int)
 |      C++: void AddCellReference(vtkIdType cellId)
 |      Add references to cell in cell structure. This means the links
 |      from the cell's points to the cell are modified. Memory is not
 |      extended. Use the method ResizeCellList() to resize the link list
 |      from a point to its using cells. (This operator assumes
 |      BuildLinks() has been called.) Use this method only when the
 |      dataset is set as Editable.
 |  AddReferenceToCell(...)
 |      V.AddReferenceToCell(int, int)
 |      C++: void AddReferenceToCell(vtkIdType ptId, vtkIdType cellId)
 |      Add a reference to a cell in a particular point's link list. (You
 |      may also consider using AddCellReference() to add the references
 |      from all the cell's points to the cell.) This operator does not
 |      realloc memory; use the operator ResizeCellList() to do this if
 |      necessary. Use this method only when the dataset is set as
 |      Editable.
 |  Allocate(...)
 |      V.Allocate(int, int)
 |      C++: void Allocate(vtkIdType numCells=1000, int extSize=1000)
 |      V.Allocate(vtkPolyData, int, int)
 |      C++: void Allocate(vtkPolyData *inPolyData,
 |          vtkIdType numCells=1000, int extSize=1000)
 |      Method allocates initial storage for vertex, line, polygon, and
 |      triangle strip arrays. Use this method before the method
 |      PolyData::InsertNextCell(). (Or, provide vertex, line, polygon,
 |      and triangle strip cell arrays). extSize is no longer used.
 |  AllocateCopy(...)
 |      V.AllocateCopy(vtkPolyData) -> bool
 |      C++: bool AllocateCopy(vtkPolyData *pd)
 |      Preallocate memory for the internal cell arrays such that they
 |      are the same size as those in pd.
 |      Existing data is not preserved and the number of cells is set to
 |      zero.
 |      @return True if allocation succeeds.
 |  AllocateEstimate(...)
 |      V.AllocateEstimate(int, int) -> bool
 |      C++: bool AllocateEstimate(vtkIdType numCells,
 |          vtkIdType maxCellSize)
 |      V.AllocateEstimate(int, int, int, int, int, int, int, int) -> bool
 |      C++: bool AllocateEstimate(vtkIdType numVerts,
 |          vtkIdType maxVertSize, vtkIdType numLines,
 |          vtkIdType maxLineSize, vtkIdType numPolys,
 |          vtkIdType maxPolySize, vtkIdType numStrips,
 |          vtkIdType maxStripSize)
 |      Preallocate memory for the internal cell arrays. Each of the
 |      internal cell arrays (verts, lines, polys, and strips) will be
 |      resized to holdnumCells cells of size maxCellSize.
 |      Existing data is not preserved and the number of cells is set to
 |      zero.
 |      @return True if allocation succeeds.
 |  AllocateExact(...)
 |      V.AllocateExact(int, int) -> bool
 |      C++: bool AllocateExact(vtkIdType numCells,
 |          vtkIdType connectivitySize)
 |      V.AllocateExact(int, int, int, int, int, int, int, int) -> bool
 |      C++: bool AllocateExact(vtkIdType numVerts,
 |          vtkIdType vertConnSize, vtkIdType numLines,
 |          vtkIdType lineConnSize, vtkIdType numPolys,
 |          vtkIdType polyConnSize, vtkIdType numStrips,
 |          vtkIdType stripConnSize)
 |      Preallocate memory for the internal cell arrays. Each of the
 |      internal cell arrays (verts, lines, polys, and strips) will be
 |      resized to holdnumCells cells and connectivitySize pointIds.
 |      Existing data is not preserved and the number of cells is set to
 |      zero.
 |      @return True if allocation succeeds.
 |  AllocateProportional(...)
 |      V.AllocateProportional(vtkPolyData, float) -> bool
 |      C++: bool AllocateProportional(vtkPolyData *pd, double ratio)
 |      Preallocate memory for the internal cell arrays such that they
 |      are proportional to those in pd by a factor of ratio (for
 |      instance,ratio = 2 allocates twice as many cells).
 |      Existing data is not preserved and the number of cells is set to
 |      zero.
 |      @return True if allocation succeeds.
 |  BuildCells(...)
 |      V.BuildCells()
 |      C++: void BuildCells()
 |      Create data structure that allows random access of cells.
 |      BuildCells is expensive but necessary to make use of the faster
 |      non-virtual implementations of GetCell/GetCellPoints. One may
 |      check if cells need to be built via NeedToBuilds before invoking.
 |      Cells always need to be built/re-built after low level direct
 |      modifications to verts, lines, polys or strips cell arrays.
 |  BuildLinks(...)
 |      V.BuildLinks(int)
 |      C++: void BuildLinks(int initialSize=0)
 |      Create upward links from points to cells that use each point.
 |      Enables topologically complex queries. Normally the links array
 |      is allocated based on the number of points in the vtkPolyData.
 |      The optional initialSize parameter can be used to allocate a
 |      larger size initially.
 |  ComputeBounds(...)
 |      V.ComputeBounds()
 |      C++: void ComputeBounds() override;
 |      Compute the (X, Y, Z)  bounds of the data. Note that the method
 |      only considers points that are used by cells (unless there are no
 |      cells, in which case all points are considered). This is done for
 |      usability and historical reasons.
 |  CopyCells(...)
 |      V.CopyCells(vtkPolyData, vtkIdList, vtkIncrementalPointLocator)
 |      C++: void CopyCells(vtkPolyData *pd, vtkIdList *idList,
 |          vtkIncrementalPointLocator *locator=nullptr)
 |      Copy cells listed in idList from pd, including points, point
 |      data, and cell data.  This method assumes that point and cell
 |      data have been allocated.  If you pass in a point locator, then
 |      the points won't be duplicated in the output. This requires the
 |      use of an incremental point locator.
 |  CopyStructure(...)
 |      V.CopyStructure(vtkDataSet)
 |      C++: void CopyStructure(vtkDataSet *ds) override;
 |      Copy the geometric and topological structure of an input poly
 |      data object.
 |  DeepCopy(...)
 |      V.DeepCopy(vtkDataObject)
 |      C++: void DeepCopy(vtkDataObject *src) override;
 |      Shallow and Deep copy.
 |  DeleteCell(...)
 |      V.DeleteCell(int)
 |      C++: void DeleteCell(vtkIdType cellId)
 |      Mark a point/cell as deleted from this vtkPolyData. Use this
 |      method only when the dataset is set as Editable.
 |  DeleteCells(...)
 |      V.DeleteCells()
 |      C++: void DeleteCells()
 |      Release data structure that allows random access of the cells.
 |      This must be done before a 2nd call to BuildLinks(). DeleteCells
 |      implicitly deletes the links as well since they are no longer
 |      valid.
 |  DeleteLinks(...)
 |      V.DeleteLinks()
 |      C++: void DeleteLinks()
 |      Release the upward links from point to cells that use each point.
 |  DeletePoint(...)
 |      V.DeletePoint(int)
 |      C++: void DeletePoint(vtkIdType ptId)
 |      Mark a point/cell as deleted from this vtkPolyData. Use this
 |      method only when the dataset is set as Editable.
 |  GetActualMemorySize(...)
 |      V.GetActualMemorySize() -> int
 |      C++: unsigned long GetActualMemorySize() override;
 |      Return the actual size of the data in kibibytes (1024 bytes).
 |      This number is valid only after the pipeline has updated. The
 |      memory size returned is guaranteed to be greater than or equal to
 |      the memory required to represent the data (e.g., extra space in
 |      arrays, etc. are not included in the return value). THIS METHOD
 |  GetCell(...)
 |      V.GetCell(int) -> vtkCell
 |      C++: vtkCell *GetCell(vtkIdType cellId) override;
 |      V.GetCell(int, vtkGenericCell)
 |      C++: void GetCell(vtkIdType cellId, vtkGenericCell *cell)
 |          override;
 |      V.GetCell(int, (int, ...)) -> int
 |      C++: unsigned char GetCell(vtkIdType cellId,
 |          const vtkIdType *&pts)
 |      V.GetCell(int, int, int) -> vtkCell
 |      C++: virtual vtkCell *GetCell(int i, int j, int k)
 |      Standard vtkDataSet interface.
 |  GetCellBounds(...)
 |      V.GetCellBounds(int, [float, float, float, float, float, float])
 |      C++: void GetCellBounds(vtkIdType cellId, double bounds[6])
 |          override;
 |      Standard vtkDataSet interface.
