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原创 晨读活动第二天第三天sean

hello, everybody, come here, gather together, 小伙伴们集合啦。大家现在感觉怎样,有没有内心很激动的,我们即将开始我们新一轮的英语之旅啦。今天早上, 我给大家准备了一个神秘的活动,这个活动呢叫做freetalk,意思就是跟别人用英语聊天。聊什么,我今天给大家准备了两个话题,第一个呢是自我介绍,介绍你的名字,姓名;爱好、家乡、专业、优点还有其它你任何感兴趣...

2019-11-13 00:49:23 151

原创 10/21

10月21日周一(今天是第一天执行)6:00起床6:00-6:15洗漱6:15-6:25 俯卧撑30个(楼梯完成)6:30-6:40 练声炼器(楼梯完成)6:40-7:00吃早餐(奶粉+面包,吃完要洗杯子)(回宿舍)7:00-8:00 练习昨日Ted8:10-10:00练习考核文本(宿舍)10:00-10:20闭目养神10:20-11:00打完昨晚Ted剩余文本11:00-11...

2019-10-21 01:28:17 215

原创 英语晨读

要点:够嗨打招呼,签到,发教材Hello, are you here for learning oral English?what’s your name?ok, sign your name here.this is your book.集合,开始晨读,最晚不超过3分钟开始准备上课啦, 大家过来集合一下,好, 大家围成一个圈。玩游戏(猪狗人)惩罚是英文自我介绍...

2019-09-18 01:33:46 532

原创 电影和电视

turn on the TV打开电视turn the TV ongive me the remote please. 把遥控器给我remote controllerhand the remote to me please.pass the remote to me please.No problem.what’s on TV? what’s on today? 电视上有什么节目w...

2019-09-14 16:29:48 504

原创 不要你觉得,我要我觉得

My way or the highway. 听我的,我说了算I’m here to create the best musicians in the world, so in this room, it’s my way or the highway!have the final say. 最终决定权As the editor in chief, I have the final say...

2019-09-14 14:08:02 144

原创 roof

roof[ruf]N-COUNT The roof of a building is the covering on top of it that protects the people and things inside from the weather. 屋顶N-COUNT The roof of a car or other vehicle is the top part of it,...

2019-09-14 01:56:28 279

原创 月饼

Happy mid-autumn festival.what kind of moon cake do you like?five kernel 五仁red bean paste 红豆jujube paste 枣泥lotus seed paste 莲蓉yolks from salted duck eggs 咸黄蛋flaky crust 酥皮snow skin 冰皮kernel:...

2019-09-14 01:50:33 265

原创 饿晕啦

starving to deathI’m tired and hungry. 又饿又累let’s go grab some food and take a nap.take a napN-COUNT If you take or have a nap, you have a short sleep, usually during the day. (通常指白天的) 小睡例:I mi...

2019-09-13 16:24:35 350

原创 在家做饭

cooking at homelet’s make a vegetable salad 蔬菜沙拉l‘m making fried chicken for you. 炸鸡I’m preparing some fried chicken for you.be careful with the hot oil 小心热油be cautious with the hot o...

2019-09-13 15:03:39 525

原创 高级班pre

7/16 relationshiptoday I wanna share something about relationship. when it comes down to how to build a good or healthy relationship. I think, some of our friendship may deepen,while others might fad...

2019-09-13 13:16:57 1450

原创 点外卖

- order in /order sth delivery 点外卖I am so hungry, shall we order in?我好饿,咱们可以叫外卖吗?I ordered hamburger delivery for lunch yesterday.我昨天午餐外卖叫了汉堡- delivery boy 外卖小哥I started working for Meituan as ...

2019-09-13 03:21:48 16833

原创 采购食材

there’s nothing in the fridge.fridge is empty.we are out of food 我们没有食物了we have no more food leftwe run out of foodwe really need to do some shoppingwe need to get some stuff from the storei f...

2019-09-13 03:16:16 297

原创 饮食习惯

eating habitsi don’t eat breakfast/ i never eat in the morningi love pizzai live for pizzapizza is the greatesti don’t have much of sweet tooth. 我不是很喜欢甜食i’m not into sweet.i don’t really like ...

2019-09-13 02:18:09 317

原创 回家睡觉

go home and go to bedI can’t find the keymy key is missingi lost my keyhave you seen my keyhoney, i’m homeyou’re home, you’re back, welcome home, welcome backit makes me feel good to see my fa...

2019-09-13 01:25:55 203

原创 洗衣

do the laundryI’d like to have these things dry-cleaned.When things such as clothes are dry-cleaned, they are cleaned with a liquid chemical rather than with water. 干洗these need to be launder. 洗熨...

2019-09-12 14:53:31 240

原创 做家务

what a mess. 好乱呀this is a pigsty. 这像个猪窝一样A pigsty is an enclosed place where pigs are kept on a farm. 猪舍this place is dirty.it’s so dusty everywhere. 到处都是灰尘the floor need to be swept. 地需要扫了p...

