SNMP Agent Test with AdvenNet Agent Tester

1. Download the trial version from the AdvenNet official  web.
2. Installed following the Wizard.
3. Execute the Agent Tester Launcher from Start menu.
4. Select SNMP Agent Tester from menu panel.

General Validation
1.Create a project
2.Specify the agent information
3.Select the General node from the Project tree to open the General Validation panel on the right.
4.Click General Validation to begin validation.

MIB Syntax Validation
1.Create a project
2.Load the MIBs that have to be tested for syntax.
3.Select the MIBSyntax from the project tree to open the MIB Syntax Validation in the right panel.
4.All the loaded MIBs are listed here. Select the MIBs that have to be tested for syntax. By default, all the loaded MIBs are selected. You can also invoke the MIB Loader from here, by clicking the MIB Loader button.
5.Select the parsing level for validation. You can either specify it globally for all the MIBs or selectively as required.
6.Click MIBSyntax Validation to start the validation.

Functionality Validation
1.Create a project.
2.Provide the agent information.
3.Load the MIBs that have been implemented in your agent.
4.Select Functionality from the project tree. The loaded MIBs are listed here. You also have an option to load additional MIBs or unload MIBs from here by clicking the MIB Loader button.
5.You have an option to choose either all the loaded MIBs or selective MIBs for validating the functionality, by selecting the appropriate radio button.
6.If you have chosen Validation for selected MIB Objects, select the MIB objects and click >> button to add it for functionality validation.
7.Based on the selection, SNMP Agent Tester automatically maps the OIDs selected into the built-in test cases according to their type, and the detailed the test case count under various severity levels are updated in the bottom of the panel.
8.Once you have selected all the MIB objects, click the Functionality Validation button to begin validation. You also have an option to perform validation of specific test cases by right-clicking the respective sub-node of Functionality node and selecting Validation.





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