


7.1 FunSpec


import org.scalatest.matchers.ShouldMatchers
import org.scalatest.{Tag, GivenWhenThen, FunSpec}

class AlbumSpecAll extends FunSpec with Matchers with GivenWhenThen {
    describe("An Album") {
        it("can add an Artist to the album at construction time", Tag("construction")) {
            Given("The album Thriller by Michael Jackson")
            val album = new Album("Thriller", 1981, new Artist("Michael", "Jackson"))

            When("the artist of the album is obtained")
            artist = album.artist

            then("the artist should be an instance of Artist")
            artist.isInstanceOf[Artist] should be(true)

            and("the artist's first name and last name should be Michael Jackson")
            artist.firstName should be("Michael")
            artist.lastName should be("Jackson")
            info("This is still pending, since there may be more to accomplish in this test")

        ignore("can add a Producer to an album at construction time") {
            //TODO: Add some logic to add a producer.


[info] AlbumSpecAll:
[info] An Album
[info] - can add an Artist to the album at construction time (pending)
+ Given The album Thriller by Michael Jackson
+ When Artist of the album is obtained
+ Then the Artist should be an instance of Artist
+ And the artist's first name and last name should be Michael Jackson
+ This is still pending, since there may be more to accomplish in this
[info] - can add a Producer to an album at construction time !!! IGNORED !!!
[info] Passed: : Total 2, Failed 0, Errors 0, Passed 0, Skipped 2


也可以只执行有某个标记的测试: 只有标记为construction的测试才会被执行。

test-only AlbumSpecAll -- -n construction
[info] AlbumSpecAll:
[info] An Album
[info] - can add an Artist to the album at construction time (pending)
[info]   + Given The album Thriller by Michael Jackson
[info]   + When Artist of the album is obtained
[info]   + Then the Artist should be an instance of Artist
[info]   + And the artist's first name and last name should be Michael Jackson
[info]   + This is still pending, since there may be more to accomplish in this test
[info] Passed: : Total 1, Failed 0, Errors 0, Passed 0, Skipped 1
7.2 WordSpec


class Act
class Album(val title: String, val year: Int, val acts: Act*)
class Band(name: String, members: List[Artist]) extends Act


import org.scalatest.{Matchers, WordSpec}

class AlbumWordSpec extends WordSpec with Matchers {
  "An Album" when {
    "created" should {
      "accept the title, the year, and a Band as a parameter, and be able to read those parameters back" in {
        new Album("Hotel California", 1997,
          new Band("The Eagles", List(new Artist("Don", "Henley"),
            new Artist("Glenn", "Frey"),
            new Artist("Joe", "Walsh"),
            new Artist("Randy", "Meisner"),
            new Artist("Don", "Felder"))))


[info] AlbumWordSpec:
[info] An Album
[info]   when created
[info]   - should accept the title, the year, and a Band as a parameter, and be able to read those parameters back
[info] Run completed in 170 milliseconds.
[info] Total number of tests run: 1
[info] Suites: completed 1, aborted 0
[info] Tests: succeeded 1, failed 0, canceled 0, ignored 0, pending 0
[info] All tests passed.
[success] Total time: 0 s, completed May 20, 2015 7:39:45 AM


import org.scalatest.{Matchers, WordSpec}

class A extends WordSpec with Matchers {
  "一些描述" when {
    "一些描述" should {
      "一些描述" in {
        // 其它代码


import org.scalatest.{ShouldMatchers, WordSpec}

class AlbumWordSpec extends WordSpec with ShouldMatchers {

  "An Album" when {
    "created" should {
      "accept the title, the year, and a Band as a parameter, and be able to read those parameters back" in {
        new Album("Hotel California", 1997,
          new Band("The Eagles", List(new Artist("Don", "Henley"),
            new Artist("Glenn", "Frey"),
            new Artist("Joe", "Walsh"),
            new Artist("Randy", "Meisner"),
            new Artist("Don", "Felder"))))

