
[root@oda0 ~]# oakcli show db_config_params -conf new1
DATABASE_BLOCK_SIZE       =>    8192                
DATABASE_LANGUAGE         =>    AMERICAN            
DATABASE_CHARACTERSET     =>    AL32UTF8            
DATABASE_TERRITORY        =>    AMERICA             
COMPONENT_LANGUAGES       =>    en                  
NLS_NCHAR_CHARACTERSET    =>    AL16UTF16           

[root@oda0 ~]# oakcli create database  -db orcl -oh /u01/app/oracle/product/ -params new1
INFO: 2019-09-25 23:14:32: Please check the logfile  '/opt/oracle/oak/log/oda0/tools/' for more details
INFO: 2019-09-25 23:14:39:
        Database will be created on ACFS volume

Please enter the 'root'  password :
Please re-enter the 'root' password:

Please enter the 'SYSASM'  password : (During deployment we set the SYSASM password to 'welcome1'):
Please re-enter the 'SYSASM' password:
Database home edition is : Enterprise Edition
Please select one of the following for Database type  [1 .. 2] :
1    => OLTP
2    => DSS
The selected value is : OLTP
Please select one of the following for Database Deployment  [1 .. 3] :
1    => SI : Single Instance
2    => RACONE
3    => RAC
The selected value is : RAC

Specify the  Database Class (1. odb-01 '1 core, 8 GB memory'   2. Others) [1] : 2

Please select one of the following for Database Class [1 .. 8] :
1    => odb-01s  (   1 cores ,     4 GB memory)
2    =>  odb-01  (   1 cores ,     8 GB memory)
3    =>  odb-02  (   2 cores ,    16 GB memory)
4    =>  odb-04  (   4 cores ,    32 GB memory)
5    =>  odb-06  (   6 cores ,    48 GB memory)
6    =>  odb-12  (  12 cores ,    96 GB memory)
7    =>  odb-16  (  16 cores ,   128 GB memory)
8    =>  odb-20  (  20 cores ,   160 GB memory)
The selected value is : odb-12  (  12 cores ,    96 GB memory)
INFO   : Logging all actions in the file /opt/oracle/oak/onecmd/tmp/oda0-20190925232139.log and traces in the file /opt/oracle/oak/onecmd/tmp/oda0-20190925232139.trc
INFO   : Loading the configuration file /opt/oracle/oak/onecmd/create_database.params...
INFO   : Creating the node list files...
INFO   : Setting up ssh for root...
INFO   : Setting up SSH across the Private Network...
INFO   : Running as root: /usr/bin/ssh -l root /root/DoAllcmds.sh
INFO   : Running as root: /usr/bin/ssh -l root /root/DoAllcmds.sh
INFO   : Background process 16719 (node: gets done with the exit code 0
INFO   : Background process 16773 (node: gets done with the exit code 0
INFO   : Setting up SSH completed successfully
pm to sync directory</opt/oracle/oak/onecmd> on node <>
ed: RC=0