 |  GetCellEdgeNeighbors(...)
 |      V.GetCellEdgeNeighbors(int, int, int, vtkIdList)
 |      C++: void GetCellEdgeNeighbors(vtkIdType cellId, vtkIdType p1,
 |          vtkIdType p2, vtkIdList *cellIds)
 |      Get the neighbors at an edge. More efficient than the general
 |      GetCellNeighbors(). Assumes links have been built (with
 |      BuildLinks()), and looks specifically for edge neighbors.
 |  GetCellNeighbors(...)
 |      V.GetCellNeighbors(int, vtkIdList, vtkIdList)
 |      C++: void GetCellNeighbors(vtkIdType cellId, vtkIdList *ptIds,
 |          vtkIdList *cellIds) override;
 |      Standard vtkDataSet interface.
 |  GetCellPoints(...)
 |      V.GetCellPoints(int, vtkIdList)
 |      C++: void GetCellPoints(vtkIdType cellId, vtkIdList *ptIds)
 |          override;
 |      V.GetCellPoints(int, int, (int, ...)) -> int
 |      C++: unsigned char GetCellPoints(vtkIdType cellId,
 |          vtkIdType &npts, vtkIdType const *&pts)
 |      Copy a cells point ids into list provided. (Less efficient.)
 |  GetCellType(...)
 |      V.GetCellType(int) -> int
 |      C++: int GetCellType(vtkIdType cellId) override;
 |      Standard vtkDataSet interface.
 |  GetData(...)
 |      V.GetData(vtkInformation) -> vtkPolyData
 |      C++: static vtkPolyData *GetData(vtkInformation *info)
 |      V.GetData(vtkInformationVector, int) -> vtkPolyData
 |      C++: static vtkPolyData *GetData(vtkInformationVector *v, int i=0)
 |      Retrieve an instance of this class from an information object.
 |  GetDataObjectType(...)
 |      V.GetDataObjectType() -> int
 |      C++: int GetDataObjectType() override;
 |      Return what type of dataset this is.
 |  GetGhostLevel(...)
 |      V.GetGhostLevel() -> int
 |      C++: virtual int GetGhostLevel()
 |      Get the ghost level.
 |  GetLines(...)
 |      V.GetLines() -> vtkCellArray
 |      C++: vtkCellArray *GetLines()
 |      Get the cell array defining lines. If there are no lines, an
 |      empty array will be returned (convenience to simplify traversal).
 |  GetMTime(...)
 |      V.GetMTime() -> int
 |      C++: vtkMTimeType GetMTime() override;
 |      Get MTime which also considers its cell array MTime.
 |  GetMaxCellSize(...)
 |      V.GetMaxCellSize() -> int
 |      C++: int GetMaxCellSize() override;
 |      Return the maximum cell size in this poly data.
 |  GetMeshMTime(...)
 |      V.GetMeshMTime() -> int
 |      C++: virtual vtkMTimeType GetMeshMTime()
 |      Return the mesh (geometry/topology) modification time. This time
 |      is different from the usual MTime which also takes into account
 |      the modification of data arrays. This function can be used to
 |      track the changes on the mesh separately from the data arrays
 |      (eg. static mesh over time with transient data).
 |  GetNumberOfCells(...)
 |      V.GetNumberOfCells() -> int
 |      C++: vtkIdType GetNumberOfCells() override;
 |      Standard vtkDataSet interface.
 |  GetNumberOfGenerationsFromBase(...)
 |      V.GetNumberOfGenerationsFromBase(string) -> int
 |      C++: vtkIdType GetNumberOfGenerationsFromBase(const char *type)
 |          override;
 |      Standard methdos for type information and printing.
 |  GetNumberOfGenerationsFromBaseType(...)
 |      V.GetNumberOfGenerationsFromBaseType(string) -> int
 |      C++: static vtkIdType GetNumberOfGenerationsFromBaseType(
 |          const char *type)
 |      Standard methdos for type information and printing.
 |  GetNumberOfLines(...)
 |      V.GetNumberOfLines() -> int
 |      C++: vtkIdType GetNumberOfLines()
 |      Return the number of primitives of a particular type held.
 |  GetNumberOfPieces(...)
 |      V.GetNumberOfPieces() -> int
 |      C++: virtual int GetNumberOfPieces()
 |      Get the piece and the number of pieces. Similar to extent in 3D.
 |  GetNumberOfPolys(...)
 |      V.GetNumberOfPolys() -> int
 |      C++: vtkIdType GetNumberOfPolys()
 |      Return the number of primitives of a particular type held.
 |  GetNumberOfStrips(...)
 |      V.GetNumberOfStrips() -> int
 |      C++: vtkIdType GetNumberOfStrips()
 |      Return the number of primitives of a particular type held.
 |  GetNumberOfVerts(...)
 |      V.GetNumberOfVerts() -> int
 |      C++: vtkIdType GetNumberOfVerts()
 |      Return the number of primitives of a particular type held.
 |  GetPiece(...)
 |      V.GetPiece() -> int
 |      C++: virtual int GetPiece()
 |      Get the piece and the number of pieces. Similar to extent in 3D.
 |  GetPointCells(...)
 |      V.GetPointCells(int, vtkIdList)
 |      C++: void GetPointCells(vtkIdType ptId, vtkIdList *cellIds)
 |          override;
 |      V.GetPointCells(int, int, [int, ...])
 |      C++: void GetPointCells(vtkIdType ptId, vtkIdType &ncells,
 |          vtkIdType *&cells)
 |      V.GetPointCells(int, int, [int, ...])
 |      C++: void GetPointCells(vtkIdType ptId, unsigned short &ncells,
 |          vtkIdType *&cells)
 |      Efficient method to obtain cells using a particular point. Make
 |      sure that routine BuildLinks() has been called.
 |  GetPolys(...)
 |      V.GetPolys() -> vtkCellArray
 |      C++: vtkCellArray *GetPolys()
 |      Get the cell array defining polygons. If there are no polygons,
 |      an empty array will be returned (convenience to simplify
 |      traversal).
 |  GetScalarFieldCriticalIndex(...)
 |      V.GetScalarFieldCriticalIndex(int, vtkDataArray) -> int
 |      C++: int GetScalarFieldCriticalIndex(vtkIdType pointId,
 |          vtkDataArray *scalarField)
 |      V.GetScalarFieldCriticalIndex(int, int) -> int
 |      C++: int GetScalarFieldCriticalIndex(vtkIdType pointId,
 |          int fieldId)
 |      V.GetScalarFieldCriticalIndex(int, string) -> int
 |      C++: int GetScalarFieldCriticalIndex(vtkIdType pointId,
 |          const char *fieldName)
 |  GetStrips(...)
 |      V.GetStrips() -> vtkCellArray
 |      C++: vtkCellArray *GetStrips()
 |      Get the cell array defining triangle strips. If there are no
 |      triangle strips, an empty array will be returned (convenience to
 |      simplify traversal).
 |  GetVerts(...)
 |      V.GetVerts() -> vtkCellArray
 |      C++: vtkCellArray *GetVerts()
 |      Get the cell array defining vertices. If there are no vertices,
 |      an empty array will be returned (convenience to simplify
 |      traversal).
 |  Initialize(...)
 |      V.Initialize()
 |      C++: void Initialize() override;
 |      Restore object to initial state. Release memory back to system.
 |  InsertNextCell(...)
 |      V.InsertNextCell(int, int, (int, ...)) -> int
 |      C++: vtkIdType InsertNextCell(int type, int npts,
 |          const vtkIdType pts[])
 |      V.InsertNextCell(int, vtkIdList) -> int
 |      C++: vtkIdType InsertNextCell(int type, vtkIdList *pts)
 |      Insert a cell of type VTK_VERTEX, VTK_POLY_VERTEX, VTK_LINE,
 |      VTK_TRIANGLE_STRIP.  Make sure that the PolyData::Allocate()
 |      function has been called first or that vertex, line, polygon, and
 |      triangle strip arrays have been supplied. Note: will also insert
 |      VTK_PIXEL, but converts it to VTK_QUAD.
 |  InsertNextLinkedCell(...)
