
How to Write a Spelling Corrector




import re, collections
def words(text): return re.findall('[a-z]+', text.lower()) 
def train(features):
    model = collections.defaultdict(lambda: 1)
    for f in features:
        model[f] += 1
    return model
NWORDS = train(words(file('big.txt').read()))
alphabet = 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz'
def edits1(word):
    splits     = [(word[:i], word[i:]) for i in range(len(word) + 1)]
    #如‘if’,形成的列表为['f', 'i'],只对前两组进行了分割,因为第三组的b是空串''
    deletes    = [a + b[1:] for a, b in splits if b]
    transposes = [a + b[1] + b[0] + b[2:] for a, b in splits if len(b)>1]
    # 如‘if’,形成的列表为
    #['af', 'bf', 'cf', 'df', 'ef', 'ff', 'gf', 'hf', 'if', 'jf', 'kf', 'lf', 'mf',
    # 'nf', 'of', 'pf', 'qf', 'rf', 'sf', 'tf', 'uf', 'vf', 'wf', 'xf', 'yf', 'zf',
    # 'ia', 'ib', 'ic', 'id', 'ie', 'if', 'ig', 'ih', 'ii', 'ij', 'ik', 'il', 'im',
    # 'in', 'io', 'ip', 'iq', 'ir', 'is', 'it', 'iu', 'iv', 'iw', 'ix', 'iy', 'iz']
    replaces   = [a + c + b[1:] for a, b in splits for c in alphabet if b]
    # 如‘if’,形成的列表为:
    #['aif', 'bif', 'cif', 'dif', 'eif', 'fif', 'gif', 'hif', 'iif', 'jif', 'kif',
    # 'lif', 'mif', 'nif', 'oif', 'pif', 'qif', 'rif', 'sif', 'tif', 'uif', 'vif',
    # 'wif', 'xif', 'yif', 'zif', 'iaf', 'ibf', 'icf', 'idf', 'ief', 'iff', 'igf',
    # 'ihf', 'iif', 'ijf', 'ikf', 'ilf', 'imf', 'inf', 'iof', 'ipf', 'iqf', 'irf',
    # 'isf', 'itf', 'iuf', 'ivf', 'iwf', 'ixf', 'iyf', 'izf', 'ifa', 'ifb', 'ifc',
    # 'ifd', 'ife', 'iff', 'ifg', 'ifh', 'ifi', 'ifj', 'ifk', 'ifl', 'ifm', 'ifn',
    # 'ifo', 'ifp', 'ifq', 'ifr', 'ifs', 'ift', 'ifu', 'ifv', 'ifw', 'ifx', 'ify', 'ifz']
    inserts    = [a + c + b     for a, b in splits for c in alphabet]
    return set(deletes + transposes + replaces + inserts)
#e2 for e1 in edits1(word) for e2 in edits1(e1) if e2 in NWORDS
#   1.计算与给定单词编辑距离为1的单词列表
#                          2.计算与编辑距离为1的单词列表的编辑距离为1的列表(也就是编辑距离为2的单词列表)
#                                               3.如果单词编辑距离为2的单词在文本中,就认为是可用的单词
def known_edits2(word):
    return set(e2 for e1 in edits1(word) for e2 in edits1(e1) if e2 in NWORDS)
def known(words): return set(w for w in words if w in NWORDS)
def correct(word):
    #1. 如果单词是在已知列表中,那就是正确的直接返回它即可
    #2. 如果单词是未知的,那么看看与它编辑距离为1的单词,如果有,那么就计算它们的最大概率那么
    #3. 编辑距离为1的没有,那就找编辑距离为2的
    #4. 如果单词未知,且编辑距离为1,2的也找不到,那么只能返回它本身了
    #or的用法:x or y 表示 if x is false, then y, else x,
    #         it only evaluates the second argument if the first one is False
    #         所以当x为True时,也就不再计算y直接返回x
    candidates = known([word]) or known(edits1(word)) or known_edits2(word) or [word]
    return max(candidates, key=NWORDS.get)


import re
from collections import Counter

def words(text): return re.findall(r'\w+', text.lower())

