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原创 1053 Path of Equal Weight (30 分)

 Given a non-empty tree with root R, and with weight W​i​​ assigned to each tree node T​i​​. The weight of a path from R to L is defined to be the sum of the weights of all the nodes along the path ...

2018-09-15 11:15:59 147

原创 1004 Counting Leaves (30 分)

 A family hierarchy is usually presented by a pedigree tree. Your job is to count those family members who have no child.Input Specification:Each input file contains one test case. Each case sta...

2018-09-15 11:15:24 870

原创 1106 Lowest Price in Supply Chain (25 分)

 A supply chain is a network of retailers(零售商), distributors(经销商), and suppliers(供应商)-- everyone involved in moving a product from supplier to customer.Starting from one root supplier, everyone on...

2018-09-15 11:13:12 105

原创 1094 The Largest Generation (25 分)

 A family hierarchy is usually presented by a pedigree tree where all the nodes on the same level belong to the same generation. Your task is to find the generation with the largest population.Inp...

2018-09-15 11:12:21 117

原创 1090 Highest Price in Supply Chain (25 分)

 A supply chain is a network of retailers(零售商), distributors(经销商), and suppliers(供应商)-- everyone involved in moving a product from supplier to customer.Starting from one root supplier, everyone on...

2018-09-15 11:11:44 156

原创 1079 Total Sales of Supply Chain (25 分)

 A supply chain is a network of retailers(零售商), distributors(经销商), and suppliers(供应商)-- everyone involved in moving a product from supplier to customer.Starting from one root supplier, everyone on...

2018-09-15 11:11:04 238

原创 1102 Invert a Binary Tree (25 分)

 The following is from Max Howell @twitter:Google: 90% of our engineers use the software you wrote (Homebrew), but you can't invert a binary tree on a whiteboard so fuck off.Now it's your turn...

2018-09-15 11:10:18 108

原创 1086 Tree Traversals Again (25 分)

 An inorder binary tree traversal can be implemented in a non-recursive way with a stack. For example, suppose that when a 6-node binary tree (with the keys numbered from 1 to 6) is traversed, the s...

2018-09-15 11:09:12 150

原创 1020 Tree Traversals (25 分)

 Suppose that all the keys in a binary tree are distinct positive integers. Given the postorder and inorder traversal sequences, you are supposed to output the level order traversal sequence of the ...

2018-09-15 11:08:15 433

原创 网易云发送短信验证码java实现

首先,登陆网易云信注册账号然后获取自己的App Key与App Secret,这里就不多说了,可以自行百度。然后进入如下界面https://www.163yun.com/help/documents/33716973365022720#API%E8%B0%83%E7%94%A8%E8%AF%B4%E6%98%8E在服务端API中我们可以很容易的找到这段代码,这是用来加密用的(关于如何加密也...

2018-09-13 13:40:36 2238

原创 1077 互评成绩计算(20 分)

 在浙大的计算机专业课中,经常有互评分组报告这个环节。一个组上台介绍自己的工作,其他组在台下为其表现评分。最后这个组的互评成绩是这样计算的:所有其他组的评分中,去掉一个最高分和一个最低分,剩下的分数取平均分记为 G​1​​;老师给这个组的评分记为 G​2​​。该组得分为 (G​1​​+G​2​​)/2,最后结果四舍五入后保留整数分。本题就要求你写个程序帮助老师计算每个组的互评成绩。输入格式...

2018-09-06 11:45:09 201

原创 1058 选择题(20 分)

 批改多选题是比较麻烦的事情,本题就请你写个程序帮助老师批改多选题,并且指出哪道题错的人最多。输入格式:输入在第一行给出两个正整数 N(≤ 1000)和 M(≤ 100),分别是学生人数和多选题的个数。随后 M 行,每行顺次给出一道题的满分值(不超过 5 的正整数)、选项个数(不少于 2 且不超过 5 的正整数)、正确选项个数(不超过选项个数的正整数)、所有正确选项。注意每题的选项从小...

2018-09-06 11:34:06 955

原创 1073 多选题常见计分法(20 分)

 批改多选题是比较麻烦的事情,有很多不同的计分方法。有一种最常见的计分方法是:如果考生选择了部分正确选项,并且没有选择任何错误选项,则得到 50% 分数;如果考生选择了任何一个错误的选项,则不能得分。本题就请你写个程序帮助老师批改多选题,并且指出哪道题的哪个选项错的人最多。输入格式:输入在第一行给出两个正整数 N(≤1000)和 M(≤100),分别是学生人数和多选题的个数。随后 M ...

2018-09-06 11:31:01 720

原创 1069 微博转发抽奖(20 分)

 小明 PAT 考了满分,高兴之余决定发起微博转发抽奖活动,从转发的网友中按顺序每隔 N 个人就发出一个红包。请你编写程序帮助他确定中奖名单。输入格式:输入第一行给出三个正整数 M(≤ 1000)、N 和 S,分别是转发的总量、小明决定的中奖间隔、以及第一位中奖者的序号(编号从 1 开始)。随后 M 行,顺序给出转发微博的网友的昵称(不超过 20 个字符、不包含空格回车的非空字符串)。...

2018-09-06 11:21:00 179

原创 易宝支付(Java实现)


2018-09-04 21:33:42 2660 3

原创 京东登陆界面(静态)

ps:模仿的京东的登陆界面,但只是个静态的,还没有怎么熟练运用javascript的知识,代码如下<!DOCTYPE html><html> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <title>京东-欢迎登录</title> <link rel="ic

2018-09-01 14:17:25 4688



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