- 查某个字段值取特定值时的记录
select * from "table" where "time"='201709'
- 统计频数
select "aa",count("aa") from "table" group by "aa"
- 查找时间在某个范围的记录
select * from "table" where "time" between '20170101' and '20171220'
select * from "table" where "time" >= '20171101' and "time" <= '20171220'
- 插入一条语句
UPSERT INTO "table" ("pk", "nnnn") VALUES ('aaaa','hh');
- 查找字数大于等于200的记录
select "content","time" from "table" where length("content")>=200
- 字段里含有“哈哈哈”、name在某个范围内的十个记录
select * from "table" where "content" like '%哈哈哈%' and "name" in ('zzz','yyy') limit 10
- 插入一条记录
INSERT INTO table (a,b) VALUES (null, 1);
- 更新一条记录
update "table" set "type" = '7' where "type" = 'h'
- 分组后降序排
select "aa" from "table" order by "aa" desc
- 表的复制
create table a_copy like a
insert into a_copy select * from a
- 删除记录
delete from a_copy where class = 'hhh'
- 做实验时需要临时从其他表里导入数据造一张新表,可以这样:
hbase shell
#在shell里清空表: truncate “table1”
truncate "table1"
upsert into "table1" select * from "table2" limit 100
sql sever
- 删除表
drop TABLE 哈哈哈
- 查找当月的记录
select * from table where to_char(sysdate,'yyyy-mm')=to_char(hh,'yyyy-mm')
- 查找某一年某一季度的记录
select * from table where to_char(hh,'yyyy')=2016 and to_char(hh,'mm') in (1,2,3)
- 降序排
select * from table where yearNo=2017 order by updateTime desc
- 查询指定日期的数据
select * from table where TO_DAYS(datetime)=TO_DAYS('2021-01-14')
- 查看sql执行情况
show processlist ;
show full processlist ;
- 取出表A里前20W数据插入新表B
SELECT * FROM A limit 200000;
- 如果表存在:
insert into tab1 select * from tab2
- 如果表不存在
create table tab1 as select * from tab2
- 用111替代字段B中的空值
create table A
select a,b,c,IFNULL(d,‘111’) as d from B;