WORDS = Counter(words(open('big.txt').read()))

def P(word, N=sum(WORDS.values())): 
    "Probability of `word`."
    return WORDS[word] / N

def correction(word): 
    "Most probable spelling correction for word."
    return max(candidates(word), key=P)

def candidates(word): 
    "Generate possible spelling corrections for word."
    return (known([word]) or known(edits1(word)) or known(edits2(word)) or [word])

def known(words): 
    "The subset of `words` that appear in the dictionary of WORDS."
    return set(w for w in words if w in WORDS)

def edits1(word):
    "All edits that are one edit away from `word`."
    letters    = 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz'
    splits     = [(word[:i], word[i:])    for i in range(len(word) + 1)]
    deletes    = [L + R[1:]               for L, R in splits if R]
    transposes = [L + R[1] + R[0] + R[2:] for L, R in splits if len(R)>1]
    replaces   = [L + c + R[1:]           for L, R in splits if R for c in letters]
    inserts    = [L + c + R               for L, R in splits for c in letters]
    return set(deletes + transposes + replaces + inserts)

def edits2(word): 
    "All edits that are two edits away from `word`."
    return (e2 for e1 in edits1(word) for e2 in edits1(e1))

How It Works: Some Probability Theory

The call correction(w) tries to choose the most likely spelling correction for w. There is no way to know for sure (for example, should "lates" be corrected to "late" or "latest" or "lattes" or ...?), which suggests we use probabilities. We are trying to find the correction c, out of all possible candidate corrections, that maximizes the probability that c is the intended correction, given the original word w:

argmax c ∈ candidates P( c| w)

By Bayes' Theorem this is equivalent to:

argmax c ∈ candidates P( c) P( w| c) / P( w)

Since P(w) is the same for every possible candidate c, we can factor it out, giving:

argmax c ∈ candidates P( c) P( w| c)

The four parts of this expression are:

  1. Selection Mechanism: argmax 
    We choose the candidate with the highest combined probability.


  2. Candidate Modelc ∈ candidates
    This tells us which candidate corrections, c, to consider.


  3. Language Model: P(c
    The probability that c appears as a word of English text. For example, occurrences of "the" make up about 7% of English text, so we should have P(the) = 0.07.


  4. Error Model: P(w|c)
    The probability that w would be typed in a text when the author meant c. For example, P(teh|the) is relatively high, but P(theeexyz|the) would be very low.

One obvious question is: why take a simple expression like P(c|w) and replace it with a more complex expression involving two models rather than one? The answer is that P(c|w) is already conflating two factors, and it is easier to separate the two out and deal with them explicitly. Consider the misspelled wordw="thew" and the two candidate corrections c="the" and c="thaw". Which has a higher P(c|w)? Well, "thaw" seems good because the only change is "a" to "e", which is a small change. On the other hand, "the" seems good because "the" is a very common word, and while adding a "w" seems like a larger, less probable change, perhaps the typist's finger slipped off the "e". The point is that to estimate P(c|w) we have to consider both the probability of c and the probability of the change from c to w anyway, so it is cleaner to formally separate the two factors.