 |      V.InsertNextLinkedCell(int, int, (int, ...)) -> int
 |      C++: vtkIdType InsertNextLinkedCell(int type, int npts,
 |          const vtkIdType pts[])
 |      Add a new cell to the cell data structure (after cell pointers
 |      have been built). This method adds the cell and then updates the
 |      links from the points to the cells. (Memory is allocated as
 |      necessary.) Use this method only when the dataset is set as
 |      Editable.
 |  InsertNextLinkedPoint(...)
 |      V.InsertNextLinkedPoint(int) -> int
 |      C++: vtkIdType InsertNextLinkedPoint(int numLinks)
 |      V.InsertNextLinkedPoint([float, float, float], int) -> int
 |      C++: vtkIdType InsertNextLinkedPoint(double x[3], int numLinks)
 |      Add a point to the cell data structure (after cell pointers have
 |      been built). This method adds the point and then allocates memory
 |      for the links to the cells.  (To use this method, make sure
 |      points are available and BuildLinks() has been invoked.) Of the
 |      two methods below, one inserts a point coordinate and the other
 |      just makes room for cell links. Use this method only when the
 |      dataset is set as Editable.
 |  IsA(...)
 |      V.IsA(string) -> int
 |      C++: vtkTypeBool IsA(const char *type) override;
 |      Standard methdos for type information and printing.
 |  IsEdge(...)
 |      V.IsEdge(int, int) -> int
 |      C++: int IsEdge(vtkIdType p1, vtkIdType p2)
 |      Determine whether two points form an edge. If they do, return
 |      non-zero. By definition PolyVertex and PolyLine have no edges
 |      since 1-dimensional edges are only found on cells 2D and higher.
 |      Edges are defined as 1-D boundary entities to cells. Make sure
 |      BuildLinks() has been called first.
 |  IsPointUsedByCell(...)
 |      V.IsPointUsedByCell(int, int) -> int
 |      C++: int IsPointUsedByCell(vtkIdType ptId, vtkIdType cellId)
 |      Determine whether a point is used by a particular cell. If it is,
 |      return non-zero. Make sure BuildCells() has been called first.
 |  IsTriangle(...)
 |      V.IsTriangle(int, int, int) -> int
 |      C++: int IsTriangle(int v1, int v2, int v3)
 |      Given three vertices, determine whether it's a triangle. Make
 |      sure BuildLinks() has been called first.
 |  IsTypeOf(...)
 |      V.IsTypeOf(string) -> int
 |      C++: static vtkTypeBool IsTypeOf(const char *type)
 |      Standard methdos for type information and printing.
 |  NeedToBuildCells(...)
 |      V.NeedToBuildCells() -> bool
 |      C++: bool NeedToBuildCells()
 |      Check if BuildCells is needed.
 |  NewInstance(...)
 |      V.NewInstance() -> vtkPolyData
 |      C++: vtkPolyData *NewInstance()
 |      Standard methdos for type information and printing.
 |  RemoveCellReference(...)
 |      V.RemoveCellReference(int)
 |      C++: void RemoveCellReference(vtkIdType cellId)
 |      Remove all references to cell in cell structure. This means the
 |      links from the cell's points to the cell are deleted. Memory is
 |      not reclaimed. Use the method ResizeCellList() to resize the link
 |      list from a point to its using cells. (This operator assumes
 |      BuildLinks() has been called.) Use this method only when the
 |      dataset is set as Editable.
 |  RemoveDeletedCells(...)
 |      V.RemoveDeletedCells()
 |      C++: void RemoveDeletedCells()
 |      The cells marked by calls to DeleteCell are stored in the Cell
 |      Array VTK_EMPTY_CELL, but they still exist in the cell arrays. 
 |      Calling RemoveDeletedCells will traverse the cell arrays and
 |      remove/compact the cell arrays as well as any cell data thus
 |      truly removing the cells from the polydata object. Use this
 |      method only when the dataset is set as Editable.
 |  RemoveGhostCells(...)
 |      V.RemoveGhostCells()
 |      C++: void RemoveGhostCells()
 |      This method will remove any cell that is marked as ghost (has the
 |      vtkDataSetAttributes::DUPLICATECELL bit set). It does not remove
 |      unused points.
 |  RemoveReferenceToCell(...)
 |      V.RemoveReferenceToCell(int, int)
 |      C++: void RemoveReferenceToCell(vtkIdType ptId, vtkIdType cellId)
 |      Remove a reference to a cell in a particular point's link list.
 |      You may also consider using RemoveCellReference() to remove the
 |      references from all the cell's points to the cell. This operator
 |      does not reallocate memory; use the operator ResizeCellList() to
 |      do this if necessary. Use this method only when the dataset is
 |      set as Editable.
 |  ReplaceCell(...)
 |      V.ReplaceCell(int, vtkIdList)
 |      C++: void ReplaceCell(vtkIdType cellId, vtkIdList *ids)
 |      V.ReplaceCell(int, int, (int, ...))
 |      C++: void ReplaceCell(vtkIdType cellId, int npts,
 |          const vtkIdType pts[])
 |  ReplaceCellPoint(...)
 |      V.ReplaceCellPoint(int, int, int)
 |      C++: void ReplaceCellPoint(vtkIdType cellId, vtkIdType oldPtId,
 |          vtkIdType newPtId)
 |      Replace a point in the cell connectivity list with a different
 |      point. Use this method only when the dataset is set as Editable.
 |  ReplaceLinkedCell(...)
 |      V.ReplaceLinkedCell(int, int, (int, ...))
 |      C++: void ReplaceLinkedCell(vtkIdType cellId, int npts,
 |          const vtkIdType pts[])
 |      Replace one cell with another in cell structure. This operator
 |      updates the connectivity list and the point's link list. It does
 |      not delete references to the old cell in the point's link list.
 |      Use the operator RemoveCellReference() to delete all references
 |      from points to (old) cell.  You may also want to consider using
 |      the operator ResizeCellList() if the link list is changing size.
 |      Use this method only when the dataset is set as Editable.
 |  Reset(...)
 |      V.Reset()
 |      C++: void Reset()
 |      Begin inserting data all over again. Memory is not freed but
 |      otherwise objects are returned to their initial state.
 |  ResizeCellList(...)
 |      V.ResizeCellList(int, int)
 |      C++: void ResizeCellList(vtkIdType ptId, int size)
 |      Resize the list of cells using a particular point. (This operator
 |      assumes that BuildLinks() has been called.) Use this method only
 |      when the dataset is set as Editable.
 |  ReverseCell(...)
 |      V.ReverseCell(int)
 |      C++: void ReverseCell(vtkIdType cellId)
 |      Reverse the order of point ids defining the cell. Use this method
 |      only when the dataset is set as Editable.
 |  SafeDownCast(...)
 |      V.SafeDownCast(vtkObjectBase) -> vtkPolyData
 |      C++: static vtkPolyData *SafeDownCast(vtkObjectBase *o)
 |      Standard methdos for type information and printing.
 |  SetLines(...)
 |      V.SetLines(vtkCellArray)
 |      C++: void SetLines(vtkCellArray *l)
 |      Set the cell array defining lines.
 |  SetPolys(...)
 |      V.SetPolys(vtkCellArray)
 |      C++: void SetPolys(vtkCellArray *p)
 |      Set the cell array defining polygons.
 |  SetStrips(...)
 |      V.SetStrips(vtkCellArray)
 |      C++: void SetStrips(vtkCellArray *s)
 |      Set the cell array defining triangle strips.
 |  SetVerts(...)
 |      V.SetVerts(vtkCellArray)
 |      C++: void SetVerts(vtkCellArray *v)
 |      Set the cell array defining vertices.
 |  ShallowCopy(...)
 |      V.ShallowCopy(vtkDataObject)
 |      C++: void ShallowCopy(vtkDataObject *src) override;
 |      Shallow and Deep copy.
 |  Squeeze(...)
 |      V.Squeeze()
 |      C++: void Squeeze() override;
 |      Recover extra allocated memory when creating data whose initial
 |      size is unknown. Examples include using the InsertNextCell()
 |      method, or when using the CellArray::EstimateSize() method to
 |      create vertices, lines, polygons, or triangle strips.
 |  __delattr__(self, name, /)
 |      Implement delattr(self, name).
 |  __getattribute__(self, name, /)
 |      Return getattr(self, name).
 |  __repr__(self, /)
 |      Return repr(self).
 |  __setattr__(self, name, value, /)
 |      Implement setattr(self, name, value).
 |  __str__(self, /)
 |      Return str(self).