  "lack of parameters" should {
    "throw an IllegalArgumentException if there are no acts when created" in {
      intercept[IllegalArgumentException] {
        new Album("The Joy of Listening to Nothing", 2000)



[info] AlbumWordSpec:
[info] An Album
[info]   when created
[info]   - should accept the title, the year, and a Band as a parameter, and be able to read those parameters back
[info] lack of parameters
[info] - should throw an IllegalArgumentException if there are no acts when created
[info] Run completed in 173 milliseconds.
[info] Total number of tests run: 2
[info] Suites: completed 1, aborted 0
[info] Tests: succeeded 2, failed 0, canceled 0, ignored 0, pending 0
[info] All tests passed.
[success] Total time: 0 s, completed May 20, 2015 7:49:07 AM


7.3 FeatureSpec


import org.scalatest.Matchers
import org.scalatest.FeatureSpec

class AlbumFeatureSpec extends FeatureSpec with Matchers {
    feature("An album's default constructor should support a parameter that acceptsOption(List(Tracks)) ") { ... }

    feature("An album should have an addTrack method that takes a track and returns an immutable copy of the Album with the added track") { ... }



class Track(name: String)
class Album (val title:String, val year:Int, val tracks:Option[List[Track]], val acts:Act*) {
    require(acts.size > 0)

    def this(title:String, year:Int, acts:Act*) = this (title, year, None, acts:_*)


  • 构造Album时提供一个长度为3的List[Track]
  • 构造Album时提供一个空List
  • 构造Album时提供一个null


class AlbumFeatureSpec extends FeatureSpec with Matchers {
    feature("An album's default constructor should support a parameter that accepts Option(List(Tracks))") {
        scenario ("Album's default constructor is given a list of the 3 tracks exactly for the tracks parameter") {pending}

	scenario ("Album's default constructor is given an empty List for the tracks parameter") {pending}

	scenario ("Album's default constructor is given null for the tracks parameter") {pending}

    feature("An album should have an addTrack method that takes a track and returns an immutable copy of the Album with the added track") { }


Album's default constructor is given a list of the 3 tracks exactly for the tracks parameter这个scenario中,我们加入如下代码:

val depecheModeCirca1990 = new Band("Depeche Mode", List(
  new Artist("Dave", "Gahan"),
  new Artist("Martin", "Gore"),
  new Artist("Andrew", "Fletcher"),
  new Artist("Alan", "Wilder")))

val blackCelebration = new Album("Black Celebration", 1990,
  Some(List(new Track("Black Celebration"),
    new Track("Fly on the Windscreen"),
    new Track("A Question of Lust"))), depecheModeCirca1990)

blackCelebration.tracks.get should have size (3)

接下来是Album's default constructor is given an empty List for the tracks parameter这个scenario

given("the band, the Doobie Brothers from 1973")

val theDoobieBrothersCirca1973 = new Band("The Doobie Brothers",
    new Artist("Tom", "Johnston"),
    new Artist("Patrick", "Simmons"),
    new Artist("Tiran", "Porter"),
    new Artist("Keith", "Knudsen"),
    new Artist("John", "Hartman"))

when("the album is instantiated with the title, the year, none tracks, and the Doobie Brothers")
val album = new Album("The Captain and Me", 1973, None, theDoobieBrothersCirca1973)

then("calling the albums's title, year, tracks, acts property should yield the same results")
album.title should be("The Captain and Me")
album.year should be(1973)
album.tracks should be(None)
album.acts(0) should be(theDoobieBrothersCirca1973)


[info] AlbumFeatureSpec:
[info] Feature: An album's default constructor should support a parameter that accepts Option(List(Tracks))
[info]   Scenario: Album's default constructor is given a list of the 3 tracks exactly for the tracks parameter
[info]   Scenario: Album's default constructor is given a None for the tracks parameter
[info]     Given the band, the Doobie Brothers from 1973 
[info]     When the album is instantiated with the title, the year, none tracks, and the Doobie Brothers 
[info]     Then calling the albums's title, year, tracks, acts property should yield the same results 
[info]   Scenario: Album's default constructor is given null for the tracks parameter (pending)
[info] Feature: An album should have an addTrack method that takes a track and returns an immutable copy of the Album with the added track
[info] Run completed in 177 milliseconds.
[info] Total number of tests run: 2
[info] Suites: completed 1, aborted 0
[info] Tests: succeeded 2, failed 0, canceled 0, ignored 0, pending 1
[info] All tests passed.
[success] Total time: 0 s, completed May 20, 2015 8:38:47 AM


