how to debug EXC_BAD_ACCESS on iPhone



how to debug EXC_BAD_ACCESS on iPhone

EXC_BAD_ACCESS. Debugging this one is on par with figuring out why the wife says “not tonight, honey.” And they are equally unfortunate situations.

Let’s see what we can do about EXC_BAD_ACCESS.

EXC_BAD_ACCESS happens when a message is sent to an object that has already been released. By the time the error is caught, the call stack is usually gone especially if dealing with multiple threads.

How nice would it be to keep a dummy around after the object is released that could stop execution, tell us what message was sent and show us the call stack… well, there’s a way to do just that.

If you set the NSZombiEnabled environment variable, the Objective C runtime will leave a dummy object behind for every deallocated object. When the zombie object is called, execution stops and you can see the message that was sent to the object and the call stack that tells you where the message came from (it doesn’t tell you where you over released the object, but knowing where the object is called from should get you pretty close to the problem.)

To set this variable, go to the info panel of the executable in xcode, and create a new environment variable in the arguments tab by clicking the plus sign in the lower left corner of the window. Name the variable NSZombieEnabled, type YES for the value and make sure that the checkbox is selected.

set NSZombieEnabled variable

set NSZombieEnabled variable

Go ahead and run your program now (in debug mode, because you need the stack information.) When the over released object is accessed, you get an error message similar to this (xcode debug view):

2009-03-30 02:30:36.172 ninjaJumper[3997:20b] *** -[GameLayer retain]: message sent
to deallocated instance 0x59bf670

This shows the class of the object (GameLayer) and the message sent (retain).

Let’s take a look at the stack now:


call stack

The methods printed in bold are in your code, the others are in some other API. Here you can see that the object was accessed from [Director touchesBegan:withEvent], where an array was copied (most likely the over released object was in the array.)

This information should get you pretty close to the problem.

Once the problem is fixed, make sure that the NSZombieEnabled variable is disabled. You don’t need to delete it, but make sure that the checkbox is unchecked:

NSZombie disabled

NSZombie disabled

Now about the wife. Good luck there. Try a box of chocolate or load the dishwasher for a couple days.

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iOS中的exc_bad_access通常是由于访问了无效的内存地址而触发的错误。要解决这个问题,我们可以遵循以下几个步骤: 1. 检查Crash日志:首先,我们应该查看Crash日志以了解问题的具体原因。Crash日志将显示出错的位置以及相关的堆栈信息,这有助于我们确定问题的根源。 2. 使用断点:如果我们知道大概出错的位置,可以在代码中设置断点来逐步调试。这样,我们可以在错误出现前暂停应用程序的执行,从而更好地分析错误。 3. 检查空指针:空指针访问是常见的exc_bad_access错误。我们应该检查代码中的指针变量是否为空并确保在使用前进行了正确的初始化。 4. 检查内存释放:内存管理是另一个常见的exc_bad_access错误的原因。我们需要确保在释放内存之后不再访问已释放的内存。可以使用工具如Instruments来检测内存泄漏和野指针。 5. 使用ARC(自动引用计数):如果我们的应用程序使用了手动管理内存,那么我们应该考虑迁移到ARC来减少内存管理错误的发生。ARC会自动处理内存释放,从而降低了内存相关的问题。 6. 避免循环引用:循环引用也可能导致exc_bad_access错误。我们应该小心使用强引用和弱引用,以避免循环引用的产生。 7. 更新代码库和依赖项:如果我们使用的是第三方库或依赖项,那么我们应该确保它们是最新的版本并且与我们应用程序的其他部分兼容。有时,exc_bad_access错误可能是由于库或依赖项的错误导致的。 总之,解决exc_bad_access错误需要仔细检查代码和内存管理,并根据具体情况进行调试和修复。通过遵循上述步骤,我们可以更好地理解问题并找到适当的解决方案。


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