tests1 = { 'access': 'acess', 'accessing': 'accesing', 'accommodation':
'accomodation acommodation acomodation', 'account': 'acount', 'address':
'adress adres', 'addressable': 'addresable', 'arranged': 'aranged arrainged',
'arrangeing': 'aranging', 'arrangement': 'arragment', 'articles': 'articals',
'aunt': 'annt anut arnt', 'auxiliary': 'auxillary', 'available': 'avaible',
'awful': 'awfall afful', 'basically': 'basicaly', 'beginning': 'begining',
'benefit': 'benifit', 'benefits': 'benifits', 'between': 'beetween', 'bicycle':
'bicycal bycicle bycycle', 'biscuits': 
'biscits biscutes biscuts bisquits buiscits buiscuts', 'built': 'biult', 
'cake': 'cak', 'career': 'carrer',
'cemetery': 'cemetary semetary', 'centrally': 'centraly', 'certain': 'cirtain',
'challenges': 'chalenges chalenges', 'chapter': 'chaper chaphter chaptur',
'choice': 'choise', 'choosing': 'chosing', 'clerical': 'clearical',
'committee': 'comittee', 'compare': 'compair', 'completely': 'completly',
'consider': 'concider', 'considerable': 'conciderable', 'contented':
'contenpted contende contended contentid', 'curtains': 
'cartains certans courtens cuaritains curtans curtians curtions', 'decide': 'descide', 'decided':
'descided', 'definitely': 'definately difinately', 'definition': 'defenition',
'definitions': 'defenitions', 'description': 'discription', 'desiccate':
'desicate dessicate dessiccate', 'diagrammatically': 'diagrammaticaally',
'different': 'diffrent', 'driven': 'dirven', 'ecstasy': 'exstacy ecstacy',
'embarrass': 'embaras embarass', 'establishing': 'astablishing establising',
'experience': 'experance experiance', 'experiences': 'experances', 'extended':
'extented', 'extremely': 'extreamly', 'fails': 'failes', 'families': 'familes',
'february': 'febuary', 'further': 'futher', 'gallery': 'galery gallary gallerry gallrey', 
'hierarchal': 'hierachial', 'hierarchy': 'hierchy', 'inconvenient':
'inconvienient inconvient inconvinient', 'independent': 'independant independant',
'initial': 'intial', 'initials': 'inetials inistals initails initals intials',
'juice': 'guic juce jucie juise juse', 'latest': 'lates latets latiest latist', 
'laugh': 'lagh lauf laught lugh', 'level': 'leval',
'levels': 'levals', 'liaison': 'liaision liason', 'lieu': 'liew', 'literature':
'litriture', 'loans': 'lones', 'locally': 'localy', 'magnificent': 
'magnificnet magificent magnifcent magnifecent magnifiscant magnifisent magnificant',
'management': 'managment', 'meant': 'ment', 'minuscule': 'miniscule',
'minutes': 'muinets', 'monitoring': 'monitering', 'necessary': 
'neccesary necesary neccesary necassary necassery neccasary', 'occurrence':
'occurence occurence', 'often': 'ofen offen offten ofton', 'opposite': 
'opisite oppasite oppesite oppisit oppisite opposit oppossite oppossitte', 'parallel': 
'paralel paralell parrallel parralell parrallell', 'particular': 'particulaur',
'perhaps': 'perhapse', 'personnel': 'personnell', 'planned': 'planed', 'poem':
'poame', 'poems': 'poims pomes', 'poetry': 'poartry poertry poetre poety powetry', 
'position': 'possition', 'possible': 'possable', 'pretend': 
'pertend protend prtend pritend', 'problem': 'problam proble promblem proplen',
'pronunciation': 'pronounciation', 'purple': 'perple perpul poarple',
'questionnaire': 'questionaire', 'really': 'realy relley relly', 'receipt':
'receit receite reciet recipt', 'receive': 'recieve', 'refreshment':
'reafreshment refreshmant refresment refressmunt', 'remember': 'rember remeber rememmer rermember',
'remind': 'remine remined', 'scarcely': 'scarcly scarecly scarely scarsely', 
'scissors': 'scisors sissors', 'separate': 'seperate',