 |  ----------------------------------------------------------------------
 |  Static methods defined here:
 |  __new__(*args, **kwargs) from builtins.type
 |      Create and return a new object.  See help(type) for accurate signature.
 |  ----------------------------------------------------------------------
 |  Data descriptors defined here:
 |  __dict__
 |      Dictionary of attributes set by user.
 |  __this__
 |      Pointer to the C++ object.
 |  ----------------------------------------------------------------------
 |  Data and other attributes defined here:
 |  MAXIMUM = 2
 |  MINIMUM = 0
 |  SADDLE = 1
 |  __vtkname__ = 'vtkPolyData'
 |  ----------------------------------------------------------------------
 |  Methods inherited from vtkPointSet:
 |  BuildCellLocator(...)
 |      V.BuildCellLocator()
 |      C++: void BuildCellLocator()
 |      Build the cell locator. In a multi-threaded environment, call
 |      this method in a single thread before using FindCell().
 |  BuildLocator(...)
 |      V.BuildLocator()
 |      C++: void BuildLocator()
 |      Build the internal point locator . In a multi-threaded
 |      environment, call this method in a single thread before using
 |      FindCell() or FindPoint().
 |  BuildPointLocator(...)
 |      V.BuildPointLocator()
 |      C++: void BuildPointLocator()
 |      Build the internal point locator . In a multi-threaded
 |      environment, call this method in a single thread before using
 |      FindCell() or FindPoint().
 |  EditableOff(...)
 |      V.EditableOff()
 |      C++: virtual void EditableOff()
 |      Specify whether this dataset is editable after creation. Meaning,
 |      once the points and cells are defined, can the dataset be
 |      incrementally modified. By default, this dataset is non-editable
 |      (i.e., "static") after construction. The reason for this is
 |      performance: cell links and locators can be built (and destroyed)
 |      much faster is it is known that the data is static (see
 |      vtkStaticCellLinks, vtkStaticPointLocator, vtkStaticCellLocator).
 |  EditableOn(...)
 |      V.EditableOn()
 |      C++: virtual void EditableOn()
 |      Specify whether this dataset is editable after creation. Meaning,
 |      once the points and cells are defined, can the dataset be
 |      incrementally modified. By default, this dataset is non-editable
 |      (i.e., "static") after construction. The reason for this is
 |      performance: cell links and locators can be built (and destroyed)
 |      much faster is it is known that the data is static (see
 |      vtkStaticCellLinks, vtkStaticPointLocator, vtkStaticCellLocator).
 |  FindCell(...)
 |      V.FindCell([float, float, float], vtkCell, int, float, int,
 |          [float, float, float], [float, ...]) -> int
 |      C++: vtkIdType FindCell(double x[3], vtkCell *cell,
 |          vtkIdType cellId, double tol2, int &subId, double pcoords[3],
 |          double *weights) override;
 |      V.FindCell([float, float, float], vtkCell, vtkGenericCell, int,
 |          float, int, [float, float, float], [float, ...]) -> int
 |      C++: vtkIdType FindCell(double x[3], vtkCell *cell,
 |          vtkGenericCell *gencell, vtkIdType cellId, double tol2,
 |          int &subId, double pcoords[3], double *weights) override;
 |      See vtkDataSet for additional information.
 |  FindPoint(...)
 |      V.FindPoint([float, float, float]) -> int
 |      C++: vtkIdType FindPoint(double x[3]) override;
 |      V.FindPoint(float, float, float) -> int
 |      C++: vtkIdType FindPoint(double x, double y, double z)
 |      See vtkDataSet for additional information.
 |  GetCellLocator(...)
 |      V.GetCellLocator() -> vtkAbstractCellLocator
 |      C++: virtual vtkAbstractCellLocator *GetCellLocator()
 |      Set / get an instance of vtkAbstractCellLocator which may be used
 |      when a vtkCellLocatorStrategy is used during a FindCelloperation.
 |  GetEditable(...)
 |      V.GetEditable() -> bool
 |      C++: virtual bool GetEditable()
 |      Specify whether this dataset is editable after creation. Meaning,
 |      once the points and cells are defined, can the dataset be
 |      incrementally modified. By default, this dataset is non-editable
 |      (i.e., "static") after construction. The reason for this is
 |      performance: cell links and locators can be built (and destroyed)
 |      much faster is it is known that the data is static (see
 |      vtkStaticCellLinks, vtkStaticPointLocator, vtkStaticCellLocator).
 |  GetNumberOfPoints(...)
 |      V.GetNumberOfPoints() -> int
 |      C++: vtkIdType GetNumberOfPoints() override;
 |      See vtkDataSet for additional information.
 |  GetPoint(...)
 |      V.GetPoint(int, [float, float, float])
 |      C++: void GetPoint(vtkIdType ptId, double x[3]) override;
 |      V.GetPoint(int) -> (float, float, float)
 |      C++: double *GetPoint(vtkIdType ptId) override;
 |      See vtkDataSet for additional information.
 |  GetPointLocator(...)
 |      V.GetPointLocator() -> vtkAbstractPointLocator
 |      C++: virtual vtkAbstractPointLocator *GetPointLocator()
 |      Set / get an instance of vtkAbstractPointLocator which is used to
 |      support the FindPoint() and FindCell() methods. By default a
 |      vtkStaticPointLocator is used, unless the class is set as
 |      Editable, in which case a vtkPointLocator is used.
 |  GetPoints(...)
 |      V.GetPoints() -> vtkPoints
 |      C++: virtual vtkPoints *GetPoints()
 |      Specify point array to define point coordinates.
 |  NewCellIterator(...)
 |      V.NewCellIterator() -> vtkCellIterator
 |      C++: vtkCellIterator *NewCellIterator() override;
 |      Return an iterator that traverses the cells in this data set.
 |  SetCellLocator(...)
 |      V.SetCellLocator(vtkAbstractCellLocator)
 |      C++: virtual void SetCellLocator(vtkAbstractCellLocator *)
 |      Set / get an instance of vtkAbstractCellLocator which may be used
 |      when a vtkCellLocatorStrategy is used during a FindCelloperation.
 |  SetEditable(...)
 |      V.SetEditable(bool)
 |      C++: virtual void SetEditable(bool _arg)
 |      Specify whether this dataset is editable after creation. Meaning,
 |      once the points and cells are defined, can the dataset be
 |      incrementally modified. By default, this dataset is non-editable
 |      (i.e., "static") after construction. The reason for this is
 |      performance: cell links and locators can be built (and destroyed)
 |      much faster is it is known that the data is static (see
 |      vtkStaticCellLinks, vtkStaticPointLocator, vtkStaticCellLocator).
 |  SetPointLocator(...)
 |      V.SetPointLocator(vtkAbstractPointLocator)
 |      C++: virtual void SetPointLocator(vtkAbstractPointLocator *)
 |      Set / get an instance of vtkAbstractPointLocator which is used to
 |      support the FindPoint() and FindCell() methods. By default a
 |      vtkStaticPointLocator is used, unless the class is set as
 |      Editable, in which case a vtkPointLocator is used.
 |  SetPoints(...)
 |      V.SetPoints(vtkPoints)
 |      C++: virtual void SetPoints(vtkPoints *)
 |      Specify point array to define point coordinates.
 |  ----------------------------------------------------------------------
 |  Methods inherited from vtkDataSet:
 |  AllocateCellGhostArray(...)
 |      V.AllocateCellGhostArray() -> vtkUnsignedCharArray
 |      C++: vtkUnsignedCharArray *AllocateCellGhostArray()
 |      Allocate ghost array for cells.
 |  AllocatePointGhostArray(...)
 |      V.AllocatePointGhostArray() -> vtkUnsignedCharArray
 |      C++: vtkUnsignedCharArray *AllocatePointGhostArray()
 |      Allocate ghost array for points.
 |  CheckAttributes(...)
 |      V.CheckAttributes() -> int
 |      C++: int CheckAttributes()
 |      This method checks to see if the cell and point attributes match
 |      the geometry.  Many filters will crash if the number of tuples in
 |      an array is less than the number of points/cells. This method
 |      returns 1 if there is a mismatch, and 0 if everything is ok.  It
 |      prints an error if an array is too short, and a warning if an
 |      array is too long.
 |  CopyAttributes(...)