7.4 FreeSpec


class JukeBox(val albums:Option[List[Album]]) {
    def readyToPlay = albums.isDefined


import org.scalatest.Matchers
import org.scalatest.FreeSpec

class JukeboxFreeSpec extends FreeSpec with Matchers {
  "given 3 albums" - {
    val badmotorfinger = new Album("Badmotorfinger", 1991, None, new Band("Soundgarden"))
    val thaDoggFather = new Album("The Dogg Father", 1996, None, new Artist("Snoop Doggy", "Dogg"))
    val satchmoAtPasadena = new Album("Satchmo At Pasadena", 1951, None, new Artist("Louis", "Armstrong"))

    "when a juke box is instantiated it should accept some albums" - {
      val jukebox = new JukeBox(Some(List(badmotorfinger, thaDoggFather, satchmoAtPasadena)))
      "then a jukebox's album catalog size should be 3" in {
        jukebox.albums.get should have size (3)

  "El constructor de Jukebox puedo aceptar la palabra clave de 'None'" - {
    val jukebox = new JukeBox(None)
    "y regresas 'None' cuando llamado" in {
      jukebox.albums should be(None)

从上面的例子中,可以看到FreeSpec的结构是很自由的。描述字符串加上一个-{ }的代码块,如果需要使用断言,则使用描述字符串加上in。在FreeSpec中,并不强制使用shouldwhen等内容。在FreeSpec中,使用如下形式的代码风格写测试:

import org.scalatest.Matchers
import org.scalatest.FreeSpec

class A extends FreeSpec with Matchers {
  "一些描述" - {
    // 一些代码
    "一些描述" in {
      // 断言
7.5 JUnitSuite


libraryDependencies += "junit" % "junit" % "4.12"


import org.scalatest.junit.JUnitSuite
import org.junit.{Test, Before}
import org.junit.Assert._

class ArtistJUnitSuite extends JUnitSuite {
    var artist:Artist = _

    def startUp() {
        artist = new Artist("Kenny", "Rogers")

    def addOneAlbumAndGetCopy() {
        val copyArtist = artist.addAlbum(new Album("Love will turn you around", 1982, artist))
        assertEquals(copyArtist.albums.size, 1)

    def addTwoAlbumsAndGetCopy() {
        val copyArtist = artist
            .addAlbum(new Album("Love will turn you around", 1982, artist))
            .addAlbum(new Album("We've got tonight", 1983, artist))
        assertEquals(copyArtist.albums.size, 2)

    def shutDown() {
	    this.artist = null




7.6 TestNGSuit


libraryDependencies += "org.testng" % "testng" % "6.8.21"


import org.scalatest.testng.TestNGSuite
import collection.mutable.ArrayBuilder
import org.testng.annotations.{Test, DataProvider}
import org.testng.Assert._

class ArtistTestNGSuite extends TestNGSuite {

    @DataProvider(name = "provider")
    def provideData = {
        val g = new ArrayBuilder.ofRef[Array[Object]]()
        g += (Array[Object]("Heart", 5.asInstanceOf[java.lang.Integer]))
        g += (Array[Object]("Jimmy Buffet", 12.asInstanceOf[java.lang.Integer]))

    @Test(dataProvider = "provider")
    def testTheStringLength(n1:String, n2:java.lang.Integer) {
        assertEquals(n1.length, n2)




@Test(dataProvider = "provider", groups=Array("word_count_analysis"))
    def testTheStringLength(n1:String, n2:java.lang.Integer) {
    assertEquals(n1.length, n2)


test-only ArtistTestNGSuite -- -n word_count_analysis






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