'singular': 'singulaur', 'someone': 'somone', 'sources': 'sorces', 'southern':
'southen', 'special': 'speaical specail specal speical', 'splendid': 
'spledid splended splened splended', 'standardizing': 'stanerdizing', 'stomach': 
'stomac stomache stomec stumache', 'supersede': 'supercede superceed', 'there': 'ther',
'totally': 'totaly', 'transferred': 'transfred', 'transportability':
'transportibility', 'triangular': 'triangulaur', 'understand': 'undersand undistand', 
'unexpected': 'unexpcted unexpeted unexspected', 'unfortunately':
'unfortunatly', 'unique': 'uneque', 'useful': 'usefull', 'valuable': 'valubale valuble', 
'variable': 'varable', 'variant': 'vairiant', 'various': 'vairious',
'visited': 'fisited viseted vistid vistied', 'visitors': 'vistors',
'voluntary': 'volantry', 'voting': 'voteing', 'wanted': 'wantid wonted',
'whether': 'wether', 'wrote': 'rote wote'}
tests2 = {'forbidden': 'forbiden', 'decisions': 'deciscions descisions',
'supposedly': 'supposidly', 'embellishing': 'embelishing', 'technique':
'tecnique', 'permanently': 'perminantly', 'confirmation': 'confermation',
'appointment': 'appoitment', 'progression': 'progresion', 'accompanying':
'acompaning', 'applicable': 'aplicable', 'regained': 'regined', 'guidelines':
'guidlines', 'surrounding': 'serounding', 'titles': 'tittles', 'unavailable':
'unavailble', 'advantageous': 'advantageos', 'brief': 'brif', 'appeal':
'apeal', 'consisting': 'consisiting', 'clerk': 'cleark clerck', 'component':
'componant', 'favourable': 'faverable', 'separation': 'seperation', 'search':
'serch', 'receive': 'recieve', 'employees': 'emploies', 'prior': 'piror',
'resulting': 'reulting', 'suggestion': 'sugestion', 'opinion': 'oppinion',
'cancellation': 'cancelation', 'criticism': 'citisum', 'useful': 'usful',
'humour': 'humor', 'anomalies': 'anomolies', 'would': 'whould', 'doubt':
'doupt', 'examination': 'eximination', 'therefore': 'therefoe', 'recommend':
'recomend', 'separated': 'seperated', 'successful': 'sucssuful succesful',
'apparent': 'apparant', 'occurred': 'occureed', 'particular': 'paerticulaur',
'pivoting': 'pivting', 'announcing': 'anouncing', 'challenge': 'chalange',
'arrangements': 'araingements', 'proportions': 'proprtions', 'organized':
'oranised', 'accept': 'acept', 'dependence': 'dependance', 'unequalled':
'unequaled', 'numbers': 'numbuers', 'sense': 'sence', 'conversely':
'conversly', 'provide': 'provid', 'arrangement': 'arrangment',
'responsibilities': 'responsiblities', 'fourth': 'forth', 'ordinary':
'ordenary', 'description': 'desription descvription desacription',
'inconceivable': 'inconcievable', 'data': 'dsata', 'register': 'rgister',
'supervision': 'supervison', 'encompassing': 'encompasing', 'negligible':
'negligable', 'allow': 'alow', 'operations': 'operatins', 'executed':
'executted', 'interpretation': 'interpritation', 'hierarchy': 'heiarky',
'indeed': 'indead', 'years': 'yesars', 'through': 'throut', 'committee':
'committe', 'inquiries': 'equiries', 'before': 'befor', 'continued':
'contuned', 'permanent': 'perminant', 'choose': 'chose', 'virtually':
'vertually', 'correspondence': 'correspondance', 'eventually': 'eventully',
'lonely': 'lonley', 'profession': 'preffeson', 'they': 'thay', 'now': 'noe',
'desperately': 'despratly', 'university': 'unversity', 'adjournment':
'adjurnment', 'possibilities': 'possablities', 'stopped': 'stoped', 'mean':
'meen', 'weighted': 'wagted', 'adequately': 'adequattly', 'shown': 'hown',
'matrix': 'matriiix', 'profit': 'proffit', 'encourage': 'encorage', 'collate':
'colate', 'disaggregate': 'disaggreagte disaggreaget', 'receiving':
'recieving reciving', 'proviso': 'provisoe', 'umbrella': 'umberalla', 'approached':