 |      V.CopyAttributes(vtkDataSet)
 |      C++: virtual void CopyAttributes(vtkDataSet *ds)
 |      Copy the attributes associated with the specified dataset to this
 |      instance of vtkDataSet. THIS METHOD IS NOT THREAD SAFE.
 |  FindAndGetCell(...)
 |      V.FindAndGetCell([float, float, float], vtkCell, int, float, int,
 |          [float, float, float], [float, ...]) -> vtkCell
 |      C++: virtual vtkCell *FindAndGetCell(double x[3], vtkCell *cell,
 |          vtkIdType cellId, double tol2, int &subId, double pcoords[3],
 |          double *weights)
 |      Locate the cell that contains a point and return the cell. Also
 |      returns the subcell id, parametric coordinates and weights for
 |      subsequent interpolation. This method combines the derived class
 |      methods int FindCell and vtkCell *GetCell. Derived classes may
 |      provide a more efficient implementation. See for example
 |      vtkStructuredPoints. THIS METHOD IS NOT THREAD SAFE.
 |  GenerateGhostArray(...)
 |      V.GenerateGhostArray([int, int, int, int, int, int])
 |      C++: virtual void GenerateGhostArray(int zeroExt[6])
 |      V.GenerateGhostArray([int, int, int, int, int, int], bool)
 |      C++: virtual void GenerateGhostArray(int zeroExt[6],
 |          bool cellOnly)
 |      Normally called by pipeline executives or algorithms only. This
 |      method computes the ghost arrays for a given dataset. The zeroExt
 |      argument specifies the extent of the region which ghost type = 0.
 |  GetAttributesAsFieldData(...)
 |      V.GetAttributesAsFieldData(int) -> vtkFieldData
 |      C++: vtkFieldData *GetAttributesAsFieldData(int type) override;
 |      Returns the attributes of the data object as a vtkFieldData. This
 |      returns non-null values in all the same cases as GetAttributes,
 |      in addition to the case of FIELD, which will return the field
 |      data for any vtkDataObject subclass.
 |  GetBounds(...)
 |      V.GetBounds() -> (float, float, float, float, float, float)
 |      C++: double *GetBounds()
 |      V.GetBounds([float, float, float, float, float, float])
 |      C++: void GetBounds(double bounds[6])
 |      Return a pointer to the geometry bounding box in the form
 |      (xmin,xmax, ymin,ymax, zmin,zmax). THIS METHOD IS NOT THREAD
 |      SAFE.
 |  GetCellData(...)
 |      V.GetCellData() -> vtkCellData
 |      C++: vtkCellData *GetCellData()
 |      Return a pointer to this dataset's cell data. THIS METHOD IS
 |  GetCellGhostArray(...)
 |      V.GetCellGhostArray() -> vtkUnsignedCharArray
 |      C++: vtkUnsignedCharArray *GetCellGhostArray()
 |      Get the array that defines the ghost type of each cell. We cache
 |      the pointer to the array to save a lookup involving string
 |      comparisons
 |  GetCellTypes(...)
 |      V.GetCellTypes(vtkCellTypes)
 |      C++: virtual void GetCellTypes(vtkCellTypes *types)
 |      Get a list of types of cells in a dataset. The list consists of
 |      an array of types (not necessarily in any order), with a single
 |      entry per type. For example a dataset 5 triangles, 3 lines, and
 |      100 hexahedra would result a list of three entries, corresponding
 |  GetCenter(...)
 |      V.GetCenter() -> (float, float, float)
 |      C++: double *GetCenter()
 |      V.GetCenter([float, float, float])
 |      C++: void GetCenter(double center[3])
 |      Get the center of the bounding box. THIS METHOD IS NOT THREAD
 |      SAFE.
 |  GetLength(...)
 |      V.GetLength() -> float
 |      C++: double GetLength()
 |      Return the length of the diagonal of the bounding box. THIS
 |  GetNumberOfElements(...)
 |      V.GetNumberOfElements(int) -> int
 |      C++: vtkIdType GetNumberOfElements(int type) override;
 |      Get the number of elements for a specific attribute type (POINT,
 |      CELL, etc.).
 |  GetPointData(...)
 |      V.GetPointData() -> vtkPointData
 |      C++: vtkPointData *GetPointData()
 |      Return a pointer to this dataset's point data. THIS METHOD IS
 |  GetPointGhostArray(...)
 |      V.GetPointGhostArray() -> vtkUnsignedCharArray
 |      C++: vtkUnsignedCharArray *GetPointGhostArray()
 |      Gets the array that defines the ghost type of each point. We
 |      cache the pointer to the array to save a lookup involving string
 |      comparisons
 |  GetScalarRange(...)
 |      V.GetScalarRange([float, float])
 |      C++: virtual void GetScalarRange(double range[2])
 |      V.GetScalarRange() -> (float, float)
 |      C++: double *GetScalarRange()
 |      Convenience method to get the range of the first component (and
 |      only the first component) of any scalars in the data set.  If the
 |      data has both point data and cell data, it returns the (min/max)
 |      range of combined point and cell data.  If there are no point or
 |      cell scalars the method will return (0,1).  Note: It might be
 |      necessary to call Update to create or refresh the scalars before
 |      calling this method. THIS METHOD IS THREAD SAFE IF FIRST CALLED
 |  HasAnyBlankCells(...)
 |      V.HasAnyBlankCells() -> bool
 |      C++: virtual bool HasAnyBlankCells()
 |      Returns 1 if there are any blanking cells 0 otherwise. Blanking
 |      is supported only for vtkStructuredGrid and vtkUniformGrid
 |  HasAnyBlankPoints(...)
 |      V.HasAnyBlankPoints() -> bool
 |      C++: virtual bool HasAnyBlankPoints()
 |      Returns 1 if there are any blanking points 0 otherwise. Blanking
 |      is supported only for vtkStructuredGrid and vtkUniformGrid
 |  HasAnyGhostCells(...)
 |      V.HasAnyGhostCells() -> bool
 |      C++: bool HasAnyGhostCells()
 |      Returns 1 if there are any ghost cells 0 otherwise.
 |  HasAnyGhostPoints(...)
 |      V.HasAnyGhostPoints() -> bool
 |      C++: bool HasAnyGhostPoints()
 |      Returns 1 if there are any ghost points 0 otherwise.
 |  SetCellOrderAndRationalWeights(...)
 |      V.SetCellOrderAndRationalWeights(int, vtkGenericCell)
 |      C++: void SetCellOrderAndRationalWeights(vtkIdType cellId,
 |          vtkGenericCell *cell)
 |  UpdateCellGhostArrayCache(...)
 |      V.UpdateCellGhostArrayCache()
 |      C++: void UpdateCellGhostArrayCache()
 |      Updates the pointer to the cell ghost array.
 |  UpdatePointGhostArrayCache(...)
 |      V.UpdatePointGhostArrayCache()
 |      C++: void UpdatePointGhostArrayCache()
 |      Updates the pointer to the point ghost array.
 |  ----------------------------------------------------------------------
 |  Data and other attributes inherited from vtkDataSet:
 |  FieldDataType = <class 'vtkmodules.vtkCommonDataModel.vtkDataSet.Field...
 |      int([x]) -> integer
 |      int(x, base=10) -> integer
 |      Convert a number or string to an integer, or return 0 if no arguments
 |      are given.  If x is a number, return x.__int__().  For floating point
 |      numbers, this truncates towards zero.
 |      If x is not a number or if base is given, then x must be a string,
 |      bytes, or bytearray instance representing an integer literal in the
 |      given base.  The literal can be preceded by '+' or '-' and be surrounded
 |      by whitespace.  The base defaults to 10.  Valid bases are 0 and 2-36.
 |      Base 0 means to interpret the base from the string as an integer literal.
 |      >>> int('0b100', base=0)
 |      4
 |  ----------------------------------------------------------------------
 |  Methods inherited from vtkDataObject:
 |      V.ALL_PIECES_EXTENT() -> vtkInformationIntegerVectorKey
 |      C++: static vtkInformationIntegerVectorKey *ALL_PIECES_EXTENT()
 |      V.BOUNDING_BOX() -> vtkInformationDoubleVectorKey
 |      C++: static vtkInformationDoubleVectorKey *BOUNDING_BOX()
 |      V.CELL_DATA_VECTOR() -> vtkInformationInformationVectorKey
 |      C++: static vtkInformationInformationVectorKey *CELL_DATA_VECTOR()
 |  CopyInformationFromPipeline(...)