INFO   : Did not do scp for node : oda0
INFO   : Running as root: /usr/bin/ssh -l root oda0 /root/DoAllcmds.sh
INFO   : Background process 18169 (node: oda0) gets done with the exit code 0
INFO   : Running as root: /usr/bin/ssh -l root oda1 /root/DoAllcmds.sh
INFO   : Background process 18223 (node: oda1) gets done with the exit code 0
INFO   : Did not do scp for node : oda0
INFO   : Running as root: /usr/bin/ssh -l root oda0 /opt/oracle/oak/onecmd/tmp/DoAllcmds-20190925232222.sh
INFO   : Background process 18336 (node: oda0) gets done with the exit code 0
INFO   : Running as root: /usr/bin/ssh -l root oda1 /opt/oracle/oak/onecmd/tmp/DoAllcmds-20190925232222.sh
INFO   : Background process 18410 (node: oda1) gets done with the exit code 0
INFO   : Setting up SSH for user oracle...
...INFO   : checking nodes in /opt/oracle/oak/onecmd/tmp/db_nodes...
SUCCESS: All nodes in /opt/oracle/oak/onecmd/tmp/db_nodes are pingable and alive.
INFO   : Checking SSH setup for user (oracle) on nodes in /opt/oracle/oak/onecmd/tmp/db_nodes...
INFO   : Did not do scp for node : oda0
INFO   : This is root, will become oracle and run: /bin/su oracle -c /usr/bin/ssh -l oracle oda0 /opt/oracle/oak/onecmd/tmp/DoAllcmds-20190925232248.sh
INFO   : Running on the local node: /bin/su oracle -c /opt/oracle/oak/onecmd/tmp/DoAllcmds-20190925232248.sh
INFO   : Background process 21038 (node: oda0) gets done with the exit code 0
INFO   : This is root, will become oracle and run: /bin/su oracle -c /usr/bin/ssh -l oracle oda1 /opt/oracle/oak/onecmd/tmp/DoAllcmds-20190925232248.sh
INFO   : Background process 21092 (node: oda1) gets done with the exit code 0
INFO   : Setting up ACFS storage
INFO   : Did not do scp for node : oda0
INFO   : Running as root: /usr/bin/ssh -l root oda0 /opt/oracle/oak/onecmd/tmp/acfsm_86795.sh
INFO   : Running as root: /usr/bin/ssh -l root oda1 /opt/oracle/oak/onecmd/tmp/acfsm_86795.sh
INFO   : Background process 21871 (node: oda0) gets done with the exit code 0
INFO   : Background process 21925 (node: oda1) gets done with the exit code 0
INFO: 2019-09-25 23:22:52: Attempting to start asm proxy
WARNING: 2019-09-25 23:22:54: Failed to start asm proxy
INFO: 2019-09-25 23:23:12: Creating the volume datastore on the diskgroup REDO of size 46 G
INFO: 2019-09-25 23:23:36: Creating acfs on volume datastore
INFO: 2019-09-25 23:23:38: Registering datastore with clusterware
INFO: 2019-09-25 23:23:50: Creating the volume datastore on the diskgroup DATA of size 531 G
INFO: 2019-09-25 23:24:03: Creating acfs on volume datastore
INFO: 2019-09-25 23:24:06: Registering datastore with clusterware
INFO: 2019-09-25 23:24:17: Creating the volume datastore on the diskgroup RECO of size 717 G
INFO: 2019-09-25 23:24:29: Creating acfs on volume datastore
INFO: 2019-09-25 23:24:34: Registering datastore with clusterware
INFO: 2019-09-25 23:24:47: Successfully setup the storage structure for the database 'orcl'
SUCCESS: Successfully setup ACFS storage for the database orcl
INFO   : Creating Database using DBCA...
INFO   : Did not do scp for node : oda0
INFO   : Running as root: /usr/bin/ssh -l root oda0 /opt/oracle/oak/onecmd/tmp/DoAllcmds-20190925232447.sh
INFO   : Running as root: /usr/bin/ssh -l root oda1 /opt/oracle/oak/onecmd/tmp/DoAllcmds-20190925232447.sh
INFO   : Background process 38965 (node: oda0) gets done with the exit code 0
INFO   : Background process 39019 (node: oda1) gets done with the exit code 0
INFO   : Did not do scp for node : oda0
INFO   : Running as root: /usr/bin/ssh -l root oda0 /opt/oracle/oak/onecmd/tmp/DoAllcmds-20190925232448.sh
INFO   : Running as root: /usr/bin/ssh -l root oda1 /opt/oracle/oak/onecmd/tmp/DoAllcmds-20190925232448.sh
INFO   : Background process 39098 (node: oda0) gets done with the exit code 0
INFO   : Background process 39152 (node: oda1) gets done with the exit code 0
INFO   : Did not do scp for node : oda0
INFO   : Running as root: /usr/bin/ssh -l root oda0 /opt/oracle/oak/onecmd/tmp/DoAllcmds-20190925232448.sh
INFO   : Running as root: /usr/bin/ssh -l root oda1 /opt/oracle/oak/onecmd/tmp/DoAllcmds-20190925232448.sh
INFO   : Background process 39234 (node: oda0) gets done with the exit code 0
INFO   : Background process 39288 (node: oda1) gets done with the exit code 0
INFO   : Did not do scp for node : oda0
INFO   : Running as root: /usr/bin/ssh -l root oda0 /opt/oracle/oak/onecmd/tmp/DoAllcmds-20190925232449.sh
INFO   : Running as root: /usr/bin/ssh -l root oda1 /opt/oracle/oak/onecmd/tmp/DoAllcmds-20190925232449.sh
INFO   : Background process 39365 (node: oda0) gets done with the exit code 0
INFO   : Background process 39419 (node: oda1) gets done with the exit code 0
INFO   : Running DBCA using /opt/oracle/oak/onecmd/tmp/dbca-orcl.sh on oda0 as oracle...
INFO   : Check output in /opt/oracle/oak/onecmd/tmp/dbca-orcl-20190925232139.log on oda0
INFO   : This is root, will become oracle and run: /bin/su oracle -c /usr/bin/ssh -l oracle oda0 /opt/oracle/oak/onecmd/tmp/dbca-orcl.sh
INFO   : Running on the local node: /bin/su oracle -c /opt/oracle/oak/onecmd/tmp/dbca-orcl.sh
         Instance orcl1 is running on node oda0
         Instance orcl2 is running on node oda1
INFO   : One or more Instances running on the cluster nodes.
INFO   : Running the command /u01/app/ stat resource ora.orcl.db -p
.INFO   : Did not do scp for node : oda0
INFO   : This is root, will become oracle and run: /bin/su oracle -c /usr/bin/ssh -l oracle oda0 /opt/oracle/oak/onecmd/tmp/dbupdates-orcl.sh
INFO   : Running on the local node: /bin/su oracle -c /opt/oracle/oak/onecmd/tmp/dbupdates-orcl.sh
INFO   : Running export ORACLE_HOME=/u01/app/oracle/product/;/u01/app/oracle/product/ stop database -d orcl
INFO   : Running export ORACLE_HOME=/u01/app/oracle/product/;/u01/app/oracle/product/ start database -d orcl
INFO: 2019-09-25 23:32:35: Successfully set the RMAN SNAPSHOT control file
running /u01/app/ add wallet -type CVUDB -name orcl -user DBSNMP -passwd
INFO: 2019-09-25 23:32:39: Successfully unlocked the DBSNMP user
SUCCESS: 2019-09-25 23:32:40: Successfully created the Database : orcl
INFO   : Resecuring the environment... oda0 oda1
INFO   : Removing the SSH setup for root...

