



JavaScript通过 Object.keys()获取对象的所有属性键值,而typescript主要关注的是类型操作,通过 keyof 操作符可以获取对象中的所有键类型组成的联合类型


type Person = {
  id: number;
  name: string;
  age: number;

type P1 = keyof Person; //'id' | 'name' | 'age'

keyof操作符得到的是Person类型的所有键值类型即 'id','name''age' 三个字面量类型组成的联合类型'id' | 'name' | 'age'



type P2 = Person[keyof Person];  // number | string
  1. Person['key']查询类型(Lookup Types), 可以获取到对应属性类型的类型;
  2. Person[keyof Person]本质上是执行 Person['id' | 'name' | 'age']
  3. 由于联合类型具有分布式的特性,Person['id' | 'name' | 'age'] 变成了 Person['id'] | Person['name'] | Person['age']
  4. 最后得到的结果就是 number | string.
type MyPick<T, K extends keyof T> = { [P in K]: T[P] };
type P3 = MyPick<Person, 'id' | 'age'>

  1. K extends keyof TK进行了约束,只能是'id','name','age'中的一个类型或者几个类型组成的联合类型;
  2. 如果没有这个约束,{ [P in K]: T[P] } 则会报错。
  • 给对象类型的所有属性加上readonly修饰符
type MyReadonly<T> = { readonly [P in keyof T]: T[P] };
type P4 = MyReadonly<Person>;  // { readonly id: number; readonly name: string; readonly age: number; }
  1. [P in keyof T]是对所有属性的键值类型进行遍历,案例中得到的P 分别是'id','name''age';
  2. T[P]是查询类型,上面介绍过了,Person['id'] 的结果是numberPerson['name'] 的结果是stringPerson['age'] 的结果是number
  3. 将每个属性类型添加readonly修饰符,最后的结果就是 { readonly id: number; readonly name: string; readonly age: number; }
  • 去掉对象类型的某些属性


type MyOmit<T, K> = { [P in keyof T as P extends K ? never : P]: T[P] };
type P5 = MyOmit<Person, 'id' | 'name'> // {age: number;}

代码中的as P extends K ? never : P这部分代码叫做重映射 ,因为我们不一定需要的是P,有些情况下需要对P进行一些转换;案例中K 中包含的P键值类型则通过never忽略了,相反则保留。所以最后的结果是{age: number;}

  • 给对象类型添加新的属性
type AppendToObject<T, U extends keyof any, V> = {[P in keyof T | U]: P extends keyof T ? T[P] : V}
type P6 = AppendToObject<Person, 'address', string> // { address: string; id: number; name: string; age: number; }
  • 两个对象类型合并成一个新的类型
type Merge<F extends Record<string, any>, S extends Record<string, any>> = {
  [P in keyof F | keyof S]: P extends keyof S ? S[P] : P extends keyof F ? F[P] : never;

type Skill = {
  run: () => void;

type P7 = Merge<Person, Skill>; // { id: number; name: string; age: number; run: () => void; }

案例中P extends keyof S ? X : Y 的部分叫做 条件类型(后面也会单独介绍)。代码中的含义就是如果 PF的属性类型,则取F[P],如果PS的属性类型,则取S[P]



type _DeepPartial<T> = { [K in keyof T]?: _DeepPartial<T[K]> }
type Diff<T extends Record<string, any>, U extends Record<string, any>> = {
  [P in keyof U | keyof T as P extends keyof U
    ? P extends keyof T
      ? never
      : P
    : P extends keyof T
    ? P
    : never]: P extends keyof U ? U[P] : P extends keyof T ? T[P] : never;


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The Handbook of Financial Modeling: A Practical Approach to Creating and Implementing Valuation Projection Models The ability to create and understand financial models that assess the valuation of a company, the projects it undertakes, and its future earnings/profit projections is one of the most valued skills in corporate finance. However, while many business professionals are familiar with financial statements and accounting reports, few are truly proficient at building an accurate and effective financial model from the ground up. That's why, in The Financial Modeling Handbook, Jack Avon equips financial professionals with all the tools they need to precisely and effectively monitor a company's assets and project its future performance. Based on the author's extensive experience building models in business and finance—and teaching others to do the same—The Handbook of Financial Modeling takes readers step by step through the financial modeling process, starting with a general overview of the history and evolution of financial modeling. It then moves on to more technical topics, such as the principles of financial modeling and the proper way to approach a financial modeling assignment, before covering key application areas for modeling in Microsoft Excel. Designed for intermediate and advanced modelers who wish to expand and enhance their knowledge, The Handbook of Financial Modeling also covers: The accounting and finance concepts that underpin working financial models; How to approach financial issues and solutions from a modeler's perspective; The importance of thinking about end users when developing a financial model; How to plan, design, and build a fully functional financial model; And more. A nuts-to-bolts guide to solving common financial problems with spreadsheets, The Handbook of Financial Modeling is a one-stop resource for anyone who needs to build or analyze financial models. What you’ll learn Key financial modeling principles, including best practices, principles around calculations, and the importance of producing clean, clear financial models How to design and implement a projection model that allows the user to change inputs quickly for sensitivity testing The proper way to approach a financial modeling assignment, from project planning all the way through to the documentation of the model's findings and effectiveness How to model in Microsoft Excel, including how to set up an Excel environment, how to format worksheets, and the correct application of various modeling formulae The skills and knowledge they need to become more proficient financial modelers and differentiate themselves from their professional competitors. Who this book is for Written in a clear, concise manner and filled with screen grabs that will facilitate readers' comprehension of the financial modeling process, The Handbook of Financial Modeling is appropriate for intermediate to advanced financial modelers who are looking to learn how to enhance their modeling proficiency. Table of Contents Chapter 1. Financial Modeling: An Overview Chapter 2. Financial Modeling Best Practices Chapter 3. Modeling Functions and Tools Chapter 4. Planning Your Model Chapter 5. Testing and Documenting Your Model Chapter 6. Designing and Building Your Model Chapter 7. The Model User: Inputs Chapter 8. An Introduction to Finance and Accounting for Modelers Chapter 9. Managing and Evaluating a Business for Modelers Chapter 10. The Implications and Rules of Accounting for Modelers Chapter 11. Financial Based Calculations Chapter 12. Logical and Structural Based Calculations Chapter 13. How to Capture Document and Track Assumptions in Your Model Chapter 14. Modeling to Give the User Transparency Chapter 15. Model Testing and Auditing Chapter 16. Modeling Handover Dos and Don'ts. Chapter 17. Case Study: Building a Full Life Cycle Model Chapter 18. Additional Tools and VBA for Financial Models Chapter 19. What is the Future of Financial Modeling? Chapter 20. Keyboard Shortcuts Chapter 21. Finance and Accounting Glossary Chapter 22. Readymade Functions Chapter 23. Sample Outputs Chapter 24. Housekeeping Chapter 25. References


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