 |      V.CopyInformationFromPipeline(vtkInformation)
 |      C++: virtual void CopyInformationFromPipeline(
 |          vtkInformation *info)
 |      Copy from the pipeline information to the data object's own
 |      information. Called right before the main execution pass.
 |  CopyInformationToPipeline(...)
 |      V.CopyInformationToPipeline(vtkInformation)
 |      C++: virtual void CopyInformationToPipeline(vtkInformation *info)
 |      Copy information from this data object to the pipeline
 |      information. This is used by the vtkTrivialProducer that is
 |      created when someone calls SetInputData() to connect a data
 |      object to a pipeline.
 |  Crop(...)
 |      V.Crop((int, ...))
 |      C++: virtual void Crop(const int *updateExtent)
 |      This method crops the data object (if necessary) so that the
 |      extent matches the update extent.
 |  DATA_EXTENT(...)
 |      V.DATA_EXTENT() -> vtkInformationIntegerPointerKey
 |      C++: static vtkInformationIntegerPointerKey *DATA_EXTENT()
 |      V.DATA_EXTENT_TYPE() -> vtkInformationIntegerKey
 |      C++: static vtkInformationIntegerKey *DATA_EXTENT_TYPE()
 |      V.DATA_NUMBER_OF_GHOST_LEVELS() -> vtkInformationIntegerKey
 |      C++: static vtkInformationIntegerKey *DATA_NUMBER_OF_GHOST_LEVELS(
 |          )
 |      V.DATA_NUMBER_OF_PIECES() -> vtkInformationIntegerKey
 |      C++: static vtkInformationIntegerKey *DATA_NUMBER_OF_PIECES()
 |  DATA_OBJECT(...)
 |      V.DATA_OBJECT() -> vtkInformationDataObjectKey
 |      C++: static vtkInformationDataObjectKey *DATA_OBJECT()
 |      V.DATA_PIECE_NUMBER() -> vtkInformationIntegerKey
 |      C++: static vtkInformationIntegerKey *DATA_PIECE_NUMBER()
 |      V.DATA_TIME_STEP() -> vtkInformationDoubleKey
 |      C++: static vtkInformationDoubleKey *DATA_TIME_STEP()
 |      V.DATA_TYPE_NAME() -> vtkInformationStringKey
 |      C++: static vtkInformationStringKey *DATA_TYPE_NAME()
 |  DIRECTION(...)
 |      V.DIRECTION() -> vtkInformationDoubleVectorKey
 |      C++: static vtkInformationDoubleVectorKey *DIRECTION()
 |  DataHasBeenGenerated(...)
 |      V.DataHasBeenGenerated()
 |      C++: void DataHasBeenGenerated()
 |      This method is called by the source when it executes to generate
 |      data. It is sort of the opposite of ReleaseData. It sets the
 |      DataReleased flag to 0, and sets a new UpdateTime.
 |      V.EDGE_DATA_VECTOR() -> vtkInformationInformationVectorKey
 |      C++: static vtkInformationInformationVectorKey *EDGE_DATA_VECTOR()
 |      V.FIELD_ACTIVE_ATTRIBUTE() -> vtkInformationIntegerKey
 |      C++: static vtkInformationIntegerKey *FIELD_ACTIVE_ATTRIBUTE()
 |      V.FIELD_ARRAY_TYPE() -> vtkInformationIntegerKey
 |      C++: static vtkInformationIntegerKey *FIELD_ARRAY_TYPE()
 |      V.FIELD_ASSOCIATION() -> vtkInformationIntegerKey
 |      C++: static vtkInformationIntegerKey *FIELD_ASSOCIATION()
 |      V.FIELD_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE() -> vtkInformationIntegerKey
 |      C++: static vtkInformationIntegerKey *FIELD_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE()
 |  FIELD_NAME(...)
 |      V.FIELD_NAME() -> vtkInformationStringKey
 |      C++: static vtkInformationStringKey *FIELD_NAME()
 |      V.FIELD_NUMBER_OF_COMPONENTS() -> vtkInformationIntegerKey
 |      C++: static vtkInformationIntegerKey *FIELD_NUMBER_OF_COMPONENTS()
 |      V.FIELD_NUMBER_OF_TUPLES() -> vtkInformationIntegerKey
 |      C++: static vtkInformationIntegerKey *FIELD_NUMBER_OF_TUPLES()
 |      V.FIELD_OPERATION() -> vtkInformationIntegerKey
 |      C++: static vtkInformationIntegerKey *FIELD_OPERATION()
 |  FIELD_RANGE(...)
 |      V.FIELD_RANGE() -> vtkInformationDoubleVectorKey
 |      C++: static vtkInformationDoubleVectorKey *FIELD_RANGE()
 |  GetActiveFieldInformation(...)
 |      V.GetActiveFieldInformation(vtkInformation, int, int)
 |          -> vtkInformation
 |      C++: static vtkInformation *GetActiveFieldInformation(
 |          vtkInformation *info, int fieldAssociation, int attributeType)
 |      Return the information object within the input information
 |      object's field data corresponding to the specified association
 |  GetAssociationTypeAsString(...)
 |      V.GetAssociationTypeAsString(int) -> string
 |      C++: static const char *GetAssociationTypeAsString(
 |          int associationType)
 |      Given an integer association type, this static method returns a
 |      string type for the attribute (i.e. type = 0: returns "Points").
 |  GetAssociationTypeFromString(...)
 |      V.GetAssociationTypeFromString(string) -> int
 |      C++: static int GetAssociationTypeFromString(
 |          const char *associationType)
 |      Given an integer association type, this static method returns a
 |      string type for the attribute (i.e. type = 0: returns "Points").
 |  GetAttributeTypeForArray(...)
 |      V.GetAttributeTypeForArray(vtkAbstractArray) -> int
 |      C++: virtual int GetAttributeTypeForArray(vtkAbstractArray *arr)
 |      Retrieves the attribute type that an array came from. This is
 |      useful for obtaining which attribute type a input array to an
 |      algorithm came from (retrieved from
 |      GetInputAbstractArrayToProcesss).
 |  GetAttributes(...)
 |      V.GetAttributes(int) -> vtkDataSetAttributes
 |      C++: virtual vtkDataSetAttributes *GetAttributes(int type)
 |      Returns the attributes of the data object of the specified
 |      attribute type. The type may be:  POINT  - Defined in vtkDataSet
 |      subclasses. CELL   - Defined in vtkDataSet subclasses. VERTEX -
 |      Defined in vtkGraph subclasses. EDGE   - Defined in vtkGraph
 |      subclasses. ROW    - Defined in vtkTable.  The other attribute
 |      type, FIELD, will return nullptr since field data is stored as a
 |      vtkFieldData instance, not a vtkDataSetAttributes instance. To
 |      retrieve field data, use GetAttributesAsFieldData.
 |      @warning This method NEEDS to be
 |      overriden in subclasses to work as documented. If not, it returns
 |      nullptr for any type but FIELD.
 |  GetDataReleased(...)
 |      V.GetDataReleased() -> int
 |      C++: virtual int GetDataReleased()
 |      Get the flag indicating the data has been released.
 |  GetExtentType(...)
 |      V.GetExtentType() -> int
 |      C++: virtual int GetExtentType()
 |      The ExtentType will be left as VTK_PIECES_EXTENT for data objects
 |      such as vtkPolyData and vtkUnstructuredGrid. The ExtentType will
 |      be changed to VTK_3D_EXTENT for data objects with 3D structure
 |      such as vtkImageData (and its subclass vtkStructuredPoints),
 |      vtkRectilinearGrid, and vtkStructuredGrid. The default is the
 |      have an extent in pieces, with only one piece (no streaming
 |      possible).
 |  GetFieldData(...)
 |      V.GetFieldData() -> vtkFieldData
 |      C++: virtual vtkFieldData *GetFieldData()
 |      Assign or retrieve a general field data to this data object.
 |  GetGhostArray(...)
 |      V.GetGhostArray(int) -> vtkDataArray
 |      C++: virtual vtkDataArray *GetGhostArray(int type)
 |      Returns the ghost arrays of the data object of the specified
 |      atribute type. The type may be:  POINT    - Defined in vtkDataSet
 |      subclasses CELL   - Defined in vtkDataSet subclasses.  The other
 |      attribute types, will return nullptr since ghosts arrays are not
 |      defined for now outside of point or cell.
