




import tensorflow as tf 

# 创建4个张量
a = tf.constant(1.)
b = tf.constant(2.)
c = tf.constant(3.)
w = tf.constant(4.)

with tf.GradientTape() as tape:# 构建梯度环境[w]) # 将w加入梯度跟踪列表
	# 构建计算过程
	y = a * w**2 + b * w + c
# 求导
[dy_dw] = tape.gradient(y, [w])
print("answer is:")


Pro Deep Learning with TensorFlow is a practical and mathematical guide to deep learning using TensorFlow. Deep learning is a branch of machine learning where you model the world in terms of a hierarchy of concepts. This pattern of learning is similar to the way a human brain learns, and it allows computers to model complex concepts that often go unnoticed in other traditional methods of modeling. Hence, in the modern computing paradigm, deep learning plays a vital role in modeling complex real-world problems, especially by leveraging the massive amount of unstructured data available today. Because of the complexities involved in a deep-learning model, many times it is treated as a black box by people using it. However, to derive the maximum benefit from this branch of machine learning, one needs to uncover the hidden mystery by looking at the science and mathematics associated with it. In this book, great care has been taken to explain the concepts and techniques associated with deep learning from a mathematical as well as a scientific viewpoint. Also, the first chapter is totally dedicated toward building the mathematical base required to comprehend deep-learning concepts with ease. TensorFlow has been chosen as the deep-learning package because of its flexibility for research purposes and its ease of use. Another reason for choosing TensorFlow is its capability to load models with ease in a live production environment using its serving capabilities. In summary, Pro Deep Learning with TensorFlow provides practical, hands-on expertise so you can learn deep learning from scratch and deploy meaningful deep-learning solutions. This book will allow you to get up to speed quickly using TensorFlow and to optimize different deep-learning architectures. All the practical aspects of deep learning that are relevant in any industry are emphasized in this book. You will be able to use the prototypes demonstrated to build new deep-learning applications. The code presented in th
Key Features Learn advanced techniques in deep learning with this example-rich guide on Google's brainchildExplore various neural networks with the help of this comprehensive guideAdvanced guide on machine learning techniques, in particular TensorFlow for deep learning. Book Description Deep learning is the next step after machine learning. It is machine learning but with a more advanced implementation. As machine learning is no longer an academic topic, but a mainstream practice, deep learning has taken a front seat. With deep learning being used by many data scientists, deeper neural networks are evaluated for accurate results. Data scientists want to explore data abstraction layers and this book will be their guide on this journey. This book evaluates common, and not so common, deep neural networks and shows how these can be exploited in the real world with complex raw data using TensorFlow. The book will take you through an understanding of the current machine learning landscape then delve into TensorFlow and how to use it by considering various data sets and use cases. Throughout the chapters, you'll learn how to implement various deep learning algorithms for your machine learning systems and integrate them into your product offerings such as search, image recognition, and language processing. Additionally, we'll examine its performance by optimizing it with respect to its various parameters, comparing it against benchmarks along with teaching machines to learn from the information and determine the ideal behavior within a specific context, in order to maximize its performance. After finishing the book, you will be familiar with machine learning techniques, in particular TensorFlow for deep learning, and will be ready to apply some of your knowledge in a real project either in a research or commercial setting. What you will learn Provide an overview of the machine learning landscapeLook at the historical development and progress of deep learningDescribe TensorFlow and become very familiar with it both in theory and in practiceAccess public datasets and use TF to load, process, clean, and transform dataUse TensorFlow on real-world data sets including images and textGet familiar with TensorFlow by applying it in various hands on exercises using the command lineEvaluate the performance of your deep learning modelsQuickly teach machines to learn from data by exploring reinforcement learning techniques.Understand how this technology is being used in the real world by exploring active areas of deep learning research and application.




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