'aproached', 'pleasant': 'plesent', 'difficulty': 'dificulty', 'appointments':
'apointments', 'base': 'basse', 'conditioning': 'conditining', 'earliest':
'earlyest', 'beginning': 'begining', 'universally': 'universaly',
'unresolved': 'unresloved', 'length': 'lengh', 'exponentially':
'exponentualy', 'utilized': 'utalised', 'set': 'et', 'surveys': 'servays',
'families': 'familys', 'system': 'sysem', 'approximately': 'aproximatly',
'their': 'ther', 'scheme': 'scheem', 'speaking': 'speeking', 'repetitive':
'repetative', 'inefficient': 'ineffiect', 'geneva': 'geniva', 'exactly':
'exsactly', 'immediate': 'imediate', 'appreciation': 'apreciation', 'luckily':
'luckeley', 'eliminated': 'elimiated', 'believe': 'belive', 'appreciated':
'apreciated', 'readjusted': 'reajusted', 'were': 'wer where', 'feeling':
'fealing', 'and': 'anf', 'false': 'faulse', 'seen': 'seeen', 'interrogating':
'interogationg', 'academically': 'academicly', 'relatively': 'relativly relitivly',
'traditionally': 'traditionaly', 'studying': 'studing',
'majority': 'majorty', 'build': 'biuld', 'aggravating': 'agravating',
'transactions': 'trasactions', 'arguing': 'aurguing', 'sheets': 'sheertes',
'successive': 'sucsesive sucessive', 'segment': 'segemnt', 'especially':
'especaily', 'later': 'latter', 'senior': 'sienior', 'dragged': 'draged',
'atmosphere': 'atmospher', 'drastically': 'drasticaly', 'particularly':
'particulary', 'visitor': 'vistor', 'session': 'sesion', 'continually':
'contually', 'availability': 'avaiblity', 'busy': 'buisy', 'parameters':
'perametres', 'surroundings': 'suroundings seroundings', 'employed':
'emploied', 'adequate': 'adiquate', 'handle': 'handel', 'means': 'meens',
'familiar': 'familer', 'between': 'beeteen', 'overall': 'overal', 'timing':
'timeing', 'committees': 'comittees commitees', 'queries': 'quies',
'econometric': 'economtric', 'erroneous': 'errounous', 'decides': 'descides',
'reference': 'refereence refference', 'intelligence': 'inteligence',
'edition': 'ediion ediition', 'are': 'arte', 'apologies': 'appologies',
'thermawear': 'thermawere thermawhere', 'techniques': 'tecniques',
'voluntary': 'volantary', 'subsequent': 'subsequant subsiquent', 'currently':
'curruntly', 'forecast': 'forcast', 'weapons': 'wepons', 'routine': 'rouint',
'neither': 'niether', 'approach': 'aproach', 'available': 'availble',
'recently': 'reciently', 'ability': 'ablity', 'nature': 'natior',
'commercial': 'comersial', 'agencies': 'agences', 'however': 'howeverr',
'suggested': 'sugested', 'career': 'carear', 'many': 'mony', 'annual':
'anual', 'according': 'acording', 'receives': 'recives recieves',
'interesting': 'intresting', 'expense': 'expence', 'relevant':
'relavent relevaant', 'table': 'tasble', 'throughout': 'throuout', 'conference':
'conferance', 'sensible': 'sensable', 'described': 'discribed describd',
'union': 'unioun', 'interest': 'intrest', 'flexible': 'flexable', 'refered':
'reffered', 'controlled': 'controled', 'sufficient': 'suficient',
'dissension': 'desention', 'adaptable': 'adabtable', 'representative':
'representitive', 'irrelevant': 'irrelavent', 'unnecessarily': 'unessasarily',
'applied': 'upplied', 'apologised': 'appologised', 'these': 'thees thess',
'choices': 'choises', 'will': 'wil', 'procedure': 'proceduer', 'shortened':
'shortend', 'manually': 'manualy', 'disappointing': 'dissapoiting',
'excessively': 'exessively', 'comments': 'coments', 'containing': 'containg',
'develop': 'develope', 'credit': 'creadit', 'government': 'goverment',
'acquaintances': 'aquantences', 'orientated': 'orentated', 'widely': 'widly',
'advise': 'advice', 'difficult': 'dificult', 'investigated': 'investegated',