 |  GetGlobalReleaseDataFlag(...)
 |      V.GetGlobalReleaseDataFlag() -> int
 |      C++: static int GetGlobalReleaseDataFlag()
 |      Turn on/off flag to control whether every object releases its
 |      data after being used by a filter.
 |  GetInformation(...)
 |      V.GetInformation() -> vtkInformation
 |      C++: virtual vtkInformation *GetInformation()
 |      Set/Get the information object associated with this data object.
 |  GetNamedFieldInformation(...)
 |      V.GetNamedFieldInformation(vtkInformation, int, string)
 |          -> vtkInformation
 |      C++: static vtkInformation *GetNamedFieldInformation(
 |          vtkInformation *info, int fieldAssociation, const char *name)
 |      Return the information object within the input information
 |      object's field data corresponding to the specified association
 |  GetUpdateTime(...)
 |      V.GetUpdateTime() -> int
 |      C++: vtkMTimeType GetUpdateTime()
 |      Used by Threaded ports to determine if they should initiate an
 |      asynchronous update (still in development).
 |  GlobalReleaseDataFlagOff(...)
 |      V.GlobalReleaseDataFlagOff()
 |      C++: void GlobalReleaseDataFlagOff()
 |      Turn on/off flag to control whether every object releases its
 |      data after being used by a filter.
 |  GlobalReleaseDataFlagOn(...)
 |      V.GlobalReleaseDataFlagOn()
 |      C++: void GlobalReleaseDataFlagOn()
 |      Turn on/off flag to control whether every object releases its
 |      data after being used by a filter.
 |  ORIGIN(...)
 |      V.ORIGIN() -> vtkInformationDoubleVectorKey
 |      C++: static vtkInformationDoubleVectorKey *ORIGIN()
 |      V.PIECE_EXTENT() -> vtkInformationIntegerVectorKey
 |      C++: static vtkInformationIntegerVectorKey *PIECE_EXTENT()
 |      V.POINT_DATA_VECTOR() -> vtkInformationInformationVectorKey
 |      C++: static vtkInformationInformationVectorKey *POINT_DATA_VECTOR(
 |          )
 |  PrepareForNewData(...)
 |      V.PrepareForNewData()
 |      C++: virtual void PrepareForNewData()
 |      make the output data ready for new data to be inserted. For most
 |      objects we just call Initialize. But for vtkImageData we leave
 |      the old data in case the memory can be reused.
 |  ReleaseData(...)
 |      V.ReleaseData()
 |      C++: void ReleaseData()
 |      Release data back to system to conserve memory resource. Used
 |      during visualization network execution.  Releasing this data does
 |      not make down-stream data invalid.
 |  RemoveNamedFieldInformation(...)
 |      V.RemoveNamedFieldInformation(vtkInformation, int, string)
 |      C++: static void RemoveNamedFieldInformation(vtkInformation *info,
 |           int fieldAssociation, const char *name)
 |      Remove the info associated with an array
 |  SIL(...)
 |      V.SIL() -> vtkInformationDataObjectKey
 |      C++: static vtkInformationDataObjectKey *SIL()
 |  SPACING(...)
 |      V.SPACING() -> vtkInformationDoubleVectorKey
 |      C++: static vtkInformationDoubleVectorKey *SPACING()
 |  SetActiveAttribute(...)
 |      V.SetActiveAttribute(vtkInformation, int, string, int)
 |          -> vtkInformation
 |      C++: static vtkInformation *SetActiveAttribute(
 |          vtkInformation *info, int fieldAssociation,
 |          const char *attributeName, int attributeType)
 |      Set the named array to be the active field for the specified type
 |      (SCALARS, VECTORS, NORMALS, TCOORDS, or TENSORS) and association
 |      the active field information object and creates on entry if one
 |      not found.
 |  SetActiveAttributeInfo(...)
 |      V.SetActiveAttributeInfo(vtkInformation, int, int, string, int,
 |          int, int)
 |      C++: static void SetActiveAttributeInfo(vtkInformation *info,
 |          int fieldAssociation, int attributeType, const char *name,
 |          int arrayType, int numComponents, int numTuples)
 |      Set the name, array type, number of components, and number of
 |      tuples within the passed information object for the active
 |      attribute of type attributeType (in specified association,
 |      is not an active attribute of the specified type, an entry in the
 |      information object is created.  If arrayType, numComponents, or
 |      numTuples equal to -1, or name=nullptr the value is not changed.
 |  SetFieldData(...)
 |      V.SetFieldData(vtkFieldData)
 |      C++: virtual void SetFieldData(vtkFieldData *)
 |      Assign or retrieve a general field data to this data object.
 |  SetGlobalReleaseDataFlag(...)
 |      V.SetGlobalReleaseDataFlag(int)
 |      C++: static void SetGlobalReleaseDataFlag(int val)
 |      Turn on/off flag to control whether every object releases its
 |      data after being used by a filter.
 |  SetInformation(...)
 |      V.SetInformation(vtkInformation)
 |      C++: virtual void SetInformation(vtkInformation *)
 |      Set/Get the information object associated with this data object.
 |  SetPointDataActiveScalarInfo(...)
 |      V.SetPointDataActiveScalarInfo(vtkInformation, int, int)
 |      C++: static void SetPointDataActiveScalarInfo(
 |          vtkInformation *info, int arrayType, int numComponents)
 |      Convenience version of previous method for use (primarily) by the
 |      Imaging filters. If arrayType or numComponents == -1, the value
 |      is not changed.
 |      V.VERTEX_DATA_VECTOR() -> vtkInformationInformationVectorKey
 |      C++: static vtkInformationInformationVectorKey *VERTEX_DATA_VECTOR(
 |          )
 |  ----------------------------------------------------------------------
 |  Data and other attributes inherited from vtkDataObject:
 |  AttributeTypes = <class 'vtkmodules.vtkCommonDataModel.vtkDataObject.A...
 |      int([x]) -> integer
 |      int(x, base=10) -> integer
 |      Convert a number or string to an integer, or return 0 if no arguments
 |      are given.  If x is a number, return x.__int__().  For floating point
 |      numbers, this truncates towards zero.
 |      If x is not a number or if base is given, then x must be a string,
 |      bytes, or bytearray instance representing an integer literal in the
 |      given base.  The literal can be preceded by '+' or '-' and be surrounded
 |      by whitespace.  The base defaults to 10.  Valid bases are 0 and 2-36.
 |      Base 0 means to interpret the base from the string as an integer literal.
 |      >>> int('0b100', base=0)
 |      4
 |  CELL = 1
 |  EDGE = 5
 |  FIELD = 2
 |  FieldAssociations = <class 'vtkmodules.vtkCommonDataModel.vtkDataObjec...
 |      int([x]) -> integer
 |      int(x, base=10) -> integer
 |      Convert a number or string to an integer, or return 0 if no arguments
 |      are given.  If x is a number, return x.__int__().  For floating point
 |      numbers, this truncates towards zero.
 |      If x is not a number or if base is given, then x must be a string,
 |      bytes, or bytearray instance representing an integer literal in the
 |      given base.  The literal can be preceded by '+' or '-' and be surrounded
 |      by whitespace.  The base defaults to 10.  Valid bases are 0 and 2-36.
 |      Base 0 means to interpret the base from the string as an integer literal.
 |      >>> int('0b100', base=0)
 |      4
 |  FieldOperations = <class 'vtkmodules.vtkCommonDataModel.vtkDataObject....
 |      int([x]) -> integer
 |      int(x, base=10) -> integer
 |      Convert a number or string to an integer, or return 0 if no arguments
 |      are given.  If x is a number, return x.__int__().  For floating point
 |      numbers, this truncates towards zero.
 |      If x is not a number or if base is given, then x must be a string,
 |      bytes, or bytearray instance representing an integer literal in the
 |      given base.  The literal can be preceded by '+' or '-' and be surrounded
 |      by whitespace.  The base defaults to 10.  Valid bases are 0 and 2-36.
 |      Base 0 means to interpret the base from the string as an integer literal.
 |      >>> int('0b100', base=0)
 |      4
 |  POINT = 0
 |  ROW = 6
 |  VERTEX = 4
 |  ----------------------------------------------------------------------
 |  Methods inherited from vtkmodules.vtkCommonCore.vtkObject:
 |  AddObserver(...)