2019-09-12 02:28:30 343

原创 洗漱穿衣

what should I wear?what kind of clothes should I wear?what kind of outfit should i wear?I’ll wear my blue dress.(for the party tonight)wow, it’s really a nice dress, where did you get it?the col...

2019-09-12 01:49:00 241

原创 起床起居

time to get uptime to get up nowIt’s time to rise and shine 起床wake upIf something such as an activity wakes you up, it makes you more alert and ready to do things after you have been lazy or inac...

2019-09-12 00:59:50 198


第一季第一集humpn. (平面上的) 大隆起物; (尤指) 土墩,丘,冈; (某些动物的) 峰; (尤指) 驼峰; (人的) 驼背;v. 背负(重物); 与(某人)性交;have a hump 驼背hairpiece 假发chalk 粉笔cafeteria 常表示学校或医院里的食堂、饭堂、员工食堂等。buffet 自助餐intestine 小肠aura 气氛,气质...

2019-09-05 11:28:49 707

原创 python语法基础知识(文件I/O,条件,循环语句)

学习预备推荐书籍:python cookbooklearn python the hard wayGoogle’s Python Class简明python教程Python2.x逐渐减少使用,2020年停止使用,2008年出现python3.x,2015年已经更新到3.52.x的倒计时:https://pythonclock.orgpython2.x与3.x的区别:语句函数...

2019-07-09 23:46:52 184

原创 python模块

模块介绍在python中,一个 集合代码的**.py** 文件就称之为一个模块,提高了代码的可维护性。在编写程序的时候也常引用其它模块,包括内置和第三方的模块。编写模块的时候,要尽量不与内置函数名冲突,也不与系统模块名相同,可以利用import方式验证系统是否存在这样名称的模块,但不必考虑名字会与其它模块冲突,因为相同的函数名和变量名可以存在不同的模块中。 如果模块名也相同的话,pyth...

2019-07-09 23:43:05 79

原创 python高阶函数

高阶函数介绍Higher-order function变量可以指向函数函数名又可以是变量def hello(): print("hello world!")f=helloprint(f)abs=10print(abs)"""<function hello at 0x0000023168ED9D08>10"""由函数与变量的相互关系知道,可以把...

2019-07-06 13:17:34 401

原创 python函数基础

如何定义函数def开头,后接函数名称和圆括号()圆括号内定义参数函数内容以冒号:起始,并且缩进return[表达式]结束函数,否则返回Nonedef hello(): print("hello world!")函数调用def hello(str): print("hello {}!".format(str))hello("world")# hello world!...

2019-07-04 14:48:53 98

原创 Pandas

Pandas介绍Python长期以来一直非常适合数据整理和准备,但对于数据分析和建模则不那么重要。pandas有助于填补这一空白,使您能够在Python中执行整个数据分析工作流程,而无需切换到更像域的特定语言,如R. pandas是一个Python包,提供快速,灵活和富有表现力的数据结构创建对象导入包:import numpy as npimport pandas as pd创建...

2019-07-03 19:56:15 231

原创 numpy.random

numpy.random.rand()创建一个给定形状的数组,并从 均匀分布 中随机抽取样本填充它np.random.rand(3,2)array([[0.54887862, 0.62125514], [0.62492682, 0.50809533], [0.85793152, 0.00734253]])numpy.random.randn()从“标准...

2019-07-03 19:44:53 273

转载 Java继承

继承概念继承是java面向对象编程技术的一块基石,因为它允许创建分等级层次的类。继承就是子类继承父类的特征和行为,使得子类对象(实例)具有父类的实例域和方法,或子类从父类继承方法,使得子类具有父类相同的行为。类的继承格式class 父类 {}lass 子类 extends 父类 {}为什么继承(复用代码)企鹅:属性(姓名,id),方法(吃,睡,自我介绍)企鹅:属性(姓名...

2019-07-03 03:00:56 164

转载 numpy

介绍NumPy(Numerical Python) 是 Python 语言的一个扩展程序库,支持大量的维度数组与矩阵运算,此外也针对数组运算提供大量的数学函数库。数组对象Ndarray是一系列 同类型数据 的集合,以 0 下标为开始 进行集合中元素的索引,是用于存放同类型元素的 多维数组创建数组创建一个 ndarray 只需调用 NumPy 的 array 函数即可:numpy...

2019-07-03 03:00:20 306

转载 python数据分析与挖掘

学习信息千锋教育【2019python】数据分析与人工智能全套联系:路锋坤——18513106743matlab科学计算语言,个人可以使用破解版,但是类似学校,公司等一些机构就不行了,会有追踪。**pip install jupyter****jupyter notebook(cmd不能关闭掉)****环境变量上下移**(anaconda与自装python顺序,anaconda安装完...

2019-07-02 15:37:21 1312



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