INFO   : Running as root: /usr/bin/ssh -l root oda0 chmod 751 /opt/oracle/oak/onecmd/tmp

INFO   : Running as root: /usr/bin/ssh -l root oda1 chmod 751 /opt/oracle/oak/onecmd/tmp
INFO   : Running as root: /usr/bin/ssh -l root oda1 /bin/rm -rf /root/.ssh
INFO   : Running as root: /usr/bin/ssh -l root oda0 /bin/rm -rf /root/.ssh
[root@oda0 ~]#  

[root@oda0 ~]# oakcli delete database  -db testdb
INFO: 2020-01-21 10:07:40: Look at the log file '/opt/oracle/oak/log/oda0/tools/'
for more details
Please enter the 'root'  password :
Please re-enter the 'root' password:

Please enter the 'SYS'  password :
Please re-enter the 'SYS' password:

All the storage volumes created for the database 'testdb' will be deleted. Do you want to continue [Y|N]:Y
INFO: 2020-01-21 10:09:17: Deleting the database testdb. It will take few minutes. Please wait...
INFO: 2020-01-21 10:09:21: Setting up SSH
SUCCESS: Ran /usr/bin/rsync -tarqvz /opt/oracle/oak/onecmd/ root@ --exclude=*zip --exclud
e=*gz --exclude=*log --exclude=*trc --exclude=*rpm and it returned: RC=0
SUCCESS: All nodes in /opt/oracle/oak/onecmd/tmp/db_nodes are pingable and alive.
INFO: 2020-01-21 10:10:23: SSH has been successfully established
INFO: 2020-01-21 10:12:42: Successfully deleted the database 'testdb'

[root@oda0 ~]#

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