
1. types

1.1 Primitive Types

Types for literal values are lowercase.

// @flow
function method(x: number, y: string, z: boolean) {
  // ...

method(3.14, "hello", true);

Types for the wrapper objects are capitalized (the same as their constructor).

// @flow
function method(x: Number, y: String, z: Boolean) {
  // ...

method(new Number(42), new String("world"), new Boolean(false));


// @flow
function acceptString(value: string) {

acceptString('str' + 'foo')         // works
acceptString('str' + 42)            // works
acceptString('str' + {})            // error
acceptString('str' + [])            // error

acceptString('str' + {}.toString()) // works
acceptString('str' + String([]))    // works


Flow treats these as separate types: null and void (for undefined).

// @flow
function acceptsUndefined(value: void) {
  /* ... */
acceptsUndefined(undefined)         // works

Function parameters with defaults

// @flow
function acceptsOptionalString(value: string = "foo") {
  // ...

acceptsOptionalString("bar");     // Works!
acceptsOptionalString(undefined); // Works!
acceptsOptionalString(null);      // Error!
acceptsOptionalString();          // Works!
1.2 Literal Types
// @flow
// string
function getColor(name: "success" | "warning" | "danger") {
  switch (name) {
    case "success" : return "green";
    case "warning" : return "yellow";
    case "danger"  : return "red";

getColor("success"); // Works!
getColor("danger");  // Works!
// $ExpectError
getColor("error");   // Error!

// number
function acceptsTwo(value: 2) {
  // ...

acceptsTwo(2);   // Works!
// $ExpectError
acceptsTwo(3);   // Error!
// $ExpectError
acceptsTwo("2"); // Error!
1.3 Mixed Types
function stringifyBasicValue(value: string | number | boolean) {
  return '' + value;

When you try to use a value of a mixed type you must first figure out what the actual type is or you’ll end up with an error.

// @flow
function stringify(value: mixed) {
  // $ExpectError
  return "" + value; 

// Error! This type cannot be used in an addition
// because it is unkonwn whether it behaves like a number or a string

// @flow
function stringify(value: mixed) {
  if (typeof value === 'string') {
    return "" + value; // Works!
  } else {
    return "";

stringify("foo");       // works
1.4 Any Types
// @flow
function fn(obj: any) /* (:number) */ {
  let foo: number = obj.foo;
  let bar /* (:number) */ = foo * 2;
  return bar;

let bar /* (:number) */ = fn({ foo: 2 });
let baz /* (:string) */ = "baz:" + bar;
1.5 Maybe Types
// @flow
function acceptsMaybeNumber(value: ?number) {
  if (value !== null && value !== undefined) {
    return value * 2;

function acceptsMaybeNumber(value: ?number) {
  if (value != null) {
    return value * 2;

function acceptsMaybeNumber(value: ?number) {
  if (typeof value === 'number') {
    return value * 2;
1.6 Function Types
function method(str, bool, ...nums) {
  // ...

function method(str: string, bool?: boolean, ...nums: Array<number>): void {
  // ...

// Arrow Functions
let method = (str: string, bool?: boolean, ...nums: Array<number>): void => {
  // ...

Function Types

(str: string, bool?: boolean, ...nums: Array<number>) => void
// You may also optionally leave out the parameter names
(string, boolean | void, Array<number>) => void
// You might use these functions types for something like a callback
function method(callback: (error: Error | null, value: string | null) => void) {
    // ...

Rest Parameters

function method(...args: Array<number>) {
    // ...

Function Returns

function method(): number {
  // ...

Return types ensure that every branch of your function returns the same type. This prevents you from accidentally not returning a value under certain conditions.

// @flow
// $ExpectError
function method(): boolean {
  if (Math.random() > 0.5) {
    return true;
1.7 Object Types

Accessing a property that doesn’t exist evaluates to undefined.If an Object sometimes donesn’t have a property,use optional object type.

// @ flow
var obj: { foo?: boolean } = {}
obj.foo = true          // works

Sealed objects

// @flow
var obj = {
  foo: 1,
  bar: true,
  baz: 'three'

var foo: number  = obj.foo; // Works!
var bar: boolean = obj.bar; // Works!
// $ExpectError
var baz: null    = obj.baz; // Error!
var bat: string  = obj.bat; // Error!
// @flow
var obj = {
  foo: 1

// $ExpectError
obj.bar = true;    // Error!
// $ExpectError
obj.baz = 'three'; // Error!