 |      V.AddObserver(int, function) -> int
 |      C++: unsigned long AddObserver(const char *event,
 |          vtkCommand *command, float priority=0.0f)
 |      Add an event callback function(vtkObject, int) for an event type.
 |      Returns a handle that can be used with RemoveEvent(int).
 |  BreakOnError(...)
 |      V.BreakOnError()
 |      C++: static void BreakOnError()
 |      This method is called when vtkErrorMacro executes. It allows the
 |      debugger to break on error.
 |  DebugOff(...)
 |      V.DebugOff()
 |      C++: virtual void DebugOff()
 |      Turn debugging output off.
 |  DebugOn(...)
 |      V.DebugOn()
 |      C++: virtual void DebugOn()
 |      Turn debugging output on.
 |  GetCommand(...)
 |      V.GetCommand(int) -> vtkCommand
 |      C++: vtkCommand *GetCommand(unsigned long tag)
 |      Allow people to add/remove/invoke observers (callbacks) to any
 |      VTK object.  This is an implementation of the subject/observer
 |      design pattern. An observer is added by specifying an event to
 |      respond to and a vtkCommand to execute. It returns an unsigned
 |      long tag which can be used later to remove the event or retrieve
 |      the command. When events are invoked, the observers are called in
 |      the order they were added. If a priority value is specified, then
 |      the higher priority commands are called first. A command may set
 |      an abort flag to stop processing of the event. (See vtkCommand.h
 |      for more information.)
 |  GetDebug(...)
 |      V.GetDebug() -> bool
 |      C++: bool GetDebug()
 |      Get the value of the debug flag.
 |  GetGlobalWarningDisplay(...)
 |      V.GetGlobalWarningDisplay() -> int
 |      C++: static int GetGlobalWarningDisplay()
 |      This is a global flag that controls whether any debug, warning or
 |      error messages are displayed.
 |  GlobalWarningDisplayOff(...)
 |      V.GlobalWarningDisplayOff()
 |      C++: static void GlobalWarningDisplayOff()
 |      This is a global flag that controls whether any debug, warning or
 |      error messages are displayed.
 |  GlobalWarningDisplayOn(...)
 |      V.GlobalWarningDisplayOn()
 |      C++: static void GlobalWarningDisplayOn()
 |      This is a global flag that controls whether any debug, warning or
 |      error messages are displayed.
 |  HasObserver(...)
 |      V.HasObserver(int, vtkCommand) -> int
 |      C++: vtkTypeBool HasObserver(unsigned long event, vtkCommand *)
 |      V.HasObserver(string, vtkCommand) -> int
 |      C++: vtkTypeBool HasObserver(const char *event, vtkCommand *)
 |      V.HasObserver(int) -> int
 |      C++: vtkTypeBool HasObserver(unsigned long event)
 |      V.HasObserver(string) -> int
 |      C++: vtkTypeBool HasObserver(const char *event)
 |      Allow people to add/remove/invoke observers (callbacks) to any
 |      VTK object.  This is an implementation of the subject/observer
 |      design pattern. An observer is added by specifying an event to
 |      respond to and a vtkCommand to execute. It returns an unsigned
 |      long tag which can be used later to remove the event or retrieve
 |      the command. When events are invoked, the observers are called in
 |      the order they were added. If a priority value is specified, then
 |      the higher priority commands are called first. A command may set
 |      an abort flag to stop processing of the event. (See vtkCommand.h
 |      for more information.)
 |  InvokeEvent(...)
 |      V.InvokeEvent(int, void) -> int
 |      C++: int InvokeEvent(unsigned long event, void *callData)
 |      V.InvokeEvent(string, void) -> int
 |      C++: int InvokeEvent(const char *event, void *callData)
 |      V.InvokeEvent(int) -> int
 |      C++: int InvokeEvent(unsigned long event)
 |      V.InvokeEvent(string) -> int
 |      C++: int InvokeEvent(const char *event)
 |      This method invokes an event and return whether the event was
 |      aborted or not. If the event was aborted, the return value is 1,
 |      otherwise it is 0.
 |  Modified(...)
 |      V.Modified()
 |      C++: virtual void Modified()
 |      Update the modification time for this object. Many filters rely
 |      on the modification time to determine if they need to recompute
 |      their data. The modification time is a unique monotonically
 |      increasing unsigned long integer.
 |  RemoveAllObservers(...)
 |      V.RemoveAllObservers()
 |      C++: void RemoveAllObservers()
 |  RemoveObserver(...)
 |      V.RemoveObserver(vtkCommand)
 |      C++: void RemoveObserver(vtkCommand *)
 |      V.RemoveObserver(int)
 |      C++: void RemoveObserver(unsigned long tag)
 |      Allow people to add/remove/invoke observers (callbacks) to any
 |      VTK object.  This is an implementation of the subject/observer
 |      design pattern. An observer is added by specifying an event to
 |      respond to and a vtkCommand to execute. It returns an unsigned
 |      long tag which can be used later to remove the event or retrieve
 |      the command. When events are invoked, the observers are called in
 |      the order they were added. If a priority value is specified, then
 |      the higher priority commands are called first. A command may set
 |      an abort flag to stop processing of the event. (See vtkCommand.h
 |      for more information.)
 |  RemoveObservers(...)
 |      V.RemoveObservers(int, vtkCommand)
 |      C++: void RemoveObservers(unsigned long event, vtkCommand *)
 |      V.RemoveObservers(string, vtkCommand)
 |      C++: void RemoveObservers(const char *event, vtkCommand *)
 |      V.RemoveObservers(int)
 |      C++: void RemoveObservers(unsigned long event)
 |      V.RemoveObservers(string)
 |      C++: void RemoveObservers(const char *event)
 |      Allow people to add/remove/invoke observers (callbacks) to any
 |      VTK object.  This is an implementation of the subject/observer
 |      design pattern. An observer is added by specifying an event to
 |      respond to and a vtkCommand to execute. It returns an unsigned
 |      long tag which can be used later to remove the event or retrieve
 |      the command. When events are invoked, the observers are called in
 |      the order they were added. If a priority value is specified, then
 |      the higher priority commands are called first. A command may set
 |      an abort flag to stop processing of the event. (See vtkCommand.h
 |      for more information.)
 |  SetDebug(...)
 |      V.SetDebug(bool)
 |      C++: void SetDebug(bool debugFlag)
 |      Set the value of the debug flag. A true value turns debugging on.
 |  SetGlobalWarningDisplay(...)
 |      V.SetGlobalWarningDisplay(int)
 |      C++: static void SetGlobalWarningDisplay(int val)
 |      This is a global flag that controls whether any debug, warning or
 |      error messages are displayed.
 |  ----------------------------------------------------------------------
 |  Methods inherited from vtkmodules.vtkCommonCore.vtkObjectBase:
 |  FastDelete(...)
 |      V.FastDelete()
 |      C++: virtual void FastDelete()
 |      Delete a reference to this object.  This version will not invoke
 |      garbage collection and can potentially leak the object if it is
 |      part of a reference loop.  Use this method only when it is known
 |      that the object has another reference and would not be collected
 |      if a full garbage collection check were done.
 |  GetAddressAsString(...)
 |      V.GetAddressAsString(string) -> string
 |      C++: const char *GetAddressAsString()
 |      Get address of C++ object in format 'Addr=%p' after casting to
 |      the specified type.  You can get the same information from o.__this__.
 |  GetClassName(...)
 |      V.GetClassName() -> string
 |      C++: const char *GetClassName()
 |      Return the class name as a string.
 |  GetReferenceCount(...)
 |      V.GetReferenceCount() -> int
 |      C++: int GetReferenceCount()
 |      Return the current reference count of this object.
 |  InitializeObjectBase(...)
 |      V.InitializeObjectBase()
 |      C++: void InitializeObjectBase()
 |  Register(...)
 |      V.Register(vtkObjectBase)
 |      C++: virtual void Register(vtkObjectBase *o)
 |      Increase the reference count by 1.
 |  SetReferenceCount(...)
 |      V.SetReferenceCount(int)
 |      C++: void SetReferenceCount(int)
 |      Sets the reference count. (This is very dangerous, use with
 |      care.)
 |  UnRegister(...)
 |      V.UnRegister(vtkObjectBase)
 |      C++: virtual void UnRegister(vtkObjectBase *o)
 |      Decrease the reference count (release by another object). This
 |      has the same effect as invoking Delete() (i.e., it reduces the
 |      reference count by 1).

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