'bonus': 'bonas', 'conceived': 'concieved', 'nationally': 'nationaly',
'compared': 'comppared compased', 'moving': 'moveing', 'necessity':
'nessesity', 'opportunity': 'oppertunity oppotunity opperttunity', 'thoughts':
'thorts', 'equalled': 'equaled', 'variety': 'variatry', 'analysis':
'analiss analsis analisis', 'patterns': 'pattarns', 'qualities': 'quaties', 'easily':
'easyly', 'organization': 'oranisation oragnisation', 'the': 'thw hte thi',
'corporate': 'corparate', 'composed': 'compossed', 'enormously': 'enomosly',
'financially': 'financialy', 'functionally': 'functionaly', 'discipline':
'disiplin', 'announcement': 'anouncement', 'progresses': 'progressess',
'except': 'excxept', 'recommending': 'recomending', 'mathematically':
'mathematicaly', 'source': 'sorce', 'combine': 'comibine', 'input': 'inut',
'careers': 'currers carrers', 'resolved': 'resoved', 'demands': 'diemands',
'unequivocally': 'unequivocaly', 'suffering': 'suufering', 'immediately':
'imidatly imediatly', 'accepted': 'acepted', 'projects': 'projeccts',
'necessary': 'necasery nessasary nessisary neccassary', 'journalism':
'journaism', 'unnecessary': 'unessessay', 'night': 'nite', 'output':
'oputput', 'security': 'seurity', 'essential': 'esential', 'beneficial':
'benificial benficial', 'explaining': 'explaning', 'supplementary':
'suplementary', 'questionnaire': 'questionare', 'employment': 'empolyment',
'proceeding': 'proceding', 'decision': 'descisions descision', 'per': 'pere',
'discretion': 'discresion', 'reaching': 'reching', 'analysed': 'analised',
'expansion': 'expanion', 'although': 'athough', 'subtract': 'subtrcat',
'analysing': 'aalysing', 'comparison': 'comparrison', 'months': 'monthes',
'hierarchal': 'hierachial', 'misleading': 'missleading', 'commit': 'comit',
'auguments': 'aurgument', 'within': 'withing', 'obtaining': 'optaning',
'accounts': 'acounts', 'primarily': 'pimarily', 'operator': 'opertor',
'accumulated': 'acumulated', 'extremely': 'extreemly', 'there': 'thear',
'summarys': 'sumarys', 'analyse': 'analiss', 'understandable':
'understadable', 'safeguard': 'safegaurd', 'consist': 'consisit',
'declarations': 'declaratrions', 'minutes': 'muinutes muiuets', 'associated':
'assosiated', 'accessibility': 'accessability', 'examine': 'examin',
'surveying': 'servaying', 'politics': 'polatics', 'annoying': 'anoying',
'again': 'agiin', 'assessing': 'accesing', 'ideally': 'idealy', 'scrutinized':
'scrutiniesed', 'simular': 'similar', 'personnel': 'personel', 'whereas':
'wheras', 'when': 'whn', 'geographically': 'goegraphicaly', 'gaining':
'ganing', 'requested': 'rquested', 'separate': 'seporate', 'students':
'studens', 'prepared': 'prepaired', 'generated': 'generataed', 'graphically':
'graphicaly', 'suited': 'suted', 'variable': 'varible vaiable', 'building':
'biulding', 'required': 'reequired', 'necessitates': 'nessisitates',
'together': 'togehter', 'profits': 'proffits'}
def spelltest(tests, bias=None, verbose=False):
    import time
    n, bad, unknown, start = 0, 0, 0, time.clock()
    if bias:
        for target in tests: NWORDS[target] += bias
    for target,wrongs in tests.items():
        for wrong in wrongs.split():
            n += 1
            w = correct(wrong)
            if w!=target:
                bad += 1
                unknown += (target not in NWORDS)
                if verbose:
                    print '%r => %r (%d); expected %r (%d)' % (
                        wrong, w, NWORDS[w], target, NWORDS[target])
    return dict(bad=bad, n=n, bias=bias, pct=int(100. - 100.*bad/n), 
                unknown=unknown, secs=int(time.clock()-start) )
if __name__ == '__main__':
    print spelltest(tests1)