Unsealed objects

// @flow
var obj = {};

obj.foo = 1;       // Works!
obj.bar = true;    // Works!
obj.baz = 'three'; // Works!

var obj = {};
obj.foo = 42;
var num: number = obj.foo;

Exact object types

function foo(onj:{| foo: string, bar: number |}) {
  // ...
foo({foo: 'str', bar: 1})           // works
foo({foo: 'str', bar: 1, baz: 2})   // error
1.8 Type Aliases
// @flow
type MyObject = {
  foo: number,
  bar: boolean,
  baz: string,

These type aliases can be used anywhere a type can be used

var val: MyObject = { / *... * / }
function method(params: MyObject) = { / *... * / }
class Foo { constructor(val: MyObject) { / *... * / } }
1.9 Interface Types
// @flow
class Foo {
  serialize() { return '[Foo]'; }

class Bar {
  serialize() { return '[Bar]'; }

// $ExpectError
const foo: Foo = new Bar(); // Error!

Instead, you can use interface in order to declare the structure of the class that you are expecting

interface Serializable {
    serizalize(): string

class Foo {
  serialize() { return '[Foo]'; }

class Bar {
  serialize() { return '[Bar]'; }

const foo: Serializable = new Foo(); // Works!
const bar: Serializable = new Bar(); // Works!


You can also use implements to tell Flow that you want the class to match an interface. This prevents you from making incompatible changes when editing the class.

// @flow
interface Serializable {
  serialize(): string;

class Foo implements Serializable {
  serialize() { return '[Foo]'; } // Works!

class Bar implements Serializable {
  // $ExpectError
  serialize() { return 42; } // Error!

Interface property variance

// @flow
// + read-only
interface Invariant {  property: number | string; }
interface Covariant { +readOnly: number | string; }

function method1(value: Invariant) {
  value.property;        // Works!
  value.property = 3.14; // Works!

function method2(value: Covariant) {
  value.readOnly;        // Works!
  // $ExpectError
  value.readOnly = 3.14; // Error!

// - write-only
interface Invariant     {  property: number; }
interface Contravariant { -writeOnly: number; }

var numberOrString = Math.random() > 0.5 ? 42 : 'forty-two';

// $ExpectError
var value1: Invariant     = { property: numberOrString };  // Error!
var value2: Contravariant = { writeOnly: numberOrString }; // Works!
1.10 Union Types
type Numbers = 1 | 2;
type Colors = 'red' | 'blue'

type Fish = Numbers | Colors;

Disjoint Unions

// @flow
// Trying to combine these two separate types into a single one will only cause us trouble
type Response = {
  success: boolean,
  value?: boolean,
  error?: string

function handleResponse(response: Response) {
  if (response.success) {
    // $ExpectError
    var value: boolean = response.value; // Error!
  } else {
    // $ExpectError
    var error: string = response.error; // Error!

Instead, if we create a union type of both object types, Flow will be able to know which object we’re using based on the success property.

// create a union type of both object types
type Success = { success: true, value: boolean };
type Failed  = { success: false, error: string };

type Response = Success | Failed;

function handleResponse(response: Response) {
  if (response.success) {
    var value: boolean = response.value; // Works!
  } else {
    var error: string = response.error; // Works!

Disjoint unions with exact types

You cannot distinguish two different objects by different properties.

// @flow
type Success = { success: true, value: boolean };
type Failed  = { error: true, message: string };

function handleResponse(response:  Success | Failed) {
  if (response.success) {
    // $ExpectError
    var value: boolean = response.value; // Error! property 'value' not found in object type

Flow checks not beyond judgement, so it’s result is no connection with if.

However, to get around this you could use exact object types.

// @flow
type Success = {| success: true, value: boolean |};
type Failed  = {| error: true, message: string |};

type Response = Success | Failed;

function handleResponse(response: Response) {
  if (response.success) {
    var value: boolean = response.value;
  } else {
    var message: string = response.message;

With exact object types, we cannot have additional properties, so the objects conflict with one another and we are able to distinguish which is which.

1.11 Typeof Types
// @flow
let num1 = 42;
let num2: typeof num1 = 3.14;     // Works!
// $ExpectError
let num3: typeof num1 = 'world';  // Error!

let bool1 = true;
let bool2: typeof bool1 = false;  // Works!
// $ExpectError
let bool3: typeof bool1 = 42;     // Error!

let str1 = 'hello';
let str2: typeof str1 = 'world'; // Works!
// $ExpectError
let str3: typeof str1 = false;   // Error!

let obj1 = { foo: 1, bar: true, baz: 'three' };
let obj2: typeof obj1 = { foo: 42, bar: false, baz: 'hello' };

let arr1 = [1, 2, 3];
let arr2: typeof arr1 = [3, 2, 1];


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  • 非常有帮助




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