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摘要 小型,易发布,无任何其它依赖项。ComponentOne VSSPELL 8.0对于每个应用程序来说都是必不可少的。 组件列表 技术特性 图片文件名 应用场景 适用于各种环境下强大的拼写检查控件 运用优势 VSSPELL 8.0 的国际性字典 VSSPELL包含附加的英语字典,西班牙语字典,荷兰语字典。这些词典具体情况如下: 253,000字的英语联合字典 73,000字的英语浓缩字典 91,000字的西班牙语字典 160,000字的荷兰语字典 键入时拼写检查(常用文本框和RTF) VSSpell控件可以链接到任何文本框或rich textbox,再到监视,对于用户拼写错误的地方用红色波浪线划出,相当于Microsoft Word. 或者可以提供用户定制过的警告! 自动链接Rich TextBox控件 您也可以把控件链接到文本框或者rich textbox控件中,纠正拼写错误且不会更改的文本格式。 无限制的文本长度 可以立即拼写检查一个字,一句话,一个段落,或者整篇文章! 改良的AutoLinkHwnd特性 在拼写检查时,VSSpell控件将自动突出那些非法单词,并且在用户与内置错误单词对话框交互时予以修正。 强化的错字对话框 您可以在错字对话框内设置经常使用的字体,所以这看起来与您的应用程序一致。用户也可以点击检查框获得建议或取消建议。现在,当用户在整个屏幕上移动错字对话框时,它可以“记住”位置,这样就使它其使用起来非常容易,直观。 无依赖性 VSSPELL不依赖任何额外的DLLs。使用VSSPELL发布软件,在您的安装程序中仅包括了VSSPELL6.OCX和VSSP_AE.DCT(主要的字典文件)。 更快捷的拼写检查 这个版本的拼写检查要比以前版本快2倍。 庞大的词库(超过250,000的字量) 拥有庞大的内置字典(超过以前版本整整4倍) 改良的对象模型 VSSpell 与早期版本向后兼容,并在以前对象模型的基础上扩展了许多有用的新方法,属性和事件,以便可以进行各类自定义操作,如:监测操作和填加单词,自动忽略或者更改;定义监测拼写错误的外观,监测当发生拼写错误时所采取的行动;提供用户反馈。 最大化的效率 VSSpell 使用了单词缓存技术,最大化速度和效率。 自定义字典 VSSPELL有一个强大有效的特性,可以自定义字典和词典文件,这样你可以随应用程序一起发布。 缩减大小 VSSpell OCX只有160K(注意:自定义字典要2M) 开发环境 "; Microsoft Visual Studio 6.0 Microsoft Visual Basic 4.0/5.0/6.0 Microsoft Visual C++ 4.0/5.0 Microsoft Visual C++ 4.0 Microsoft Visual J++ 1.1 Microsoft Visual FoxPro 5.0 Microsoft Office Borland(R) C++ Borland(R) C++Builder[TM] 5"; 支持平台 Win 98/NT/2000/ME/XP 许可证方式 标准报价 3,440 元人民币 * 以上报价仅供参考,具体以厂商正式报价为准。 电话 021-58549800 Email: tools@sh.grapecity.com http://www.grapecity.com/china


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